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A total of 442 ninth-grade, black, inner city adolescents participated in a survey of their knowledge of human reproduction, level of self-esteem, and attitudes toward birth control and sexual intercourse. Ninety-two percent of the females and 33% of the males responded that they or they and their partner were responsible for using birth control. The 148 males perceiving contraceptive responsibility as belonging to their partner or no one were most accepting of sexual intercourse and agreed that teenage parenthood is an index of adulthood. Girls were nearly unanimous in their low level of acceptance of sexual intercourse. Annual birth statistics from their high school indicate, however, that a minimum of 13% of these ninth-grade girls will become pregnant in the ensuing academic year. The apparent contradictions of young adolescents' knowledge of and attitudes toward sexuality are discussed in the context of developmental theory.  相似文献   

There has been little research focus to date on individual level reactions to corporate citizenship. Our study attempted to understand better how corporate citizenship affects job behaviors and employee feelings by examining a hypothesized positive effect of perceived corporate citizenship (PCC) on 3 dependent variables: work‐role definitions, organizational citizenship behavior, and organizational identification. Additionally, the personal value of other‐regarding value orientation was hypothesized to interact with PCC. The findings supported 4 of 6 hypotheses. We consider theoretical and practical implications of how corporate citizenship impacts employees.  相似文献   

This study examined additive effects of various types of person–job and person–organization fit. Although numerous studies have investigated the correlates of various fit types, little research has examined whether the effects of different fit types are additive or convergent. The effects of multiple fit perceptions on job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and turnover intentions were examined. Results indicate additive effects of person–job and person–organization fit perceptions on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The effects of person–job fit perceptions on turnover intentions were also additive. However, person–organization and person–job fit had convergent effects on turnover intention. Results indicate that managers must pay attention to various fit types for positive job attitudes and to reduce turnover.  相似文献   

Nous présentons un modèle complétant les conceptions existantes de la relation entre employés et clients dans la domaine des services qui propose que la perception de l’efficacité du service par l’agent comme prédictive de l’efficacité du service perçue par le client. L’efficacité du service se réfère à la perception qu’ont les agents de répondre ou même d’aller au‐delà des attentes relatives au service de la part de l’organisation et des clients exteriors. Nous avons enquêté la relation entre l’efficacité du service, la maturité de l’équipe, et la qualité du service dans la filiale indienne d’une organisation internationale de produits de bureaux. Les agents de service appartenant à 18 équipes autonomes ont classé leur propre efficacitéà répondre aux attentes de la direction et des clients extérieurs. Les donées préexistantes sur la maturité de ces équipes étaient recueillies auprès l’organisation. 114 clients de la même société, choisi au hazard, évaluaient la qualité du service fourni, leur satisfaction de ce service et les effets attendus par le client. Nous avons trouvé des liaisons positives entre l’efficacité du service, la maturité du groupe et la qualité de service. Ces resultants servent à enrichir la littérature reliant les comportements des employés aux effets sur les clients pour les sociétés operant dans les economies émergeantes. We proposed a model complementing existing conceptions of the relationship between service employees and their customers, that proposes service effectiveness as an employee‐level predictor of customer‐perceived service quality. Service effectiveness refers to employees’ perceptions of meeting or even exceeding the service‐related expectations of the organisation and external customers. We investigated the relationship between service effectiveness, team maturity, and service quality in an Indian branch of an international office products organisation. Service employees belonging to 18 self‐managed teams rated their own effectiveness in meeting the expectations of management and external customers. Pre‐existing team maturity data for these teams were obtained from the organisation. Simultaneously, 114 randomly selected customers of the same company evaluated the quality of service provided, their satisfaction with the service, and intended customer outcomes. We found positive links between service effectiveness, group maturity, and service quality. These results also help extend the literature linking employee behaviors with customer outcomes to companies operating in emerging economies.  相似文献   

This study examines the effects of technological automation on explanations of why a person failed or succeeded at a task, and on evaluations of the user of technology. Subjects were presented with scenarios involving a photographer on an assignment. The scenarios manipulated 3 variables: (a) whether the camera was automatic or required skill, (b) experience level, and (c) whether the picture was a success or a failure. Subjects rated the picture's success or failure on attributions of ability and the technology. They also evaluated the photographer. Internal attribution was associated with technological devices requiring a greater amount of skill, while external attribution was associated with technological devices requiring less skill. When the picture was a success, ratings of internal attributions correlated positively with evaluations. When the picture was a failure, ratings of internal attributions correlated negatively with evaluations.  相似文献   

