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In an educational setting, we examined the relationship of learning goal orientation with goal setting and performance over time. At the first time point, we assessed levels of trait learning goal orientation and asked participants to set performance goals. At each follow‐up time point, we reported to participants their current course grade and allowed them to revise their goals. Learning goal orientation was associated with both setting higher goals and maintaining higher performance over time. Additionally, the relationship of learning goal orientation and performance was found to be mediated by goal setting.  相似文献   

Updating and extending the work of O'Leary-Kelly, Martocchio, and Frink (1994), with this meta-analysis on goal setting and group performance we show that specific difficult goals yield considerably higher group performance compared with nonspecific goals (d = 0.80 ± 0.35, k = 23 effect sizes). Moderately difficult and easy goals were also associated with performance benefits relative to nonspecific goals, but these effects were smaller. The overall effect size for all group goals was d = 0.56 ± 0.19 (k = 49). Unexpectedly, task interdependence, task complexity, and participation did not moderate the effect of group goals. Our inventory of multilevel goals in interdependent groups indicated that the effect of individual goals in groups on group performance was contingent upon the focus of the goal: "Egocentric" individual goals, aimed at maximizing individual performance, yielded a particularly negative group-performance effect (d = -1.75 ± 0.60, k = 6), whereas "groupcentric" goals, aimed at maximizing the individual contribution to the group's performance, showed a positive effect (d = 1.20 ± 1.03, k = 4). These findings demonstrate that group goals have a robust effect on group performance. Individual goals can also promote group performance but should be used with caution in interdependent groups. Future research might explore the role of multilevel goals for group performance in more detail. The striking lack of recent field studies in organizational settings that emerged from our brief review of trends in group goal-setting research should be taken into account when designing future studies in this domain.  相似文献   

This research proposes that the cognitive activity associated with the experience of an emotional state mediates the occurrence of mood-congruent processing. Two experiments examined the role of cognitive activity in selective processing of words in a mood congruence paradigm. Four induction procedures were used: a depressed-mood induction, a schema induction organized around the theme of writing a paper, an arousal induction, and a control neutral-mood induction. The memory task consisted of recalling a word list composed of negatively associated and thematically organized words. Selective processing was demonstrated in conjunction with the depressed-mood and organizational-schema induction procedures. In contrast, the arousal and neutral induction procedures did not produce selective processing of words from the list. The findings support the thesis that cognitive activity mediates the selective processing typical of mood congruence as distinct from arousal processes per se. The findings are discussed with respect to the resource allocation model and semantic network theory.  相似文献   

Need for cognition is a form of cognitive motivation, which reflects the extent that one actively seeks information and enjoys critical thinking about information. Accordingly, those high in need for cognition seek out and acquire information, resulting in stronger and more stable attitudes. However, need for cognition has yet to be examined in the domain of goal pursuit. Toward that end, we examined how this form of cognitive motivation impacts goal related cognitions. Specifically, how need for cognition influences goal choice. Because need for cognition is a domain-general form of cognitive motivation, we hypothesized that domain-specific attitudes would mediate the relationship between need for cognition pro-environmental goals. This hypothesis was tested in two separate studies. Results demonstrate consistent evidence in support of our hypothesis that environmental attitudes mediate the relationship between need for cognition and pro-environmental goal choice. Results hold implications for goal pursuit research, such that need for cognition can be empirically studied in relation to goal related cognitions and behaviors to the same extent as other forms of cognitive motivation. Moreover, these results suggest that need for cognition can be considered along side previously investigated antecedents of pro-environmental behavior.  相似文献   

The authors examine whether task interdependence moderates the relationship between the helping form of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and group performance. In a laboratory study, 62 groups with 3 members each completed a card-sequencing activity in which the level of task interdependence among group members was manipulated. Independent evaluators assessed helping by viewing videotapes of the groups' interactions during the sequencing activities. Performance was measured as a combined function of group speed and accuracy. Two prior field studies reported contradictory results regarding the impact of helping on group performance. Results from this study suggest that task interdependence may explain these results, and that the relationship between helping and group performance depends on the level of task interdependence required of group members.  相似文献   

This investigation sought to clarify the relationship between goal setting and expectancy theories. Toward this end, (a) previous theoretical and empirical efforts at integrating these two theories are reviewed, (b) issues of causal ordering, measurement, and the meanings of those measures are examined, and (c) the results of an empirical study using a sample of 344 college students and an academic task are presented. Results illustrate how different operationalizations of expectancy and attractiveness ratings result in the measurement of different constructs and influence the significance and direction of empirical findings. For almost all operationalizations, however, significant relationships were evident between expectancy theory constructs and goal choice, goal commitment, and performance. Causal analyses using cross-lag correlations were inconclusive, but mediation and path analyses provided some evidence that goals mediate the effects of expectancy theory constructs on performance.  相似文献   

