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The oddity method was used in assessing pitch, loudness, simultaneous tone, successive tone, and speech sound discrimination in 35 normal children and 15 children with learning problems. With this method three auditory stimuli are presented, two of which are identical, and the S is required to indicate the temporal position of the odd stimulus. For both groups, discrimination was most accurate when the odd stimulus was in the third position. These results could be explained by assuming that the oddity response was based upon successive Same-Different judgments of the first and second stimuli and the second and third stimuli, since a correct response to third-position oddity would require only a Same judgment of the first and second stimuli. Other findings were not as easily explained by this simple model, and alternative hypotheses are discussed.  相似文献   

Eight pigeons learned either matching (to sample) or oddity (from sample) with or without reward for sample responding. The training stimuli were coarse-white, fine-black, or smooth-mauve gravels in pots with buried grain as the reinforcer. Oddity without sample reward was learned most rapidly, followed by matching with sample reward, oddity with sample reward, and matching without sample reward. Transfer was related to acquisition rate: The oddity group without sample reward showed full (equal to baseline) color and texture transfer; the matching group with sample reward showed partial texture transfer; other groups showed no transfer. Sample reward was shown to determine rate of acquisition of matching and oddity and the oddity preference effect. The results are discussed in terms of item-specific associations operating early in learning prior to any relational learning between sample and comparison stimuli.  相似文献   

Two kinds of mediating behavior were compared with respect to their effectiveness in variable-delay matching-to-sample and oddity-matching tasks. Each of four 5-year-old children was trained to emit either differential or common mediating responses. The differential mediating response consisted of pressing a specific computer key corresponding to either of two possible sample stimuli (a red or a green square). The common mediating response consisted of pressing one of the two response keys regardless of the sample. The differential-response subjects did not show the typical, delay-related decrease in matching-to-sample performance that characterized the behavior of common-response subjects. An oddity-matching task was then introduced, and subjects were instructed to use the mediating keys however they preferred, including not at all. Differential-response subjects continued to respond on the originally trained mediating keys in response to sample presentation and later reversed their choice responding, thus accommodating the oddity-matching requirements. Common-response subjects continued to emit the previously trained mediating response and experienced limited success in oddity matching. Results were interpreted in terms of stimulus control, instructional control, and experimental history.  相似文献   

Three pigeons were trained on oddity matching in which either 1, 4, 8, 16, or 32 sample-key observing responses were required to turn off the sample stimuli and turn on the comparison stimuli. Oddity accuracy increased when the observing-response requirement was raised and decreased when the requirement was lowered. Next, while the observing requirement was maintained at one response, the number of responses required to the comparison stimuli was either 1, 4, 8, 16, or 32. Under these conditions, choice was defined as the comparison that first accumulated the required number of responses. In general, increasing the comparison-response requirement decreased accuracy and lowering the comparison requirement increased accuracy. The fixed-ratio observing requirements appeared to facilitate control by stimuli serving an instructional function.  相似文献   

Sample-specific ratio effects in matching to sample   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
In a symbolic matching-to-sample task, pigeons were trained using sample-specific, fixed-ratio “observing responses.” Subsequently, in a mixed condition, each sample was presented equally often with each ratio requirement, i.e., the ratios were no longer correlated with the samples. In a second experiment, pigeons were trained initially in the mixed condition and subsequently shifted to the sample-specific condition in which the required ratios were correlated with the samples. Results of both experiments suggested joint control of choices by ratio value and by the exteroceptive stimuli. The discriminative properties of the ratios appeared to outweigh absolute ratio-size effects.  相似文献   

