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Preschool and kindergarten children's retention of stories was examined in the presence of interfering information and instructions to forget. Children learned 2 stories and, 24 hr later, were asked to recall the 1st or 2nd story learned. Some of the children were instructed, either following acquisition or just prior to the retention test, to forget the 2nd, or interfering, story. A model was used to isolate storage and retrieval effects, and the results showed that (a) retroactive interference affected both storage- and retrieval-based forgetting rates for the younger children but only storage-based forgetting rates for the older children, (b) intentional forgetting reduced retroactive interference primarily by attenuating storage-based forgetting regardless of age, (c) intentional forgetting instructions were effective only at acquisition for preschoolers but at both acquisition and retention for kindergarteners, and (d) all children recalled the to-be-forgotten story as well as they recalled the to-be-remembered story. These results are interpreted in terms of reorganization and distinctiveness effects in storage.  相似文献   

Although it is generally acknowledged that decrements in long-term memory play an important role in the decline of everyday cognitive functioning in adulthood, problems have arisen in localizing the source of these memory deficits. In this article we address three of the methodological and measurement issues that have led to difficulties in interpreting research on adulthood developmental differences in acquisition and long-term retention. Specifically, these issues are stages-of-learning confounds, failures to separate storage and retrieval processes, and failures to separate forgetting from other factors that influence long-term retention tests. A general framework is presented in which each of these problems is dealt with. This model is subsequently applied to an experiment that examined the acquisition and long-term retention of pictures and words in associative memory in both young and old adults. The major findings were that (a) the picture-word manipulation had asymmetrical effects on acquisition and retention, (b) these asymmetries were different for the young and old adults, and (c) the locus (storage/retrieval) of age differences was different at acquisition than at retention. These results strongly suggest that the rules governing acquisition and forgetting are different, not only within age groups, but also across developmental levels in adulthood. More importantly, because the locus of developmental differences was different for acquisition and forgetting, it may be that different mechanisms underly the processing deficits experienced by the elderly when acquiring information than when trying to retain that information over extended periods of time.  相似文献   

Acquisition and retention effects of presentation and test trials on movement distance (Experiment 1) and location (Experiment 2) were examined under three multitrial training methods. Three groups of 15 government employees performed three training trial cycles consisting of six trials each. Training methods emphasized either presentation-trial repetition, test-trial repetition, or presentation- and test-trial alternation within cycles. After training, both short- (3 min.) and long-term (24 hr.) retention scores were recorded. Absolute error revealed that (a) presentation-trial repetition promoted acquisition of both distance and location but resulted in extensive short- and long-term forgetting; (b) test-trial repetition produced error increases within cycles, potentiated presentation-trial effectiveness during acquisition, and enhanced long-term retention of both distance and location; (c) presentation- and test-trial alternation promoted distance and location acquisition and produced distance retention intermediate to that of the other two methods. Experiment 3 provided data to support the interpretation that test-trial retention benefits are a function of movement execution mode.  相似文献   

The retention of discrete movements was examined under augmented and minimal feedback conditions. The augmented condition was presented for both the criterion and recall movements and consisted of providing visual, auditory, and heightened proprioceptive cues with each movement. Under minimal conditions, no visual, auditory or heightened proprioceptive cues were provided. Absolute and constant error revealed that under augmented conditions recall accuracy was improved. The retention interval x feedback condition interaction failed significance for both sources of error indicating that there was no evidence of differential decay rates. Variable error appeared to be an informative index of forgetting. The results were interpreted to be in support of the view that a memory trace is imprinted with feedback from all modalities and that the amount of such feedback determines memory trace strength.  相似文献   

The fidelity of an eyewitness's memory representation is an issue of paramount forensic concern. Psychological science has been unable to offer more than vague generalities concerning the relation of retention interval to memory trace strength for the once-seen face. A meta-analysis of 53 facial memory studies produced a highly reliable association (r=.18, d=0.37) between longer retention intervals and positive forgetting of once-seen faces, an effect equally strong for both face recognition and eyewitness identification studies. W. A. Wickelgren's (1974, 1975, 1977) theory of recognition memory provided statistically satisfactory fits to 11 different empirical forgetting functions. Applied to the results of field studies of eyewitness memory, the theory yields predictions relevant to fact finders' evaluations of eyewitness credibility. A plausible upper limit for witness initial memory strength corresponds to a probability of .67 of being correct on a fair six-person lineup. Furthermore, not only can the percentage of remaining memory strength be determined for any retention interval, but this strength estimate can be translated into an estimated probability of being correct on a fair lineup of a specified size.  相似文献   

