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Summary In this study the task of the subject is to identify a rhythm which is a member of a set of patterns interpolated between two rhythms: One rhythm in a 6/8 and the other in a 4/4 metrum. The subjects first learn the one-to-one association of the different patterns with a numerical label. They then perform a complete identification experiment. One complication of the task is that the tempo varies randomly from trial to trial. The identification matrix is analyzed in terms of discriminability of neighboring rhythmic patterns. Two questions are of interest. First, whether variations within a rhythmic category can be discriminated better than chance and second, whether the discrimination function is nonmonotonic, with a peak at the boundary between the rhythms. The results indicate that the answer to both questions is positive.  相似文献   

Levin DT  Angelone BL 《Perception》2002,31(5):567-578
Traditionally, research demonstrating categorical perception (CP) has assumed that CP occurs only in cases where natural continua are divided categorically by long-term learning or innate perceptual programming. More recent research suggests that this may not be true, and that even novel continua between novel stimuli such as unfamiliar faces can show CP effects as well. Given this, we ask whether CP is dependent solely on the representation of individual stimuli, or whether stimulus categories themselves can also cause CP. Here, we test the hypothesis that continua between individual faces that cross the categorical boundary between races show an enhanced CP effect. We find that continua running from a black face to a white face do, indeed, show stronger CP effects than continua between two black faces or two white faces. This suggests that CP effects are enhanced when continua run between two distinctly represented individual stimuli, and are further enhanced when those individuals are, in turn, members of different stimulus categories.  相似文献   

The tactile surface forms a continuous sheet covering the body. And yet, the perceived distance between two touches varies across stimulation sites. Perceived tactile distance is larger when stimuli cross over the wrist, compared to when both fall on either the hand or the forearm. This effect could reflect a categorical distortion of tactile space across body-part boundaries (in which stimuli crossing the wrist boundary are perceptually elongated) or may simply reflect a localised increased in acuity surrounding anatomical landmarks (in which stimuli near the wrist are perceptually elongated). We tested these two interpretations across two experiments, by comparing a well-documented bias to perceive mediolateral tactile distances across the forearm/hand as larger than proximodistal ones along the forearm/hand at three different sites (hand, wrist, and forearm). According to the ‘categorical’ interpretation, tactile distances should be elongated selectively in the proximodistal axis thus reducing the anisotropy. According to the ‘localised acuity’ interpretation, distances will be perceptually elongated in the vicinity of the wrist regardless of orientation, leading to increased overall size without affecting anisotropy. Consistent with the categorical account, we found a reduction in the magnitude of anisotropy at the wrist, with no evidence of a corresponding localised increase in precision. These findings demonstrate that we reference touch to a representation of the body that is categorically segmented into discrete parts, which consequently influences the perception of tactile distance.  相似文献   

Newell FN  Bülthoff HH 《Cognition》2002,85(2):113-143
We report three experiments where the categorical perception of familiar, three-dimensional objects was investigated. A continuum of shape change between 15 pairs of objects was created and the images along the continuum were used as stimuli. In Experiment 1 participants were first required to discriminate pairs of images of objects that lay along the shape continuum. Then participants were asked to classify each morph-image into one of two pre-specified classes. We found evidence for categorical perception in some but not all of our object pairs. In Experiment 2 we varied the viewpoint of the objects in the discrimination task and found that effects of categorical perception generalized across changes in view. In Experiment 3 similarity ratings for each object pair were collected. These similarity scores correlated with the degree of perceptual categorization found for the object pairs. Our findings suggest that some familiar objects are perceived categorically and that categorical perception is closely tied to inter-object perceptual similarity.  相似文献   

