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One of the core deficits that characterizes schizophrenia is an increase in distractibility and disinhibition at all levels of information processing. Patients with schizophrenia seem unable to focus attention on the relevant events while ignoring the irrelevant stimuli. This pattern of behavior is also observed in unmedicated schizotypal individuals who may carry liability for schizophrenia. In this review, we focus on studies of attentional inhibition, as assessed by the negative priming paradigm, to elucidate the relationships among deficits in inhibition, clinical symptoms and medication effects. We then consider models of the etiology of deficits in negative priming in schizophrenia and schizotypal personality. Finally, we discuss the potential power of utilizing hypothesis-driven cognitive paradigms in psychiatric research.  相似文献   

Theories of human action control deal with the question of how cognitive control is dynamically adjusted to task demands. The conflict monitoring theory of anterior cingulate (ACC) function suggests that the ACC monitors for response conflicts in the ongoing processing stream thereby triggering the mobilization of cognitive control. Alternatively, the outcome evaluation account of ACC function suggests that the ACC monitors for negative performance outcomes, an information that serves as an aversive learning signal for future action selection. Botvinick (2007) recently suggested that both theories might converge on the detection of aversive signals in general. Here, the authors provide first evidence that conflicts are registered as aversive signals. Congruent and incongruent Stroop color-words served as primes, and positive and negative stimuli as targets in an affective priming paradigm. Negative targets were evaluated faster after incongruent than after congruent Stroop primes, and positive targets were evaluated slower after incongruent than after congruent primes. The finding that conflicts are actually registered as aversive signals bridges the gap between competing theories of ACC function and has broad theoretical and behavioral implications as it makes the conflict monitoring theory applicable to a much wider range of situations and tasks.  相似文献   

Adaptive emotional responding relies on dual automatic and effortful processing streams. Dual-stream models of schizophrenia (SCZ) posit a selective deficit in neural circuits that govern goal-directed, effortful processes versus reactive, automatic processes. This imbalance suggests that when patients are confronted with competing automatic and effortful emotional response cues, they will exhibit diminished effortful responding and intact, possibly elevated, automatic responding compared to controls. This prediction was evaluated using a modified version of the face-vignette task (FVT). Participants viewed emotional faces (automatic response cue) paired with vignettes (effortful response cue) that signalled a different emotion category and were instructed to discriminate the manifest emotion. Patients made less vignette and more face responses than controls. However, the relationship between group and FVT responding was moderated by IQ and reading comprehension ability. These results replicate and extend previous research and provide tentative support for abnormal conflict resolution between automatic and effortful emotional processing predicted by dual-stream models of SCZ.  相似文献   

Although mindfulness meditation has been practiced in the East for more than two millennia, Western scientific research and healthcare programs have only recently drawn their attention to it. Basically, the concept of mindfulness hinges on focusing on one’s own awareness at the present moment. In this review we analyze different hypotheses about the functioning and the cerebral correlates of mindfulness meditation. Since mindfulness is strictly associated with a particular state of consciousness, we also examine some of the most relevant theories that have been proposed as accounts of consciousness. Finally, we suggest that consciousness and mindfulness meditation can be integrated within a neuroscientific perspective, by identifying the brain areas which seem to play an essential role in both, namely the anterior cingulate cortex, posterior cingulate cortex, insula and thalamus.  相似文献   

The functional role of consciousness has been traditionally assumed to be related to high-level executive functions, but recent theories of visual consciousness suggest qualitative differences between conscious and unconscious processes also in lower level visual processes. We tested how specific is the information that can be extracted by unconscious processes from natural scenes. Prime images which were suppressed from consciousness by continuous flash suppression facilitated categorization of visible targets at superordinate level (animal vs. non-animal) when the prime shared a category membership with the target. Suppressed prime images did not have any effect on categorization at the basic level (e.g., horse vs. other animal). Priming occurred at basic level categorization only when the prime images were available to consciousness. This pattern supports a “coarse-to-fine” model in which the visual system can unconsciously access coarse representations, but consciousness is needed for finer analysis of visual scenes.  相似文献   

