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A typical psychophysical experiment presents a sequence of visual stimuli to an observer and collects and stores the responses for later analysis. Although computers can speed up this process, paint programs that allow one to prepare visual stimuli without programming cannot read responses from the mouse or keyboard, whereas BASIC and other programming languages that allow one to collect and store observer’s responses unfortunately cannot handle prepainted pictures. A new programming language called The Director provides the best of both worlds. Its BASIC-like commands can manipulate prepainted pictures, read responses made with the mouse and keyboard, and save these on disk for later analysis. A dozen sample programs are provided.  相似文献   

A new OS/8 SKED     
A new SKED run-time system and compiler have been designed for use under the OS8 operating system. OS8 is a set of programs designed by DEC for the PDP8 computer with 8K or more core memory locations and a mass-storage device (disk, or DEC-tape). The advantages of OS8 include operator convenience, device independent input-output, standard file formats, and convenient program chaining as well as a set of standard data analysis programs. The new compiler, OSCOMP, differs from the previous version in two ways. The first new feature is the ability to process named input and output files on any OS8 compatible peripheral. The second feature is the utilization of 8K of core, permitting compilation of longer state tables than could be processed with the earlier version. Furthermore, with a disk as the OS8 peripheral, the compilation process is essentially instantaneous, for state tables previously requiring from 3–30 min with paper tape devices. The new run-time system, OSRTS8, contains a variety of new features. The most important improvements are the abilities to record data on the OS8 peripheral as well as to read state tables stored as files on the mass-storage device. Other new features include chaining of state tables, automatic start, automatic output file specification, and capability for as many as 12 simultaneous stations.  相似文献   

The use of the Commodore 64 or 128 as an accurate millisecond timer is discussed. BASIC and machine language programs are provided that allow the keyboard to be used as the response manipulandum. Modifications of the programs for use with a joystick or external switches are also discussed. The precision, flexibility, and low cost of these machines recommends their use as laboratory instruments.  相似文献   

Inexpensive speech synthesizers are now available that either plug into the card slots on computers or connect to their serial ports. With some practice in listening, the speech produced by these synthesizers is quite intelligible, and because they present information that appears on the screen of the monitor, they make it possible for blind persons to interact with computers. However, they provide only a partial solution. In too many instances, some of the text appearing on the monitor screen cannot be directed to the synthesizer, and the missing information is often crucial. This happens because the writers of application programs sometimes modify the computer’s disk operating system. This limitation can be overcome by using special hardware that reads the screen buffer directly and creates a virtual image of the screen in memory external to the computer. Because the image is updated continually, it is always an accurate representation of whatever appears on the screen. The characters contained in the external buffer can be sent to a speech synthesizer, and can be examined selectively by means of a small keyboard. Several successful hardware solutions have been demonstrated, and one of these solutions is described here in detail.  相似文献   

A microcomputer-assisted system that permits multiple events to be coded from videotape to a common time base is described. The system allows an operator, by pressing a button, to record the onset and offset times of any number of events. It requires a video recorder, an Apple II microcomputer, a John Bell 6522 timing card, and a pair of switches. The software package consists of five programs: one to make timing signals on the videotape, one to record the onset time and duration of the operator’s buttonpresses, one to read and print the coding data from disk, one to operate the timer, and one to process the compiled code used in the software package. All necessary wiring diagrams are shown. Software is available gratis from the authors on request.  相似文献   

A software system (NOVA SKED) was developed for the experimental control and collection of data from operant behavior experiments that is compatible with the Data General Corporation real-time disk operating system (RDOS). NOVA SKED is based on the SKED state notation language originally implemented on Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-8 series of minicomputers. The system includes a compiler written in FORTRAN, a multitasking run-time system that can be configured to run up to 30 stations, a data back-up system, standard data manipulation programs and subroutines, and user manuals.  相似文献   

This paper describes the practical steps necessary to write logfiles for recording user actions in event-driven applications. Data logging has long been used as a reliable method to record all user actions, whether assessing new software or running a behavioral experiment. With the widespread introduction of event-driven software, the logfile must enable accurate recording of all the user’s actions, whether with the keyboard or another input device. Logging is only an effective tool when it can accurately and consistently record all actions in a format that aids the extraction of useful information from the mass of data collected. Logfiles are often presented as one of many methods that could be used, and here a technique is proposed for the construction of logfiles for the quantitative assessment of software from the user’s point of view.  相似文献   

