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Long-term potentiation is an enduring increase in synaptic efficacy following repeated stimulation of afferent fibers that is thought to underlie memory. In area CA1 of the hippocampus at least two forms of synaptic potentiation coexist at the same synapses; nmdaLTP and vdccLTP. NmdaLTP is induced by Ca2+ entry through NMDARs and is dependent on serine/threonine kinase activation, while vdccLTP is induced through Ca2+ entry through VDCCs and is dependent on tyrosine kinase activation. Depotentiation is a mechanism known to reverse nmdaLTP through phosphatase activation. The depotentiation of vdccLTP has not been previously investigated. We used hippocampal slices (area CA1) from male Long-Evans rats to induce vdccLTP with a 200-Hz tetanus in the presence of 50 microM APV. The 200-Hz tetanus resulted in a slowly developing vdccLTP that remained stable for at least 30 min. Thirty minutes after vdccLTP was induced, a low-frequency tetanus (3, 10, 20, 30, or 40 Hz) was applied in the presence of APV in an attempt to depotentiate vdccLTP. The 3- and 10-Hz low-frequency tetani resulted in no depotentiation. The 20- and 30-Hz tetani partially depotentiated vdccLTP (by approximately 13%), whereas the 40-Hz tetanus resulted in further potentiation. When APV was washed out prior to the 3-Hz low-frequency tetanus, the vdccLTP was completely depotentiated--presumably by NMDAR mechanisms. Our results indicate that vdccLTP is resistant to depotentiation under low-frequency stimulation conditions that readily depotentiate nmdaLTP. As tetanus frequencies are increased a small depotentiation is observed, suggesting that vdccLTP can be depotentiated to a small extent. When NMDARs are unblocked, vdccLTP can be completely depotentiated by a 3-Hz low-frequency tetanus, suggesting that vdccLTP can be depotentiated via activation of NMDAR mechanisms.  相似文献   

A simple behavioural task may involve the presentation of two or more stimuli. Any learning that takes place in such a situation may be analysed in terms of the formation of an association between the central representations of those stimuli. Presumably performance based on this learning can occur because presentation of one stimulus will then activate the representations of other stimuli that were previously presented with it. To examine the role that these representations play in learning in and of themselves requires that the stimuli themselves are absent. A review of a number of flavour preference and aversion studies indicates that an associatively activated stimulus representation can support learning that is both similar to and the opposite of that maintained by the presentation of the stimulus itself. Which occurs is dependent upon the nature of the reinforcer and the temporal relationships between the training events. Although this pattern of results appears suggestive of separate learning rules, a reanalysis raises the possibility of an explanation in terms of a single associative system.  相似文献   

Cortical representations of sound can be modified by repeatedly pairing presentation of a pure tone with electrical stimulation of neuromodulatory neurons located in the basal forebrain (Bakin & Weinberger, 1996; Kilgard & Merzenich, 1998a). We developed a computational model to investigate the possible effects of basal forebrain modulation on map reorganization in the auditory cortex. The model is a self-organizing map with acoustic response characteristics mimicking those observed in the mammalian auditory cortex. We simulated the effects of basal forebrain modulation, using parameters intrinsic to the self-organizing map, such as the learning rate (controlling the adaptability of map nodes) and the neighborhood function (controlling the excitability of map nodes). Previous research has suggested that both parameters can be useful for characterizing the effects of neuromodulation on plasticity (Kohonen, 1993; Myers et al., 1996; Myers, Ermita, Hasselmo, & Gluck, 1998). The model successfully accounts for experimentally observed effects of pairing basal forebrain stimulation with the presentation of a single tone, but not of two tones, suggesting that auditory cortical plasticity is constrained in ways not accounted for by current theories. Despite this limitation, the model provides a useful framework for describing experience-induced changes in auditory representations and for relating such changes to variations in the excitability and adaptability of cortical neurons produced by neuromodulation.  相似文献   

Vocabulary growth was suggested to prompt the implementation of increasingly finer-grained lexical representations of spoken words in children (e.g., [Metsala, J. L., & Walley, A. C. (1998). Spoken vocabulary growth and the segmental restructuring of lexical representations: precursors to phonemic awareness and early reading ability. In J. L. Metsala & L. C. Ehri (Eds.), Word recognition in beginning literacy (pp. 89-120). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.]). Although literacy was not explicitly mentioned in this lexical restructuring hypothesis, the process of learning to read and spell might also have a significant impact on the specification of lexical representations (e.g., [Carroll, J. M., & Snowling, M. J. (2001). The effects of global similarity between stimuli on children’s judgments of rime and alliteration. Applied Psycholinguistics, 22, 327-342.]; [Goswami, U. (2000). Phonological representations, reading development and dyslexia: Towards a cross-linguistic theoretical framework. Dyslexia, 6, 133-151.]). This is what we checked in the present study. We manipulated word frequency and neighborhood density in a gating task (Experiment 1) and a word-identification-in-noise task (Experiment 2) presented to Portuguese literate and illiterate adults. Ex-illiterates were also tested in Experiment 2 in order to disentangle the effects of vocabulary size and literacy. There was an interaction between word frequency and neighborhood density, which was similar in the three groups. These did not differ even for the words that are supposed to undergo lexical restructuring the latest (low frequency words from sparse neighborhoods). Thus, segmental lexical representations seem to develop independently of literacy. While segmental restructuring is not affected by literacy, it constrains the development of phoneme awareness as shown by the fact that, in Experiment 3, neighborhood density modulated the phoneme deletion performance of both illiterates and ex-illiterates.  相似文献   