Choice reaction times are shorter when stimulus and response locations are compatible than when they are incompatible as in the Simon effect. Recent studies revealed that Simon effects are strongly attenuated when there is temporal overlap with a different high-priority task, accompanied by a decrease of early location-related response priming as reflected in the lateralized readiness potential (LRP). The latter result was obtained in a study excluding overlap of stimulus location with any other dimension in the tasks. Independent evidence suggests that location-related priming might be present in conditions with dimensional overlap. Here we tested this prediction in a dual-task experiment supplemented with recording LRPs. The secondary task was either a standard Simon task where irrelevant stimulus location overlapped with dimensions of the primary task or a Stroop-like Simon task including additional overlap of irrelevant and relevant stimulus attributes. At high temporal overlap, there was no Simon effect nor was there stimulus-related response priming in either condition. Therefore stimulus-triggered response priming seems to be abolished in conditions of limited capacity even if the likelihood of an S–R compatibility effect is maximized.  相似文献   

Subliminal primes are assumed to produce weaker and short-lived effects on subsequent behavior compared to clearly visible primes. However, this difference in priming effect may be due to differences in signal strength, rather than level of awareness. In the present study we manipulated prime discriminability by using metacontrast masks and pseudomasks, while keeping the prime strength equal. This manipulation resulted in large differences in discriminability of the primes. However, both immediate response priming and long-term response priming (measured with conflict adaptation) was equal for the poorly discriminable and well discriminable primes, and equal for groups that differed markedly in terms of how well they could discriminate the primes. Our findings imply that discriminability of information is independent of both the immediate and long-term effects that information can have on behavior.  相似文献   

The last forty years of social science research have produced over 12,000 articles on priming. The range, complexity, and novelty of priming effects are hard to comprehend, let alone explain, using a single model or perspective. In this review, we discuss content priming and process priming effects. We then propose an integrative model that can account for the combined results.  相似文献   

Visual stimuli that are made invisible by a following mask can nonetheless affect motor responses. To localize the origin of these target priming effects we used the psychological refractory period paradigm. Participants classified tones as high or low, and responded to the position of a visual target that was preceded by a prime. The stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) between both tasks varied. In Experiment 1 the tone task was followed by the position task and SOA dependent target priming effects were observed. When the visual position task preceded the tone task in Experiment 2, with short SOA the priming effect propagated entirely to the tone task yielding faster responses to tones on visually congruent trials and delayed responses to tones on visually incongruent trials. Together, results suggest that target priming effects arise from processing before and at the level of the central bottleneck such as sensory analysis and response selection.  相似文献   

Metacognitive training (MCT) for patients with schizophrenia is a novel psychological group treatment targeting cognitive biases putatively involved in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia (e.g. jumping to conclusions, overconfidence in errors). Its eight modules are available cost-free online in many languages. In the present study, 36 subacute or remitted patients were randomly allocated to either the MCT or a wait-list group who received treatment-as-usual (TAU). Baseline and post assessments were 8 weeks apart and were performed blind to group status. MCT showed significantly greater improvement on the following parameters relative to the TAU group: delusion distress (PSYRATS), memory and social quality of life. In the MCT group, the rate of jumping to conclusions bias was reduced after training. No differences occurred on the PANSS. The present study confirms prior reports that MCT exerts beneficial effects on some cognitive and symptomatic parameters.  相似文献   

Recent findings indicate that complex cognitive functions are organized at a global level in the brain and rely on large-scale information processing requiring functional integration of multiple disparate neural assemblies. The critical question of the integration of distributed brain activities is whether the essential integrative role can be attributed to a specific structure in the brain or whether this ability is inherent to the cognitive network as a whole. The results of the present study show that mean values of the running correlation function in frontal-temporal EEG pairs with one electrode in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) are significantly higher than the same values in other frontal-temporal pairs. These findings indicate a particular role of the ACC in large-scale communication, which could reflect its unique integrative functions in cognitive processing.  相似文献   

Two challenges that face popular self-monitoring theories (SMTs) of auditory verbal hallucination (AVH) are that they cannot account for the auditory phenomenology of AVHs and that they cannot account for their variety. In this paper I show that both challenges can be met by adopting a predictive processing framework (PPF), and by viewing AVHs as arising from abnormalities in predictive processing. I show how, within the PPF, both the auditory phenomenology of AVHs, and three subtypes of AVH, can be accounted for.  相似文献   

