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Of 96 male undergraduates, one-third saw a violent film which they were told represented a real event, one-third saw the same film presented as a fictional event, and the remaining subjects saw no film. One-half of the subjects in each group had been attacked previously by a confederate while the others had not. Each subject was then given an opportunity to aggress against the confederate by administering shocks to him as punishment in a learning task. Results indicate that subjects who observed real violence delivered stronger shocks to the confederate than subjects who viewed fantasy violence or saw no film. Subjects who were angered and saw the real film were the most punitive toward the confederate.  相似文献   

The cueing effects of interviewer praise contingent on a target behavior and expectation of behavior change were examined with six observers. Experiment I investigated the effect of cues in conjunction with expectation. Experiment II assessed the relative contributions of cues and expectation, and Experiment III examined the effect of cues in the absence of expectation. The frequencies of two behaviors, client eye contact and face touching, were held constant throughout a series of videotaped interviews between an "interviewer" and a "client". A within-subjects design was used in each experiment. During baseline conditions, praise did not follow eye contact by the client on the videotape. In all experimental conditions, praise statements from the interviewer followed each occurrence of eye contact with an equal number of praises delivered at random times when there was no eye contact. Three of the six observers dramatically increased their recordings of eye contact during the first experimental phase, but these increases were not replicated in a second praise condition. There were no systematic changes in recorded face touching. Witnessing the delivery of consequences, rather than expectation seemed to be responsible for the effect. This potential threat to the internal validity of studies using observational data may go undetected by interobserver agreement checks.  相似文献   

This study tested whether modeling and positive vicarious reinforcement produced imitation of a socially approved behavior. Eighty-eight fourth-grade girls were divided into four groups: three experimental and one control. The experimental groups watched a video tape of a peer model drawing. In one condition the model was praised; in the second, no praise was given and a short interval elapsed before the S could model the behavior; in the third, no praise was given and the S could model the behavior immediately. The control group watched a blank screen. Significant modeling effects occurred among those Ss exposed to the tapes (p < .001). Positive vicarious reinforcement, however, did not further facilitate the modeling effect. The data were discussed in light of the practicality and feasibility of using modeling procedures in the schools.  相似文献   

The present study investigated differences in processing times between positive and negative outcomes to an aggressive reaction to provocation. The effects of outcome, sex, trait aggressiveness and current mood on subsequent subject‐generated material were also examined. Fifty subjects read stories line by line on a computer screen. Reading time for the key sentence describing a positive or negative outcome to an aggressive reaction to provocation was recorded and subjects wrote a continuing sentence to half the stories. Subjects took less time to process the negative outcome. The positive outcome resulted in more subject‐generated aggression than the negative outcome. There were few sex differences but men wrote more aggressive endings than women for the stories containing physical aggression. Trait aggressiveness was correlated with producing more aggressive content in the continuing sentence for both outcomes. Feeling peaceful was correlated with producing prosocial material to neutral stories. Subjects therefore expect a negative outcome to aggressive behaviour. Reading stories which present a positive outcome to aggression increases the accessibility of aggressive cognitions. Subjects high in trait aggressiveness are not inhibited by a negative outcome. Aggr. Behav. 30:284–297, 2004. © 2004 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study represents a report on unexpected positive collateral benefits in the reduction of aggression. The treatment, for compliance across three classes of requests, resulted in the spontaneous reduction in non-targeted aggressive behavior across settings and time. An institutionalized adult male who was severely retarded and chronically aggressive served as the subject. Archival investigator- and facility staff-generated reports of aggressive episodes, based upon an operational definition in use for over a year at the time of the study, were used as dependent measures. A withdrawal design was used to demonstrate the collateral treatment effects upon aggression. The subject received positive treatment for his noncompliance within a multiple baseline across behavior classes design. Fifteen requests were presented to the subject in random order during each treatment session, compliant behavior was reinforced using praise and physical contact. Results of the compliance training showed immediate and marked increases in compliance with a collateral decrease in the incidents of aggression. While aggression increased during the nonintervention follow-up phase of the study, it remained significantly lower than baseline levels.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of television-mediated aggression and real-life aggression on the behavior of Lebanese children. The sample consisted of 48 boys and 48 girls of Lebanese origin who were students in an elementary school in Beirut, Lebanon. After controlling for pre-experimental aggression, the subjects were randomly assigned to one of the following treatment conditions: human-film aggression, cartoon-film aggression, neutral film, or real-life (act of war) aggression. The results indicated that boys as a group were more aggressive than girls and exhibited more imitative aggression after viewing both violent film and real-life violence. Girls were not more violent after viewing filmed aggression but were affected by the real-life violence. Comparisons of Bandura's work within the Lebanese culture are made.  相似文献   

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