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This study focused on the effects of family type, family relationships and socialization on alcohol consumption and delinquent behaviour among Flemish adolescents. Data came from the second round of the Leuven Adolescents and Families Study and were collected in 2010 by paper-and-pencil questionnaires in 10 different secondary schools (N = 1,688). The results show that children living in non-intact families are more likely to be delinquent and to drink alcohol at an age it is not legally allowed (below 16 years old). High delinquent behaviour is found among boys in single parent families and among girls in stepfamilies. For alcohol use the reverse is true. A good relationship with the same-sex parent is negatively associated with delinquency. High interparental conflict increases delinquency for boys and alcohol use for girls. Parental role models are highly important, since drinking behaviour of parents, and especially the same-sex parent, are positively associated with externalising problems of children.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess any differences in psychosocial problems among adolescents living with both parents, or with their mother or their father. Any benefits of living with a same-sex parent compared to a parent of the opposite sex, was also analysed. A total of 1,686 adolescents aged 14-15 years participated from 29 schools in Hordaland county, including schools in downtown Bergen and more rural areas. The findings revealed significantly more psychosocial problems among the adolescents living with one parent compared to both parents. Significant differences were also observed between adolescents living in mother custody compared to father custody, indicating more problems among the latter group. Furthermore, girls living with their father had significantly higher levels of psychological symptoms, compared to boys in father custody. Similarly, boys living with their father were involved in more stealing behavior than girls in father custody. However, residence arrangement accounted for only a limited proportion of the variance in the adolescents' psychosocial problems, indicating large within-group variance and overlap between the different custody groups.  相似文献   

Many preventive intervention studies with adolescents address high-risk behaviors such as drug and alcohol use, and unprotected sex. Randomized controlled trials (RCT) are the gold standard methodology used to test the effectiveness of these behavioral interventions. Interventions outside the rigidly described protocol are prohibited. However, there are ethical challenges to implementing inflexible intervention protocols, especially when the target population is young, experiences many stressful events, and lives in a resource-poor environment. Teens who are at high risk for substance use or sexual risk behaviors tend to be at risk for other problems such as exposure to violence, sexual and physical abuse, depression, and homelessness. How should investigators deal with the psychological and social needs of teenagers in prevention programs in an ethically appropriate way and at the same time preserve the validity of RCT results? We have identified program characteristics, participant characteristics, interaction with parents, and problems with adolescents not in the study as sources of ethical dilemmas in RCT with at-risk adolescents. As a result of our experience, we recommend that every behavioral intervention study develop an ethics protocol, which should include rules for providing help to participants, has contact information for experts to provide guidance, and an emergency procedure for dealing with life threatening situations. In addition, studies should have a resource manual, train research staff in these ethical issues, and work with a data safety and monitoring board or ethics committee.  相似文献   

Research suggests that children of single parents are at heightened risk of precocious sexual behavior, STDs, and other risky sexual outcomes. However, few such studies have addressed the type of single-parent family (single mother or single father), or differences across other-sex parent–child dyads. While gender essentialist models assume differences among youth living only with mothers or with fathers, constructivist models propose more flexible modes of parenting that lead to more similar outcomes. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (n?=?2570) on youth between the ages of 15 and 19, we compared sexually-related outcomes among adolescents, both boys and girls, who lived with a single mother or a single father. These outcomes include sexual intercourse and knowledge, use of contraception, attitudes toward intimacy and pregnancy, and diagnosis of sexually-transmitted diseases. The results from linear and logistic regression models indicated few differences between single-mother and single-father families, or between same-sex and opposite-sex parent–child matches, using p values of .05 or smaller. Our results called into question essentialist models that posit higher risks for adolescents living with a particular parent or with an opposite-sex parent.  相似文献   

Utilizing longitudinal data from a project that examined the post-divorce lives of mothers and adolescents, we addressed two questions: (a) Does exposure to negative maternal disclosure about the ex-husband/father impact adolescents’ perceptions of the father-adolescent relationship? and (b) Are adolescents with low emotional autonomy and high emotional inter-reactivity especially vulnerable? Participants were 154 adolescents, who ranged in age from 12 to 18 years at wave two. Although there was no significant bivariate association between maternal negative disclosure about the father and father-adolescent relationship quality, boys’ level of emotional autonomy and emotional inter-reactivity moderated the association between maternal negative disclosure and the father–adolescent relationship. As hypothesized, boys with lower levels of emotional autonomy and higher levels of emotional inter-reactivity vis-à-vis their mothers perceived a lower quality of relationship with their father when their mother frequently disclosed negatively about the ex-husband/father. Research and applied implications are discussed.  相似文献   

