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We examined whether changes in social context (i.e., frequency with which youth engage in physical activity [PA] alone, with teammates, with friends, with siblings, or with parents/grandparents) is associated with change in moderate-to-vigorous intensity PA (MVPA) across Grades 5–8 and Grades 8–11 (N = 938). Data were self-reported annually. Across Grades 5–8, the frequency of PA in all social contexts declined over time, and changes in the frequency of PA alone, with teammates, with siblings, and in diversity of PA companion types were positively associated with change in MVPA. Across Grades 8–11, the frequency of PA with siblings, friends, and parents/grandparents declined over time, and changes in the frequency of PA alone, with teammates, with friends, with parents/grandparents, and in diversity of PA companion types were positively associated with change in MVPA. PA social contexts vary in how they associate with change in MVPA in youth over time.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe role of physical activity (PA) in the promotion of mental wellbeing and prevention of psychological disorders in population groups at increased risk for mental health conditions, such as migrant populations, has never been systematically investigated.MethodsWe conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) statement. We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL), Pubmed, Web of Science, SportDiscus. We included randomized (RCTs), controlled clinical trials (CCT), and pre-post intervention studies, that assessed the efficacy of PA interventions in migrants, compared with any types of controls.ResultsWe included 27 studies (4166 participants) (16 RCTs; 2 CCTs; 9 pre-post design) between 1997 and 2020. Meta-analysis showed a significant beneficial effect of PA over control conditions for general functioning (SMD -0.35, 95% CI -0.83 to −0.16; 400 participants), outcome expectancies (SMD -0.78, 95% CI -1.17 to −0.40; 118 participants), self-efficacy/coping (SMD -0.28, 95% CI -0.52 to −0.03; 269 participants), and psychological symptoms (SMD -0.48, 95% CI -0.88 to −0.08; 6 RCTs; 597 participants). Similar findings were produced by pre-post intervention studies (SMD -0.35, 95% CI -0.60 to −0.10; 7 studies; 302 participants).ConclusionsMigrant populations may benefit from PA interventions to improve psychological outcomes. Uncertainty remains about the best approach to promote PA in this population, and future research should consider the complex factors that characterize the migration experience.  相似文献   

BackgroundWhite-water raft guides are a growing workforce of the outdoor sector but little is known about how the working environment, workload and physical leisure activity impacts on the need for occupational recovery (the desire to replenish internal resources and recuperate in the time immediately following work) of those working in this physically demanding occupation.MethodsLongitudinal data were collected across an eight month working season at three month intervals. Multilevel analyses tested the within-subject associations between work environment, hours worked and physical leisure activity had on the need for recovery.ResultsWorking longer across the working season and participating in more physical leisure activity were directly associated with a lower need for occupational recovery. Furthermore, working on natural rivers significantly reduced the need for recovery experienced compared to work on man-made courses. This was regardless of the number of hours of worked in these environments.DiscussionPhysical leisure activity may provide a distraction from work, allowing employees to replenish their physical and psychological energy, thus protecting themselves against work-related fatigue. The findings also expand upon the previous literature identifying that working in a natural environment reduces the risk of experiencing work-related fatigue.  相似文献   

Among the most significant factors affecting quality of life in individuals with critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) are neurodevelopmental challenges, including deficits in visuospatial processing and academic achievement. Few studies have compared outcomes across CCHD subgroups, despite their significant differences in anatomy/physiology and medical/surgical courses. This study compared visuospatial processing abilities using the Developmental Scoring System for the Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure (DSS-ROCF) across groups of adolescents with CCHD (d-transposition of the great arteries [TGA, n = 139], Tetralogy of Fallot [TOF, n = 68], single-ventricle cardiac anatomy requiring the Fontan operation [SVF, n = 145]) and a group of healthy controls (CTR, n = 111), and examined the validity of visuospatial processing in predicting concurrent academic outcomes. The CCHD subgroups were found to differ in Organization, ps < .001, Structural Accuracy, ps < .001, and Incidental Elements Accuracy scores, ps ≤ .008; the post hoc analyses show that the SVF group tended to underperform compared to the other CCHD groups. With respect to academic skills, all CCHD groups scored lower than the CTR group, ps ≤ .007; however, the CCHD groups were not different from each other, ps > .23. The regression results showed that the DSS-ROCF Style rating (reflecting integration) accounted for a small yet statistically significant portion of unique variance in “assembled” academic outcomes, over and above the variance already accounted for by DSS-ROCF Organization, < .01. These findings support the need for comprehensive neuropsychological assessment and monitoring of children and adolescents with CCHD, as well as targeted intervention for organization and integration deficits that may increase their risk for academic underachievement.  相似文献   

Congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD) occurs in approximately 1.3% of infertile males and is thought to be, in most cases, a primarily genital form of cystic fibrosis (CF). Fourteen males with CBAVD considering microsurgical sperm aspiration from the epididymis (MESA) and in vitro fertilization were seen for genetic counseling and screening for CF. To retrospectively evaluate these patients' perceptions of the counseling and screening information, we conducted structured telephone interviews to assess their recall of information about CF and its impact on their health concerns and reproductive plans. We found that, as the health implications of CF are abstract and not as important to patients as the diagnosis of CBAVD itself, patients tend to view their CF status primarily in terms of their reproductive potential. Retrospective analysis afforded us an opportunity to identify the psychosocial issues of most concern to this unique patient population.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThis review investigated the effectiveness of behaviour-change interventions to improve physical activity (PA) participation in individuals with a spinal cord injury. Additionally, the review sought to analyse the change in PA behaviour that might be expected by utilising behaviour change in PA interventions and what specific intervention characteristics, application of behaviour change theories, and behaviour change techniques are most efficacious.MethodsThe protocol was prospectively registered on PROSPERO: CRD42021252744, and the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis guidelines were followed in this review. Eight databases were comprehensively searched using a well-defined strategy developed in collaboration with an academic liaison librarian. Randomised, non-randomised controlled, and non-controlled studies were included in this review; however, controlled and non-controlled studies were analysed separately. Studies were included if participants were older than 16 years and had an SCI of any cause, level or severity, regardless of the time since injury. The behaviour change technique taxonomy version 1 was used to code the intervention characteristics for behaviour modification. The combined effects across studies were pooled in a meta-analysis, and the risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane Risk of Bias 2 tool.ResultsThe search retrieved 10,155 titles and abstracts. After duplicate removal and screening against the eligibility criteria, 23 studies were included. The overall effect estimate of the change in PA participation in the controlled trials post-intervention was medium (d = 0.50, 95% CI = 0.31–0.70) in favour of behaviour-targeted interventions. The mean difference in PA volume between pre- and post-intervention was an increase of 22 minutes per week (95% CI = 5.96–38.90). Interventions that provided practical support (d = 0.81, 95% CI = 0.46–1.16), which were individualised (d = 0.62, 95% CI = 0.34–0.90) and that utilised monitoring (d = 0.59, 95% CI = 0.34–0.83) had a greater effect on change to PA than those that were group-based and did not utilise those specific techniques.ConclusionsInterventions that target behaviour change to increase PA in people with SCI appear effective. Utilising behaviour change frameworks and specific behaviour change techniques augments PA uptake and levels, and interventions aimed at improving PA in people with SCI should incorporate a behaviour modification component. More research is needed on the isolated effect of intervention structure parameters and specific behaviour change techniques.  相似文献   

Physical activity declines across the adult life span despite the well-established links between physical activity and health-related, psychological, cognitive, and social benefits. We contrasted the beliefs young and older adults hold about how aging affects both physical abilities and physical activity and determined whether older adults’ beliefs about physical aging relate to their engagement in physical activity. Using visual rating scales, 56 young and 49 community-dwelling older adults indicated the extent to which a typical woman or typical man aged 20–90 possesses six different physical abilities and engages in three different types of physical activity. Stereotypes of physical aging were ability- and activity-specific, and older adults endorsed more positive views than their younger peers. Stereotypical beliefs predicted older adults’ engagement in moderate-intensity activity. This study offers intriguing avenues for future research and suggests that better understanding physical aging stereotypes may contribute toward designing interventions that promote lifelong physical activity.  相似文献   

Consistent physical activity is key for health and well-being, but it is vulnerable to stressors. The process of recovering from such stressors and bouncing back to the previous state of physical activity can be referred to as resilience. Quantifying resilience is fundamental to assess and manage the impact of stressors on consistent physical activity. In this tutorial, we present a method to quantify the resilience process from physical activity data. We leverage the prior operationalization of resilience, as used in various psychological domains, as area under the curve and expand it to suit the characteristics of physical activity time series. As use case to illustrate the methodology, we quantified resilience in step count time series (length = 366 observations) for eight participants following the first COVID-19 lockdown as a stressor. Steps were assessed daily using wrist-worn devices. The methodology is implemented in R and all coding details are included. For each person’s time series, we fitted multiple growth models and identified the best one using the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). Then, we used the predicted values from the selected model to identify the point in time when the participant recovered from the stressor and quantified the resulting area under the curve as a measure of resilience for step count. Further resilience features were extracted to capture the different aspects of the process. By developing a methodological guide with a step-by-step implementation, we aimed at fostering increased awareness about the concept of resilience for physical activity and facilitate the implementation of related research.  相似文献   

