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Although counseling older individuals requires the use of basic helping skills, other complementary phases of working with this special population must be addressed. This article outlines the multiple-loss aspect of the aging individual's environment and suggests some specific strategies for assisting these persons to realize their ongoing potential and residual personal strength.  相似文献   

Internet addiction is a new and often unrecognized clinical disorder that can cause relational, occupational, and social problems. Pathological gambling is compared to problematic internet use because of overlapping diagnostic criteria. As computers are used with great frequency, detection and diagnosis of internet addiction is often difficult. Symptoms of a possible problem may be masked by legitimate use of the internet. Clinicians may overlook asking questions about computer use. To help clinicians identify internet addiction in practice, this paper provides an overview of the problem and the various subtypes that have been identified. The paper reviews conceptualizations of internet addiction, various forms that the disorder takes, and treatment considerations for working with this emergent client population.  相似文献   

就业能力的内涵和关注焦点随着时代的发展而不断演变,研究者日益聚焦于个体特征及其与情境因素的互动对就业能力的内在结构进行探索,并尝试更多地开发和采用多维、多源测量工具。在西方,以就业能力为前因变量、后果变量、中介变量和调节变量的实证研究已取得丰富成果,但也仍存在诸多分歧和局限。在我国,进行本土化就业能力结构和测量探索以及围绕无边界职涯条件下就业能力的形成、发展过程和整体作用机制开展相关实证研究很有必要。  相似文献   

The two approaches described here may clarify the role of design in sociocultural evolution by making best use of information already available. The first, holistic in nature, explores possible advantages of a convergence between the design, systems, and social evolution communities which, to date, have worked largely in isolation of one another. The benefits of juxtaposing the three disciplines are examined by reviewing three works on social evolution for their insights into design practice. The second approach is reductionist in nature, and proposes working across the evolutionary literatures of disciplines contiguous with design, again in order to quickly inform design practice. The two approaches are considered complementary rather than exclusionary.  相似文献   

The Motivations to Volunteer: Theoretical and Practical Considerations   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Why do significant numbers of people engage in the unpaid helping activities known as volunteerism? Drawing on functional theorizing about the reasons, purposes, and motivations underlying human behavior, we have identified six personal and social functions potentially served by volunteering. In addition to developing an inventory to assess these motivational functions, our program of research has explored the role of motivation in the processes of volunteerism, especially decisions about becoming a volunteer in the first place and decisions about continuing to volunteer.  相似文献   

A comparison is made between group-analytic and group focal conflict theory in terms of the conceptualization of the group as a whole; the emergence of group-level phenomena from the interaction of individuals; the associative flow as the material for therapy; facilitative and nonfacilitative group conditions; the therapist's aims on behalf of the persons in the group and perceived routes toward therapeutic gain; general factors contributing to therapeutic gain; specific factors contributing to therapeutic gain; and the therapist's role. Differences in terminology are examined to determine whether and how they reflect differences in substance. Many similarities and some differences in emphasis can be shown to exist. Both approaches generate respect for the power and potential of the group to support significant reexperiencing, with attendant opportunities for personal benefit and change.  相似文献   

Photo-elicitation is a qualitative interview technique where researchers solicit responses, reactions, and insights from participants by using photographs or other images as stimuli. Images can be researcher-generated or participant-generated and each has particular benefits and challenges. Though not new, the use of images within criminology is an underused technique. In this paper we advocate the use of photo-elicitation techniques suggesting that they offer a powerful addition to standard data collection and presentation techniques. In making our case, we draw on our experiences from an 18-month long photo-ethnography of people living in rural Alabama who use methamphetamine. The ethnography consisted of formal interviews and informal observations with 52 participants and photography of 29 of them. While we draw on our overall experiences from the project we focus specifically on the photographs generated by, and taken of, one key participant—Alice. We demonstrate the benefits and challenges of using photo elicitation interviews with vulnerable individuals such as Alice, by considering themes such as representation, empowerment and emotionality. Additionally, we highlight the practical and ethical issues that confront researchers who incorporate the visual into their research.  相似文献   

Child maltreatment (CM) is a major health problem in U.S. society, with 872,000 substantiated cases reported in 2004 and unofficial rates ranging from 2 to 10 million cases per year. Depending on the severity, CM can negatively affect a child's physical, emotional, and psychological functioning and development immediately following an abuse incident or incidents; in severe cases, it can affect adult functioning. The author examines the empirically supported research related to the incidence, consequences, treatment effectiveness, and models of treatment for CM.  相似文献   