Two studies of the stereopsis model of Richards were conducted using a between-subjects balanced design and a repeated trials procedure rather than the within-subjects procedure of Richards. Measures of the accuracy of discrimination between classes of retinal disparity were defined by the method of successive intervals in place of the d’ index of SDT. The results support the predictions (1) of symmetric discrimination functions for convergent and divergent stimuli, (2) of greater discrimination for stimuli of 45 min of retinal disparity than for the stimuli of 15 min disparity, (3) of greater variability for the stimuli of greater disparity, and (4) of the use by nonanomalous subjects of at least two different processing mechanisms for stimuli of different disparity classes. The results do not support the prediction (1) of different processing mechanisms for foveal stimuli differing in figure-ground contrast or (2) of greater usefulness for monocular stimuli as a null disparity reference condition, as compared with binocular null disparity stimuli. Similar results were found for two stimulus shapes, a bar and a disk of equal area. Unreliability of subjects’ response systems was suggested as a factor in the prediction of figure-ground contrast changes and as a factor in the classification of subjects as stereo anomalous. The pattern of accuracy of discrimination between classes of disparity stimuli also raises questions of the adequacy of the simple stereopsis model.  相似文献   

Five experiments investigated identification and discrimination of faces. Stimuli were blends of two faces generated with a morphing algorithm. Two same-gender and two different-gender pairs of faces were tested. Experiment 1 (identification) estimated the point of indifference along the morphing sequence, and the associated differential threshold. Experiment 2 (discrimination, ABX) demonstrated that novel faces are perceived categorically. Identity was a more important factor than gender in generating the perceptual categories. Experiment 3 and 4 (identification) demonstrated that categories are generated progressively in the course of the experiment and depend on the range of morphs tested in any one condition. Confidence ratings (Experiment 5) showed that the multidimensional space where faces are represented can be collapsed onto a single dimension. Response probabilities and response times for Experiments 1–4 were predicted simultaneously by a counting model postulating that quanta of discriminal information are sampled independently from the stimuli.  相似文献   

Continua of vocal emotion expressions, ranging from one expression to another, were created using speech synthesis. Each emotion continuum consisted of expressions differing by equal physical amounts. In 2 experiments, subjects identified the emotion of each expression and discriminated between pairs of expressions. Identification results show that the continua were perceived as 2 distinct sections separated by a sudden category boundary. Also, discrimination accuracy was generally higher for pairs of stimuli falling across category boundaries than for pairs belonging to the same category. These results suggest that vocal expressions are perceived categorically. Results are interpreted from an evolutionary perspective on the function of vocal expression.  相似文献   

N L Etcoff  J J Magee 《Cognition》1992,44(3):227-240
People universally recognize facial expressions of happiness, sadness, fear, anger, disgust, and perhaps, surprise, suggesting a perceptual mechanism tuned to the facial configuration displaying each emotion. Sets of drawings were generated by computer, each consisting of a series of faces differing by constant physical amounts, running from one emotional expression to another (or from one emotional expression to a neutral face). Subjects discriminated pairs of faces, then, in a separate task, categorized the emotion displayed by each. Faces within a category were discriminated more poorly than faces in different categories that differed by an equal physical amount. Thus emotional expressions, like colors and speech sounds, are perceived categorically, not as a direct reflection of their continuous physical properties.  相似文献   

Categorical perception of nonspeech chirps and bleats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mattingly, Liberman, Syrdal, and Halwes, (1971) claimed to demonstrate that subjects cannot classify nonspeech chirp and bleat continua, but that they can classify into three categories a syllable place continuum whose variation is physically identical to the nonspeech chirp and bleat continua. This finding for F2 transitions, as well as similar findings for F3 transitions, has been cited as one source of support for theories that different modes or modules underlie the perception of speech and nonspeech acoustic stimuli. However, this pattern of finding for speech and nonspeech continua may be the result of research methods rather than a true difference in subject ability. Using tonal stimuli based on the nonspeech stimuli of Mattingly et al., we found that subjects, with appropriate practice, could classify nonspeech chirp, short bleat, and bleat continua with boundaries equivalent to the syllable place continuum of Mattingly et al. With the possible exception of the higher frequency boundary for both our bleats and the Mattingly syllables, ABX discrimination peaks were clearly present and corresponded in location to the given labeling boundary.  相似文献   

