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When visual features in the periphery are close together they become difficult to recognize: something is present but it is unclear what. This is called “crowding”. Here we investigated sensitivity to features in highly familiar shapes (letters) by applying spatial distortions. In Experiment 1, observers detected which of four peripherally presented (8 deg of retinal eccentricity) target letters was distorted (spatial 4AFC). The letters were presented either isolated or surrounded by four undistorted flanking letters, and distorted with one of two types of distortion at a range of distortion frequencies and amplitudes. The bandpass noise distortion (“BPN”) technique causes spatial distortions in Cartesian space, whereas radial frequency distortion (“RF”) causes shifts in polar coordinates. Detecting distortions in target letters was more difficult in the presence of flanking letters, consistent with the effect of crowding. The BPN distortion type showed evidence of tuning, with sensitivity to distortions peaking at approximately 6.5 c/deg for unflanked letters. The presence of flanking letters causes this peak to rise to approximately 8.5 c/deg. In contrast to the tuning observed for BPN distortions, RF distortion sensitivity increased as the radial frequency of distortion increased. In a series of follow-up experiments, we found that sensitivity to distortions is reduced when flanking letters were also distorted, that this held when observers were required to report which target letter was undistorted, and that this held when flanker distortions were always detectable. The perception of geometric distortions in letter stimuli is impaired by visual crowding.  相似文献   

J M Wolfe 《Perception》1983,12(4):447-456
Orthogonal gratings, presented dichoptically, do not fuse into a single percept. Parts of each are seen while other parts are suppressed in an unstable perception (binocular rivalry). However, it has been previously noted that, if the gratings are briefly flashed, they will appear to fuse into a plaid or checkerboard pattern. Three experiments are reported which have been designed to define more clearly the spatial and temporal parameters of this effect in the hope that this would lead to better understanding of the normal mechanisms of dominance and suppression. Stimuli appear fused if flashed for less than 150 ms. The effect is independent of substantial changes in spatial frequency and luminance. Single flashes that appear fused when presented in isolation produce rivalry if separated by intervals less than about 150 ms. Intervals greater than 150 ms produce continued abnormal fusion. Possible mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial properties of the difference in perceived contrast and brightness of two suprathreshold stimuli presented successively in different retinal locations were determined. Stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) was varied and the perceived contrast or brightness of the first stimulus (S1) was measured as a function of SOA by matching the contrast or luminance of the second stimulus (S2) to that of S1. The two stimuli overlapped in time for 200 ms to allow the comparison to be made. The adjusted values for S2 could well be fitted with an exponential decay function of SOA. For luminance increments and decrements the time constant for this function was 253 ms; for checkerboards with checks of size 16 min square the time constant was 164 ms. The difference in perceived contrast was dependent on initial contrast in a nonlinear fashion. It increased with increasing check size and was independent of the mean luminance and spatial proximity of the two stimuli. The phenomenon was observed with different pattern types and with dichoptic presentation, but could only be seen when direct comparison of the two stimuli was possible.  相似文献   

Discriminative properties of briefly presented stimuli   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
In Experiment I, pigeons' responses produced food according to a fixed-interval schedule while responses on the key also produced brief stimuli according to a variable-interval schedule. Each brief stimulus reset the fixed interval. Thus, a brief stimulus occurred irregularly but a fixed minimum time separated the occurrence of food from a brief stimulus. Pauses followed brief stimuli and were followed by an accelerated response rate until another brief stimulus or food occurred. In Experiment II, four control procedures were examined. (1) Brief-stimulus presentations were omitted, producing a loss of response patterning. (2) A second-order schedule was studied with fixed-interval components. This schedule produced patterning following brief stimuli similar in kind and degree to that found in Experiment I. (3) A conjoint schedule was arranged in which food was no longer separated from the stimulus by a fixed time; pauses following the stimulus no longer resulted. (4) A brief food reinforcer replaced the brief visual stimulus, resulting in a constant response rate with no pausing following the brief food stimulus. The results suggest that the brief-stimulus effects were due to discriminative functions produced by the fixed temporal relation separating the stimulus from food.  相似文献   

In a simple reaction time (RT) experiment, visual stimuli were stereoscopically presented either to one eye (single stimulation) or to both eyes (redundant stimulation), with brightness matched for single and redundant stimulations. Redundant stimulation resulted in two separate percepts when noncorresponding retinal areas were stimulated, whereas it resulted in a single fused percept when corresponding areas were stimulated. With stimulation of noncorresponding areas, mean RT was shorter to redundant than to single stimulation, replicating the redundant signals effect (RSE) commonly found with visual stimuli. With stimulation of corresponding areas, however, no RSE was observed. This suggests that the RSE is driven by the number of percepts rather than by the number of stimulated receptors or sensory organs. These results are consistent with previous findings in the auditory modality and have implications for models of the RSE.  相似文献   