A robust literature links childhood sexual abuse (CSA) to later substance use and sexual risk behavior; yet, relatively little empirical attention has been devoted to identifying the mechanisms linking CSA to risky behavior among youth, with even less work examining such processes in boys. With the aim of addressing this gap in the literature, the current study examined the indirect effect of childhood sexual abuse (CSA; from age 2 to 12) trajectory group on risky behavior at age 14 (alcohol use & sexual intercourse) via the intervening role of caregiver-reported internalizing and externalizing problems at age 12. Analyses were conducted with a subsample of youth (n?=?657 sexual intercourse; n?=?667 alcohol use) from the Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect (LONGSCAN), a multisite prospective study of youth at risk for maltreatment. For boys and girls, there was an indirect effect from CSA to sexual intercourse through externalizing problems. The same pattern emerged for alcohol use, but only for girls. Findings did not support an indirect path through internalizing problems for either boys or girls for either outcome. Findings suggest more focal targets for prevention efforts aimed at maintaining the health and safety of maltreated boys and girls during the adolescent transition.  相似文献   

A high rate of suicide attempts and suicide ideation characterized a sample of 229 grade 7 to 9 adolescents resident on seven reserves in central Alberta. The prevalence of suicidality for these adolescent Indians was very similar to rates reported for Navajo youth and for 8th- and 10th-grade American non-Indian students. Comparison of Indian and non-Indian suicidality risk factors showed somewhat elevated levels of family disruption and psychological problems among Indian adolescents. Compared to Canadian nonadolescents, substance abuse levels were high, and conditions necessary to modeling were virtually omnipresent. Suicide ideation was significantly elevated for Indian adolescents with low psychological well-being, no father in the home, and a prior suicide in the household. Controlling for age, risk factors for suicide attempts were heavy alcohol use, no father in the home, sleeping problems, and low psychological well-being. The high rates of adolescent Native suicide imply that a much higher proportion of their suicide attempts succeed. Targeted, community-based counselling and educational programs are needed to address these problems.  相似文献   

王争艳  赵冬艳  雷雳 《心理学报》2007,39(6):1063-1073
采用问卷法探讨了亲子间性话题沟通风格与青少年性行为、性态度的关系,并考查了亲子依恋的调节效应。结果发现:(1)两个关于性别、父母职业和受教育程度的多元方差分析表明:男生与女生在与父亲和母亲的性话题沟通开放性上均没有显著差异,与父亲和母亲性话题沟通的舒适感上有显著差异。男生与父亲的性话题沟通风格好于与母亲的,而女生与母亲的性话题沟通风格好于与父亲的。父母的职业和受教育程度以及青少年性别、父母职业、受教育程度的交互作用不显著;(2)进一步的结构方程模型分析表明:青少年与父母性话题沟通开放性对性行为具有显著的负向预测作用,对不赞同同伴性行为的态度具有显著的正向预测作用;而青少年与父母性话题沟通舒适感对不赞同同伴性行为的态度具有显著的负向预测作用;(3)依恋对性话题沟通和青少年的性行为的关系有显著的调节作用,与完全安全依恋的家庭相比,在与父母依恋都不安全的家庭中,青少年与父母性话题沟通的开放性对青少年的性行为有更强的预测力  相似文献   

This study measured the relationship between sexting and risky sexual practices among school-going adolescents (N = 502, 53.8% female). Correlates of sexting to consistent condom use, age at sexual debut, transactional sex, intergenerational sex and multiple sexual partners were calculated. Prevalence of sexting was 13%, with boys twice more likely to have sent a sext compared to girls. Significant associations existed between sexting and sexual intercourse (95% CI 2.57–7.82), multiple lifetime sexual partners (95% CI 2.48–10.746) and intergenerational sex (95% CI 1.06–4.9). Condom use was significantly higher among girls (p < 0.001). Interventions targeting adolescents are likely to have higher impact if they address harmful effects of sexting.  相似文献   