Speech sounds are said to be perceived categorically. This notion is usually operationalized as the extent to which discrimination of stimuli is predictable from phoneme classification of the same stimuli. In this article, vowel continua were presented to listeners in a four-interval discrimination task (2IFC with flankers, or 4I2AFC) and a classification task. The results showed that there was no indication of categorical perception at all, since observed discrimination was found not to be predictable from the classification data. Variation in design, such as different step sizes or longer interstimulus intervals, did not affect this outcome, but a 2IFC experiment (without flankers, or 2I2AFC) involving the same stimuli elicited the traditional categorical results. These results indicate that the four-interval task made it difficult for listeners to use phonetic information and, hence, that categorical perception may be a function of the type of task used for discrimination.  相似文献   

Categorical perception refers to the ability to discriminate between- but not within-category differences along a stimulus continuum. Although categorical perception was thought to be unique to speech, recent studies have yielded similar results with nonspeech continua. The results are usually interpreted in terms of categorical, as opposed to continuous, perception of both speech and nonspeech continua. In contrast, we argue that these continua are perceived continuously, although they are characterized by relatively large increases in discrim-inability near the category boundary. To support this argument, the amplitude rise time of a tone was varied to produce either an increase or a decrease in the intensity during the initial portion of the tone. A bipolar continuum of onset times increasing and decreasing in amplitude yielded traditional categorical results. However, when only half of this continuum was tested, subjects perceived the same sounds continuously. The finding of traditional categorical results along the bipolar continuum, when the sounds were shown to be perceived continuously in another context, argues against the use of traditional categorical results as evidence for categorical perception.  相似文献   

Adults perceive emotional facial expressions categorically. In this study, we explored categorical perception in 3.5-year-olds by creating a morphed continuum of emotional faces and tested preschoolers’ discrimination and identification of them. In the discrimination task, participants indicated whether two examples from the continuum “felt the same” or “felt different.” In the identification task, images were presented individually and participants were asked to label the emotion displayed on the face (e.g., “Does she look happy or sad?”). Results suggest that 3.5-year-olds have the same category boundary as adults. They were more likely to report that the image pairs felt “different” at the image pair that crossed the category boundary. These results suggest that 3.5-year-olds perceive happy and sad emotional facial expressions categorically as adults do. Categorizing emotional expressions is advantageous for children if it allows them to use social information faster and more efficiently.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated categorical perception (CP) effects for affective facial expressions and linguistic facial expressions from American Sign Language (ASL) for Deaf native signers and hearing non-signers. Facial expressions were presented in isolation (Experiment 1) or in an ASL verb context (Experiment 2). Participants performed ABX discrimination and identification tasks on morphed affective and linguistic facial expression continua. The continua were created by morphing end-point photo exemplars into 11 images, changing linearly from one expression to another in equal steps. For both affective and linguistic expressions, hearing non-signers exhibited better discrimination across category boundaries than within categories for both experiments, thus replicating previous results with affective expressions and demonstrating CP effects for non-canonical facial expressions. Deaf signers, however, showed significant CP effects only for linguistic facial expressions. Subsequent analyses indicated that order of presentation influenced signers’ response time performance for affective facial expressions: viewing linguistic facial expressions first slowed response time for affective facial expressions. We conclude that CP effects for affective facial expressions can be influenced by language experience.  相似文献   

Children affected by dyslexia exhibit a deficit in the categorical perception of speech sounds, characterized by both poorer discrimination of between-category differences and by better discrimination of within-category differences, compared to normal readers. These categorical perception anomalies might be at the origin of dyslexia, by hampering the set up of grapheme-phoneme correspondences, but they might also be the consequence of poor reading skills, as literacy probably contributes to stabilizing phonological categories. The aim of the present study was to investigate this issue by comparing categorical perception performances of illiterate and literate people. Identification and discrimination responses were collected for a /ba-da/ synthetic place-of-articulation continuum and between-group differences in both categorical perception and in the precision of the categorical boundary were examined. The results showed that illiterate vs. literate people did not differ in categorical perception, thereby suggesting that the categorical perception anomalies displayed by dyslexics are indeed a cause rather than a consequence of their reading problems. However, illiterate people displayed a less precise categorical boundary and a stronger lexical bias, both also associated with dyslexia, which might, therefore, be a specific consequence of written language deprivation or impairment.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to determine whether the orientation between an object's parts is coded categorically for object recognition and physical discrimination. In three experiments, line drawings of novel objects in which the relative orientation of object parts varied by steps of 30 degrees were used. Participants performed either an object recognition task, in which they had to determine whether two objects were composed of the same set of parts, or a physical discrimination task, in which they had to determine whether two objects were physically identical. For object recognition, participants found it more difficult to compare the 0 degrees and 30 degrees versions and the 90 degrees and 60 degrees versions of an object than to compare the 30 degrees and 60 degrees versions, but only at an extended interstimulus interval (ISI). Categorical coding was also found in the physical discrimination task. These results suggest that relative orientation is coded categorically for both object recognition and physical discrimination, although metric information appears to be coded as well, especially at brief ISIs.  相似文献   