In subsymbolic operation of the Meaningful-Based Cognitive Architecture (MBCA) the input sensory vector is propagated through a hierarchy of Hopfield-like Network (HLN) functional groups, is recognized and may associatively trigger in the instinctual core goals module as well as in groups of HLNs arranged as pre-causal and pattern memory, vectors propagated to the output motor group of HLNs which produce an output signal. In full causal symbolic operation, the processed sensory input vector is also propagated to the logic/working memory groups of HLNs, where it can be compared to other vectors in the logic/working memory, and produce various outputs in response. The processed sensory input vector can trigger in the instinctual core goals module intuitive logic, intuitive physics, intuitive psychology and intuitive planning procedural vectors, as well as trigger in the causal group of HLNs learned logic, physics, psychology and planning procedural vectors which are also sent to the logic/working memory groups of HLNs. These circuits can allow the MBCA to act causally on information it has never seen before. An example is given of a Python simulation where the MBCA which is controlling a legged robot causally determines that a shallow whitewater river will cause water damage to itself, while if the MBCA is acting associatively only and never having seen whitewater before and normally crossing shallow rivers, will cross the whitewater river and become damaged. While the MBCA does not attempt to replicate biological systems at the neuronal spiking level, its HLNs and the organization of its HLNs are indeed inspired by biological mammalian minicolumns and mammalian brains. The MBCA model leads to the hypothesis that in the course of hominin evolution, HLNs became co-opted into groups of HLNs providing more extensive working memories with causal abilities, unlike non-hominins. While such co-option of the minicolumns can allow advantageous causal symbolic processing integrated with subsymbolic processing, the order of magnitude of increased complexity required for such organization and operation, created a vulnerability in the human brain to psychosis, which does not occur with significant prevalence in non-humans.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to investigate the stability of memory and information processing in schizophrenics and affectively disturbed patients. Twenty-two schizophrenics, eight affectives and 14 normal controls were tested twice, with an interval of approximately one year. Results showed that normals performed better than schizophrenics and affectively disturbed patients on almost all of the cognitive measures. The differences reached a level of significance on a reaction time test, a vigilance task and a long-term memory task. The only measure where the difference did not reach a level of significance was on a short-term memory test. Groups' performance to some extent changed over time on most of the measures, but the changes were not significantly different for different groups.  相似文献   

There is ample evidence that an independent processing stream exists that subserves the perception and appreciation of colour. Neurophysiological research has identified separate brain mechanisms for the processing of wavelength and colour, and neuropsychological studies have revealed selective colour disorders, such as achromatopsia, colour agnosia, and colour anomia. The aim of the present study is to investigate whether the perception of colour may, despite its independent processing, influence other cognitive functions. Specifically, we investigate the possibility that the perception of a colour influences higher order processes such as the activation of semantically related concepts. We designed an associative priming task involving a colour prime (e.g. a red patch or the word RED) and a lexical decision response to a semantically related (‘tomato’ vs. ‘timato’) or unrelated (‘grass’ vs. ‘griss’) word target. The results of this experiment indicate that there is comparable facilitation of accessing colour-related semantics through the perception of a colour or the reading of a colour name. This suggests that colour has a direct effect on higher order level, cognitive processing. These results are discussed in terms of current models of colour processing.  相似文献   

Masked translation priming asymmetry is the robust finding that priming from a bilingual's first language (L1) to their second language (L2) is stronger than priming from L2 to L1. This asymmetry has been claimed to be task dependent. The Sense Model proposed by Finkbeiner, Forster, Nicol, and Nakamura (2004) claims that the asymmetry is reduced in semantic categorization relative to lexical decision due to a category filtering mechanism that limits the features considered in categorization decisions to dominant, category-relevant features. This paper reports two pairs of semantic categorization and lexical decision tasks designed to test the Sense Model's predictions. The experiments replicated the finding of Finkbeiner et al. that L2-L1 priming is somewhat stronger in semantic categorization than lexical decision, selectively for exemplars of the category. However, the direct comparison of L2-L1 and L1-L2 translation priming across tasks failed to confirm the Sense Model's central prediction that translation priming asymmetry is significantly reduced in semantic categorization. The data therefore fail to support the category filtering account of translation priming asymmetry. Rather, they suggest that pre-activation of conceptual features of the target category provides feedback to lexical forms that compensates for the weak connections between the lexical and conceptual representations of L2 words.  相似文献   

