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Investigated the validity of the hypothesis that subjects would experience arousal if they received information suggesting that they were presenting themselves to others in a negative manner. Twenty-seven subjects were randomly assigned to a control, evaluation apprehension, or negative feedback group. Subjects' heart-rate was continuously monitored as subjects' rated a series of photographs. Subjects in the evaluation apprehension group were given a cue as to how to present themselves positively whereas subjects in the negative feedback group were told, following their response to the 15th photograph, that their responses suggested maladjustment. Heart-rate change above a baseline measure revealed that an increase in heart-rate occurred only when subjects were informed that they were transmitting negative information. Such a finding supports a positive self-presentation explanation of subject motives in the psychological experiment.  相似文献   

Recent research points to the decreased diagnostic value of subjective retrieval experience for memory accuracy for emotional stimuli. While for neutral stimuli rich recollective experiences are associated with better context memory than merely familiar memories this association appears questionable for emotional stimuli. The present research tested the implicit assumption that the effect of emotional arousal on memory is monotonic, that is, steadily increasing (or decreasing) with increasing arousal. In two experiments emotional arousal was manipulated in three steps using emotional pictures and subjective retrieval experience as well as context memory were assessed. The results show an inverted U-shape relationship between arousal and recognition memory but for context memory and retrieval experience the relationship was more complex. For frame colour, context memory decreased linearly while for spatial location it followed the inverted U-shape function. The complex, non-monotonic relationships between arousal and memory are discussed as possible explanations for earlier divergent findings.  相似文献   

The relationship between emotional intelligence and ego defense mechanisms   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The author examined the relationship between the components of emotional intelligence (perception of emotion, affect regulation, and emotional knowledge) and personality factors associated with adaptation, represented by the hierarchical model of defense mechanisms (M. Bond, S. Gardner, J. Christian, & J. Sigal, 1983). Bivariate correlation analyses yielded mixed results; the adaptive defense styles were correlated with overall emotional intelligence but not with the emotional perception and regulation components, as was hypothesized. Emotional knowledge was correlated with both adaptive and maladaptive defense styles and with general intelligence, as was expected. Implications for counseling and psychoeducational interventions are suggested.  相似文献   

This study assessed the influence of anticipated experimenter surveillance during the performance of a painful or potentially embarrassing act on affiliative preferences before engaging in that act. As predicted, there was an overall preference for isolation when the act to be performed was embarrassing, and this tendency increased with anticipated surveillance. There was an overall preference for affiliation under fear arousal, and this preference also increased with anticipated surveillance. Contrary to previous research, whether or not the potential affiliate was a subject in the experiment (i.e., in a similar or dissimilar emotional state) did not affect these tendencies. Possible ways of accounting for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Adrenalin, emotional arousal and memory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A number of studies have examined participants' recollection of previously‐experienced emotional events. In these studies, emotion has generally been evoked by means of a specific attention‐grabbing visual stimulus (the sight of a bloody face or a weapon, views of surgery, and the like). We argue, however, that emotion outside of the laboratory is typically induced not by a particular visual stimulus, but by involvement and empathy with an unfolding event. We refer to this as ‘thematically‐induced arousal,’ as opposed to the ‘visually‐induced’ reactions involved in previous studies. In the present paper, we discuss the potential importance of this distinction, and report two studies that analysed sets of memories for emotional events that occurred outside the laboratory. The data make it clear that naturally‐occurring emotional events tend to be thematically‐arousing, not visually‐arousing, and provide an initial characterization of how these two types of arousal might shape memory. We discuss the implications of this finding, but we also emphasize the need for further data in this largely‐unexplored domain. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It has been well established that moderate physiological or emotional arousal modulates memory. However, there is some controversy about whether the source of arousal must be semantically related to the information to be remembered. To test this idea, 35 healthy young adult participants learned a list of common nouns and afterward viewed a semantically unrelated, neutral or emotionally arousing videotape. The tape was shown after learning to prevent arousal effects on encoding or attention, instead influencing memory consolidation. Heart rate increase was significantly greater in the arousal group, and negative affect was significantly less reported in the non-arousal group after the video. The arousal group remembered significantly more words than the non-arousal group at both 30 min and 24 h delays, despite comparable group memory performance prior to the arousal manipulation. These results demonstrate that emotional arousal, even from an unrelated source, is capable of modulating memory consolidation. Potential reasons for contradictory findings in some previous studies, such as the timing of "delayed" memory tests, are discussed.  相似文献   