Morphed figures entail a dominant and nondominant interpretation. Testing perception of morphed objects using forced-choice methods demonstrates that morphed figures are perceived as their dominant interpretation (“categorical perception”, or CP). Using a more natural free-naming response could reveal whether CP is an effect independent of method. In Experiment 1, therefore, series of morphed figures were tested for CP using free naming. Half of the morph series were identified as CP patterns. In Experiment 2, we used forced choice to investigate CP, resulting in an increase of number of CP series compared to free naming. The overlap between CP series of Experiments 1 and 2 was small, however. Experiment 3 revealed that higher perceptual similarity between the extremes of the series was strongly related to CP for the free-naming method, in contrast to the forced-choice method. We conclude that the observation of CP depends on the intactness of the intrinsic object structure caused by the morphing procedure.  相似文献   

According to recent investigations, adult listeners perceive rise-time differences in both speech and nonspeech stimuli in a categorical manner (Cutting & Rosner, 1974). Adults labeled sawtooth-wave stimuli as either plucked or bowed. The present study uses the high-amplitude sucking technique to explore the 2-month-old infant’s perception of rise-time differences for sawtooth stimuli. Infants discriminated rise-time differences which marked off the different nonspeech categories, but did not discriminate equal differences within either category. Thus, the present study shows that infants, like adults, can perceive nonspeech stimuli in a categorical manner.  相似文献   

E Kotsoni  M de Haan  M H Johnson 《Perception》2001,30(9):1115-1125
Recent research indicates that adults show categorical perception of facial expressions of emotion. It is not known whether this is a basic characteristic of perception that is present from the earliest weeks of life, or whether it is one that emerges more gradually with experience in perceiving and interpreting expressions. We report two experiments designed to investigate whether young infants, like adults, show categorical perception of facial expressions. 7-month-old infants were shown photographic quality continua of interpolated (morphed) facial expressions derived from two prototypes of fear and happiness. In the first experiment, we used a visual-preference technique to identify the infants' category boundary between happiness and fear. In the second experiment, we used a combined familiarisation-visual-preference technique to compare infants' discrimination of pairs of expressions that were equally physically different but that did or did not cross the emotion-category boundary. The results suggest that 7-month-old infants (i) show evidence of categorical perception of facial expressions of emotion, and (ii) show persistent interest in looking at fearful expressions.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown better discrimination of two stimuli that cross a category boundary than of two stimuli belonging to the same category. This finding, known as categorical perception, is generally assumed to reflect consistently good performance on cross-category trials, relative to within-category trials. However, Roberson, D., Damjanovic, L., and Pilling, M. (Memory & Cognition, 35, 1814-1829, 2007) revealed that performance on within-category pairs of morphed facial expressions matched performance on cross-category trials when the target was a good exemplar of its category. Here, we investigate the generality of that finding by conducting new analyses of data from a series of studies of categorical perception in facial identity and color domains with speakers of different languages. Consistent with Roberson et al. (2007), the new analyses demonstrate that performance for central targets on within-category trials is as good as performance on cross-category trials. Participants perform badly on within-category items only when the target is closer to the category boundary than is the distractor. These results provide no support for the view that categorical perception is associated with increased perceptual sensitivity at category boundaries.  相似文献   

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