Considered in this paper is a discrete-time Markov decision process with unobservable states, which occurs in equipment checking, medical diagnosis, signal detection, and reaction time studies. The process is characterized by (i) a state S0 that at some unknown time t, which is determined probabilistically, turns into an absorbing state S1; (ii) observations that provide fallible information about the true state and which are taken sequentially to determine whether or not the change from S0 to S1 has occurred; and (iii) losses for a false alarm and for delays in detecting the change. A response model is proposed, prescribing a terminal decision as soon as the posterior probability that S1 obtains reaches or exceeds a fixed probability boundary. Predictions are derived concerning the probability of false alarm and several conditional distributions of the number of observations taken.  相似文献   

Two-flash thresholds were obtained from three dark-adapted Ss by means of a two-interval, temporal forced-choice technique involving foveally fixated circular targets varying in luminance and area. The Ss were instructed to report the temporal position of the longer of two pairs of I-msec flashes. a comparison pair with an interflash interval of 1 msec, and a test pair with a varying interflasn interval. The Ss were informed about the accuracy of their responses after each response. For all three Ss the results replicated a previous finding that two-flash thresholds are a negatively accelerated function of flash luminance. but the function was shown to be dependent on area. a greater threshold change occurring at smaller areas. Two-flash thresholds were also found to be a decreasing function of stimulus area. with the greatest threshold change occurring at low luminances.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine whether sensitivity to a member of a pair of stimulus letters projecting to the parafovae would be improved by presenting that member at fixation. The effect was examined for the pair member appearing at a constant distance from fixation, which always was flanked to its inner or outer side. Contrary to expectations based upon results reported by Geiger and Lettvin (1986), observed accuracy changes were found to be due to response bias rather than to sensitivity enhancement.  相似文献   

Either two or three brief (10 msec) airjet stimuli were sequentially presented to any of the 24 interjoint regions of the fingers (thumbs excluded). The stimulus onset interval (SOI) ranged from zero (simultaneous presentation) through 200 msec. The S’s task in one part of the experiment was to report the positions stimulated in the order that the stimuli were presented; in a second part it was to rate the apparent motion produced by the stimulus sequence. While the ability of Ss to spatially localize the stimuli was a constant independent of SOI, their ability to temporally order the stimuli depended strongly on SOI. With two stimuli, these sequential errors decayed exponentially with SOI with a time constant of 26 msec. With three stimuli, however, both the sequential errors and equivalent temporal Urnen were more than twice as large as with two stimuli, indicating that the three-stimulus task is considerably more difficult than the two, and that the same simple temporal resolution model does not explain both cases. A model with a constant rate of information uptake, however, can explain both of these cases.  相似文献   

《Learning and motivation》1986,17(3):229-242
The present experiments investigated the effects of manipulation of the minimum intertrial interval (ITI) on the ability of a feedback stimulus to reduce the amount of fear conditioned to the shock context. In Experiment 1, we found that animals exposed to yoked shock with a feedback stimulus were equivalent to animals which received escapable shock, and both these groups showed less fear of the shock context than did yoked animals not given feedback, when a minimum ITI of 60 s was used. This replicated the effect of feedback on contextual fear conditioning. However, animals exposed to yoked shock with a feedback stimulus but for whom the minimum ITI was 5 s showed as much fear of the context as yoked animals not given feedback. Experiment 2 assessed whether this difference was solely due to the lower minimum ITI resulting in more fear than the 60-s minimum ITI, or whether the lower minimum ITI precluded the effect of feedback. The former possibility was discounted. Thus, these studies demonstrate that a relatively long minimum ITI is essential for the observance of a feedback effect on fear of the shock context.  相似文献   

The attention/distraction models of prospective time estimation predict either a negative relationship or an independence between duration estimates and the number of stimulus events presented during the time period, but not a positive relationship. Two experiments examined this relationship under prospective conditions. Lists of words were presented during a 60-sec time period at either a fast or a slow rate. Subjects either passively viewed the words or actively responded by performing either a graphemic or a semantic classification task on each word. To measure subjective duration, the method of magnitude estimation was used in Experiment 1 and the method of reproduction was used in Experiment 2. Time estimates were independent of the number of presented words in the passive viewing condition, and negatively related in the classification task conditions. Furthermore, the two classification tasks had similar effects on time estimates. These findings are consistent with the attentional models of prospective timing, and they question the robustness of earlier findings of a positive relationship between time estimates of moderately long intervals and the number of presented stimuli under conditions of minimal processing of the interval events.  相似文献   

