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Little work has studied achievement goals in social interaction situations. The present experiment aimed at contributing to this matter by showing the potential of social interaction (in particular disagreement) to moderate the effects of achievement goals on learning. Participants were led to think they interacted with a partner, sharing opinions about a text that they were studying. Mastery and performance goals were manipulated. During the “interaction,” they received either disagreement or agreement from this bogus partner. Results showed that a condition in which mastery goals were induced led to better learning than a performance goal condition only when the partner disagreed. No differences between goal conditions were observed when the partner agreed. Implications for achievement goal research are discussed. Part of this work was conducted during Céline Darnon’s doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Fabrizio Butera, and was written during Céline Darnon’s post-doctorate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA, thanks to a Fulbright fellowship.  相似文献   

合作学习中一般自我效能感与自我监控的表现   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
程乐华  潘燕华 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1139-1142
该研究运用情境实验和问卷测量的方法,初探了一般自我效能感与自我监控不同的学生在合作学习的小组活动自评中的差异。结果表明,一般自我效能感高的被试对小组话动的价值评价比一般自我效能感低的被试更积极;但在对组织者的评价和对合作学习的喜爱程度上不如一般自我效能感低的学生。自我监控高的学生比自我监控低的学生对组织者有更积极的评价,但在对合作学习的喜爱程度上却比不上自我监控低的同学。  相似文献   

The present research takes a motivational approach to examine the work-family interface and well-being. We report a longitudinal study which shows that giving priority to family goals over work and leisure goals lead to higher life satisfaction after 7?years from reporting such goals. Additionally, this effect was mediated by family satisfaction. We also found that family priority goals led to higher life satisfaction in time 1 only when people also reported high levels of family values. This interaction was not significant when predicting life satisfaction at time 2. Instead, family values uniquely predicted life satisfaction at time 2. Contrary to our expectations work values did not moderate the work priority goals and life satisfaction relationship either at time 1 nor time 2. However, results showed that individuals who prioritized and valued work over family reported lower levels of life satisfaction at time 1. This effect was not found at time 2. We used self-determination theory to develop our hypothesis.  相似文献   

A model of goal-setting processes was developed that depicted the influence of previous performance, assigned goals, and self-efficacy on personal goals and performance. Three levels of assigned goals were manipulated in a counterbalanced fashion across two performance trials. Assigned goals were hypothesized to have a greater influence than self-efficacy on personal goals for the first trial, whereas efficacy was hypothesized to have a stronger influence than assigned goals on Trial 2 goals. Although the hypothesized model fit fairly well overall, the specific results concerning the relative impact of assigned goal and self-efficacy were not supported. In general, the observed trends indicated the effects were the opposite of what was expected. Potential explanations for these results and recommendations for future research are offered.  相似文献   

Theoretically, when the supervisory working alliance is strong, the trainee and supervisor share a strong emotional bond and agree on the goals and tasks of supervision. Tested was Bordin's (1983) proposition that changes in counselor trainees' perceptions of the supervisory alliance over the course of supervision would predict supervisory outcomes. A national sample of beginning practicum- to intern-level trainees were assessed at the beginning and end of an academic semester. Contrary to predictions, changes in the alliance were not predictive of changes in trainees' self-efficacy. However, improvements in the emotional bond between the trainees and supervisors were associated with greater satisfaction.  相似文献   

The effect of commitment to a learning goal, self-efficacy, and the interaction between learning goal difficulty and goal commitment with performance was investigated using a highly complex business simulation. Participants (n?=?128) needed to acquire knowledge in order to perform the task effectively. The correlation between commitment to the learning goal and performance was positive and significant (r = .47, p < .001). Commitment was also a moderator of the learning goal–task performance effect. The relationship between self-efficacy and performance was partially mediated by commitment to the learning goal. Performance was a partial mediator of the relationship between goal commitment and self-efficacy. Seventy-five percent of the participants self-set a performance goal. The correlation between self-set performance goals and performance was positive and significant (r = .31, p < .001).  相似文献   

Children's goals for learning on their video game performance and patterns of attention were examined. Before playing a game, second- and fifth-graders were instructed to adopt an evaluative, process, outcome, or no specific goal focus while playing. Children were then interviewed about their game strategies and the game features they paid attention to while playing. Older children and more frequent players showed better performance. Among frequent players, process goal instructions facilitated performance. Younger children's interview references to process goals also were predictive of better performance. Their references to attention strategies, however, were predictive of poorer performance while older children's references to attention strategies were predictive of better performance. These findings highlight the efficacy of process goals for learning among younger and older children.  相似文献   