Recent lines of research have focused on dissociating function between the dorsal and ventral hippocampus along space and anxiety dimensions. In the dorsal hippocampus, the CA1 subregion has been implicated in the acquisition of contextual fear as well as in the trace interval in trace fear conditioning. The present study was designed to test the relative contributions of dorsal (dCA1) and ventral CA1 (vCA1) in trace fear conditioning. Long-Evans rats received ibotenate lesions of the ventral CA1 (n=7), dorsal CA1 (n=9), or vehicle control lesions (n=8) prior to trace fear conditioning acquisition. Results suggest dCA1 and vCA1 groups show no significant deficits during acquisition when compared to control groups. dCA1 and vCA1 both show deficits in the retention of contextual fear when tested 24 h post-acquisition (P<.05 and P<.01, respectively), and vCA1 was impaired relative to dCA1 (P<.05). This is suggestive of a graded involvement in contextual retention between the dorsal and ventral aspects of CA1. dCA1 showed no deficit for retention of conditioned fear to the tone or the trace when tested 48 h post-acquisition, whereas vCA1 did show a significant deficit for the trace interval and a slight, non-significant reduction in freezing to the tone, when compared to the control group (p<.05). Overall the data are suggestive of a graded involvement in retention of fear conditioning between the dorsal and ventral aspects of CA1, but it is likely that vCA1 may be critically involved in retention of trace fear conditioning.  相似文献   

Whisker deflection is an effective conditioned stimulus (CS) for trace eyeblink conditioning that has been shown to induce a learning-specific expansion of whisker-related cortical barrels, suggesting that memory storage for an aspect of the trace association resides in barrel cortex. To examine the role of the barrel cortex in acquisition and retrieval of trace eyeblink associations, the barrel cortex was lesioned either prior to (acquisition group) or following (retention group) trace conditioning. The acquisition lesion group was unable to acquire the trace conditioned response, suggesting that the whisker barrel cortex is vital for learning trace eyeblink conditioning with whisker deflection as the CS. The retention lesion group exhibited a significant reduction in expression of the previously acquired conditioned response, suggesting that an aspect of the trace association may reside in barrel cortex. These results demonstrate that the barrel cortex is important for both acquisition and retention of whisker trace eyeblink conditioning. Furthermore, these results, along with prior anatomical whisker barrel analyses suggest that the barrel cortex is a site for long-term storage of whisker trace eyeblink associations.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed comparing preselected (subject defined) and constrained (experimenter defined) movements. In the first experiment, subjects made reproduction responses immediately or under unfilled and filled 15-sec retention intervals. Results indicated that recall of preselected movements was clearly superior until the interpolation of information processing activity. In addition, preselected movements demonstrated no forgetting over a 15-sec retention interval while constrained movements evidenced spontaneous memory lass, suggesting that preselected movements possess a stronger representation in memory. The second experiment examined this interpretation in a response biasing paradigm. Subjects made criterion responses under preselected or constrained conditions, while the interpolated movement was always in the constrained mode and ± 40 deg from the criterion. The subjects' task was to attend to both movements and recall each when instructed. While preselected recall was clearly superior' to constrained recall, response biasing was clearly evident in both. The failure to find differential biasing effects was discussed in terms of the relative trace strength hypothesis (Stelmach & Welsh, 1972).  相似文献   

In many theories, forgetting is closely linked to the passage of time. In the present experiments, recall in a short-term memory task was less accurate when the retention interval included a difficult arithmetic addition task, compared with an easy task. In a novel condition, the interfering task was switched from hard to easy partway through the retention interval. Recall accuracy at long retention intervals recovered from the level consistent with the hard interfering task to a more accurate level consistent with an easy interfering task. Such recovery is not in agreement with theories that link forgetting to the passage of time, such as trace decay. The reversed forgetting functions are more consistent with an account in which different levels of nonspecific retroactive interference in the retention interval just before the time of retrieval influence different levels of performance accuracy. With the uncoupling of interference levels from time, forgetting is dissociated from the passage of time.  相似文献   

