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This study explores equity sensitivity as an explanation for the differences in individuals’ organizational citizenship behaviors in response to their perceptions of organizational justice. The concept of equity sensitivity recognizes three categories of individuals: benevolents, entitleds, and sensitives. As predicted, benevolents perform more OCBs than entitleds regardless of the level of perceived justice. However, sensitives did not react as hypothesized and instead reacted similarly to benevolents. Entitleds were the most sensitive to perceived justice, responding consistently with Adam’s (1963, 1965) equity theory.  相似文献   

企业员工组织公正感与组织公民行为的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究采用组织公正感问卷和组织公民行为问卷对219名企业员工进行调查,以考察在当前社会背景中,企业员工组织公正感和组织公民行为的现状,并运用相关、回归分析等统计学方法对其内在关系进行分析,结果表明组织公正感及其因子(分配公正、程序公正和互动公正)与组织公民行为之间呈现出显著的正相关.进一步的回归分析表明,组织公正感对组织公民行为的具有积极的预测作用.  相似文献   

罗尔斯代际正义思想及其意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗尔斯的代际正义思想作为他的正义理论的重要组成部分,体现了对传统正义观的超越与发展,为人类可持续发展所进行的国际合作和国内法律、政策的制定提供了有力的理论支撑和评价标准。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the degree to which a proactive diversity-management strategy moderated the relationship between racial diversity and organizational performance. Data were gathered from 75 NCAA athletic departments. Hierarchal regression analysis indicated that, after controlling for the department expenditures and department size, racial diversity was positively associated with objective measures of overall performance. These effects were qualified by the moderating effects of a proactive diversity-management strategy, as departments that were racially diverse and followed a proactive diversity-management strategy had the greatest performance. The total model explained 68% of the variance in the department's performance. Results are discussed in terms of contributions and implications.  相似文献   

Because program experiences are more amendable than mentor or mentee characteristics, they may be important factors to consider in buffering the negative impact of youth risk on the quality of the mentor–mentee bond. Data from 455 mentees (ages 11–18; 57% male) and their undergraduate student mentors (82.3% female) from the Campus Connections mentoring program were used to assess whether youth risk and mentors’ program experiences (i.e., program structure, supportive relationships with staff, opportunities for skill building, support for efficacy and mattering, and opportunities to belong) were associated with mentoring relationship quality and whether mentors’ experience within the program moderated the association between youth risk and mentoring relationship quality. Results indicated that environmental, but not individual, risk was negatively associated with relationship quality. Mentors’ experiences with the program were positively associated with mentoring relationship quality, and in many cases, above and beyond youth level of risk. Finally, mentors’ perception of program structure, supportive relationships, and opportunities for skill building attenuated the negative relationship between environmental, but not individual, risk and relationship quality. Mentors’ experiences of program support for efficacy and mattering and opportunities to belong were not significant moderators in any model. Implications for programs and future research directions are presented.  相似文献   

Workplace deviance is a prevalent and costly problem for organizations. This study examines the relationship between interactional justice, a specific type of organizational justice perception that reflects how a person is treated by an authority, and 2 categories of deviant behavior. Based on a person-situation model, we expected the relation between interactional justice and deviance to be stronger when the employee is high rather than low in aggressiveness. Drawing from prior research suggesting that people with low status react defensively to self-invalidating events, we hypothesized that the social status variables of hierarchical position, gender, and race would also moderate the relation between interactional justice and deviance. Finally, we propose a 3-way interaction involving aggressiveness, status, and interactional justice. Data were collected from 192 employees of a public sector organization. The results provide support for several of the hypothesized interactions involving aggressiveness, social status variables, and interactional justice.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between immediate turnover and employee theft. Study 1 examined turnover and theft data from a large fast-food chain. The results suggested a relationship between theft and turnover rates. In Study 2, a laboratory study designed to test the causation of the relationship, participants indicated that they would be more likely to steal when they were leaving in two weeks than when leaving in two years. There was no significant interaction with management control. Results suggest that managers might reduce theft by implementing specific strategies when they are aware that employees are terminating employment.  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the moderating effects of social support on the link between workplace bullying and burnout. This correlational study includes 222 employees recruited from various industry sectors. Participants completed the Revised Negative Acts Questionnaire, the Maslach Burnout Inventory, and the Social Support Scale. Colleague and supervisor support moderated the relationship between both work- and person-related bullying with burnout, whereas family and senior management support moderated the links between burnout and person-related and physically intimidating bullying, respectively. High levels of emotional support were associated with greater emotional exhaustion in work-related and overall bullying. Different forms of social support moderated the links between different forms of workplace bullying and different components of burnout. The present findings may inform anti-bullying prevention programs and interventions supporting bullying victims.  相似文献   

We propose a model for examining the moderating effect of trust and social support on the relationship between organizational politics and job outcomes. The model was tested empirically using data collected among 142 academics in one of Israel's major research universities. Findings based on interaction effects support the hypothesis that trust and social support are good moderators of the relationship between perceived organizational politics (POPs) and several job outcomes (i.e., job satisfaction, organizational commitment, stress, burnout). In other words, the potentially negative aftermaths of POPs can be controlled and reduced when trust and social support dominate the intra‐organizational climate. Theoretical and practical implications of the findings, as well as recommendations for future studies, are suggested.  相似文献   

王宇清  龙立荣  周浩 《心理学报》2012,44(12):1663-1676
采用问卷调查法对341名员工及其同事进行调查,从情绪和文化传统性视角,探讨了程序和互动不公正对员工偏离行为的影响及其内在作用机制.结果表明:(1)消极情绪是组织不公正感对员工偏离行为作用的中介变量;(2)传统性对组织不公正感对员工偏离行为的影响作用具有调节效果;(3)使用总效应调节模型对消极情绪在组织不公正感对员工偏离行为的中介效应及传统性的调节作用进行综合性分析,发现传统性主要在第二阶段,即消极情绪对员工偏离行为的影响作用上调节效果显著.  相似文献   