This study explores the associations among job insecurity, occupational self-efficacy, work engagement, job satisfaction and health and the mediation role of occupational self-efficacy. Two hundred and forty-one workers, were asked to fill in the Occupational Self-Efficacy Scale, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, the Satisfaction Scale of Occupational Stress Inventory and the General Health Questionnaire. Mediation analysis was performed using the boot-strapping method. Job insecurity was negatively related to work engagement, job satisfaction and general health. Occupational self-efficacy mediated the relationship between job insecurity, work engagement, job satisfaction and health on employees in the private and public sectors. The originality of this work is that it shows the effect of job insecurity on engagement, satisfaction and health, and the mediational role of occupational self-efficacy. In a time of economic crisis, when it is not possible to guarantee permanent contracts, Human Resource managers might consider occupational self-efficacy as a resource when planning interventions.  相似文献   

We examined the predictability of fathering self-efficacy and marital satisfaction on father involvement. The moderating effect of marital satisfaction on the relationship between father efficacy and father involvement was also explored. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using the convenience sampling method. A total of 2,029 valid questionnaires were collected from fathers with children aged 2–6 from 48 nurseries in Hong Kong. The fathers’ mean age is 39.1. 72.9 % of the fathers graduated from secondary school and 86 % had full-time jobs. Measures including self-efficacy subscale in the Parenting Sense of Competency Scale, the Index of Marital Satisfaction, the Inventory of Father Involvement were adopted in the present study. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that fathering self-efficacy and marital satisfaction were significant positive predictors of father involvement, whereas marital satisfaction moderated the effect of fathering self-efficacy on father involvement. It is thus important to improve martial satisfaction and enhance fathering self-efficacy for promoting father involvement. To gain a more comprehensive picture, future studies of father involvement may benefit by adopting a longitudinal research design, including the mothers and children as informants, and addressing other parenting correlates such as parenting stress and spousal support.  相似文献   

为探讨学业自我效能感对在线学习投入的影响及其作用机制,采用学业自我效能感量表、学习动机量表、心流体验量表和在线学习投入量表,对310名在线学习者进行问卷调查。结果发现:(1)学业自我效能感对在线学习投入具有正向预测作用;(2)学习动机和心流体验分别在学业自我效能感和在线学习投入之间起部分中介作用;(3)学习动机、心流体验在学业自我效能感和在线学习投入之间起链式中介作用。  相似文献   

Seventy-seven undergraduates were assigned a performance goal for the first of two trials of a word game, and set goals for themselves on a second trial. Goal commitment was hypothesized to moderate the influence of goal level on performance within both trials. In addition, commitment to the assigned Trial I goals was hypothesized to moderate the relationship between goal attainment and self-set goals for the second trial. Subjects' initial performance on a practice trial was also hypothesized to interact with the goal levels they were assigned on the first trial, such that individuals who performed relatively well on the practice trial were expected to evidence a greater positive relationship between goal level and performance than individuals who performed relatively poorly on the practice trial. The results of three moderated regression analyses yielded no support for the hypothesized within-trial moderating influence of goal commitment on goal level-performance relations. However, commitment to assigned goals and goal attainment did interact as related to personal goals for Trial 2. Further, the hypothesized influence of practice trial performance and assigned goal level on Trial I performance was supported. The results are discussed in terms of how goal levels should be determined and assigned to employees, and the role of goal commitment in goal setting predictions.  相似文献   

A model of goal-setting processes was developed that depicted the influence of previous performance, normative information, and self-efficacy on personal goals and performance. Three levels of normative information were manipulated in a counter-balanced fashion across two trials. Norms were hypothesized to have a greater influence than self-efficacy on personal goals for the first trial, whereas efficacy was hypothesized to have a stronger influence than norms on Trial 2 goals. A sample of 135 undergraduates completed a practice and two performance trials of a word game, and the results were analyzed using LISREL structural modeling techniques. Although the general hypothesized model fit fairly well, the specific results concerning the relative impact of norms and self-efficacy were opposite of the expected direction. Potential explanations for these results, and recommendations for future research are offered.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that an explanation for an event can affect reactions to that event. This study examined this effect within a selection context by varying the type of explanation (causal, ideological, referential) and outcome favorability. A sample of 202 undergraduates completed a selection test and reported their perceptions of that test both before and after the outcome was known. Both the type of explanation and outcome favorability interacted with participants' self-efficacy in determining perceptions of validity and fairness. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