Main effects of personality on turnover have generally been weak. However, little previous research has considered its indirect effects. Personality may moderate the determinants of turnover. Using a sample of 192 hospital employees, this study examined the moderating effects of locus of control and ability to delay need gratification on the immediate determinants of turnover proposed by Mobley, Griffeth, Hand, and Meglino (1979). The findings generally indicated that the relative strength of the determinants of turnover varied as predicted. Implications for employee retention are discussed.  相似文献   

"存顺没宁"--论中国传统生死观及其现代意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为,中国传统生死观的主要内容包括:(1)关爱生命,珍视人生;(2)乐生恶死;(3)肯定死亡的积极意义;(4)存顺没宁.这些思想经过批判地改造,对于建立现代生命伦理学具有重要的积极意义.  相似文献   

Undergraduate students (96 female, 72 male) read 3 scenarios depicting either male or female characters with symptoms of depression, alcohol abuse, and common stress. Participants then completed measures assessing their attitudes about the character in the scenarios, as well as their level of social dominance orientation, empathy, adherence to traditional gender roles, and familiarity with mental illness. As predicted, participants who labeled the target mentally ill were more likely to view the target as dangerous. This, in turn, led to an increased desire for social distance. In contrast, empathy, although associated with increased likelihood of labeling, was associated with decreased desire for social distance. Implications of the results for reducing the social stigma of mental illness are discussed.  相似文献   

政治与关系视角的员工职业发展影响因素探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
刘军  宋继文  吴隆增 《心理学报》2008,40(2):201-209
通过对16家制造型企业中的343个员工、662个同事及343个直接领导的配对数据进行实证分析,文章探讨了员工的组织政治技能、政治知觉,以及他们与直接上司的关系对于员工职业发展的关系。多层线性分析模型(HLM)结果表明:员工的政治技能有助于促进其与领导之间形成良好的关系(guanxi),并籍此积极影响个人在组织中的职业发展,员工-领导关系是政治技能与职业发展之间的中介变量。另外,组织政治知觉影响政治技能对领导关系的作用,在政治氛围浓重的组织中,员工-领导关系更易受到员工政治技能的影响  相似文献   

Recently, occupational researchers have emphasized the need to examine both work and leisure activities as complementary components for total individual self-fulfillment. This research examined the complementary relationships between vocational and avocational pursuits in a study of a single occupation. Since the occupation was service and community based and emphasized social responsibility and relating to others, these were the primary vocational constructs examined. These variables were related to leisure variables and the resulting relationships were examined. A profile relating vocational and avocational aspects for a particular occupation was postulated.  相似文献   

This investigation examined potential moderators of the longitudinal relation between negative affectivity and drinking. Specifically tested was the degree to which alcohol expectancies and coping styles moderate the relation between negative affectivity in early adolescence and drinking in middle and late adolescence. Four hundred ninety nine early adolescents completed inventories of negative affectivity, coping style, and tension reduction expectancies, and were followed up with inventories of drinking in middle and late adolescence. Constructive coping moderated the relation between negative affectivity and drinking in middle adolescence, such that only those with poor coping skills exhibited this positive relation. Although early negative affectivity was directly related to drinking in late adolescence, no interactions between negative affectivity and expectancies or coping were detected for drinking at that age. This absence of consistent moderating effects indicates significant limitations in the ability of the traditionally-conceived affect regulation model to reliably predict adolescent drinking. This research was conducted at the Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research (CEDAR) which is located in the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh and is supported by grant P50-DA-05605 from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.  相似文献   

The construct of customer service is taking on an ever increasing level of importance in today's global economy. Organizations need a way to identify those individuals who have the demeanor to effectively serve the public. The present study discusses the development and validation of a personality-based instrument which organizations can use to select high-quality service providers. Multiple converging sources of validity are discussed. Specifically, the authors collected validity evidence using customer related (vs. supervisor) ratings, an area relatively neglected in the service literature. Evidence suggests that customer ratings are viable and an important criterion for use in the validation of customer service instruments. Implications of these findings are discussed in terms of both workplace intervention and future research.  相似文献   

The results of three investigations of the validity and economics of the lost-letter technique are reported. Although the return rate of the lost-letter technique was higher than in the case of more obtrusive survey techniques involving hand-distributed postcard questionnaires and mail surveys, the more obtrusive survey techniques were more economical to carry out, were more accurate in their predictions of election outcomes, and gave results more highly consistent among themselves than with the results obtained by the lost-letter technique. Furthermore, the results indicated that the act of returning a lost letter may not be strongly affected by the identity of the sender or addressee indicated on the letter.  相似文献   

