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以带有不同类型情境线索(包括颜色、图标和字体)的环境文字为材料,采用命名任务考察5~7岁28名自闭症谱系障碍儿童和30名正常儿童阅读环境文字的特点。结果发现:(1)在去掉环境文字中的图标后,自闭症谱系障碍儿童和正常儿童命名文字的得分都显著降低;(2)在消除环境文字的字体线索后,自闭症谱系障碍儿童命名文字的得分显著降低,但正常儿童却较少受影响;(3)在阅读环境文字时,无论是自闭症谱系障碍儿童还是正常儿童,识字量越多,儿童越少依赖图标线索的提示。这些结果表明,自闭症谱系障碍儿童在阅读环境文字时,受图标线索和字体线索的影响较大,为制定促进其阅读学习的早期识字干预方案提供参考。  相似文献   

社会交往能力的缺乏被认为是自闭症谱系障碍儿童最核心的症状,戏剧治疗被认为能有效提高自闭症谱系障碍儿童的社会交往能力。文章梳理了运用戏剧治疗提升自闭症谱系障碍儿童社会交往能力的理论基础、技术和步骤、实践与疗效,并对该方法的应用进行了简单的总结和展望。技术包括布景、符号表征、视觉形象化和角色法;步骤包括相遇、谐和、习得三个阶段;现有实证研究表明该方法对自闭症谱系障碍儿童的社交能力提升有一定的作用;该方法与其他方法的结合是未来需重视的实践与研究方向。  相似文献   

模仿在人类生命进化中具有举足轻莺的意义,自闭症儿童的认知发展的研究表明,模仿缺陷是导致自闭症谱系儿童沟通障碍、社交困难的核心缺陷.而镜像神经系统机能失常假设有力地解释了自闭症谱系儿童模仿缺陷的神经机制.尽管镜像神经系统的信息加工过程还存在着MOSAIC模型和EP-M模型的争论.但这两种模型都支持自闭症儿童脑神经功能连通异常的假说.  相似文献   

自闭症谱系障碍是一组发病于生命早期, 由一系列生理、心理因素引起的神经发育障碍。遗传、脑神经结构、营养素等是自闭症谱系障碍的生物基础的重要来源。个体在孕育早期形成的大脑和机体异常可能是导致自闭症谱系障碍的关键。这种异常在出生后的发育中具体作用于神经活动、脑发育、免疫系统等生理途径。研究者们今后可以尝试横跨不同自闭症谱系障碍亚型、年龄和发育阶段, 开展横向与纵向相结合的大范围研究, 以进一步明确自闭症谱系障碍的生物基础。  相似文献   

自闭症谱系障碍预后效果不佳, 通常被认为是一种伴随终生的疾病。不过随着研究的拓展和深入, 部分早期被诊断为自闭症的儿童, 随着年龄增长和相关干预措施的介入, 其认知、适应性等方面均可达到正常发展水平, 并且不再符合自闭症的诊断标准, 即达到了“最佳结果”。但多数个体仍然存在不同程度的剩余缺陷。本文以自闭症预后结果评定和“最佳结果”定义演变为切入点, 分析“最佳结果”个体剩余缺陷的具体表现, 并梳理此类群体的个体特征与结果预测因素, 以期能为自闭症个体的系统干预提供有效依据。  相似文献   

社交缺陷是自闭症谱系障碍的核心症状。以往研究更多从社会认知的角度指出该症状是心理理论损伤所致, 但自闭症谱系障碍个体在获得心理理论之前已表现出社会动机不足的特质, 且部分能通过心理理论测试的个体依旧表现出社会动机不足的特点。社会动机理论指出社会动机是促进人类进化、激发和维持个体社会性活动的重要内部动力, 自闭症谱系障碍者的社交缺陷是由于社会动机不足所致。该理论从行为表现、神经科学和生物学三个方面对自闭症谱系障碍者的社交缺陷进行解释。未来应进一步完善自闭症谱系障碍个体社会动机的神经机制研究, 明确社会动机理论在自闭症谱系障碍群体中的适用范围, 探究社会动机理论在评估诊断和临床康复中的应用价值。  相似文献   

美国自闭症与发展性障碍监控(ADDM)网络的最新数据显示,每110名儿童中大约就有1名患有自闭症谱系障碍(ASD),我国近期相关调查也显示,自闭症儿童的数量在我国呈现不断增长趋势。自闭症是由器质性病变引发的一种终身精神疾病,其典型症状为认知、语言和社会交往障碍及刻板性行为问题。目前,由于医学上对此疾病暂无有效的治疗方法,因此心理治疗就成为自闭症应对的重要手段。心理学领域利用一切心理资源来探寻应对自闭症的干预方法时,宗教因素受到研究者们极大的关注,主要聚焦于自闭症患者的宗教信仰、宗教在自闭症治疗及其家庭中的作用等方面。  相似文献   

