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Current knowledge on the neuronal substrates of Pavlovian conditioning in animals and man is briefly reviewed. First, work on conditioning in aplysia, that has showed amplified pre-synaptic facilitation as the basic mechanism of associative learning, is summarized. Then, two exemplars of associative learning in vertebrates, fear conditioning in rodents and eyelid conditioning in rabbits, are described and research into its neuronal substrates discussed. Research showing the role of the amygdala in fear conditioning and of the cerebellum in eyelid conditioning is reviewed, both at the circuit and cellular plasticity levels. Special attention is given to the parallelism suggested by this research between the neuronal mechanisms of conditioning and the principles of formal learning theory. Finally, recent evidence showing a similar role of the amygdala and of the cerebellum in human Pavlovian conditioning is discussed.  相似文献   

Lisa S. Scott  Eswen Fava 《Visual cognition》2013,21(9-10):1364-1391
Face recognition is characterized in part by biases resulting in enhanced perception and memory for individuals within frequently encountered groups and impaired recognition for individuals within uncommonly encountered groups. These biases are found across multiple categories and levels, including species, race, age, and gender (Scherf & Scott, 2012). At the highest level of categorization, human adults and nonhuman primates exhibit improved recognition (Dufour, Pascalis, & Petit, 2006; Pascalis & Bachevalier, 1998) and discrimination abilities (Pascalis, de Haan, & Nelson, 2002) for individuals within their own species, reflecting what has been called an “own-species” or “species-specific” bias in face processing. The own-species bias is a model system for delineating the role of experience and the developmental trajectory of face-processing biases, for further understanding the malleability of face biases in adults, and for examining and comparing face-processing abilities across species. Here, we will review findings from studies investigating the perception of other-species faces during development, into adulthood and across species.  相似文献   

The nature of word recognition difficulties in developmental dyslexia is still a topic of controversy. We investigated the contribution of phonological processing deficits and uncertainty to the word recognition difficulties of dyslexic children by mathematical diffusion modeling of visual and auditory lexical decision data. The first study showed that poor visual lexical decision performance of reading disabled children was mainly due to a delay in the evaluation of word characteristics, suggesting impaired phonological processing. The adoption of elevated certainty criteria by the disabled readers suggests that uncertainty contributed to the visual word recognition impairments as well. The second study replicated the outcomes for visual lexical decision with formally diagnosed dyslexic children. In addition, during auditory lexical decision, dyslexics presented with reduced accuracy, which also resulted from delayed evaluation of word characteristics. Since orthographic influences are diminished during auditory lexical decision, this strengthens the phonological processing deficit account. Dyslexic children did not adopt heightened certainty criteria during auditory lexical decision, indicating that uncertainty solely impairs reading and not listening.  相似文献   

Although prevalence rates vary, 6% to 28% of individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities (IDDs) engage in inappropriate sexual behavior (ISB), ranging from public masturbation to sexually aggressive behavior. Along with increased risk for contacting the criminal justice system, people with IDDs who display ISB may encounter negative social consequences, restricted community access and barriers to independence, and a variety of counter-therapeutic outcomes. The purpose of the present review is to highlight recent, efficacious behavior-analytic treatments for ISB in individuals with IDDs. Ethical considerations and areas for future research will be discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, I discuss the current state of theorising about dual processes in adult performance on reasoning and decision making tasks, in which Type 1 intuitive processing is distinguished from Type 2 reflective thinking. I show that there are many types of theory some of which distinguish modes rather than types of thinking and that assumptions about underlying cognitive architecture vary. I show that some dual-system theories have been replaced recently by the idea that we have two or more distinct ‘minds’ with different evolutionary histories. I also present the most recent formulation of my own account of dual processing within hypothetical thinking theory, at a level more easily applied to performance on specific tasks. I then consider implications for cognitive development, pointing out that while Type 2 thinking is clearly linked to the development of cognitive ability, it combines and competes with multiple Type 1 processing systems which persist in adult cognition, each of which could have their own developmental time course. Hence, while dual-process theories can and should inspire much research and theory in cognitive development, the derivation of predictions for cognitive development is far from straightforward.  相似文献   

This paper reviews those research studies which have investigated suicidal behaviour in the context of the family. It is proposed that in families a subculture of distress management develops not from random deviations but from familial and cultural expectations of how distress can be managed. A number of factors are presented indicating suicide potential:
  • a pattern of marked hostility,

  • a pattern of role disturbance and role failure,

  • a process of escalation when developmental crises occur in the management of family life-cycle transitions,

  • a symbiotic attachment between partners which tolerates no autonomy,

  • an intolerance of crisis,

  • a relationship between the management of crises, family conflict and family organization,

  • suicidal behaviour as a pattern of communication.