Past studies of elections have shown that candidates whose names were listed at the beginning of a list on a ballot often received more votes by virtue of their position. This article tests speculations about the cognitive mechanisms that might be responsible for producing the effect. In an experiment embedded in a large national Internet survey, participants read about the issue positions of two hypothetical candidates and voted for one of them in a simulated election in which candidate name order was varied. The expected effect of position appeared and was strongest (1) when participants had less information about the candidates on which to base their choices, (2) when participants felt more ambivalent about their choices, (3) among participants with more limited cognitive skills, and (4) among participants who devoted less effort to the candidate evaluation process. The name‐order effect was greater among left‐handed people when the candidate names were arrayed horizontally, but there was no difference between left‐ and right‐handed people when the names were arrayed vertically. These results reinforce some broad theoretical accounts of the cognitive process that yield name‐order effects in elections.  相似文献   

Drawing on substitutes for leadership theory, we revisit an often taken‐for‐granted assumption that transformational leadership is a universally positive management practice by examining subordinate‐based aspects attenuating the relationship between transformational leadership and followers’ citizenship and taking charge. Using data collected from 196 followers and their leaders situated in 55 workgroups in 2 Chinese organizations, we found that followers’ citizenship and taking charge were not influenced by transformational leadership when followers perceived leaders as prototypical and were highly identified with their workgroups. Furthermore, following a differential pattern for citizenship and taking charge, followers’ traditionality weakened the relationship with citizenship, whereas followers’ learning goal orientation attenuated the relationship with taking charge. Introducing contingencies and specifying their underlying logic broadens the current theoretical spectrum for both substitutes for leadership and transformational leadership.  相似文献   

In everyday life, the meaning—and thus the consequences—of social comparisons are shaped by the interpersonal relationship with the comparison target. In two studies, undergraduates described 1,863 naturally occurring upward social comparisons. Participants ascribed higher ability levels to themselves when they had an ongoing competition or close (but not extremely close) relationship with the upward comparison target. Participants ascribed lower ability levels to distant and disliked targets (especially when their standing relative to a disliked target was personally important). Thus, perceived differences between the abilities of the self and the target were minimized when the target was disliked, moderately close, or a rival. These findings extend and qualify findings from laboratory studies of how upward comparisons affect ability judgments.  相似文献   

Difference in the Formation of Attitude Toward Nuclear Power   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Determinants of attitudes toward nuclear power in Japan were assessed in a March 1999 survey. The results suggested that persons with interest in and knowledge about nuclear power judged its acceptability on the basis of their perceptions of the sufficiency of electric power and the risks of nuclear power, whereas persons with no interest in and knowledge of nuclear power did not respond on this basis. Although both types of respondents based acceptability on their trust in nuclear power operation and their perception of efficiency, the influence of perception of efficiency on acceptability was stronger for the interested and knowledgeable respondents than for the others. These results partially support the elaboration likelihood model or dual process theory.  相似文献   

In addition to large, rural, pristine natural areas, urban open space is increasingly viewed as harboring small pockets of indigenous flora and fauna that need to be protected. We examined the consistency of attitudes toward protecting the natural environment among tropical rainforests, regional natural areas of the midwestern United States, and local open space within the Chicago metropolitan region. We also examined the moderating effects of issue importance, environmental ideology, and objective knowledge on attitude consistency. When environmental protection was rated as important, attitudes toward protecting tropical rainforests, regional forests, and local open space were more consistent with each other than when the issue was unimportant. Persons with distinct environmental ideologies differed in the extent to which their attitudes toward environmental protection at the three geographic levels were consistent.  相似文献   

Moderational and mediational models of the relationships among appraisals, interparental conflict, and children's adjustment were tested in a sample of 174 families with a school-age child. Parents rated children's exposure to interparental conflict and internalizing, externalizing, and total behavior problems. Children completed questionnaires regarding their appraisals of their parents' conflicts, including frequency and intensity, perceived threat, control, and self-blame, as well as measures of anxiety and depression. Results overall demonstrated more consistent support for the moderational than mediational hypotheses. Appraisals of conflict properties, threat, self-blame, and perceived control moderated the effects of interparental conflict on externalizing, total problems, and anxiety in boys. Conflict properties, threat, self-blame, perceived control, and self-calming acted as moderators of internalizing in girls.  相似文献   

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