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Little is known about signaling mechanisms underlying temporal associative learning. Here, we show that mice with a targeted point mutation that prevents autophosphorylation of alphaCaMKII (alphaCaMKII(T286A)) learn trace eyeblink conditioning normally. This forms a sharp contrast to the severely impaired spatial learning in the water maze and contextual fear conditioning observed in alphaCaMKII(T286A) mutants. Importantly, hippocampal lesions impaired trace eyeblink conditioning in alphaCaMKII(T286A) mice, suggesting a potential role of hippocampal alphaCaMKII-independent mechanisms. These results indicate that hippocampal signaling mechanisms that underlie temporal associative learning as assessed by trace eyeblink conditioning may differ from those of spatial and contextual learning.  相似文献   

The ability to form associations between choice alternatives and their contingent outcomes is an important aspect of learning that may be sensitive to hippocampal dysfunction in memory disorders of aging such as amnestic mild cognitive impairment (MCIa), or early Alzheimer disease. In this preliminary study we examined brain activation using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in 12 healthy elderly participants and nine patients with MCIa during an associative learning task. Using a high-field 3.0-Tesla MRI scanner, we examined the dynamic neural response during associative learning over trials. The slope of signal attenuation associated with learning was analyzed for differences between groups within an a priori defined hippocampal region. Results indicated dynamic signal attenuation associated with learning in the healthy elderly sample, but not in MCIa. The absence of an associative learning effect in the MCIa sample reaffirms an important link between the learning difficulties that are commonly encountered in MCIa and the mesial temporal region.  相似文献   

A total of 32 male Long-Evans rats were tested on a modified version of Flaherty, Turovsky, and Krauss's (1994) anticipatory contrast paradigm to assess pattern separation for reward value. Prior to testing, each rat received either a control, a hippocampal, or an amygdala lesion. In the home cage, each rat was allowed to drink a water solution containing 2% sucrose for 3 min followed by a water solution containing 32% sucrose for 3 min. Across 10 days of testing, the rats in each lesion group showed significantly increased anticipatory discriminability as a function of days. To assess the operation of a pattern separation mechanism, each rat was then tested using the same procedure except the 2% solution was followed by a 16% solution for 10 days and then by an 8% solution for 10 days. Control and hippocampal-lesioned rats continued to show high discriminability when the 2% solution was followed by a 16% solution; however, the amygdala-lesioned rats showed low anticipatory discriminability. On trials where the 2% sucrose solution was followed by an 8% sucrose solution, all groups showed low discriminability scores, suggesting that when two reward values are very similar even control animals are not able to separate the reward values in memory. However, the results of a preference task revealed that all groups can perceptually discriminate between a 2% and an 8% sucrose solution. The data suggest that the amygdala but not the hippocampus is involved in the separation of patterns based on reward value.  相似文献   

Angular induction is the basic process by which the orientation of line segments can affect the perceived orientation of other segments as well as their alignment. In this laboratory, we have found that the effect on alignment follows approximately linear rules, with the inducing segment having its greatest influence when its orientation is near to that of the segment being judged. Other laboratories, however, have reported peak effects when the relative angle between the two is at 45°, and with the inducing segment being aligned with one of the cardinal axes of the observer. It has been said that the length of the test segment being judged is a critical factor, but the first experiment of the present study shows a similar linear decline of induction strength irrespective of test segment length. The second experiment indicates that the orientation of the test segment relative to the observer modulates the induction to determine the location of peak effects. A two-factor linear model predicts the observed pattern of results.  相似文献   

The hippocampus has been suggested to be involved in spatial (or configural) memory and also in the inhibition of certain response or goal alternatives. An increasing number of anatomical, physiological, and behavioral studies indicate that the hippocampus is functionally heterogeneous along the dorsal-ventral axis. Identification of distinct behavioral roles for the dorsal (DH) and ventral (VH) hippocampus may resolve differences between the various theoretical accounts of hippocampal function. The present study examined the effects of electrolytic lesions restricted to the DH or VH on fear-conditioned freezing, passive avoidance on the elevated T-maze (ETM) test of anxiety, and general activity in male Sprague-Dawley (Charles-River derived) albino rats. We found that rats with lesions of the VH, but not DH showed reduced freezing to both context and tone conditioned stimuli (CS). Rats with VH lesions also showed a reduced latency to emerge from the enclosed arm on trials 2 and 3 of the ETM (indicating reduced anxious behavior), while having no effect on the latency to escape from the open arms on trial 4. There were no differences in activity between the groups. These results indicate that the VH and DH are differentially involved in passive avoidance on the ETM and conditioned freezing to context and tone CS. We suggest that the VH may be specifically involved in modulating goal-oriented, defensive behavior expression through hypothalamic and amygdaloid connections.  相似文献   