Hooded crows were trained in two-alternative simultaneous matching and oddity tasks with stimulus sets of three different categories: color (black and white), shape (Arabic Numerals 1 and 2, which were used as visual shapes only), and number of elements (arrays of one and two items). These three sets were used for training successively and repeatedly; the stimulus set was changed to the next one after the criterion (80% correct or better over 30 consecutive trials) was reached with the previous one. Training was continued until the criterion could be reached within the first 30 to 50 trials for each of the three training sets. During partial transfer tests, familiar stimuli (numerals and arrays in the range from 1 to 2) were paired with novel ones (numerals and arrays in the range from 3 to 4). At the final stage of testing only novel stimuli were presented (numerals and arrays in the range from 5 to 8). Four of 6 birds were able to transfer in these tests, and their performance was significantly above chance. Moreover, performance of the birds on the array stimuli did not differ from their performance on the color or shape stimuli. They were capable of recognizing the number of elements in arrays and comparing the stimuli by this attribute. It was concluded that crows were able to apply the matching (or oddity) concept to stimuli of numerical category.  相似文献   

Three separate experiments indicate that the second of a pair of durations tends to be overestimated relative to the first. These negative time-order errors are discussed as reliable perceptual phenomena, not explainable in terms of simple response biases, criterion biases, assimilation, or fading traces.  相似文献   

Voice recognition was assessed by a matching to sample procedure in 30 right-handed adults with normal hearing. The subject was required to indicate which of three voices speaking a nonsense syllable matched the speaker of a sample vowel. Subjects were able to recognize voices with reasonable accuracy, but there were no significant differences as a function of ears or practice, and performance was not markedly affected by knowledge of results or mode of response. There was a significant difference as a function of the temporal position of the matching voice, with recognition being most accurate when the matching voice was first and least accurate when it was third. Further research is necessary to determine whether voice recognition should be classified as the type of verbal ability associated with the cerebral hemisphere dominant for speech, or whether it is the type of nonverbal auditory ability associated with the nonspeech hemisphere.This research was supported in part by grant MA-1652 from the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Control by sample location in pigeons'' matching to sample.   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
Three experiments assessed the impact of sample location in pigeons' matching to sample. Experiments 1 and 2 demonstrated that after line or hue identity matching was acquired to high levels of accuracy with center-key samples, varying sample location across the three keys disrupted performances. The drop in accuracy occurred following both zero-delay and simultaneous training and was mostly confined to trials in which the sample appeared on a side key. Experiment 3 attempted to diminish control by location by training birds to match samples that could appear in any location prior to center-key sample training and moving-sample testing with another set of stimuli. In testing, all birds performed accurately on center-sample trials and on side-key sample trials in which the matching choice appeared on the center key. Accuracy was below chance, however, on side-key sample trials in which the matching choice appeared on the other side key. One implication of the persistent control by sample location in the three-key paradigm is that it precludes the possibility of symmetry because symmetry tests require a change in the locations at which samples and comparisons appear.  相似文献   

The efficiency, y,η of performance in amplitude discrimination is examined as a function of the temporal separation, Γ, of the two signals to be discriminated. Performance in a monaural amplitude discrimination task is compared with that in a dichotic amplitude discrimination task, in which the first of the two signals was always presented to one ear and the second signal to the other ear. The difference in the shape of the resulting η versus Γ functions for the monaural and dichotic cases is interpreted in terms of peripheral and central interference effects.  相似文献   

Three experiments compared the performance of pigeons and corvids when they were given the opportunity to transfer the relational rule underlying matching or oddity discriminations to new sets of stimuli. In the first, pigeons and jackdaws were initially trained either on a matching or on a non-relational conditional discrimination and then transferred to a new matching discrimination. In the second, pigeons and jays were trained on a series of three matching (or oddity) discriminations with three different pairs of colours and finally tested, either with the same or the reversed rule, on matching or oddity to line orientations. In the third, pigeons and rooks were trained to perform one response when two coloured panels were the same and a different response when the two colours were different and then transferred, either with the same or the reversed rule, to a new set of colour stimuli. All three experiments produced the same result: no evidence of transfer of the relational rule by pigeons, but substantial and significant transfer by corvids.  相似文献   