What is the strength of a memory trace that has received various practices at times tj in the past? The strength accumulation equation proposes the following: strength = sigma tj-d, where the summation is over the practices of the trace. This equation predicts both the power law of practice and the power law of retention. This article reports the fits of the predictions of this equation to 5 experiments. Across these experiments, participants received as many as 240 trials of practice distributed over intervals as long as 400 days. The experiments also varied whether participants were just practicing retrieving an item or practicing applying a relatively complex rule. A model based on this equation successfully fit all the data when it was assumed that the passage of psychological time slowed after the experimental session. The strength accumulation equation was compared with other conceptions of the retention function and the relationship of the retention function to the practice function.  相似文献   

Retention functions were determined for four Ss for recognition memory of letters at 14 different delays from 3 sec to 5 min and two levels of storage load (1 and 6 letter lists), the retention interval being filled with backward counting. Memory strength retention functions were fit extremely well by assuming that two traces, short-term memory and long-term memory, are operative in this type of memory task. Only the short-term memory trace appears to be present during the first 8 or 10 sec of the retention interval, and this short-term trace decays exponentially with a time constant in the vicinity of 10 sec. Long-term memory is subject to a consolidation process which does not begin until about 10 sec after the study period and which is substantially complete at about 30 sec after the study period. Storage load has a very large effect on the degree of acquisition (learning) for both short and long-term traces, but storage load appears to have only a moderate effect or no effect on the decay rate of the short-term trace. There is some suggestion that the duration of the consolidation phase is shortened by an increase in storage load.  相似文献   

Atypical forgetting functions have been demonstrated in several recent studies of delayed matching to sample, in which experimental conditions are altered partway through the retention interval. The forgetting functions are atypical in that accuracy or discriminability is not always a negatively accelerated monotonic function of increasing retention interval duration, but may increase at later times in the retention interval. Atypical forgetting functions reflect changes in levels of discrimination. A switch from a lower level to a higher level of discrimination, or vice versa, can occur at any time in the retention interval. The behavioral theories of remembering proposed by Nevin, Davison, Odum, and Shahan (2007), and White and Brown (2014), offer quantitative predictions of forgetting functions that differ in intercept or slope. Both theories are able to account for atypical forgetting functions, by assuming time‐independent changes in the mediating effect of attending to sample and comparison stimuli (in Nevin et al.'s model) or in the direct effect of the context of reinforcement of the conditional discrimination (in White & Brown's model). Despite differences in their main assumptions, the theories have an edge over any theory that assumes that forgetting is time‐dependent.  相似文献   

In single-trace fragility theory, forgetting is produced by two factors, time and interference. Memory traces are assumed to have two partially coupled dynamic properties, strength and fragility. Strength determines the probability of correct recall and recognition, while fragility determines the susceptibility of the trace to the time-decay process but not to the interference process. Consolidation is assumed to be a continual reduction in the fragility of the memory trace rather than any change in strength or availability. Decreasing fragility accounts for the continually decreasing forgetting rate, the temporal character of retrograde amnesia and recovery therefrom, and the type of internal clock necessary for nonassociative recency judgments. Data are presented to indicate that interference is independent of the interval between original and interpolated learning, that nonassociative recency discriminability approaches a limit at about 30 min, and that the decay rate of long-term retention in amnesic patients is the same as in normal Ss.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated recall following two study conditions, (1) repeated test: a study trial followed by multiple recall trials, and (2) repeated study: multiple study trials with no tests. At a retention interval of 5 minutes, repeated study produced a higher level of recall than repeated test. When the retention interval was extended, forgetting was much more rapid in the study condition, with the repeated test manipulation leading to higher recall at an interval of 7 days. We conclude that study and test trials have different effects upon memory, with study trials promoting memory acquisition, and test trials enhancing the retrieval process itself, which protects against subsequent forgetting.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated recall following two study conditions, (1) repeated test: a study trial followed by multiple recall trials, and (2) repeated study: multiple study trials with no tests. At a retention interval of 5 minutes, repeated study produced a higher level of recall than repeated test. When the retention interval was extended, forgetting was much more rapid in the study condition, with the repeated test manipulation leading to higher recall at an interval of 7 days. We conclude that study and test trials have different effects upon memory, with study trials promoting memory acquisition, and test trials enhancing the retrieval process itself, which protects against subsequent forgetting.  相似文献   