The two fundamental dimensions assumed to underlie emotional experience—pleasure and arousal—are considered to be independent across individuals. We present evidence from an experience sampling study demonstrating that this independence does not necessarily hold when considering the affective experiences of a single individual. Participants (N = 80) reported how they were feeling in terms of pleasure and arousal nine times a day for seven days. The data showed that, although on average pleasure and arousal were independent, within-person pleasure–arousal associations substantially varied and ranged from strongly positive to strongly negative. This finding demonstrates that pleasant/unpleasant feelings usually co-occur with high arousal for some (reflecting joy/stress), but with low arousal for others (reflecting relaxation/sadness) and that persons differ in whether arousal is usually pleasant or unpleasant. These differences were found to be related to dispositional reward responsiveness, with high reward responsive individuals being characterized by a positive relation between pleasure and arousal and vice versa.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that many dysregulated behaviors, such as binge-eating and non-suicidal self-injury, often occur during times of emotional distress. These behaviors also appear to decrease negative affect. Why is it, however, that individuals engage in these behaviors to reduce emotional distress rather than taking a shower or talking to a friend? This study proposes the role of emotional cascades, an emotional phenomenon that occurs when an individual intensely ruminates on negative affect, thus increasing the magnitude of that negative affect to the point that an individual engages in a dysregulated behavior in order to distract from that rumination. The purpose of these studies was to examine the relationship between rumination and dysregulated behaviors, and in doing so determine if there is some support for the emotional cascade model of behavioral dysregulation. Using two different studies we were able to demonstrate that rumination is associated with some dysregulated behaviors, both cross-sectionally using structural equation modeling, and temporally using a two time-point method.  相似文献   

以往领导者情绪智力和领导力效能之间关系的研究存在很大分歧。运用元分析方法考察了领导者情绪智力对领导力效能的影响及其组织情境和研究方法调节变量。通过纳入98篇中英文文献和110个效应量(n = 27330), 结果表明:(1)领导者情绪智力与领导力效能存在中等程度的正相关(r = 0.39)。(2)组织情境因素的调节作用检验发现, 高层领导者的情绪智力对领导力效能的影响明显高于中层和基层领导者, 非营利性组织中的领导者情绪智力对领导力效能的影响比营利组织中的影响更强, 东方文化背景下的领导者情绪智力对领导力效能的影响比西方文化背景下更强。(3)方法因素的调节作用检验发现, 采用混合模型测量的领导者情绪智力对领导力效能的影响高于采用能力模型测量的结果, 采用客观指标衡量领导力效能的相关系数比主观指标更大, 领导者情绪智力对工作态度指标的影响弱于工作绩效指标, 领导者情绪智力对群体层次效能的影响强于个体层次。从研究设计和出版标准等方面探究领导者情绪智力和领导力效能之间关系的调节变量是未来研究的重点。  相似文献   

This study investigated the association between two creativity indicators: Divergent Thinking (DT) and Creative Personality (CP), and key aspects of cognitive ability, personality (Big Five), and trait emotional intelligence (trait EI or trait emotional self-efficacy). The sample consisted of 175 Spanish undergraduates and recent graduates from three university subject domains: Technical & Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, and Arts. Cognitive ability was found to bear little relationship to either index of creativity. In contrast, strong relationships were demonstrated between personality traits, including trait EI, and creativity, some of which varied significantly across subject domains. Results suggest that future research will have to pay particular attention to individual differences in the affective parts of the personality realm that are comprehensively captured by the construct of trait EI.  相似文献   

Emotional eating has been identified as a factor that promotes the development and maintenance of obesity and hinders its treatment. This study investigated the relationship between unsatisfied basic needs and emotional eating, including the mediating factors of self‐esteem and coping strategies. The results from a survey of 136 obese individuals indicated support for a significant relationship between basic need satisfaction and emotional eating, with a mediating effect of negative coping strategies. These findings extend previous research and provide guidance on how to help individuals who engage in emotional eating by focusing on developing more adaptive coping strategies.  相似文献   

采用元分析方法探讨情绪劳动策略(包括表层扮演和深层扮演)与工作满意度的关系。经筛选, 共有120篇文献226个独立样本符合元分析标准(N = 79659)。元分析结果发现, 表层扮演与工作满意度有显著负相关, 深层扮演与工作满意度有显著正相关。调节效应检验发现, 不同表层扮演测量工具、文化背景差异、行业类型差异对表层扮演与工作满意度的关系没有显著影响; 不同工作满意度测量工具对表层扮演与工作满意度的关系有显著影响, 表现为单维的JSS工作满意度量表的调节效果高于多维的MSQ量表。不同深层扮演测量工具、不同工作满意度测量工具、文化背景差异对深层扮演与工作满意度的关系有显著影响, 分别表现为深层扮演量表Grandey (2003)、Diefendorff, Croyle和Gosserand (2005)、Brotheridge和Lee (2003)调节效应依次减小, 单维的JSS工作满意度量表的调节效果低于多维的MSQ量表, 东方文化背景的调节效果高于西方; 行业类型的差异对深层扮演与工作满意度关系的影响不显著。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationships between trait emotional intelligence (EI) and tasks involving the recognition of facial expressions of emotion. Two facial expression recognition tasks using the inspection time (IT) paradigm assessed speed of emotional information processing. An unspeeded emotion recognition task was also included, and a symbol IT task was used to assess speed of processing of non-emotional information. It was found that scores on all three emotion-related tasks were strongly intercorrelated, as were scores on the three IT tasks. The two emotional IT scores remained significantly correlated when symbol IT performance was partialled out. This finding, together with the associations between the speeded (IT) and unspeeded face tasks suggests that the association between the emotional IT tasks is not entirely accounted for by general processing speed, and that a general emotion-processing ability also contributes to performance on these tasks. An EI subscale assessing Appraisal of Emotions was significantly correlated with performance on the emotional IT tasks, suggesting that self-reports of emotional perception ability do relate to performance measures.  相似文献   

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