The association between intimate partner aggression and alcohol and other substance use problems is well-established in the literature. However, the nature and scope of alcohol and other substance use problems in women who seek or are likely to seek domestic violence shelter services is difficult to ascertain. The first goal of the current review was to identify and synthesize the findings of studies in which alcohol and other substance use, problem use, or diagnoses in shelter residents was assessed. Despite methodological limitations, this body of studies provides compelling evidence that a substantial number of domestic violence shelter residents (22–72%) have current or past problems with alcohol or other substances and may benefit from treatment. The second goal of the current review was to provide an overview of the availability and limitations of options that are currently available to address domestic violence shelter residents' substance abuse treatment needs. Although substance abuse is a largely under-met need of women seeking domestic violence shelter, promising findings from model integrated treatment programs, as well as the knowledge gained through implementation of these programs provide useful future directions for addressing these co-occurring issues.  相似文献   

On the basis of an online survey of 352 teenagers aged between 16 and 19, the use of pornographic video clips and films was investigated along with the connection between this use and indicators of adolescents?? perceived autonomy, peer group influences, and notions of sexuality. We found that many adolescents regularly use pornographic video clips or films. Respondents who regard themselves as less independent of their environment, especially their parents, use pornography more frequently themselves. For girls, this also applies if they assess the use within their peer group as particularly extensive, and for boys, if they frequently discuss pornography within their peer group. A high level of consumption of sexually explicit media also goes hand in hand with the assumption that people generally have sexual intercourse earlier in life and that people generally favor more varied sexual techniques.  相似文献   

夏扉  叶宝娟 《心理科学》2014,37(6):1386-1391
采用压力性生活事件量表、基本心理需要量表、特质应对方式问卷和烟酒使用问卷对867名青少年进行调查,考察了基本心理需要和积极应对方式、消极应对方式在压力性生活事件与烟酒使用关系中的链式中介效应。结果表明:(1)基本心理需要是压力性生活事件与青少年烟酒使用之间的中介变量;(2)积极应对方式、消极应对方式是基本心理需要与青少年烟酒使用之间的中介变量。因此,基本心理需要和积极应对方式、消极应对方式在压力性生活事件与青少年烟酒使用之间起链式中介作用。研究结论对青少年烟酒使用的预防和干预具有重要价值。  相似文献   

Marital breakup has been associated with numerous behavioral problems in children, such as sexual risk behaviors. This research is the first to examine sexual behaviors of Spanish adolescents related to whether their parents were married or divorced. Participants were 342 boys and girls aged between 14 and 18 years. The sample provided confidential information about their sexual behavior and birth control methods. Significant differences were only found in percentages of adolescents who had engaged in mutual masturbation, intercourse, or oral sex, and who had practiced these sexual relations in the last six months, in both cases, they were higher when the parents had broken their marital relationship. Regarding adolescents of divorced parents, engaging in intercourse is more likely in older teenagers who live with a stepparent. Moreover, older adolescents who were younger when parents divorced and who live in a reconstituted family, have more sexual partners. These and other findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Adolescents found within single‐parent families without a residential father have reported higher levels of sexual debut and higher levels of reported pregnancy. Using data from the Mobile Youth Survey, the purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the presence of a father figure on the sexual debut of African‐American adolescents living in poverty and to determine if gender moderates the relationship between the presence of a father figure and sexual debut. Additionally, this study will examine the family processes in which the presence of a father figure can affect the sexual debut of African‐American adolescents who live within economically and socially disadvantaged communities. The results revealed that African‐American adolescents reporting a father figure had lower rates of sexual debut than those youth reporting no father figure. Gender was not found to be a significant moderator in the relationship between father figure presence and sexual debut. However, existing curfews and family rules did account for some of the effects of presence of a father figure and sexual debut. The results suggest that when adolescents have a father figure in their lives, it may reduce the possibility of early sexual debut.  相似文献   

Though peer socialization theories are prominent in the adolescent substance use literature, variability in the degree to which adolescents are vulnerable to peer influence is likely, and few studies have examined this issue. This study examines the association between perceived peer substance use/approval of substance use and adolescent intentions to initiate alcohol and cigarette use, and how social goals moderate this relationship. Results support the moderating role of social goals, and suggest important differences across alcohol and cigarette use. Peer use and approval of cigarette use was associated with future intentions to smoke for adolescents with strong agentic goals, and peer use and approval of alcohol use was associated with intentions to drink for adolescents with strong communal goals. These findings suggest that adolescent substance use theories and prevention programs focusing on peer socialization should consider individual differences in social goals and potential differences in peer influence across drugs.  相似文献   

