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A psychophysical model that provides separate measures of judgmental standards and sensitivity is utilized to compare an O’s visual sensitivity for vertical and horizontal movement. The analysis indicates no consistent difference in sensitivity; those asymmetries that do exist simply appear to be due to idiosyncratic judgmental standards.  相似文献   

Data are presented which support a mathematical model for visual movement perception. An observer’s ability to judge the relative position of two successively presented points of light in an otherwise dark room is shown to diminish as the inter-stimulus interval is increased. However, a measure of visual position memory appears to remain invariant a5 this interval is varied. Neither the degree of head stabilization nor whether viewing is monocular or binocular appreciably alters this measure.  相似文献   

Perception of relative phase and phase variability may play a fundamental role in interlimb coordination. This study was designed to investigate the perception of relative phase and of phase variability and the stability of perception in each case. Observers judged the relative phasing of two circles rhythmically moving on a computer display. The circles moved from side to side, simulating movement in the frontoparallel plane, or increased and decreased in size, simulating movement in depth. Under each viewing condition, participants observed the same displays but were to judge either mean relative phase or phase variability. Phase variability interfered with the mean-relative-phase judgments, in particular when the mean relative phase was 0 degrees. Judgments of phase variability varied as a function of mean relative phase. Furthermore, the stability of the judgments followed an asymmetric inverted U-shaped relation with mean relative phase, as predicted by the Haken-Kelso-Bunz model.  相似文献   

People naturally move their heads when they speak, and our study shows that this rhythmic head motion conveys linguistic information. Three-dimensional head and face motion and the acoustics of a talker producing Japanese sentences were recorded and analyzed. The head movement correlated strongly with the pitch (fundamental frequency) and amplitude of the talker's voice. In a perception study, Japanese subjects viewed realistic talking-head animations based on these movement recordings in a speech-in-noise task. The animations allowed the head motion to be manipulated without changing other characteristics of the visual or acoustic speech. Subjects correctly identified more syllables when natural head motion was present in the animation than when it was eliminated or distorted. These results suggest that nonverbal gestures such as head movements play a more direct role in the perception of speech than previously known.  相似文献   

A number of studies have investigated changes in the perception of visual motion as a result of altered sensory experiences. An animal study has shown that auditory-deprived cats exhibit enhanced performance in a visual movement detection task compared to hearing cats (Lomber, Meredith, & Kral, 2010). In humans, the behavioural evidence regarding the perception of motion is less clear. The present study investigated deaf and hearing adult participants using a movement localization task and a direction of motion task employing coherently-moving and static visual dot patterns. Overall, deaf and hearing participants did not differ in their movement localization performance, although within the deaf group, a left visual field advantage was found. When discriminating the direction of motion, however, deaf participants responded faster and tended to be more accurate when detecting small differences in direction compared with the hearing controls. These results conform to the view that visual abilities are enhanced after auditory deprivation and extend previous findings regarding visual motion processing in deaf individuals.  相似文献   

Studies of bimanual coordination have found that only two stable relative phases (0 degree and 180 degrees) are produced when a participant rhythmically moves two joints in different limbs at the same frequency. Increasing the frequency of oscillation causes an increase in relative phase variability in both of these phase modes. However, relative phasing at 180 degrees is more variable than relative phasing at 0 degree, and when the frequency of oscillation reaches a critical frequency, a transition to 0 degree occurs. These results have been replicated when 2 people have coordinated their respective limb movements using vision. This inspired us to investigate the visual perception of relative phase. In Experiment 1, recordings of human interlimb oscillations exhibiting different frequencies, mean relative phases, and different amounts of phase variability were used to generate computer displays of spheres oscillating either side to side in a frontoparallel plane or in depth. Participants judged the stability of relative phase. Judgments covaried with phase variability only when the mean phase was 0 degree or 180 degrees. Otherwise, judgments covaried with mean relative phase, even after extensive instruction and demonstration. In Experiment 2, mean relative phase and phase variability were manipulated independently via simulations, and participants were trained to perceive phase variability in testing sessions in which mean phase was held constant. The results of Experiment 1 were replicated. The HKB model was fitted to mean judgment standard deviations.  相似文献   

Intermodal perceptual equivaience was investigated, using visual and tactual oddity discrimination and cross-modal matching-to-sample tasks. Four groups of Ss were presented with 100 problems made up of randomly derived forms from five levels of sidedness. The same quadratic relationship was observed for all tasks as a function of complexity, with optimal performance at eight sides. Comman information utilization, as indicated by intercorrelations of performance variables and by correlational analyses with differences in form measures, was not as pronounced within side classes. Evidence concerning the nature of pattern-feature usage in discrimination was obtained from graphical analyses.  相似文献   