Given the fundamental importance of higher-order cognitive skills for military personnel, increasing learning efficiency during training is paramount. The current article expands upon the state-based information-loss processing model, a comprehensive framework elucidating the processes involved in acquiring higher-order cognitive skills, to enumerate best practices for military training. Emphasis is placed on identifying empirically supported, state-of-the-art learning efficiency strategies and methodologies to address points of information loss throughout the learning process. Implications and pragmatic recommendations for simulation-based military training are discussed.  相似文献   

Using the psychoanalytic self-psychology of Heinz Kohut as the theoretical foundation of this article, the authors discuss the role of shame in adolescent suicidal behaviors. Shame is described as a central component of suicidal behavior within the context of adolescence, a fundamental stage in the development of the healthy self. Normal and pathological self-development are described and important issues pertaining to the development of the self during adolescence are explored. A theoretical explanation of adolescent suicidal behavior from a self-psychology perspective is offered. Finally, suggestions for treatment of the suicidal adolescent and an illustrative clinical vignette are presented.  相似文献   


In the late seventies, behavioural medicine was conceptualized as a promising area for the application of cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) to medical problems. Although many studies have been published in which CBT has been applied to somatic conditions, they do not always call it behavioural medicine. It is uncertain if the term “behavioural medicine” is the most appropriate to use in the future; its impact on medicine and psychology can be questioned. However, in this paper it is concluded that CBT has great potential in the treatment of somatic conditions. In addition, practical considerations when applying CBT in multidisciplinary somatic team situations are discussed. A combined “scientist-practitioner” role is seen as especially promising for the introduction of CBT in a context wider than isolated research studies.  相似文献   

Pragmatic differentiation in bilinguals is the ability to use two languages appropriately with different speakers. Although some sensitivity emerges by 2 years, the effects of context on these skills and their relation to other developing metacognitive capacities have not been examined. The current study compared the language use of 28 bilingual children (aged 2;7 to 3;10 and 4;1 to 4;11) across two tasks. All children were bilingual in English and Marathi, an Indian language. Theory of mind measures were included to assess whether developing cognitive capacities relate to pragmatic language ability. Results indicated that pragmatic differentiation is not an all-or-none ability but one which develops during the preschool years and varies based on the conversational context. This development is also related to metacognitive abilities which emerge during this time.  相似文献   

The present study provided data on the cross-national use of management selection methods by collecting information from the Australian context. The data is compared with the British and French findings obtained by Shackleton and Newell (1991). A total of 254 companies (53.4%) responded to the survey. The overall pattern of results indicated that Australian management selection methods were closer to the British than to the French findings. Compared to previous Australian studies, the present data indicated that the main selection tools being used are unchanged. Some evidence was found that selection methods may differ within organizations comprising the private sector and between the private and public sector. The business sector made significantly greater use of cognitive testing and assessment centres compared to manufacturing, retail and government sectors. The government sector reported a significant difference in using two or three interviewers. It is proposed that, although surveys of this type have been useful as general reviews of the area, future research would benefit by collecting: (1) data on the specific measures used, (2) distinguishing between internal and external recruitment, (3) distinguishing between private and public sector recruitment, and (4) ensuring respondents have the same conceptual understanding of the selection methods covered by the survey.  相似文献   

The goals of this research were to describe the process of identifying and recruiting individuals registered with a cancer center's cancer registry who were eligible to participate in cancer genetic research. This study specifically focused on younger women with personal and family cancer histories strongly suggestive of hereditary breast cancer syndromes, as determined by genetic counselor review. Of special interest was to determine the proportion of women from minority backgrounds who were (a) identifiable in this manner and (b) interested in genetic testing for hereditary breast cancer through a family cancer clinical research program. An initial query of the 292 cases of women newly affected with breast cancer and contained within the registry indicated that 124 met demographic eligibility criteria. The personal and family cancer histories of each of these women were then reviewed by a genetic counselor and the remaining, eligible patients (n = 31) were subsequently contacted by mail and telephone: approximately three-fifths (18/31) of these patients were White and two-fifths (13/31) were Black or of another racial background. Of the women who were sent one or more study-related mailings, 10% (3/31) were unreachable by telephone due to incorrect contact information, 32% (10/31) were reachable by telephone but unresponsive to messages left, 26% (8/31) had already participated in the family cancer program (i.e., were positive controls), 6% (2/31) were interested in participating in the program, 23% (7/31) were uninterested in participating in the program, and 3% (1/31) were later determined to be ineligible. Comparing the racial backgrounds of women who were either positive controls or interested in participating (i.e., “tester” category) to women who were either unreachable, nonresponsive, uninterested, or ineligible (i.e., “nontester” category), there was a nonsignificant trend for more non-White women to fall into the nontester than tester category, Fisher's Exact Test = .09. This work underscores practical steps in planning and carrying-out cancer genetic testing research among women newly affected with breast cancer and members of special populations. It also underscores the role that genetic counseling professionals play in this process.  相似文献   

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