The current study tested sex-specific pathways to early puberty, sexual debut, and sexual risk taking, as specified by an integrated evolutionary-developmental model of adolescent sexual development and behavior. In a prospective study of 238 adolescents (n = 129 girls and n = 109 boys) followed from approximately 12-18 years of age, we tested for longitudinal relations between ecological stressors, family relationships, pubertal maturation, self-perceived mate value, and sexual risk taking in both boys and girls. Consistent with the theory, (a) higher levels of familial and ecological stress predicted earlier sexual debut and greater sexual risk taking; (b) pubertal maturation partially mediated these relations among girls but not among boys; (c) father absence had unique effects on female sexual outcomes but not on male sexual outcomes; (d) higher self-perceived mate value directly predicted earlier sexual debut and, through it, greater sexual risk taking; and (e) relations between pubertal maturation and early sexual debut were partially mediated by higher self-perceived mate value in boys but not in girls. Discussion focuses on the contribution of an integrated evolutionary-developmental theory to the adolescent sexual health literature.  相似文献   

Based on three waves of data from 1261 adolescents, this study examines the nature of resistance self-efficacy vis-a-vis different drugs and social situations, as well as its relationship to perceived pressure to use drugs. We found that both self-efficacy and perceived pressure to use drugs appear to be generalizable across substances (alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana), but adolescents do tend to distinguish between their capacity to resist drugs in different social situations. Adolescents also discriminate between how much pressure they feel and their ability to resist that pressure, but the great majority report lower levels of self-efficacy in higher pressure situations. This relationship is strongest for alcohol and weakest for marijuana. These results suggest the following implications for prevention programs: (a) adolescents can be taught to resist one or more of the commonly used drugs with a reasonable expectation that the skills will generalize to other drugs; (b) resistance self-efficacy learned in one situation can be expected to have some generalizability to other situations, but it may be important to link resistance training with a range of situations to insure the greatest effectiveness; (c) to be maximally effective, prevention programs may need to help adolescents reduce the amount of pressure experienced as well as develop resistance skills; such efforts are likely to be particularly important for situations involving alcohol.  相似文献   

K D White  J C Pearson  L Flint 《Adolescence》1989,24(95):595-621
This investigation determined choice of compliance-resisting behaviors on the basis of compliance-gaining strategy, gender of parent, and gender of adolescent. One hundred and eighteen 9th- through 12th-grade students identified resistance strategies they would use when confronted with five compliance-gaining attempts: manipulation, nonnegotiation, emotional appeal, personal rejection, and empathic understanding. Each compliance-gaining attempt was associated with a specific parent and a specific compliance-gaining strategy. The results demonstrate significant differences in resistance strategy selected on the basis of parent's gender, adolescent's gender, and compliance-gaining strategy. When mothers employed personal rejection or empathic understanding, the adolescent was most likely to use nonnegotiation. When the mother used an emotional appeal, adolescents used identity management. Fathers who employed manipulation by using an emotional appeal were resisted with justification. When fathers used nonnegotiation or personal rejection, adolescents used nonnegotiation. The father's use of empathic understanding was countered with identity management. Adolescents are more likely to use identity management with their mothers and justification with their fathers. Female adolescents are more likely to use identity management than are male adolescents, while males are more likely to use nonnegotiation and negotiation than are females. Nonnegotiation occurs most often from son to mother, followed by son to father, daughter to father, and daughter to mother.  相似文献   

During the last years increasing attention has been paid to young children and adolescents with sexual coercive behaviour. During the year 2007 altogether 232 boys and 30 girls under the age of 14 years were reported to the police because of sexual assaults. In NRW an increasing number of in- and out-patient institutions offers specific and unspecific treatment programs for these children. The major aim of our study, which is supported by the Ministry of Employment, Health and Social Affairs of the state of NRW, is to evaluate the wide range of different treatment programs and to find predictors for successful or difficult treatment outcomes. Furthermore we are interested in differences between children with sexual problem behaviour and children with exclusively aggressive problems. So far 23 institutions take part in our research project and our total sample currently consists of 75 boys between 9 - 15 years. A psychometric test battery is applied at the beginning of individual treatment. Our first results highlight differences in socio-demographic data between children with sexual coercive behaviour and children with exclusively aggressive behaviour problems. Compared to children with exclusively aggressive problem behaviour, children with sexual problem behaviour come more often from incomplete families with no male parent, have experienced more psychological and physical violence and have been more often victims of sexual abuse. Compared to children with exclusively aggressive behaviour problems they score significantly higher on the “Depression / Anxiety” scale of the SPS-J, although average T-scores for both groups are within the normal range. Regarding cognitive functioning there are no significant differences between both groups.  相似文献   

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