Stimulus bias in the absence of food reinforcement   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons sometimes peck a key at different rates in the presence of different stimuli, even when the same schedule of reinforcement is correlated with each of these stimuli. The possibility that the occurrence of such stimulus bias is dependent on adventitious effects of food reinforcement in the presence of the stimuli was evaluated by correlating extinction with two stimuli. Both pigeons showed stimulus bias, indicating that the occurrence of this phenomenon is not critically dependent upon any effects of scheduled food reinforcements.  相似文献   

Attributes of words can be known even when the words are not currently retrievable. Although repeatedly demonstrated for semantic and contextual dimensions, the evidence is ambiguous for structural characteristics. The present research demonstrates significant above-chance first-letter knowledge across four ordinal levels of retrieval confidence for nonretrieved words—tip of the tongue (TOT), high familiar, low familiar, unfamiliar. Contrary to prior research, there was minimal evidence for syllable number knowledge, even at highest confidence levels. Initial letter recognition in the absence of retrieval resembles the recognition without identification in episodic memory (Cleary, Current Directions in Psychological Science 17: 353–357, 2008), and such implicit familiarity may contribute more generally to confidence assessments of word knowledge in both semantic and episodic memory domains. Furthermore, this outcome suggests that word feature priming in the form of partial phonological activation may occur to some extent for all words during a retrieval attempt, and even for ones that are judged to be unknown.  相似文献   

Participants performed a semantic categorization task on a target that was preceded by a prime word belonging either to the same category (20% of trials) or to a different category (80% of trials). The prime was presented for 33 msec and followed either immediately or after a delay by a pattern mask. With the immediate mask, reaction times (RTs) were shorter on related than on unrelated trials. This facilitatory priming reached significance at prime-target stimulus onset asynchronies (SOAs) of 400 msec or less and remained unaffected by task practice. With the delayed mask, RTs were longer on related than on unrelated trials. This reversed (strategic) semantic priming proved to be significant (1) only at a prime-target SOA of 400 msec or longer and (2) after the participants had some practice with the task. The present findings provide further evidence that perceiving a stimulus with and without phenomenological awareness can lead to qualitatively different behavioral consequences.  相似文献   


Previous studies have found a dissociation between voluntary attention and awareness. Here, we examined the relationship between involuntary attention and awareness. We presented a masked cue such that participants were unaware of the cue. This was followed by a search array, for which participants detected the presence of a shape target. Even though the cue was task irrelevant and unconscious, we observed faster reaction times when either the cue’s location or colour was congruent with shape target. We conclude an unconscious stimulus can elicit both space- and feature-based attention. These results provide further evidence for the dissociation between attention and consciousness.  相似文献   



In the present study we tested whether control over the impact of potentially conflicting information depends on awareness of that conflicting information.  相似文献   

Reinforcing the absence of fixed-ratio performance   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Pigeons received food for key pecking according to a fixed-ratio schedule, while, at the same time, food also was available for not pecking for a specified time. With a fixed ratio of 60, responding was not affected by not-pecking times of 80 or 40 seconds, and was eliminated completely at 10 seconds. With ratios of 180, pecking stopped with not-pecking times of 80 seconds or less; with ratios of 300, it stopped at 120 seconds or less. Not-responding schedules produced steady-state performance immediately following contact with the schedule. With return to the fixed-ratio schedule alone, response rate sometimes was elevated temporarily. When response-independent food presentations replaced the not-pecking schedule, response rate often was enhanced, and the ratio pattern was lost. Only the highest densities of food delivery eliminated responding, even with a fixed ratio of 300. In general, the effects corresponded to those of punishment, except that contrast had appeared both during and after punishment, and now appeared only after the response elimination procedure was suspended.  相似文献   

The author discusses the role of the father in early development through the concept of triangulation. Three male patients are presented who seemed to lack images and memories of their fathers and experienced them as absent, despite their physical presence during childhood. In these men, the oedipal phase appeared skewed and a dyadic relationship with the mother dominated the material. They reported a lack of a sense of masculinity and a phobic concern about the dangers of male violence, along with feelings of specialness and grandiosity. Analytic data suggested that the image of an absent father reflected a process akin to splitting of the ego, in which the significance of the father was disavowed and the patients fantasized a special role with their mothers; via projection, the fathers reappeared as dangerous intruders. It is proposed that this structure derives from a specific developmental situation in which a disturbed parental relationship has impaired the father's position as a "third" in the early triangle. The child's sexual and aggressive tensions cannot be contained in his fantasies of the couple and must be projected outside. The absent father returns in the transference, where the analyst is reexperienced as useless and absent and as a threat to the specialness of the dyad, thereby recapitulating the predicament of the child.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that the short-term forgetting shown by the Peterson technique is entirely due to proactive interference from prior experimental items. Two experiments investigated this by studying forgetting when prior items were avoided by testing subjects only once. Both experiments showed significant forgetting, although the degree of forgetting was less than with a multitrial procedure. On the basis of this and other results it is suggested that the Peterson technique comprises two components, a primary memory component which decays within 6 sec, and a more stable secondary memory component. Forgetting with the multitrial procedure is attributed principally to the need to use temporal retrieval cues to avoid confusion between successive items; longer retention intervals are associated with reduced temporal discriminability and hence poorer recall.  相似文献   

These experiments examined the short-term memory performance of an aphasic patient with posterior damage who shows a selective deficit in phonological coding. In recognition memory tests, the patient relied on both visual and semantic coding, and often showed an essentially normal level of accuracy. However, for memory sets consisting of four function words, his performance was quite impaired. Also, his retention of order information was far below that of normal controls. The implications of these deficits in short-term memory for language comprehension and production are discussed.  相似文献   

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