We report a series of picture naming experiments in which target pictures were primed by briefly presented masked words. Experiment 1 demonstrates that the prior presentation of the same word prime (e.g.,rose-rose) facilitates picture naming independently of the target’s name frequency. In Experiment 2, primes that were homophones of picture targets (e.g.,rows-rose) also produced facilitatory effects compared with unrelated controls, but priming was significantly larger for targets with low-frequency names relative to targets with high-frequency names. In Experiment 3, primes that were higher frequency homophones of picture targets produced facilitatory effects compared with identical primes. These results are discussed in relation to different accounts of the effects of masked priming in current models of picture naming.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that certain prefrontal areas contribute to a neural circuit that mediates visual object memory. Using a successive go/no-go visual scene discrimination task, object-based long-term memory was assessed in two rodent prefrontal regions. Rewarded trials consisted of a standard scene of four toy objects placed over baited food wells. The objects and their locations composing the standard scene remained constant for the duration of the study. Trials in which one of the standard scene objects was replaced with a novel object were not rewarded. Following the establishment of a significant difference between latency to approach the rewarded standard scene compared to latency to approach non-rewarded scenes, quinolinic acid or control vehicle was infused into either the prelimbic and infralimbic cortices or the anterior cingulate cortex. Following a 1 week recovery period, subjects were retested. Animals with prelimbic/infralimbic cortex lesions displayed a profound and sustained deficit, whereas, animals with anterior cingulate cortex lesions showed a slight initial impairment but eventually recovered. Both lesion groups acquired a simple single object discrimination task as quickly as controls indicating that the deficits on the original scene discrimination task were not due to motivational, response inhibition, or perceptual problems.  相似文献   

Although masked stem priming (e.g., dealer–DEAL) is one of the most established effects in visual word identification, it is less clear whether primes and targets sharing a suffix (e.g., kindness–WILDNESS) also yield facilitation. In a new take on this issue, we show that prime nonwords facilitate lexical decisions to target words ending with the same suffix (sheeterTEACHER) compared to a condition where the critical suffix was substituted by another one (sheetalTEACHER) or by an unrelated nonmorphological ending (sheetubTEACHER). We also show that this effect is genuinely morphological, as no priming emerged in noncomplex items with the same orthographic characteristics (sportel–BROTHEL vs. sportic–BROTHEL vs. sportur–BROTHEL). In a further experiment, we took advantage of these results to assess whether suffixes are recognized in a position-specific fashion. Masked suffix priming did not emerge when the relative order of stems and suffixes was reversed in the prime nonwords—ersheet did not yield any time saving in the identification of teacher as compared to either alsheet or obsheet. We take these results to show that –er was not identified as a morpheme in ersheet, thus indicating that suffix identification is position specific. This conclusion is in line with data on interference effects in nonword rejection and strongly constrains theoretical proposals on how complex words are identified. In particular, because these findings were reported in a masked priming paradigm, they suggest that positional constraints operate early, most likely at a prelexical level of morpho-orthographic analysis.  相似文献   

Whereas neuroimaging studies of healthy subjects have demonstrated an association between the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and cognitive control functions, including response monitoring and error detection, lesion studies are sparse and have produced mixed results. Due to largely normal behavioral test results in two patients with medial prefrontal lesions, a hypothesis has been advanced claiming that the ACC is not involved in cognitive operations. In the current study, two comparably rare patients with unilateral lesions to dorsal medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC) encompassing the ACC were assessed with neuropsychological tests as well as Event-Related Potentials in two experimental paradigms known to engage prefrontal cortex (PFC). These included an auditory Novelty Oddball task and a visual Stop-signal task. Both patients performed normally on the Stroop test but showed reduced performance on tests of learning and memory. Moreover, altered attentional control was reflected in a diminished Novelty P3, whereas the posterior P3b to target stimuli was present in both patients. The error-related negativity, which has been hypothesized to be generated in the ACC, was present in both patients, but alterations of inhibitory behavior were observed. Although interpretative caution is generally called for in single case studies, and the fact that the lesions extended outside the ACC, the findings nevertheless suggest a role for MPFC in cognitive control that is not restricted to error monitoring.  相似文献   

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