Parent support is an important contributor to physical activity (PA) among children and youth with disabilities (CYD). Although many parents of CYD are motivated to provide parent PA support, CYD remain insufficiently active. The multi-process action control model has been applied to understand parent PA support and highlights behavioral regulation strategies such as action and coping planning as critical for translating intentions into behavior. Parents may struggle to create and carryout planning without support. There is no known research examining telephone support as a tool to promote planning and subsequent parent PA support behavior.MethodParents (43 mothers and 6 fathers) of CYD (child Mage = 12.53 years ± 5.53; 75% male; 38.6% developmental disability) completed a baseline questionnaire and were subsequently randomized to a telephone-assisted planning experimental group twice over four weeks (n = 23) or a control group who had access to planning tools but no telephone assistance (n = 26).ResultsNo significant main or interaction effects emerged for parent PA support behavior. However, a significant time × condition interaction was found for behavioral regulation strategies (i.e., action and coping planning and self-monitoring; F(1,44) = 5.05, p = 0.03) indicating a significant increase in the use of behavioral regulation strategies for parent PA support from baseline, for parents assigned to the telephone-assisted intervention.ConclusionThese findings suggest potential for planning support as a tool to enhance behavioral regulation strategies related to parent PA support among parents of CYD.  相似文献   

As life expectancy increases, interest has grown surrounding the factors that may influence quality of life (QOL) for people with cystic fibrosis (CF). The aim of the current study was to examine which specific coping styles were positively or negatively associated with social and emotional QOL in a CF sample. One hundred and twenty-two respondents aged 18 and over were recruited through an online support group. Respondents completed the ‘CF Questionnaire-Revised (CFQ-R)’ and the ‘Brief COPE’. The CFQ-R is a disease-specific instrument designed to measure the impact of CF on nine QOL domains and the Brief COPE is a 28 item questionnaire which assesses 14 coping scales. A multivariate regression model revealed that higher substance abuse and disengagement was associated with lower emotional QOL whereas greater use of religion, instrumental coping and acceptance was positively associated with emotional QOL. Active coping was linked to better social QOL and a negative association was reported between distraction coping with both emotional and social domains. Given the burden of CF, ascertaining which factors enhance or diminish emotion and social well-being is now an integral component of QOL research. The current findings may therefore have value in informing clinical interventions which aim to cater for the psychological needs of individuals with CF.  相似文献   

ObjectiveCurrent health behavior models of physical activity (PA) suggest that not all PA intentions are translated into actual PA behavior, resulting in a significant intention-behavior gap (IBG) of almost 50%. These models further suggest that higher self-efficacy and specific planning can aid in decreasing this gap. However, as most evidence stems from between-person (trait level), questionnaire-based research, it is unclear how large short-term IBGs are, how self-efficacy and planning covary within-persons across time and whether they similarly predict smaller IBGs. It is likely that day-to-day changes in circumstances and barriers affect these variables thus the applicability of theoretical models is uncertain. Here, within-person prospective analyses of ecological momentary assessment (EMA) data can provide insights.Methods35 healthy participants (aged 23–67) completed four EMA-based questionnaires every day for three weeks. Each prompt assessed PA (retrospectively, “since the last EMA prompt”); PA intentions, planning specificity, self-efficacy, and intrinsic motivation (prospectively, “until the next EMA prompt”) and momentary affect. Generalized logistic mixed-effect modeling was used to test predictors of PA.ResultsAcross the 2341 answered EMA prompts, PA intentions were not enacted in 25% of the episodes (IBG). In episodes with given intentions, PA likelihood increased with higher levels of self-efficacy, planning specificity, and intrinsic motivation. The latter two also positively predicted PA duration and intensity.ConclusionsShort-term intention behavior gaps seem to be smaller than what is known from more long-term studies, most likely as individuals can anticipate the actual circumstances of PA. Further, current health behavior models show validity in explaining within-person dynamics in IBGs across time. Knowing the relevance of planning specificity, self-efficacy and intrinsic motivation for day-to-day variations in PA enactment can inform respective real-time mHealth interventions for facilitating PA.  相似文献   