Discrimination learning was investigated in patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer-type dementia (AD), comparing their performance with age-matched controls. Four AD patients were trained to criterion on identity matching and then shifted to the same task with novel stimuli. The AD patients showed no savings in learning to match novel stimuli, whereas a comparative group of four control subjects rapidly learned the novel matching discrimination, maintaining criterion performance on the transfer test. A second group of four patients was initially trained on oddity, taking a similar number of trials to reach criterion as the matching group. When these patients were subsequently shifted to the matching task with novel stimuli, they performed substantially worse than the first group of patients who had learned the matching task in the first stage. The lack of positive transfer in the shift between matching to matching suggests that the AD patients solved the identity-matching task on the basis of stimulus-response associations rather than a rule. The presence of negative transfer after shifting from oddity to matching may be explained by a pre-disposition to respond to a novel stimulus that is carried over into the matching task, but this warrants further investigation, as indicated in the discussion.  相似文献   

Behavioural contrast is an inverse relation between the response rate in one component of a multiple schedule and the reinforcer rate in an alternated component. To explore possible contrast effects in accuracy as well as response rate, four pigeons were trained in multiple schedules where key pecking produced delayed matching-to-sample trials on a variable-interval schedule. Reinforcer probability for correct matches was constant at .3 in one component, and the conditions of reinforcement were varied in the second component. In Experiment 1, the varied component arranged the same contingencies as the constant component but with reinforcer probabilities of .9 or .1 across conditions. In the varied component, both response rate and accuracy of delayed matching were directly related to reinforcer probability; in the constant component, however, contrast effects on response rate were weak, and there was no evidence of contrast in accuracy of matching. In Experiment 2, the varied component was either variable interval with immediate food reinforcement or extinction. Reliable contrast effects were obtained in both response rate and in accuracy of matching in the constant component, and their magnitudes were correlated within and between subjects. The results of Experiment 2 join previous findings of covariation in the effects of reinforcement on free-operant responding and accuracy of discrimination.  相似文献   

5 subjects matched pairs of auditory and vibrotactile stimuli on intensity, making judgments of suprathreshold magnitudes. Slope values for the 100-Hz cross-modal lingual vibrotactile stimulus-standard frequency condition were steeper than those for 250- or 400-Hz conditions. Slope values became steeper at about 25- to 30-dB SL, so frequency seems an important parameter to control in such research.  相似文献   

In these investigations, a “teaching machine” was used to train pre-school and first-grade children in a series of progressively difficult discrimination tasks, leading up to matching to sample. Such training was much more efficient than training in the final discrimination alone. The errors the subjects made were found to be a functon both of the differences between consecutive discriminations (the “size of the steps” in the program) and the length of training on each discrimination. Theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Sets of recycled sequences of four successive tones were presented in all six possible orders to untrained listeners. For pitches within the musical range, recognition (as measured by matching of any unknown order with an array of permuted orders of the same tones) could be accomplished as readily for tonal durations and frequency separations outside the limits employed for melodic construction as inside these limits. Identifying or naming of relative pitches of successive tones was considerably more difficult than matching for these tonal sequences, and appeared to follow different rules based upon duration and upon frequency separation. Use of frequencies above the pitch limits for music (4,500 Hz and above) resulted in poor performance both for matching and naming of order. Introduction of short silent intervals between items was without effect for both tasks. Naming of order and pattern recognition appear to reflect different basic processes, in agreement with earlier formulations based on experiments with phonemic sequences of speech and sequences of unrelated sounds (hisses, tones, buzzes). Special characteristics of tonal sequences are discussed, and some speculations concerning music are offered.  相似文献   

Four homing pigeons were trained over 5 months in a zero-delay, “arbitrary” matching-to-sample procedure with sample and comparison stimuli presented on any of three response keys. Birds were also required to complete a fixed-ratio 10 requirement on both sample and comparison stimuli to terminate their presentation. The procedure resulted in the establishment of relations that were not specifically trained and that can be characterized by the property of transitivity in a stimulus equivalence context. This result was in contrast with the findings obtained from most previous research with nonhuman subjects.  相似文献   

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