We aim to advance the learning goal literature by examining the contingent effect of a reflection intervention on the relationship between learning goals and performance in a complex decision-making task. Data were obtained from a laboratory experiment with a microworld simulation as the experimental task. Participants were randomly allocated to one of the four conditions in a 2 × 2 (reflection intervention: yes vs. no; learning goals: easier vs. more challenging) between-subjects design (N = 140). Our findings suggest that both learning goals and reflection interventions are effective learning mechanisms in complex tasks. Reflection interventions strengthen the positive performance effect of learning goals. Specifically, the combination of a reflection intervention and more challenging learning goals leads to the highest performance. In the current dynamic business environment, effectively solving complex decision-making tasks is an enduring challenge. By integrating the reflection literature with goal-setting theory, we provide evidence of the joint effect of a reflection intervention and learning goals on subsequent task performance. Our findings help scholars and practitioners to design effective learning interventions to solve complex decision-making tasks. Our study is the first to investigate the joint effect of a reflection intervention (particularly, coached feedback reflection) and learning goals on task performance. Additionally, we are among the first to examine the combined use of learning goals and performance goals in a complex decision-making task.  相似文献   

This study concerned the joint effects of the richness of the feedback environment and task complexity on the development of goals, information search strategies, and performance improvement. A decision-making experiment found interactive effects of feedback and complexity on the number of personal goals, information search, and performance improvement. Further, goals and information search mediated the effect of feedback and complexity on performance over time.  相似文献   

The effects of monetary incentives on performance were examined in 2 studies. These effects were hypothesized to be through the intermediary motivational processes of self-efficacy, attractiveness ratings, goal level, and goal commitment. In Study 1, 80 subjects worked solving anagrams on 8 trials under 1 of 4 monetary incentive conditions (piece rate, hourly rate, competitive bonus, and goal attainment bonus). In Study 2, 146 subjects worked solving anagrams on 4 trials under 1 of 4 monetary incentive conditions (piece rate, informed bonus, uninformed bonus, and assigned bonus). In both studies, subjects self-set goal levels both before and after the incen- tive manipulation. Results from both studies indicated that tying rewards to goal attainment resulted in subjects having lower goal levels and lower self-efficacy, whereas piece-rate systems resulted in higher goal levels and higher self-efficacy. In addition, goal levels and self-efficacy partially mediated the relation between incentives and performance.  相似文献   

大学生学习自我效能感的测量与干预研究   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
魏源 《心理科学》2004,27(4):905-908
本研究编制了大学生学习自我效能感问卷,经对478名大学生实施测试,探索性因素分析与验证性因素分析的结果发现,所研制的大学生学习效能感问卷具有符合心理计量学和班杜拉自我效能感理论要求的特点。并对64名大学生研究被试实施干预训练,证明通过学习策略的辅导与学习心理效能训练,学习者的学习效能感能够得到提升。对学习目标的有效调控、学习情境的营造与选择、学习策略与学习方式的善用对学习效能感具有关键性作用。  相似文献   

This paper reports on two experiments which explore how individuals with high and low self-efficacy differ in the way they interpret performance feedback and make causal attributions to sustain their self-efficacy perceptions for subsequent performance attempts. The results from Study 1 show that high self-efficacy people make self-serving attributions for unsuccessful performance, while low self-efficacy individuals make self-effacing attributions for unsuccessful performance. In Study 2, these attribution patterns were replicated and shown to combine with past performance, to account for 53% of the variance in subsequent self-efficacy. The implications for improving training interventions, and for understanding the causes of poor performance, are discussed.  相似文献   

The Effects of Self-Set Goals on Task Performance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Locke & Latham (1990a) report that specific, difficult goals lead to better performance than "do-your-best" instructions, whether the goals are self-set or are set by an external source. However, in Experiment I, as well as in previous research (White, Kjelgaard, & Harkins, 1995), we did not find self-set goal effects. A meta-analysis showed that self-set goal effects can be produced if two conditions are met: Prior to setting their goals, participants take part in a pretest that is equal in duration to the experimental task; and the experimenter has access to the participants' goals and the performances. Experiment 2 confirmed these meta-analytic findings by showing that when these two conditions were met, goals stringent enough to produce the effects were set, and goal-setting effects were obtained.  相似文献   

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