Objective: More evidence from prospective studies is needed to determine ‘if’ and ‘how’ social cognitive constructs mediate behaviour change. In a longitudinal study, we aimed to examine potential social cognitive mediators of objectively measured physical activity (PA) behaviour among people with type 2 diabetes (T2D) who participated in a six-month PA intervention. Methods: All participants from the proven effective Healthy Eating and Active Living for Diabetes in Primary Care Networks trial were included for this secondary analysis. Change in pedometer-derived daily step counts (baseline to six months) was the outcome of interest. Primary constructs of interest were from Social Cognitive Theory, however constructs from and Theory of Planned Behaviour were also tested in a mediating variable framework using a product-of-coefficients test. Results: The sample (N = 198) had a mean age of 59.5 (SD 8.3) years, haemoglobin A1c 6.8% (SD 1.1), 50% women, BMI 33.6 kg/m2 (SD 6.5), systolic pressure 125.6 mmHg (SD 16.2) and average daily steps were 5879 (SD 3130). Daily pedometer-determined steps increased for the intervention group compared to usual care control at six-months (1481 [SD 2631] vs. 336 [SD 2712]; adjusted p = .002). There was a significant action theory test effect for ‘planning’ (A = .21, SE = .10, p = .037), and significant conceptual theory test results for ‘subjective norms’ (B = 657, SE = 312, p = .037) and ‘cons’ (B = ?664, SE = 270, p = .015). None of the constructs satisfied the criteria for mediation. Conclusions: We were unable to account for the effect of a pedometer-based PA intervention for people with T2D through our examination of mediators. Our findings are inconsistent with some literature concerning PA interventions in diabetes; this may be due to variability in measures used or in study populations.  相似文献   


The main purpose of this research was to study the reliability and conceptual validity of two Spanish language measures of Vital Exhaustion (VE), a short-term risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD). The English version of the Maastricht Questionnaire for Vital Exhaustion was used to make a Spanish language questionnaire (VEQ) and a Spanish language interview (VEI) whose scoring systems were equal to the original version. These instruments were administered to a sample of healthy working men (n = 100) and women (n = 130) in Caracas, Venezuela. Participants also completed questionnaires designed to measure anger-expression and social support and were assessed by means of the Structured Interview to measure Type A Behaviour Pattern (TABP). Information about other CAD-risk factors, such as age, smoking behavior, and health habits, were collected.

High reliability coefficients, .85 and .91, were found for the VEI and VEQ, respectively. Principal component analysis provided one-factor solutions for each instrument. The pattern of correlations between VE, assessed by the VEI, and other personality characteristics was rather similar to the pattern observed in other cultures. In general significant, but modest, correlations were observed between VE and TABP, anger expression, a negative self-concept, and low social support. We conclude that VE appears to be a meaningful construct in this particular cultural context.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to systematically review the literature investigating the acute effects of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) on executive functions (EFs) in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and perform a meta-analysis of the effects of MVPA on task components that require lower and higher EF demand in this population.MethodsThe systematic review and meta-analysis followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. Six electronic databases, i.e., PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, SPORTDiscus, and Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), were searched for eligible studies. Random-effects weights were used to pool the effect sizes. Publication bias was assessed by Egger’s regression test and Rosenthal’s fail-safe N. This study is registered on PROSPERO, number CRD42020184082.ResultsThe electronic database search yielded 12 studies, which met the inclusion criteria, comprising a total of 375 participants. Eleven studies with data from 275 participants were included in the meta-analysis to examine the acute effects of MVPA on tasks with lower and higher EF demand. A single bout of MVPA had a small positive effect on tasks with lower (n = 10, g = 0.32, 95% CI = 0.123–0.517) and higher (n = 10, g = 0.25, 95% CI = 0.13–0.371) EF demand. No publication bias was found.ConclusionsA single bout of MVPA may have a general facilitative effect on cognition, indicating that acute MVPA may be a transient nonpharmacological adjunctive treatment for childhood ADHD.  相似文献   

Using Ecological Momentary Assessment, the within patient associations between drive for thinness, emotional states, momentary urge to be physically active and physical activity were studied in 32 inpatients with an eating disorder. Participants received an electronic device and had to indicate at nine random times a day during 1 week their momentary drive for thinness, positive and negative emotional states and their urge to be physically active and physical activity. Multilevel analyses indicated that patients with higher mean levels for urge to be physically active were characterized by lower body mass index (BMI) and chronically negative affect whereas patients with higher mean levels for physical activity were characterized by lower BMI and higher dispositions for drive for thinness. In addition, within patient relations between drive for thinness and urge to be physically active were moderated by BMI and chronically negative affect whereas within patient relations between drive for thinness and physical activity were moderated by BMI. Finally, also positive emotional states were significantly associated with physical activity within patients. By using a daily process design, characteristics of physical activity were revealed that have not been identified with assessment methods that have a lower time resolution.  相似文献   