Experiment software is often used to measure reaction times gathered with keyboards or other input devices. In previous studies, the accuracy and precision of time stamps has been assessed through several means: (a) generating accurate square wave signals from an external device connected to the parallel port of the computer running the experiment software, (b) triggering the typematic repeat feature of some keyboards to get an evenly separated series of keypress events, or (c) using a solenoid handled by a microcontroller to press the input device (keyboard, mouse button, touch screen) that will be used in the experimental setup. Despite the advantages of these approaches in some contexts, none of them can isolate the measurement error caused by the experiment software itself. Metronome LKM provides a virtual keyboard to assess an experiment’s software. Using this open source driver, researchers can generate keypress events using high-resolution timers and compare the time stamps collected by the experiment software with those gathered by Metronome LKM (with nanosecond resolution). Our software is highly configurable (in terms of keys pressed, intervals, SysRq activation) and runs on 2.6–4.8 Linux kernels.  相似文献   

本研究设计了两种基于汉语全拼输入的提示性软键盘:加粗加黑和颜色提示,并通过实证性研究验证了这两种提示性软键盘对汉字输入绩效的影响。结果表明,两种提示性软键盘均优于非提示性软键盘,在打字速度、使用方便程度、喜爱程度和总体评价上均更好,加粗加黑提示性软键盘还显著提升了输入正确率。该结果为基于汉字输入的提示性软键盘的研发和使用提供了科学依据和数据支持,也将为相关键盘的投入市场做出贡献。  相似文献   

A relatively simple, remote keyboard switch for the IBM PC/AT and compatibles is discussed. It may be used to isolate a subject from an experimenter when the experimenter is controlling an experiment with the PC. The device, based on a 4066 CMOS, when used in conjunction with a monochrome monitor and a color monitor, enables the experimenter to switch, manually or programmatically (TTL), between the local monitor and the local keyboard and a remote monitor and a remote keyboard for presentation of stimuli and for recording of subject’s responses.  相似文献   

Timing accuracy in presenting experimental stimuli (visual information on a PC or on a TV) and responding (keyboard presses and mouse signals) is of importance in several experimental paradigms. In this article, a simple system for measuring timing accuracy is described. The system uses two PCs (at least Pentium II, 200 MHz), a photocell, and an amplifier. No additional boards and timing hardware are needed. The first PC, a SlavePC, monitors the keyboard presses or mouse signals from the PC under test and uses a photocell that is placed in front of the screen to detect the appearance of visual stimuli on the display. The software consists of a small program running on the SlavePC. The SlavePC is connected through a serial line with a second PC. This MasterPC controls the SlavePC through an ActiveX control, which is used in a Visual Basic program. The accuracy of our system was investigated by using a similar setup of a SlavePC and a MasterPC to generate pulses and by using a pulse generator card. These tests revealed that our system has a 0.01-msec accuracy. As an illustration, the reaction time accuracy of INQUISIT for a few applications was tested using our system. It was found that in those applications that we investigated, INQUISIT measures reaction times from keyboard presses with millisecond accuracy.  相似文献   

In the process of studying human tutoring sessions as a basis for building an intelligent tutoring system, we developed a computer dialogue system (CDS) that allows two PC users to communicate with each other over a telephone line by typing at a computer keyboard. CDS records the content of dialogue on a disk in a specified, well-formatted way. It also makes available a way to mimic some of the characteristics of face-to-face dialogue such as repair. It was developed in the Smartcom III (Hayes Communication package) environment. Thus, it is fast, portable, and easy to use. In addition, to help us study the recorded dialogues, we have also written a numbering program to label each turn and each sentence within each turn. Although CDS was originally designed for the study of tutorial dialogues between students and teachers, it can be used to conduct and record dialogues of any kind.  相似文献   

Deterministic blockmodelling is a well-established clustering method for both exploratory and confirmatory social network analysis seeking partitions of a set of actors so that actors within each cluster are similar with respect to their patterns of ties to other actors (or, in some cases, other objects when considering two-mode networks). Even though some of the historical foundations for certain types of blockmodelling stem from the psychological literature, applications of deterministic blockmodelling in psychological research are relatively rare. This scarcity is potentially attributable to three factors: a general unfamiliarity with relevant blockmodelling methods and applications; a lack of awareness of the value of partitioning network data for understanding group structures and processes; and the unavailability of such methods on software platforms familiar to most psychological researchers. To tackle the first two items, we provide a tutorial presenting a general framework for blockmodelling and describe two of the most important types of deterministic blockmodelling applications relevant to psychological research: structural balance partitioning and two-mode partitioning based on structural equivalence. To address the third problem, we developed a suite of software programs that are available as both Fortran executable files and compiled Fortran dynamic-link libraries that can be implemented in the R software system. We demonstrate these software programs using networks from the literature.  相似文献   