任志洪  江光荣  叶一舵 《心理科学》2011,34(5):1106-1112
通过整群抽样的方法抽取了1404名中学生,对其施测核心自我评价量表,我的班级问卷和抑郁问卷,应用无约束结构方程模型技术和结构方程中介效应检验技术,分别考察了核心自我评价在班级环境与抑郁关系间的调节与中介作用。结果表明:(1)核心自我评价对班级环境中的师生关系、同学关系、竞争三者和抑郁之间的关系起着调节作用,但结构模型的拟合指数不佳;(2)核心自我评价在班级环境与青少年抑郁间起着中介作用,其中核心自我评价在竞争与抑郁间关系起着完全中介作用。  相似文献   

The interaction of Conscientiousness and accountability was investigated in the context of performance outcomes using a cognitive performance task, and this interaction was found to be statistically significant. In a laboratory experiment with 95 student-participants, under conditions of accountability, more conscientious individuals performed at higher levels than less conscientious people in support of the hypothesis. Under conditions of no external accountability, the relationship between Conscientiousness and performance was not significant. No main effects were found.  相似文献   

该文以314名企业员工为被试,运用问卷调查法和调节层级回归分析的统计方法,考察了工作不安全感在组织政治知觉与组织承诺之间的调节作用。结果表明:组织政治知觉对情感承诺和规范承诺都具有显著的负向预测作用,但数量性工作不安全感正向调节着组织政治知觉对情感承诺和规范承诺的消极影响,而质量性工作不安全感则负向调节着组织政治知觉对情感承诺的消极影响。  相似文献   

Occupational stress adversely affects productivity, absenteeism, and job turnover, and contributes to health-related problems. The effects of organizational level and gender on the specific sources of occupational stress assessed by the Job Stress Survey (JSS) were evaluated for a heterogeneous sample of 1,791 working adults (860 males, 931 females) employed in 2 industrial companies and a large state university. Significant main or interactive effects of organizational level and/or gender were found for the JSS Item Index, Severity and/or Frequency scores of 29 of the 30 JSS items. Organizational level effects were both more numerous and larger in magnitude than gender effects. Employees at higher organizational levels reported that they experienced stress more often while making critical decisions and dealing with crisis situations than did workers at lower levels, for whom inadequate salary and lack of opportunity for advancement were more stressful. For males, work stress was more strongly related to concerns about their role in the power structure of an organization, whereas female employees reported experiencing more severe stress when there was a conflict between job requirements and family relationships.  相似文献   

为考察自恋对攻击行为的影响以及观点采择和共情关注在其中的调节效应,采用自恋人格问卷、人际反应指针量表和简版Buss-Perry攻击问卷,对562名大学生进行调查。结果发现:(1)自恋显著正向预测攻击行为;(2)观点采择和共情关注均可负向调节自恋与攻击行为的关系,两者都能显著抑制高自恋者的攻击行为,却无法影响低自恋者的攻击行为。因此,提高观点采择和增强共情关注是减少高自恋者攻击行为的重要途径。  相似文献   

该文认为政治就是以公共权力分配为核心内容的游戏;政治学与政治哲学的根本区别在于政治学研究权力游戏规则的运行规律,而政治哲学则研究权力游戏规则的合法性;古典西方政治哲学所形成的是一种正义传统,而它正与中国古典政治哲学的天道传统相呼应。中国近代所形成的革命文化破坏了我们自己的政治哲学传统,重建我们自己的政治哲学和政治文化传统,是当代中国文化建设的核心任务之一。  相似文献   

以353名乡村中小学教师为样本,采用结构方程模型等统计方法,分析了组织政治知觉对乡村教师离职意向的影响,以及组织公平和组织认同的中介作用。结果表明:(1)组织政治知觉与乡村教师离职意向之间存在显著正相关,组织政治知觉与组织公平之间存在显著负相关;组织公平与组织认同之间存在显著正相关;组织认同与乡村教师离职意向之间存在显著负相关。(2)组织公平和组织认同在组织政治知觉对乡村教师离职意向的影响中起双重中介作用。  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships between organizational citizenship behaviors (OCBs) and knowledge sharing using gender as a moderator. In the proposed model, five components of OCBs—altruism, courtesy, conscientiousness, sportsmanship, and civic virtue—influence knowledge sharing. Gender stereotypes have a moderating effect on each path and a main effect on each antecedent. These moderating effects are simultaneously examined using data obtained from employees at various companies who attend evening college classes for advanced study in Taiwan. A moderating test reveals that the influence of altruism on knowledge sharing is stronger for women than for men, while the influences of courtesy and sportsmanship on knowledge sharing are stronger for men than for women. Lastly, the influences of conscientiousness and civic virtue on knowledge sharing are similar between women and men. Implications of empirical findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

Nurses compose the largest segment of employees in the U.S. health care industry. Nurses whose professional functioning is impaired because of substance abuse represent a threat to the health and safety of patients, other health care staff, and themselves. Attitudes toward substance use have been studied in relation to nurses' intentions (decisions) to report impaired colleagues. Whether, and to what extent, these attitudes may interact with the characteristics of the "offense" to influence intentions to report impaired practice is unknown. In this article we analyze intentions to report a variety of impaired nursing practice scenarios, obtained using a policy-capturing method, to determine the extent to which attitudes held by the "reporter" influence intentions by moderating the effects of the offense characteristics. Intention data from a sample of 120 nurses were modeled using hierarchical techniques to test the moderating hypothesis. Evidence for the moderating effects of attitudes is discussed.  相似文献   

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