The purpose of this pilot study was to determine the preliminary effect of a behavioral intervention on the use of self-regulation strategies and moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in overweight and obese adults with type 2 diabetes. 23 individuals recruited from ResearchMatc.org and campus advertisements were randomized into an intervention (n = 12) and control (n = 11) group. The intervention group received a behavioral intervention that used goal setting, time management, and self-monitoring to target dimensions of self-regulation and MVPA. The control received information regarding their PA habits. MVPA was measured via BodyMedia Armbands at pre- and post-test. The use of self-regulatory strategies for MVPA was assessed at pretest and posttest using the Self-Regulation for Exercise Scale. Cohen’s d effect sizes were calculated to determine the practical impact of the intervention. The intervention had a large effect on all dimensions of self-regulation across time: including total self-regulation (3.15), self-monitoring (4.63), goal setting (3.17), social support (1.29), self-reward (1.98), time management (4.41), and overcoming barriers (2.25). The intervention had no impact on dimensions of MVPA across time. This pilot study demonstrated the ability of a behavioral intervention to improve the use of self-regulation strategies for MVPA in a sample of adults with type 2 diabetes. These findings can further inform the development of health promotion programs to promote self-regulation. Future research should focus on determining ability of improvements in self-regulation to stimulate behavior change.  相似文献   

Technological and digital progress benefits physical activity (PA) research. Here we compiled expert knowledge on how Ambulatory Assessment (AA) is utilized to advance PA research, i.e., we present results of the 2nd International CAPA Workshop 2019 “Physical Activity Assessment – State of the Science, Best Practices, Future Directions” where invited researchers with experience in PA assessment, evaluation, technology and application participated. First, we provide readers with the state of the AA science, then we give best practice recommendations on how to measure PA via AA and shed light on methodological frontiers, and we furthermore discuss future directions. AA encompasses a class of methods that allows the study of PA and its behavioral, biological and physiological correlates as they unfold in everyday life. AA includes monitoring of movement (e.g., via accelerometry), physiological function (e.g., via mobile electrocardiogram), contextual information (e.g., via geolocation-tracking), and ecological momentary assessment (EMA; e.g., electronic diaries) to capture self-reported information. The strengths of AA are data assessments near real-time, which minimize retrospective biases in real-world settings, consequentially enabling ecological valid findings. Importantly, AA enables multiple assessments across time within subjects resulting in intensive longitudinal data (ILD), which allows unraveling within-person determinants of PA in everyday life. In this paper, we show how AA methods such as triggered e-diaries and geolocation-tracking can be used to measure PA and its correlates, and furthermore how these findings may translate into real-life interventions. In sum, AA provides numerous possibilities for PA research, especially the opportunity to tackle within-subject antecedents, concomitants, and consequences of PA as they unfold in everyday life. In-depth insights on determinants of PA could help us design and deliver impactful interventions in real-world contexts, thus enabling us to solve critical health issues in the 21st century such as insufficient PA and high levels of sedentary behavior.  相似文献   

Objective: Depressive symptoms are highly prevalent in heart failure (HF) patients, however the underlying etiology of depression in HF patients remains yet unclear. Hence, the goal is to examine the relative importance of inflammation, disease severity and personality as predictors of depression in HF patients. Design: Depressive symptoms (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, depression subscale) were assessed at baseline and one-year follow-up in 268 HF patients (75.6% men; mean age?=?66.7?±?8.7). Markers of inflammation (TNFα, sTNFr1, sTNFr2, IL-6 and IL-10), disease severity (e.g. New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification) and personality (Type D personality, loneliness) were assessed at baseline. Results: At baseline, NYHA class, body mass index, educational level, Type D personality and loneliness were significantly associated with depression. Higher NYHA class (B?=?2.25; SE?=?.83), higher educational level (B?=?1.41; SE?=?.48), Type D personality (B?=?2.56; SE?=?.60) and loneliness (B?=?.19; SE?=?.05) were also independently associated with higher depression levels at one-year follow-up (all p-values?<?.005). Inflammation, brain natriuretic peptide and left ventricular ejection fraction were not related to depression over time. Conclusions: Personality factors, but not inflammation, were independent concomitants of depressive symptoms in patients with HF. Gaining more insight into the etiology of depression in HF patients is important in order to identify potential targets for novel interventions.  相似文献   

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