A family tradition of crisis management by symptoms and the presence of intra-familial conflict are seen as critical variables.  相似文献   

Returns to a prior topic occurring in the conversations of small groups of acquainted peers were examined to learn more about how topic is organized in such settings and how it changes with age. Twenty-five discussion groups were formed, five at each of the following grades: second, fifth, ninth, twelfth, and college. The eighth meeting of each group was examined, comprising 13,811 speaking turns total, which includes 502 returns other than those occurring after side sequences. There are three main findings. First, at all ages, returns were frequently used to counter attempts at topic change. This finding warranted the creation of a model for the negotiation of topic change that includes returns. Second, there were no age differences in the means used for negotiating topic change, but there were substantial age differences in the way these means were actually employed. These differences suggest that adolescents and young adults adopt a consensual orientation to topic negotiation. Third, other results suggest that that consensual orientation to topic negotiation is a generalization of the consensus orientation to topic maintenance that is acquired during childhood.  相似文献   

Imaginary audience and personal fable: a brief review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J M Buis  D N Thompson 《Adolescence》1989,24(96):773-781
A review of the literature was conducted on two aspects of adolescent egocentrism: the imaginary audience and the personal fable. Results yielded contradictory findings in most areas of the research. Reasons for these contradictions are explored and suggestions for future research presented.  相似文献   

Solution-focused brief therapy: a review of the outcome research   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) is a new and increasingly used therapeutic approach that focuses on helping clients construct solutions rather than solve problems. The approach evolved in a clinical context amid many anecdotal reports of success from both therapists and clients, but it has not been subjected to controlled empirical testing until very recently. In this article we critically review all of the controlled outcome studies of SFBT to date (N = 15) to assess the extent to which SFBT has received empirical support. Five studies were well-controlled and all showed positive outcomes--four found SFBT to be better than no treatment or standard institutional services, and one found SFBT to be comparable to a known intervention: Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depression (IPT). Findings from the remaining 10 studies, which we consider moderately or poorly controlled, were consistent with a hypothesis of SFBT effectiveness. We conclude that the 15 studies provide preliminary support for the efficacy of SFBT but do not permit a definitive conclusion. Our critique highlights areas where methodology in future studies can be strengthened to provide more conclusive evidence of SFBT efficacy.  相似文献   

While it can reasonable be said that parents have been the leaders in infant mental health research for much longer, the literature traces our beginnings only to the early decades of this century. Early work focused on the astonishing developmental changes in infants deprived of maternal contact during hospitalization, and early questions arose about the possibility of lifelong psychological disorder resulting from such early deprivation. Later research demonstrated that even though the infants are clearly vulnerable, they are also active and very much a reciprocating part of the attachment process. Most recently we have learned to understand caregiver-infant interaction as a display of both the joys and the conflicts in relationship, and methods of intervention are slowly evolving.  相似文献   

Early predictors of male delinquency: a review   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  

Numerous reports indicate that the incidence of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in returning OEF/OIF military personnel is creating a significant healthcare challenge. These findings have served to motivate research on how to better develop and disseminate evidence-based treatments for PTSD. Virtual Reality delivered exposure therapy for PTSD has been previously used with reports of positive outcomes. This article details how virtual reality applications are being designed and implemented across various points in the military deployment cycle to prevent, identify and treat combat-related PTSD in OIF/OEF Service Members and Veterans. The summarized projects in these areas have been developed at the University of Southern California Institute for Creative Technologies, a U.S. Army University Affiliated Research Center, and this paper will detail efforts to use virtual reality to deliver exposure therapy, assess PTSD and cognitive function and provide stress resilience training prior to deployment.  相似文献   

A brief history of the background of drug discrimination research is given, focusing on the concepts of "drug dissociation" or state-dependent learning; an alternative explanation to the state dependency concept is to view the drug as a discriminative stimulus. In drug discrimination learning both a qualitative and a quantitative dimension is identified as governing the discrimination, examples of which are provided in the text. Examples of how drug discrimination techniques may assist in future research are outlined.  相似文献   

Visual inspection of data is a common method for understanding, responding to, and communicating important behavior-environment relations in single-subject research. In a field that was once dominated by cumulative, moment-to-moment records of behavior, a number of graphic forms currently exist that aggregate data into larger units. In this paper, we describe the continuum of aggregation that ranges from distant to intimate displays of behavioral data. To aid in an understanding of the conditions under which a more intimate analysis is warranted (i.e., one that provides a richer analysis than that provided by condition or session aggregates), we review a sample of research articles for which within-session data depiction has enhanced the visual analysis of applied behavioral research.  相似文献   

Three studies investigated developmental changes in immanent justice responding by asking participants to respond to vignettes in which a person's bad behaviour was followed by a negative consequence. Study 1 consisted of 152 sixth graders and 128 college students and presented participants with a vignette that examined the notion of bad people deserving to get ill. Study 2 consisted of 185 sixth graders and 154 college students and examined whether children and adults reasoned that that bad behaviour would actually cause the illness. Study 3 consisted of 96 third graders, 115 fifth graders, and 114 college students, and presented participants with vignettes that examined negative behaviours and consequences. Contrary to expectations based on traditional and contemporary developmental theories, all three studies demonstrated more evidence of immanent justice responding among adults than among elementary school children. These results call into question the comprehensiveness of traditional and contemporary developmental theories, and suggest the need to examine cognitive reasoning in adulthood when constructing developmental theories.  相似文献   

D A de Rosenroll 《Adolescence》1987,22(88):791-802
This paper reviews six articles which appear to be representative of the past fifteen years during which researchers have focused on early adolescent egocentrism. Each article is described in chronological order and compared to research findings suggested by the other articles. Although the researchers have suggested some interesting associations, there is a lack of consistency among their findings. The author indicates methodological problems and questions for further research which arise from the reviewed articles.  相似文献   

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