Two “same-different” reaction time experiments, analogous in task demands made on the S, were designed to test laterality differences in. perception. Ten normal right-handed Ss performed a verbal task in which they decided whether or not two three-letter words belonged to the same conceptual class. Ten different Ss performed a spatial task in which they decided whether two 16-cell matrices with 3 blackened cells were identical. Reaction times were found to be sensitive to laterality differences in perception. Verbal stimuli were processed faster when presented in the right visual field, and thus projected directly to the left cerebral hemisphere; spatial stimuli were processed faster when presented in the left visual field, and thus projected directly to the right cerebral hemisphere. These results were analyzed in terms of implications regarding hemispheric asymmetries for processing of verbal and spatial material and the nature of interhemispheric transfer of information.  相似文献   

Pigeons performed on second-order schedules of reinforcement consisting of four fixed-interval components. Only the terminal component ended with food. Performance was studied both when a brief stimulus followed the completion of each of the first three fixed intervals (brief-stimulus schedule) and when the stimulus was omitted (tandem schedule). Variations in the temporal contiguity of the last presentation of the stimulus and the presentation of food indicated that the shorter the delay, the greater was the enhancement of rate of responding in comparison with tandem performance. A positively accelerated pattern of responding within fixed-interval components was a function of the contiguity of the brief stimulus and reinforcement; this pattern was absent for all tandem-schedule performance.  相似文献   

P L Harris  E Bassett 《Perception》1977,6(6):685-690
Four experiments are reported showing that young infants can pick up visual information from very brief displays. Pattern, edge orientation, and form can be discriminated when stimuli are presented for repeated exposures of only 300 ms.  相似文献   

In the context of forensic psychiatry, it is crucial that diagnoses of deviant sexual interests are resistant to manipulation. In a first attempt to promote the development of such tools, the current fMRI study focusses on the examination of hemodynamic responses to preferred, in contrast to non-preferred, sexual stimuli with and without explicit sexual features in 24 healthy heterosexual subjects. The subliminal stimulus presentation of sexual stimuli could be a new approach to reduce vulnerability to manipulation. Meaningful images and scrambled images were applied as masks. Recognition performance was low, but interestingly, sexual preference and explicitness modulated stimulus visibility, suggesting interactions between networks of sexual arousal and consciousness. With scrambled masks, higher activations for sexually preferred images and for explicit images were found in areas associated with sexual arousal (Stoleru, Fonteille, Cornelis, Joyal, & Moulier, 2012). We conclude that masked sexual stimuli can evoke activations in areas associated with supraliminal induced sexual arousal.  相似文献   

Pigeons previously trained to peck 1 button (same) after the successive presentation of 16 identical pictures and to peck a 2nd button (different) after the successive presentation of 16 nonidentical pictures were tested on lists involving different degrees of variability, different list lengths, and different temporal organizations of list items. The pigeons' performances on this successive same-different task revealed a strong sensitivity to list entropy; but, their discrimination was also affected by their memory for list items and by the accumulated evidence for a same versus a different response. Statistical models confirmed and quantified the importance of these additional factors.  相似文献   

The investigation of unconscious cognition involves especially problems with the methodology of measuring implicit and explicit proportions of different task performances. In this study the process dissociation procedure of Jacoby and its modification within the multinomial modelling framework for an indirect word-nonword-discrimination task is applied to a sample of 45 healthy students. The paradigm includes acoustically presented stimuli. During a learning phase, subjects listened to a series of neutral and threatening words. Performance was tested by letting subjects decide whether a presented stimulus (masked with white noise at signal-noise ratio of -17 dB or unmasked) had been a word or a nonword. Within this paradigm, implicit cognition occurs when (a) a word is more probably correctly recognized as "word" after presentation during the learning phase (typical priming effect) or when (b) a nonword derived from a word is more probably falsely recognized as "word" after its corresponding word had been presented during the learning phase (effect of implicit cognition given perceptual fluency). Frequencies for hits and false alarms were analyzed within the multinomial model which allows estimating parameters for the correct discrimination of words (c), the response bias (b), the classical priming effect (u1), and the parameter for the priming effect of "old" nonwords (u2). Under masked stimuli the multinomial model showed implicit cognition, an effect not equally found for neutral and threatening words. Threatening words exhibited a significantly higher portion of implicit cognition than neutral ones. Given the statistical complexity of multinomial models, the application of this method was explained in detail.  相似文献   

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