Wheel-generated motions have served as a touchstone for discussion of the perception of wholes and parts since the beginning of Gestalt psychology. The reason is that perceived common motions of the whole and the perceived relative motions of the parts are not obviously found in the absolute motion paths of points on a rolling wheel. In general, two types of theories have been proposed as to how common and relative motions are derived from absolute motions: one is that the common motions are extracted from the display first, leaving relative motions as the residual; the other is that relative motions are extracted first leaving common motions as the residual. A minimum principle can be used to defend both positions, but application of the principle seems contingent on the particular class of stimuli chosen. We propose a third view. It seems that there are at least two simultaneous processes—one for common motions and one for relative motions—involved in the perception of these and other stimuli and that a minimum principle is involved in both. However, for stimuli in many domains the minimization of relative motion dominates the perception. In general, we propose that any given stimulus can be organized to minimize the complexity of either its common motions or its relative motions; that which component is minimized depends on which of two processes reaches completion first (that for common or that for relative motions); and that the similarity of any two displays depends on whether common or relative motions are minimized.  相似文献   

The present investigation is a cross‐sectional, multi‐national, quantitative, and quasi‐experimental comparison of tourists’ risk perceptions regarding different destinations throughout the past decade. Over 10,000 tourists to Norway from 89 different countries filled in a questionnaire rating the perceived risk for various destinations. Data were collected during 2004, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2015 and allow for a comparison of perceived risk across time, place and nationality. Results show that while absolute risk judgments for different destinations fluctuate somewhat over the years, relative risk judgments remain constant. Findings also reveal a “home‐is‐safer‐then‐abroad‐bias” with tourists consistently perceiving their home country among the safest destinations. The current investigation is rare because it looks at more than one destination at a time. Insights gained from the present findings diverge from what would have been concluded from employing case studies, that is, looking at one destination at a time.  相似文献   

A theory of visual movement perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

OBJECTIVE: To explain inconsistent results in previous attempts to determine whether, when presented with health risk information, people focus primarily on information about their own risk status or on a comparison with others. DESIGN: A randomized between-groups experiment in which participants were presented with hypothetical cardiac risk information. We examined whether affective responses were primarily sensitive to the relative difference between personal and comparison risk, rather than the absolute difference. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Participants' negative affective response to the risk information. RESULTS: When relative differences were held constant, participants' responses were independently influenced by both personal risk and comparative standing, effects that were greatly attenuated when absolute differences were held constant. When maintaining constant absolute differences, personal and comparison risk information appeared to interact. CONCLUSION: Previous studies tended to maintain constant absolute risk differences and so may have underestimated the impact of personal risk information. Participants' responses were sensitive to the way the risk difference was constructed. Basing experimental design decisions on assumptions about the information participants will respond to can lead to misinterpretations of the basis of risk judgments.  相似文献   

It is possible, in theory, for the simultaneous occurrence of several different relative cues of distances to increase the veridicality of the perception of absolute distance. To test whether this actually occurs, a three-dimensional display was viewed monocularly while moving the head laterally, under conditions in which some error in perceived absolute distance was expected. The perceived absolute distance of the display was measured with the number of relative cues of distance within the display varied. No systematic reduction was found in the error in perceived absolute distance as a consequence of the variation in the number of relative cues. The study provides no evidence that the potential source of absolute distance information provided by relative cues is utilized by the visual system.  相似文献   

The discovery that the prehension component of an open-loop, two-fingered reach is largely immune to certain salient pictorial illusions has been used to suggest that humans possess 2 distinct visual systems, 1 that subserves perceptual judgment and 1 that mediates visually controlled action. In this article, the authors present evidence that suggests that the critical distinction is not that of reaching and judgment but of relative and absolute perception. Experiment 1 extends the findings of S. Aglioti, J. F. X. DeSouza, and M. A. Goodale (1995) and suggests that the manual prehension component of open-loop reaching is affected by the horizontal-vertical illusion to a much smaller degree than perceptual size judgments. In Experiments 2 and 3, however, when perceptual size judgment is directed at a single element of the display, this difference vanishes. Experiment 4 demonstrates that grip scaling is strongly affected by the illusion when a single reach is scaled to both the horizontal and vertical components of a triangular figure.  相似文献   

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics - This paper presents a decision theory model of the perceptual processes by which an observer compares two visual stimuli presented at different points...  相似文献   

Three subjects were given extensive practice in discriminating syllables which differed in voice onset time. For these subjects, there were two major findings. First, discrimination of speech follows normal psychophysical laws: long-onset-time stimuli require larger differences than shorter ones for comparable discrimination. Second, the shape of the discrimination function for experienced subjects is more like a leaning W than an inverted V, the usual shape for naive subjects. The data support a model of speech perception with both an acoustic and a phonetic component. The phonetic component is best characterized as a prototype matching process, with the prototype including information on the simultaneity of formant onset.  相似文献   

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