We surveyed 280 students (61% girls; M = 15.3 years) and, in the context of goal setting theory and self‐regulation, tested a cross‐sectional model in which goal orientation (learning, performance–prove, performance–avoid) was viewed as an antecedent to self‐efficacy and outcome expectations, self‐efficacy and outcome expectations were tested as antecedents to goal setting, and goal setting tested as an antecedent to career‐striving behaviors (exploration, planning). After controlling for educational achievement, learning orientation was directly, positively, associated with self‐efficacy and outcome expectations, and indirectly associated with career aspirations, career exploration, and planning; and performance–avoid orientation was negatively associated with self‐efficacy. The study demonstrated that goal orientation is an important variable to consider when examining career development in adolescents.  相似文献   

ObjectiveImagery ability may be cognitively regulated by motivational states, thus it is important to determine the relationship between goal orientations and imagery ability. Design/Method: Participants were 272 male and female athletes, representing nine sports. Goal orientations and cognitive and motivational imagery abilities were assessed via questionnaires. Task and ego goal orientations were examined via a two-step cluster analysis procedure, resulting in the identification of four goal orientation clusters. Separate multivariate analyses were conducted to assess differences in cognitive imagery ability and motivational imagery ability for the clusters, with gender and sport type entered as covariates. Results: For cognitive imagery ability, gender had a significant effect for athletes with low task/low ego orientation; female athletes rated their internal imagery perspective as clearer and more vivid. Regarding motivational imagery ability, when sport type was controlled for, cluster membership demonstrated a significant multivariate effect. Goal orientations have a relationship with motivational imagery ability but this same relationship was not evident with cognitive imagery ability. Athletes with high task/high ego or high task/low ego goal orientations scored significantly higher on their ability to feel emotions and their ease of generating motivational general-mastery images compared to athletes with low task/high ego or low task/low ego orientations. No differences between goal orientation clusters were found for motivational general-arousal imagery ability. Conclusion: Athletes who have a high task orientation are very motivated and have an easy time forming mastery images and a high ability to experience the emotion of these images.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that self-disgust partially mediates the relationship between dysfunctional cognitions and depression. However, as self-disgust is only a partial mediator, other variables are also likely to mediate this relationship. One potential variable is self-esteem, which has consistently been linked to depression in the literature. Hence, the current study aimed to examine whether self-disgust and self-esteem both mediate the relationship between dysfunctional cognitions and depression. Measures of self-disgust, self-esteem, dysfunctional cognitions and depression were completed by a non clinical sample of 120 participants. Self-disgust and self-esteem were found to be conceptually distinct constructs and both constructs were found to be partial mediators of the relationship between dysfunctional cognitions and depression: a finding which generalised across two measures of depression. The important mediational role of emotions in the development of depression needs to be taken into account in therapeutic practice.  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether the presence of a specific group goal would reduce social matching (i.e., matching one's own performance to the performance expected from others) by serving as an alternative standard. As predicted, when there was no specific goal, the participants matched their own performance to the performance expected from other group members. When there was a specific group goal, the women no longer engaged in social matching, although that effect did not emerge among the men. Instead, the women's mean personal performance was close to the performance level representing an equal share of the group goal. Moreover, the participants' perceptions of a fair contribution mediated the performance of the men and the women, both in the presence and in the absence of a goal.  相似文献   

People with an impoverished basic self-acceptance are compelled to seek external reassurances of their own value and to cope with the threats and challenges of social life by different compensatory behaviours. The present study examines the links between competence based self-esteem (CBSE) and relation based self-esteem (RBSE) (Johnson &; Blom, 2007), active and passive maladaptive socio-behavioural styles and health status. The active style was indicated by hostile perfectionistic strivings whereas the passive style was indicated by avoidance and emotion suppression. In a cross-sectional design 284 Swedish adults completed personality and health questionnaires. The results showed that CBSE is a stronger predictor of poor physical health than RBSE and that the relation is primarily mediated by an active “toxic” style, whereas the role of RBSE for health appears purely indirect, mediated by a passive repressive style. An additional finding was that the two types of contingent SE and socio-behavioural styles were associated with different kinds of health problems.  相似文献   