关于自闭症的临床、实验心理学的研究   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
徐光兴 《心理科学》2000,23(1):38-41,67
最近,国际上的临床心理学、实验心理学对自闭症的诊断、分类、发生率以及教育与治疗等,从各个角度展示了许多新的研究结果。实验心理学的调查结果表明,自闭症儿童的注意力异常,对视、听、触等感觉反应处理样式,不同于弱智儿童和正常儿童。语言障碍是自闭症儿童发展障碍中的核心症侯,这与自闭症在社会性和人际关系上存在障碍有着密切的关系。进入90年代以后,对自闭症“心的理论”的各种实验研究,引起各国研究者的注目和争论  相似文献   

自闭症谱系障碍(autism spectrum disorders,ASD)治疗是心理治疗的重要研究部分,但传统干预心理疗法有其局限性。随着虚拟现实(Virtual Reality,VR)技术的发展,虚拟现实技术被广泛应用于心理治疗领域并展现出独特的优势。文章探讨了虚拟现实技术在自闭症谱系障碍治疗中的可行性,归纳总结了其在自闭症谱系障碍治疗中的最新应用,分析了虚拟现实技术应用于自闭症谱系障碍治疗过程中技术、实验方法和人的多样化带来的挑战。未来这一方向的研究可以致力于研究更透彻的生理机制、注重虚拟现实技术的提升、采用人工智能等高端科技以及实现系统普适化和定制化的双向发展。  相似文献   

为探讨自闭症和智力障碍儿童行为问题与其父母焦虑的关系及其内在作用机制,研究采用问卷法对1023名自闭症和智力障碍儿童父母进行调查。结果表明:(1)自闭症和智力障碍儿童行为问题对父母焦虑具有正向预测作用;(2)育儿压力在儿童行为问题和父母焦虑间起中介作用;(3)儿童行为问题与育儿压力的关系受到领悟社会支持水平的调节,调节作用只在智力障碍儿童父母群体中显著。研究结果有助于揭示自闭症和智力障碍儿童行为问题对父母焦虑的影响及作用机制,对改善自闭症和智力障碍儿童父母育儿压力与焦虑具有一定指导意义。  相似文献   

周念丽  方俊明 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1507-1512
摘 要: 通过沙箱作品来解读研究对象的内心世界是为常见,然根据其作品来区分自闭症谱系障碍(ASD)儿童功能的研究尚少,本研究力图为此进行探索。通过对126名已有医院诊断书的3.2~14岁ASD儿童的沙箱游戏行为、微缩玩具摆放过程观察及作品分析发现,ASD儿童功能越高,其沙箱游戏总分和沙箱游戏各观察维度的得分也越高,差异显著性均达到p<.001。ASD儿童功能越高,其沙箱作品的整合性、空间布局和想象力水平也越高。运用沙箱游戏或可区分ASD儿童的功能。  相似文献   

Errors made by young children when they are asked to draw a model were investigated in two studies. In the first study, the experimenter asked 5- and 8-year-old children to draw a cup that had a flower decal (transfer) attached to its outside surface, attached to its inside surface or positioned beside it. The 8-year-old children in all conditions produced visually accurate drawings. The 5-year-old children produced visually accurate drawings when the flower decal was positioned beside the cup and when the flower decal was attached to the inside surface of the cup but not when the flower decal was attached to the cup's outside surface. In the second study, 5- and 8-year-old children were asked to draw a cup that had either an intact or a broken handle. The handle area of the cup was either in view or not in view. The 5- and 8-year-old children performed comparably in this experiment. The children had difficulty producing accurate copies of the model only when the cup had a handle and the handle was not in view. Taken together, these studies indicate that 5-year-old children are more likely to produce visually accurate drawings than has previously been supposed. Difficulty in producing accurate drawings occurred when drawing rules and drawing conventions interfered with the task.  相似文献   

可否运用游戏观察来评量和区分ASD儿童的功能?这是一个全新的课题。本研究聚焦自由游戏和装扮游戏,对86名ASD幼儿进行了准实验观察研究。结果发现,在自由游戏中,功能越低的ASD儿童,其交流频率越少、跟说语言越多、个体自身的探究和创造性语言愈少。在装扮游戏中,功能越低的ASD儿童,其破坏性行为越多、象征意义游戏的发生频率越少,利用玩具进行装扮游戏的能力越低。由此可见,运用游戏观察评量和区分ASD儿童功能或可为有效方法。  相似文献   