The role played by hippocampal mossy fibers in the learning and memory processes implemented in the Morris swimming navigation task has been studied in C57BL/6 mice by selective and reversible inactivation of mossy fiber synaptic fields by diethyldithiocarbamate. The functional integrity of the mossy fibers proved essential for the storage of the spatial representation on the modifiable synapses of the recurrent collaterals of the CA3 pyramidal cells, whereas it is not necessary for the consolidation and recall of spatial memories. The results suggest that mossy fibers are preferentially involved in new learning. They are consistent with the hypothesis that the hippocampal CA3 region might act as an autoassociation memory.  相似文献   

A gist retrieval-orientation decreases one’s ability to remember objective details from past experiences. Here, we examined whether a gist retrieval-orientation manipulation can impact both the objective and subjective aspects of remembering. Young participants took part in two cued-recollection tasks in which they studied pictures associated with labels; at retrieval, from the labels, they evaluated the vividness of their memories of the corresponding pictures, and recalled picture details. Before retrieval, participants were submitted either to a gist or a control retrieval-orientation (one per task). Results revealed that the amount of recalled details was lower following the gist condition while vividness ratings did not differ between the two retrieval orientations. Critically, the amount of recalled details predicted the corresponding vividness ratings to a similar extent in the gist and control conditions, thus suggesting that recollected memory traces in the gist condition were still rich enough to be judged as subjectively vivid.  相似文献   

An experience sampling study tested the degree to which interactions with out-group members evoked negative affect and behavioural inhibition after controlling for level of friendship between partners. When friendship level was statistically controlled, neither White nor Black participants reported feeling more discomfort interacting with ethnic out-group members compared to ethnic in-group members. When partners differed in sexual orientation, friendship level had a less palliating effect. Controlling for friendship, both gay and straight men - but not women - felt more behaviourally inhibited when interacting with someone who differed in sexual orientation, and heterosexual participants of both genders continued to report more negative affect with gay and lesbian interaction partners. However, gay and lesbian participants reported similar levels of negative affect interacting with in-group (homosexual) and out-group (heterosexual) members after friendship level was controlled. Results suggest that much of the discomfort observed in inter-ethnic interactions may be attributable to lower levels of friendship with out-group partners. The discomfort generated by differences in sexual orientation, however, remains a more stubborn barrier to comfortable inter-group interactions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recent research has supported the premise that performance conditions characterized by social-evaluative threat, in which an aspect of the self could be judged by others, are associated with cortisol responses. However, it remains unclear whether this effect is due to negative social evaluation per se or simply the presence of another during a performance situation. Method: In the present study, 89 undergraduates delivered a speech in 1 of 3 conditions: in front of an evaluative audience panel (social-evaluative threat [SET]), in the presence of an inattentive confederate (PRES), or alone in a room (non-SET). RESULTS: Consistent with hypotheses, participants in the SET condition demonstrated a significant cortisol response, while those in the non-SET and PRES conditions did not show increases in this hormone. Further, participants in the SET condition who reported greater posttask levels of self-conscious cognitions and emotions demonstrated the greatest increases in cortisol. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that the mere social presence of others is not driving the changes in cortisol observed under social-evaluative threat; instead, explicit negative social evaluation may be responsible for increases in this health-relevant physiological parameter.  相似文献   

Relating storage of specific information to a particular neuromorphological change is difficult because behavioral performance factors are not readily disambiguated from underlying cognitive processes. This issue is addressed here by demonstrating robust reorganization of the hippocampal mossy fiber terminal field (MFTF) when adult rats learn the location of a hidden platform but not when rats learn to locate a visible platform. Because the latter task requires essentially the same behavioral performance as the former, the observed MFTF growth is seen as the consequence of specific input-dependent hippocampal activity patterns selectively generated by processing of extramaze but not intramaze cues. Successful performance on the hidden platform task requires formation of spatial memory. Increased MFTFs in hidden platform-trained rats are observed 7 d but not 2 d after training nor in swim controls. These results suggest that structural plasticity of the mossy fiber:CA3 circuit may contribute to the maintenance of long-lasting memory but not to the initial storage of the spatial context.  相似文献   