An abnormal group of psychotics and undifferentiated psychiatric patients displayed a common preference towards vocations associated with nutrition, design and social education and were more inclined to avoid technical and scientific occupations. The more introverted individuals expressed more interest for agriculturally-orientated occupations than extraverts, the latter group characterized by significantly greater interest towards commercially-related vocations involving a high degree of social involvement. Neurotics preferred both nutritional and agricultural occupational areas compared to their more stable counterparts. Furthermore, such high trait N Ss were less likely to select commercial trades. Persons with high scores on the P dimension were less inclined to choose administrative jobs than low P individuals. The more conformist P + individual (P + L +) exhibited a marked preference for creative, ‘gestalt’-oriented vocations. Low L scoring Ss expressed significantly more interest towards nutritional trades, and were likely to avoid commercial occupations.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in models of adaptive self-regulation. Recent research suggests that goal disengagement and goal reengagement (i.e., goal adjustment) are implicated in the self-regulation of emotion. This study extends the self-regulation research to investigate the utility of goal adjustment in understanding suicidal risk. To this end, two hundred adults hospitalised following a suicidal episode completed a range of clinical and psychological measures in hospital and were followed up approximately 2.5 months after discharge (Time 2). Hierarchical regression analyses showed that goal reengagement predicted suicidal ideation at Time 2. In addition, the lack of goal reengagement was especially pernicious when reported concomitantly with high disengagement. These predictive effects were independent of baseline mood, attempt status and suicidal intent. The theoretical and clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Although theoretical arguments suggest that impression management should be related to job performance, empirical results have been unsupportive of the association. We argue that this relationship, however, may be found for specific jobs (sales) using a specific objective criterion (sales revenue). We tested this hypothesis across two samples. The first sample utilized a concurrent design and found a significant association between impression management and objective job performance. Furthermore, impression management demonstrated incremental validity over conscientiousness. In the second sample, using a different impression management scale and a predictive design we found that impression management was related to sales revenue, and showed incremental validity over cognitive ability. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous research into the relationship between attributions and academic performance has produced contradictory findings that have not been resolved. The present research examines the role of specific dimensions of attributional style in predicting subsequent academic performance in a sample of pupils (N = 979) from both high‐ and low‐achieving schools. Hierarchical regression and moderation analyses indicate that internal, stable, and global, attributional styles for positive events predict higher levels of academic performance. Global attributions for negative events were related to poorer performance across all schools. Stable attributions for negative events were related to higher levels of performance in high‐achieving schools but not in low‐achieving schools. Higher levels of internality for negative events were associated with higher performance only in low achieving schools.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that advantages of hemispheric asymmetries originated in better cognitive processing, hence it is often implied that the relationship between hemispheric asymmetry and cognitive performance is linearly positive: the higher the degree of lateralization in a specific cognitive domain, the better the performance in a corresponding task. Yet, the empirical evidence for this notion is mixed and the statistical methods to analyze this relationship have been criticized. The present study therefore investigated the relationship between hemispheric asymmetries and cognitive performance in two behavioral tasks (a left-lateralized word-matching task and a right-lateralized face-decision task) in 230 participants (140 women, 90 men) by using two different approaches. Both methods correspondingly revealed that a relationship between hemispheric asymmetries and cognitive performance does exist. Contrary to a positive (linear) relationship however, the data could be best described by an inverted U-shaped curve. Although the optimal degree of lateralization seemed to be task-specific, a slight or moderate degree of hemispheric asymmetry achieved best cognitive performance in all tasks. Moreover, performances deteriorated towards extreme ends of lateralization (i.e., participants with either extreme left or right hemispheric biases). Taken together, the present study provides evidence against the notion that higher lateralization is related to enhanced cognitive performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the possibility that feedback regarding team performance may influence team members' reports of organizational citizenship behaviors. Ninety-five teams of business students (N = 412) participated in a labor-scheduling simulation over a local area network. Teams were provided with false negative, false positive, or neutral feedback regarding their performance. Results support the hypothesis that the perception of 2 forms of organizational citizenship behavior (helping behavior and civic virtue) in work groups may, in part. be a function of the nature of the performance feedback that group members receive. However, negative feedback appears to play a more critical role than positive feedback in this attributional process. Possible reasons for these findings, as well as their implications, are discussed.  相似文献   

A key insight from investigations of individual relative deprivation (IRD) is that people can experience objective disadvantages differently. In this study, university faculty (N = 953) who reported greater IRD in response to a mandatory furlough (i.e., involuntary pay reductions) were more likely to (a) voice options designed to improve the university (voice), (b) consider leaving their job (exit), and (c) neglect their work responsibilities (neglect), but were (d) less likely to express loyalty to the university (loyalty). Consistent with the emotions literature, (a) anger mediated the relationship between IRD and voice, (b) fear between IRD and exit, (c) sadness between IRD and neglect, and (d) gratitude between IRD and loyalty. IRD was inversely associated with self-reported physical and mental health via these different emotional pathways. These results show how discrete emotions can explain responses to IRD and, in turn, contribute to organizational viability and the health of its members.  相似文献   

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