This study analyzed the process underlying the emergence of representational drawing. Eighty-seven children aged 1–3 years were asked to color or draw either a simple picture (P) or a contour for an object (DC) in a shared task. After that, they were asked to draw their mother on a blank sheet of paper in a no drawn contour task (NC). Whereas 1½- and 2-year-olds were more successful in the P task than in the DC task, the 2½- and 3-year-olds were successful in both. The 2-year-olds were better in the DC than the NC task. The results show that 1½- and 2-year-olds can extract the component parts of a drawing even though they cannot produce them and children over 2½ years old can organize these components into a drawing by themselves. These findings indicate that representational drawing is based on the extraction of the component parts and the acquisition of the drawing ability to combine the parts into a drawing and that the beginnings of representational drawing are found in 1½- and 2-year-old children.  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of expressive vocabulary and temperament on children's verbal reports about emotionally laden events in different interview conditions. In one of three conditions, 58 children aged between 5 and 7 years were interviewed about a time they had felt happy and a time they had felt scared. The interview conditions were: drawing, in which they were asked to draw and tell; re‐enactment, in which they were asked to re‐enact and tell; and verbal, in which they were simply asked to tell. The principal finding was that, whereas for children in the verbal interview condition expressive vocabulary was associated with the amount of information reported and for children in the re‐enactment condition, temperament had a moderate association with the amount reported, for children in the drawing interview condition, neither temperament nor expressive language was associated with the amount of information reported. Children in the drawing condition reported more information than those in the other two interview conditions. The possible mechanisms underlying these findings and their implications for interviewing children in clinical contexts are discussed. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at investigating face categorization strategies in children with autistic spectrum disorders (ASD). Performance of 17 children with ASD was compared to that of 17 control children in a face-matching task, including hybrid faces (composed of two overlapping faces of different spatial bandwidths) and either low- or high-pass filtered faces. Participants were asked to match faces on the basis of identity, emotion or gender. Results revealed that children with ASD used the same strategies as controls when matching faces by gender. By contrast, in the identity and the emotion conditions, children with ASD showed a high-pass bias (i.e., preference for local information), contrary to controls. Consistent with previous studies on autism, these findings suggest that children with ASD do use atypical (local-oriented) strategies to process faces.  相似文献   

Although it is well‐established that drawing about an event increases the amount of verbal information that young children provide during an interview, it is unclear whether drawing continues to facilitate children's reports as they get older. In the present experiment, 90 children, ranging from 5‐ to 12‐years old, were asked to draw and tell or to just tell about emotional events they had experienced. Children of all ages reported more information when asked to draw and tell rather than to tell only. Drawing had no negative effect on the accuracy of children's accounts. Drawing also increased the number of open‐ended questions and minimal responses that interviewers used. We conclude that drawing may be a useful tool in clinical and forensic settings with children of all ages; it increases the amount of information that children report and the number of appropriate questions that interviewers ask. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本研究以62名3~6岁儿童为被试,考察了幼儿在不同任务中对自身和他人能力判断的发展特点。结果表明:(1)幼儿对自身或他人能力判断的准确性随着年龄的增长而提高;(2)幼儿对他人能力判断并不比对自身能力判断更准确,随着年龄的增长,幼儿开始对自身能力做出更加积极的判断;(3)幼儿能够明确区分愿望与预期,不过当幼儿对自身能力进行判断时这种区分不容易显现出来。  相似文献   

It has long been proposed that individuals with autism exhibit a superior processing of details at the expense of an impaired global processing. This theory has received some empirical support, but results are mixed. In this research we have studied local and global processing in ASD and Typically Developing children, with an adaptation of the Navon task, designed to measure congruency effects between local and global stimuli and switching cost between local and global tasks. ASD children showed preserved global processing; however, compared to Typically Developing children, they exhibited more facilitation from congruent local stimuli when they performed the global task. In addition, children with ASD had more switching cost than Typically Developing children only when they switched from the local to the global task, reflecting a specific difficulty to disengage from local stimuli. Together, results suggest that ASD is characterized by a tendency to process local details, they benefit from the processing of local stimuli at the expense of increasing cost to disengage from local stimuli when global processing is needed. Thus, this work demonstrates experimentally the advantages and disadvantages of the increased local processing in children with ASD.  相似文献   

Preschool children (aged 3 to 6 years) participated in a magic show. Later, the children were given repeated true and false reminders about the show. Half the children were asked to draw these true and false reminders (drawing condition) and half the children were asked questions about the reminders but not to draw them (question condition). Later, children in the drawing condition had better recall of true reminders than children in the question group; however, children in the drawing group also recalled more false reminders than children in the question group. Finally, although children in the drawing group had better memory of the source of the reminders than children in the question group, both groups equally reported that the false reminders actually happened.  相似文献   

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