Cognitive impairment in schizophrenia and other psychiatric disorders is a challenge to be overcome in order to maintain patients' quality of life and social function. The neurological pathogenesis of cognitive impairment requires further elucidation. In general, the hippocampus interacts between the cortical and subcortical areas for information processing and consolidation and has an important role in memory. We examined the relationship between structural connectivity of the hippocampus and cortical/subcortical areas and cognitive impairment in schizophrenia, major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder. Subjects comprised 21 healthy controls, 19 patients with schizophrenia, 20 patients with bipolar disorder and 18 patients with major depressive disorder. Diffusion-weighted tensor images data were processed using ProbtrackX2 to calculate the structural connectivity between the hippocampus and cortical/subcortical areas. Cognitive function was assessed using the Brief Assessment of Cognition in schizophrenia composite score. Hippocampal structural connectivity index was significantly correlated with composite score in the schizophrenia group but not in the healthy control, major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder groups. There were no statistically significant differences in hippocampal structural connectivity index between the four groups. Structural connectivity between the hippocampus and cortical/subcortical areas is suggested to be a pathophysiological mechanism of comprehensive cognitive impairment in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of mating context and sociosexual orientation (interest in sex without emotional involvement) on men's perceptions of women's dance movements. One hundred men aged 18 to 33 (M = 23.5, SD = 3.5) years viewed brief videos of five “high attractive” and five “low attractive” female dancers (aged 18 to 22 years; M = 19.8, SD = 1.2) from a sample of 84 motion-captured dancers, and judged them on promiscuity and movement harmony. Additionally, half the participants judged the dancers on attractiveness as a long-term mate and the other half on attractiveness as a short-term mate. Men were more attracted to high attractive dancers than to low attractive dancers and judged them higher on attractiveness when choosing as a potential short-term mate. In addition, high attractive dancers were rated higher than low attractive dancers on promiscuity and movement harmony. Specifically, promiscuity judgments predicted men's short-term attractiveness ratings, whereas movement harmony judgments predicted long-term attractiveness ratings. Men's sociosexual orientation did not influence perceptions of female dance movements. Results are discussed with reference to trade-offs in time and energy expenditure on child rearing in men's mate preferences, corroborating the hypothesis that women's body movements inform on these qualities.  相似文献   

Recent studies have suggested that any animal that relies on landmark-based search memory encodes and uses metric properties of space to navigate. So far, however, metric information provided by landmarks has been predominantly investigated in avian species. In the present study, I investigated whether the domestic dog (Canis familiaris), a mammalian species, encodes the distance and direction from landmarks. Dogs were trained to find a ball hidden next to an array of two distinct landmarks that remained at a constant location in a room from trial to trial. After training, the dogs were occasionally tested on unrewarded conditions where the array was either left in its usual position or shifted laterally, perpendicularly, or diagonally relative to the rear wall of the room. Although the dogs significantly shifted their search as a function of the displacement of the landmarks, they did not search at the predicted coordinates of the goal relative to the shift of the landmarks, suggesting that the global cues available in the testing room were also encoded and used by dogs to locate the position of the goal.  相似文献   

Schwenkler  John  Byrd  Nick  Lambert  Enoch  Taylor  Matthew 《Philosophical Studies》2022,179(6):1939-1951

This project examined the roles of idiothetic cues due to individuals’ movement and allothetic cues independent of individuals’ movement in individuals’ estimations of their position and heading during locomotion. In an immersive virtual environment, participants learned the locations of five objects and then moved along two legs of a path before positioning the origin and the objects. Participants’ estimations of their test position and their test heading were calculated based on the responded objects’ locations, using a method of dissociating position estimation and heading estimation developed in this project. Results showed that when a conflicting visual orientation cue was presented after walking, participants relied on the allothetic cues (i.e., the visual orientation cue) for their heading estimation, but on idiothetic cues for their position estimation. These results indicate that after participants updated their position in terms the origin of the path (homing vector) via path integration, they estimated their heading. These results are inconsistent with the theoretical models stipulating that homing vectors are specified in terms of participants’ body coordinate systems, but are consistent with the models stipulating that both homing vectors and participants’ heading are specified in terms of a fixed reference direction in the environment.  相似文献   

Geometry, e.g., the shape of the environment, can be used by numerous animal species to orientate, but data concerning the mouse are lacking. We addressed the question of whether mice are capable of using geometry for navigating. To test whether aging could affect searching strategies, we compared adult (3- to 5-mo old) and aged (20- to 21-mo old) C57BL/6 male mice. We established a water maze task in which spatial information is provided by one landmark proximal to the target (featural information) and by the rectangular shape of the maze (geometric information). By means of probe trials in which we manipulated the presence of these two kinds of information, we show that adult mice can use both geometry and landmark to orientate. By contrast, aged mice do not use geometry and rely exclusively on the landmark to locate the platform. This study provides the first evidence that mice are capable of using geometric information for orientation and that this ability declines in aged animals.  相似文献   

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