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This paper presents the results of a survey of a random sample of 1,000 people taken from the Southern Judicial District of New York to measure the amount of knowledge about and bias toward the Reverend Moon prior to his trial on tax evasion charges. The survey was completed as part of the pretrial preparation by Reverend Moon, and was used to support his motion for a bench trial, instead of having the case tried before a jury. The survey revealed very high levels of knowledge about the Church and Reverend Moon, as well as a strong negative bias toward both. Implications of these results and the outcome of the actual trial for the jury system and for religion and religionists is discussed.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the claim that theistic belief can be explained away by science, four models of the relationship between science and theism are developed and their relevance to explaining away explored. These models are then used to evaluate an argument against theistic belief based on developments in the cognitive science of religion. It is argued that even if the processes that produce theistic belief are unreliable, this is insufficient to show that explaining away takes place. Indeed, given the difficulty of showing that the conditions for explaining away are met, it is very unlikely that such an argument can succeed.  相似文献   

We examined posthypnotic suggestion away from the laboratory. In Experiment 1, high-hypnotizable subjects were given a posthypnotic suggestion (of limited or unlimited duration) or a social request (of unlimited duration) to mail one postcard every day to the experimenter. Subjects given a social request rather than a posthypnotic suggestion sent more postcards, and those given a limited-duration suggestion responded differently from those given an unlimited-duration suggestion. In Experiment 2, real, hypnotized and simulating, unhypnotized subjects were given a posthypnotic suggestion, and nonhypnotic control subjects were given a social request, to mail one postcard every day; the suggestion or request was of either limited or unlimited duration. Real, hypnotized subjects sent more postcards than simulators; control subjects sent as many postcards as real, hypnotized subjects; and subjects given a suggestion or request of limited duration sent more than those given one of unlimited duration. The findings highlight the interaction of individual differences and the social context of the suggestion or request. They underscore important aspects of experience and behavior associated with posthypnotic responding away from the hypnotic setting.  相似文献   

Eighteen retarded adults, divided into three groups equated for IQ, MA, and number conservation performance, received addition-subtraction and reversibility training under either cognitive-conflict or nonconflict conditions, or received no training. Under cognitive-conflict, transformation of one of two sets of discrete elements produced a perceptual illusion, and the addition-subtraction and reversibility operations applied to that set produced conflict between its length and density. Under nonconflict, simultaneous application of the operations to both sets avoided such conflict. Both training groups made significant gains from pretest and significantly exceeded controls in posttest number conservation (ps < .05). Lack of differential gains by the training groups suggested that cognitive conflict is not essential to induce number conservation.  相似文献   

In this paper it is argued that the buck-passing analysis (BPA) of final value is not a plausible analysis of value and should be abandoned. While considering the influential wrong kind of reason problem and other more recent technical objections, this paper contends that there are broader reasons for giving up on buck-passing. It is argued that the BPA, even if it can respond to the various technical objections, is not an attractive analysis of final value. It is not attractive for two reasons: the first being that the BPA lacks the features typical of successful conceptual analyses and the second being that it is unable to deliver on the advantages that its proponents claim for it. While not offering a knock-down technical refutation of the BPA, this paper aims to show that there is little reason to think that the BPA is correct, and that it should therefore be given up as an analysis of final value.
Andrew E. ReisnerEmail:

This paper speculates about the impact of techno-connectedness on our children, ourselves, our grandchildren. Triggered by recollections from Victorian novels that describe European summers “away” from home, a concern about loss of opportunity, the “space” for self-discovery in this young generation will be explored in a relational context. Brought about by pervasive dependence upon computer technology, is self-experience fragmented and attachment changed by the ubiquitous technological presence and is the more isolated, reflective experience being eroded?  相似文献   

中国道教协会顾问、原副会长.上海市第七届政协委员,第八、九届政协常委,上海市道教协会名誉会长、原会长,上海城隍庙住持陈莲笙道长于2008年10月29日23时42分在上海羽化升仙,享年92岁.  相似文献   

Bendig's (1) Pittsburgh Scales of Social Extraversion-Introversion (SEI) and Emotionality (Em) were translated so that they were of appropriate reading difficulty for children as well as for adults. The revised scales correlated highly (both .90) with the Pittsburgh scales, and they had high test-retest reliabilities (.92 and .89). Data from samples representing third grade to college ages were presented for the revised scales. SEI-Em correlations were nonsignificant for most subsamples, indicating that the revised SEI-Em scales are independent. Scale means were stable across ages. The revised scales should be considered as research instruments, since more representative normative data and validity data are still required. The scales should, though, facilitate developmental research in extraversion and emotionality.  相似文献   

This longitudinal panel stud follows 51 industrial workers over a period of 6 years which g rackets the retirement event. Mean levels of belief and church attendance reveal extreme stability over time, whereas the frequency distribution of attendance indicates a polarization of behavior after retirement, with persons who had attended church once or twice a month reporting weekly or infre uent attendance in retirement. Belief in the supernatural and church attendance were more strongly related after retirement than before, suggesting a reduction in normative pressures on attendance. However, church attendance is much more stable across retirement than other outside-the-home activities. Correlational analysis suggests that there may be more individual change in religious belief and behavior in late adulthood than previously known.  相似文献   

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