Trace decay and interference effects in motor short-term memory were investigated by contrasting the predictions of two recent models (Pepper and Herman 1970; Laabs 1973) in regard to these two variables. Laabs' prediction that forgetting in motor short-term memory is indexed by greater variability of reproduction was supported in that movement reproduction after a 20 sec retention interval, either filled or unfilled, produced greater variable error. Further, his model was again supported in that analysis of constant error over five movement extents indicated interference effects through formation of an adaptation level which caused short movements to be overshot and long movements to be undershot. Pepper and Herman's concept of spontaneous trace decay indexed by a negative shift in constant error was not supported as was their prediction that interpolated activity would alter the strength of the criterion trace through an assimilation process. Finally, some evidence was found supporting the view that a memory trace can be strengthened through proprioceptive feedback entering through an unattended channel.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined the acquisition and retention of a letter-detection skill with a consistent-mapping procedure. In Experiment 1, subjects were trained from 0 to 4 sessions at detecting the letter H in displays containing random letters, and retesting occurred after a 1-month delay. Performance improved and in some cases became more automatic, and the performance level was maintained over the retention interval. When tested with a prose passage, the high error rate on the word THE was eliminated after training and after the retention interval, regardless of the amount of training. In Experiment 2, two subjects were given 12 sessions of training followed by a retention test 6 months later. For 1 subject there was also a retention test 15 months after acquisition. Performance improved dramatically with training, and substantial but not complete automaticity was achieved. Performance on the retention tests was close to the final acquisition level. The surprising lack of forgetting in this study was contrasted with the substantial forgetting typically found in studies of verbal learning.  相似文献   

The learning curve during repetitive production and the associated forgetting during production breaks are fundamental issues in the understanding of behavior. A model is suggested that combines 3 basic findings, namely, that single memory traces decay according to a power function of the retention interval, that aggregated memory traces can be combined by integration, and that the time to produce a unit can be described by a diffusion process on the memory trace. This power integration diffusion model is validated with empirical data, and the result fits better than 14 other published forgetting models.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we investigated prior findings that, following some memory tasks, essentially flat d' or forced-choice retention curves are produced. These curves have been interpreted as indicating that forgetting is not present over the intervals examined; however, we propose in this article that forgetting is actually present whenever hit rates and false alarm rates are both declining, despite the result being a flat retention curve. We demonstrate that such curves can be produced using a pair recognition procedure, a plurality discrimination task, and a verbal discrimination task. For all of these tasks, we provide either new evidence or refer to evidence already in the literature that tends to contradict alternative explanations. Then we show how the failure to consider both signal strength and noise has led to distortions in theoretical thinking about forgetting.  相似文献   

Inquiries into the longevity of illness-induced aversions (TAs) in animals are relevant to consummatory-aversion (CA) treatments of human alcoholism. The range of nausea reactions that accompanied the relapses of some alcoholics who had acquired alcohol aversions during covertsensitization (verbal aversion) alcoholism treatment has implicated CA forgetting as one probable contributor to recidivism. CA forgetting is operationalized as aversion diminution during postconditioning periods in which Ss abstain from contact with the target substance. TAs of varying strengths were induced in groups of Sprague-Dawley rats that received low, medium or high doses of the illness-inducing drug cyclophosphamide following saccharin-solution ingestion. TA retention was assessed following saccharin-free intervals of 2–40 days. Each Ss' retention interval was followed by 30 days of two-bottle preference testing, thereby additionally permitting an assessment of TA extinction following differing degrees of TA forgetting. Low-dose Ss displayed moderate strength TAs that were forgotten within 20 days and that had little resistance to extinction when testing began shortly after conditioning. Medium-dose Ss displayed stronger TAs having greater resistance to both forgetting and extinction. Unlike these low- and medium-dose TAs, high-dose TAs were impervious to aversion degradation as a result of forgetting. This finding is interpreted as supporting the attempted induction of intense nausea during covert-sensitization and chemical aversion (emetic therapy) alcoholism treatment. Other related conditioning procedures that may contribute to effective treatment are also discussed.  相似文献   

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