A system for creating and running psychological experiments on IBM PC compatible computers is described. The system attempts to reconcile the demand for flexible and powerful experimental software with the need for systems that are easy to understand and modify. Experiments are created by building a series of displays with variable compositions, durations, and stimulus onset asynchronies. The number, type, location, color, and perceptibility of stimuli within these displays can be systematically varied. Reaction time and other response measures can be collected from the keyboard, a voice-activated switch, or other external switches. The system is assembled from a series of Turbo Pascal and Turbo C routines that may be modified by the user or incorporated into new routines. Custom modules can be added easily to any of the system’s menus. The system is best suited for discrete trial experiments with target detection, perceptual priming, lexical decision, or recognition memory tasks.  相似文献   

PyEPL (the Python Experiment-Programming Library) is a Python library which allows cross-platform and object-oriented coding of behavioral experiments. It provides functions for displaying text and images onscreen, as well as playing and recording sound, and is capable of rendering 3-D virtual environments forspatial-navigation tasks. It is currently tested for Mac OS X and Linux. It interfaces with Activewire USB cards (on Mac OS X) and the parallel port (on Linux) for synchronization of experimental events with physiological recordings. In this article, we first present two sample programs which illustrate core PyEPL features. The examples demonstrate visual stimulus presentation, keyboard input, and simulation and exploration of a simple 3-D environment. We then describe the components and strategies used in implementing PyEPL.  相似文献   

A recent stimulus-response compatibility model was used to provide a performance evaluation of an experimental notation for the keyboard in which pitch varies horizontally in visual space. One hundred and twenty subjects performed a choice reaction time task using either the horizontal notation or a more traditional vertical notation. Half the subjects in each notation group received white noise and half received pitch-varying feedback with responses. A horizontal display advantage was revealed when rules of the model were applied to data analyses. Further, the horizontal display advantage was not dependent on the nature of the feedback. In a second experiment, performance of musicians and non-musicians was compared using the horizontal and vertical notations. Musicians' performance was uniformly better than that of non-musicians, and did not differ with notation orientation. The findings support the use of non-traditional horizontal notations for novice performance on a keyboard instrument.  相似文献   

Conclusions Although Montague claims that the system of The proper treatment of quantification in ordinary English includes some conjunction and disjunction, the rules for other grammatical constructions do not take conjunction or disjunction into account, and in general fail either syntactically or semantically when one of their arguments is so formed. Using an unlabeled bracketing of syntactic structure and recursive definitions, we have been able to rewrite the rules so that correct results are obtained.These results should provide a firmer basis for extension of PTQ.This research was supported in part by NSF Grants GS-31309 and BNS 76-23840. Our observations were made with the aid of several computer programs for PTQ: a sentence generator for the bracketed syntax, a parser, and a translator. I should like to thank Philip Tedeschi, David Warren, and David Lewis for helpful discussions. Warren is also acknowledged as co-author of the section on the semantic role of conjunction.  相似文献   

An inexpensive CRT terminal controller/computer is described. The board integrates virtually any keyboard and CRT monitor into a work station with firmware-governed intelligence. The system is designed to fill the cost/functionality niche below the Apple microcomputer. It can be configured as a dumb or smart terminal (approximately $100 plus keyboard and CRT monitor), as a self-contained computer that runs ROM-based software such as a small BASIC or an assembler/disassembler fan additional $100 in chips), or as a word processor if aa audio cassette ($50) or dual digital cassettes with controller ($125) are added.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of voice-feedback delay on learning to type nonsense strings on a reduced computer terminal keyboard. The results suggest that long delays (1,642 msec) affect learning of the keyboard before mastery, whereas shorter delays (841 msec) do not. With mastery, subjects learn to ignore the disruptive effects of long feedback delays. Feedback delay may nevertheless be an important human-factors issue for blind consumers who are learning to type with a voice-based system, and for hardware and software designers of systems for the blind and visually impaired.  相似文献   

This paper reviews Macintosh-based instructional software. The programs that are discussed can be used as laboratory exercises for data collection and data analysis, or for computer-assisted instruction. Some suggestions for state-of-the-art software in each of these categories are made along with some comments regarding instructional objectives for each set of programs.  相似文献   

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