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Stefan Wintein 《Studia Logica》2016,104(3):503-545
By using the notions of exact truth (‘true and not false’) and exact falsity (‘false and not true’), one can give 16 distinct definitions of classical consequence. This paper studies the class of relations that results from these definitions in settings that are paracomplete, paraconsistent or both and that are governed by the (extended) Strong Kleene schema. Besides familiar logics such as Strong Kleene logic (K3), the Logic of Paradox (LP) and First Degree Entailment (FDE), the resulting class of all Strong Kleene generalizations of classical logic also contains a host of unfamiliar logics. We first study the members of our class semantically, after which we present a uniform sequent calculus (the SK calculus) that is sound and complete with respect to all of them. Two further sequent calculi (the \({{\bf SK}^\mathcal{P}}\) and \({\bf SK}^{\mathcal{N}}\) calculus) will be considered, which serve the same purpose and which are obtained by applying general methods (due to Baaz et al.) to construct sequent calculi for many-valued logics. Rules and proofs in the SK calculus are much simpler and shorter than those of the \({\bf SK}^{\mathcal{P}}\) and the \({\bf SK}^{\mathcal{N}}\) calculus, which is one of the reasons to prefer the SK calculus over the latter two. Besides favourably comparing the SK calculus to both the \({\bf SK}^{\mathcal{P}}\) and the \({\bf SK}^{\mathcal{N}}\) calculus, we also hint at its philosophical significance.  相似文献   

Stefano Canali 《Topoi》2004,23(2):177-186
The idea that certain mental phenomena (e.g. emotions, depression, anxiety) can represent risk factors for certain somatic diseases runs through common thinking on the subject and through a large part of biomedical science. This idea still lies at the focus of the research tradition in psychosomatic medicine and in certain interdisciplinary approaches that followed it, such as psychoneuroimmunology. Nevertheless, the inclusion in the scientific literature of specifically mental phenomena in the list of risk factors pertaining to a specific pathological condition would seem, to say the least, problematic when not completely absent, unlike what happens for certain behavioural factors, such as smoking, sedentary life, and alcohol abuse. It is also significant that insurance companies and health and welfare services do not pay for interventions and treatment for states of anxiety, disorders of mood and of the personality, alexithymia and stress reduction, as means of prevention or treatment of somatic diseases, as instead they do for the treatment of tobacco addiction. However, as I shall endeavour to argue here, there are numerous and well grounded reasons why this different consideration of psychic conditions compared with behaviours is valid and must be maintained in the evaluation of pathogenetic risk factors.  相似文献   

The theory of linear arrays provides a definition of linear order from the reflexive, symmetric, but non-transitive relation of matching. However, a distance function is not generally available for the elements of a linear array. Given the original intended interpretation of the matching predicate as holding between phenomenal qualia, this result presents an apparent contradiction to the existence of human practices, specifically the tradition of musical practice described by common-practice music theory, that involve precise judgments of phenomenal distance. This paper resolves that seeming contradiction by constructing a notion of the musical scale out of the theory of linear arrays. First, the theory of linear arrays is briefly reviewed. Then, criteria of adequacy for the construction are adduced from common-practice music theory, the theory of measure and the semiotic theory of notation. The construction is presented along with results indicating its fulfillment of the criteria of adequacy. Finally, the relations between several variables introduced in the course of the construction are investigated.  相似文献   

We provide for the first time an exact translation into English of the Polish version of Alfred Tarski's classic 1936 paper, whose title we translate as ‘On the Concept of Following Logically’. We also provide in footnotes an exact translation of all respects in which the German version, used as the basis of the previously published and rather inexact English translation, differs from the Polish. Although the two versions are basically identical, to an extent that is even uncanny, we note more than 400 differences. Several dozen of these are substantive differences due to revisions by Tarski to the Polish version which he did not incorporate in the German version. With respect to these revisions the Polish version should be regarded as more authoritative than the German. Hence scholars limited to an English translation should use ours.  相似文献   

What is death? The question is of wide‐ranging practical importance because we need to be able to distinguish the living from the dead in order to treat both appropriately; specifically, the permissibility of retrieving vital organs for transplantation depends upon the potential donor's ontological status. There is a well‐established and influential biological definition of death as irreversible breakdown in the functioning of the organism as a whole, but it continues to elicit disquiet and rejoinders. The central claims of this paper are that the best way to address the question as to what death is, is to attend closely to our ordinary concept of death; doing so reveals that, whilst our ordinary understanding accommodates the biological definition, it also includes the thought that, for someone who has died, there will never again be anything it is like to be that person. Support for these claims is provided, and their academic and practical implications traced. The important practical implication is that we are left in quandary as to whether certain potential organ donors — for example, anencephalic babies and the permanently vegetative — are dead, a quandary that has serious implications for the relevance of the dead donor rule in transplant ethics.  相似文献   

In an essay for Brian Leiter's turn‐of‐the‐millennium The Future for Philosophy, Thomas Hurka writes:

R.?GrayEmail author 《Synthese》2005,147(3):461-475
Keeley has recently argued that the philosophical issue of how to analyse the concept of a sense can usefully be addressed by considering how scientists, and more specifically neuroethologists, classify the senses. After briefly outlining his proposal, which is based on the application of an ordered set of individually necessary and jointly sufficient conditions for modality differentiation, I argue, by way of two complementary counterexamples, that it fails to account fully for the way the senses are in fact individuated in neuroethology and other relevant sciences. I suggest substantial modifications to Keeley’s account which would both solve the problem cases and make better sense of the actual classifications made by scientists. I conclude by noting some limits to the way of classifying the senses that I suggest. I conclude by suggesting that the problem I identify in Keeley’s account has arisen from a confusion that sometimes arises in the philosophical literature between how we individuate the senses and what constitutes a sense.  相似文献   

塔尔斯基在其1933年的论文中基于自己开创的语义学定义了形式化语言中真这个概念。然后,他在发表于1936年的本文中,在真这个概念的定义的基础上,第一次为后承概念提出了一个实质恰当的定义,即“句子X从类K的句子逻辑地得出当且仅当K这个类的每个模型也是句子X的模型”,使得逻辑后承这个现代逻辑核心概念的定义成为标准定义。但是,这个定义也遗留了一个更为根本的问题,即逻辑词项和非逻辑词项的划分标准问题,后者将由塔尔斯基本人在1966年给出了一个划分标准,从而开辟了一个方兴未衰的逻辑哲学研究方向。  相似文献   

现象概念是当前心灵哲学里物理主义和反物理主义争论的一个焦点,但尚未引起国内学界的重视。本文打算首先分析现象概念引起关注的主要原因。其次,参考最新的研究文献,考察现象概念的三个基本特性(孤立性、指称物在场、首尾相接),概述物理主义和反物理主义围绕现象概念而进行的主要争论。并在此基础之上,归结出一条约束现象概念与其指称之间关系的硬信念原则(hard belief principle,HBP)。最后,简略探讨了围绕现象概念的争论对于我们理解物理概念及其相关问题可能带来的一些影响。  相似文献   

人类的认识结果往往是以概念的形式加以确定和传播,因此,概念本身就成为我们讨论人类认识的主要对象,哲学的反思正是我们对概念本身的研究活动.  相似文献   

The paper begins with an attempt to distinguish the self from its internal objects in terms of the sense of otherness. It raises the issue of the level of contouring of the object and the link with early development. It discusses a type of semi-contoured object using Grotstein’s concept of the background object of primary identification. It concludes with a technical discussion concerning the repair of deficits or basic faults in internal objects.  相似文献   

In response to Paul Valéry's claim that “philosophy is poetry,” Simone Weil set out to examine the nature of philosophical thinking. She argues that it is above all concerned with value. In the course of her argument, she lays out the grammatical differences between thinking about value, and other epistemological endeavours. These differences mean that inconsistencies are not to be avoided in philosophy, and that philosophy is not a matter of system building. In the end, she also believes that thinking philosophically requires one to possess the value of detachment, and hence a readiness to be transformed.  相似文献   

论犹太教的契约观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文为一篇探讨犹太教的契约观由来及影响的学术论文。首先阐明了犹太教的契约观的定义;随后,介绍、评论了犹太教的契约观的由来,包括3部分:上帝与挪亚订立的契约、上帝与亚伯拉罕订立的契约、上帝与以色列人订立的契约;接着,介绍了犹太教的契约观的两个重要影响:形成了犹太人的天赋使命感,规定了犹太人特有的生活方式;最后,以简短的结语总结了犹太教的契约观在犹太教历史上的积极作用。  相似文献   

腰椎间盘突出症患者MED术前心理状态调查与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究腰椎间盘突出症患者行MED微创治疗前的心理状况,对442例行MED手术治疗的患者应用焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)进行术前心理评估。结果显示MED微创治疗前患者SAS、SDS测量分明显高于常模组。患者性别、年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度、病程长短等都与心理状况的改变相关。有34.9%的患者SAS得分和36.7%的患者SDS得分显示阳性。因此,临床骨科医师应重视心理因素的作用,在MED术前应对患者进行心理状况评估,并对心理状况较差的患者进行术前干预,才能取得更好的临床疗效。  相似文献   

实践概念的含义在中西方都有一个逐渐演变的过程,在这一复杂的演变过程中,逐渐形成了实践概念的三个层次的含义:形上的实践概念、道德的实践概念和经验的实践概念.建议在今后的实践哲学讨论中,学者们对自己是在何种层次上使用实践概念要有明确的意识,并作出清晰的界定,反对像以往那样抽象的使用实践概念.  相似文献   

阿尔都塞的"虚空"概念在其哲学理论中具有中轴意义,体现了其哲学的整体的理论实践特征。阿尔都塞借助于黑格尔对康德哲学的批判,揭示出启蒙逻辑的内在矛盾及其异化结果;进而通过把握意识形态生成的"空洞的深刻性"与"纯粹的形式主义",展开了其意识形态理论的建构;而虚空概念也是阿尔都塞所揭示的马基雅维利式的新君主的政治实践的原点。  相似文献   

张爱球 《学海》2005,(4):152-157
税收征管是我国税收理论和实践中使用十分广泛的概念.改革开放以来,税收征管概念的内涵得到不断的丰富和发展,并呈现多样化的趋势.尽管如此,反映现代税收管理体系本质特征及其运动规律的、一般意义上的税收征管概念仍然缺失,已成为困扰当代中国现代税收管理理论和实践发展的一个重要因素.本文试图通过对不同税收征管概念的辨析,建构反映现代税收管理内在规律的税收征管概念.以此为基础,对税收征管改革的对象、目标等问题进行再认识.  相似文献   

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