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Rats exposed to a flavor prior to a conditioning trial involving that stimulus learn a significantly diminished flavor aversion relative to nonpreexposed control animals. A series of four experiments investigated the ability of the conditioned stimulus (CS) preexposure effect to be disrupted by the introduction of a distractor flavor stimulus between the preexposure and conditioning episodes. Experiment 1 demonstrated that the preexposure effect could be reduced by a distractor presented immediately following the preexposure. In Experiment 2, it was discovered that a novel distractor was more effective than a familiar distractor, even though both stimuli were sensorily equivalent. Experiment 3 further analyzed the distractor effect and demonstrated that the magnitude of disruption was more pronounced with immediate than with delayed (3 hr) distractor manipulations. Finally, Experiment 4 assessed the effects of the distractor in the absence of CS preexposure. The relation of the results from these experiments to general information theory is discussed.  相似文献   

In two experiments rats received instrumental training with two response levers, one response being reinforced by sucrose solution and the other by sucrose pellets. Prior to a test session, on which both levers were made available in the absence of reinforcement, the rats were given free access to one of the reinforcers, a procedure known to reduce its value. It was found that the rats responded at a lower rate on the lever that had produced the now-devalued reinforcer, but that this effect was substantial only in rats that had received preexposure to the two reinforcers before instrumental training was begun (Experiment 1). Experiment 2 demonstrated that this effect was obtained only when presentations of the two reinforcers were presented according to an inter-mixed schedule during preexposure. It is suggested that this result constitutes an instance of the perceptual learning effect in which intermixed preexposure to similar events enhances their discriminability.  相似文献   

In three experiments rats were given serial preexposure to two flavor stimuli. In Experiment 1, some animals were given exposure to AX followed by the presentation of BX, a forward schedule; the others were given backward preexposure (BX→AX). Conditioning and test trials with the A element showed that salience or effectiveness of A was better protected in the forward than in the backward condition. Experiments 2 and 3 assessed the relevance of this salience modulation mechanism for perceptual learning. In these experiments, generalization of a conditioned aversion from AX to BX was reduced in the forward (but not in the backward) condition only after prolonged exposure, indicating that the establishment of an inhibitory link from B to A is required for successful discrimination. However, generalization to a novel compound stimulus, NX, was reduced in the forward group both after short and long preexposure, suggesting the existence of salience modulation processes that work in parallel with associative inhibition. These results seem to support the existence of a salience modulation mechanism that seems to be beyond the scope of current theories of perceptual learning.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported which test the effects of intertrial interval (ITI) and stimulus intensity during nonreinforced preexposure in the latent inhibition paradigm. In Experiment 1, using mice in an escape-avoidance task, latent inhibition was a direct function of the duration of stimulus intertrial interval during preexposure. In Experiment 2, using rats in a CER task, latent inhibition was a direct function of stimulus intensity during preexposure. These findings are discussed in terms of equivalent effects which have been reported in the habituation paradigm.  相似文献   

The present investigation was designed to study the effect of preexposure to a saccharin plus noisy bottle stimulus compound, or to each element by itself, upon the extinction-dependent "context effects" (due to the presencelabsence of the noisy bottle contextual cue) in taste-aversion learning, following noradrenaline (NA) depletion via a single systemic DSP4 injection. Since contextual manipulations have provided a reliable means of studying selective attentional processes the current theorising on the role of noradrenaline can be effectively accommodated. It was found that, under the No Preexposure and Noisy Bottle Preexposure conditions, the "context effect" during the saccharin preference tests, after reinstatement of the noisy bottles for all groups, was totally absent for the NA-depleted rats; in the Saccharin plus Noisy Bottle Preexposure condition the "context effect" was partially blocked for the NA depleted rats and in the Saccharin Preexposure condition it was at least as strong as in the control condition, These findings may be interpreted as supporting our conclusions, concerning NA-depleted rats derived from several different investigations, i.e. that following NA loss rats fail to attend sufficiently to contextual cues in taste-neophobia and taste-aversion situations. Thus, the attentional deficit may be described as an inability to attend to all aspects of the taste stimulus plus exteroceptive context stimulus compound. Although the selective attentional hypothesis of noradrenaline function requires a good deal of alteration, it remains the most parsimonious account that can be described at present.  相似文献   

Rats (n = 84) received preexposure to distilled water or to one of two differently salient flavors, 5.0% casein or 10.0% sucrose, casein being the more salient. Each preexposure group then received aversion conditioning to a 5.0% casein or a 10.0% sucrose CS. Aversion effects were reliably more enduring to casein than to sucrose. Relative to water-preexposed groups, preexposure to casein attenuated aversion effects to the casein CS reliably less than preexposure to sucrose attenuated aversion effects to the sucrose CS. During preexposure, neophobia was reliably greater to casein than to sucrose, suggesting that the demonstration of salience in taste aversion learning may be based on the inherent aversive properties of novelty.  相似文献   

Nonreinforced exposure to a nontarget stimulus that was followed by nonreinforced exposure to a target/nontarget simultaneous compound stimulus resulted in enhanced latent inhibition of the target. Conditioning was slower after this treatment than after nonreinforced exposure to the target stimulus alone (Experiment 1). However, a salient auditory stimulus presented immediately after the compound in the second phase reduced levels of latent inhibition, relative to the enhanced latent inhibition produced when no such extracompound stimulus was presented (Experiments 2 and 3). This effect was not noted if the salient auditory cue was presented 10 sec after the termination of the compound stimulus (Experiment 4). In Experiment 5, there was no disruption of simple latent inhibition produced by a salient stimulus. These results are consistent with enhanced latent inhibition's being produced by the formation of within-compound associations, which are disrupted by the salient extracompound stimuli.  相似文献   

In 3 experiments rats were preexposed to the landmarks that surround a Morris pool by being placed on a submerged platform within the pool. They were then required to escape from the pool by swimming to the platform, which was in a location that had not been used during preexposure. Preexposure facilitated subsequent escape from the pool, provided that the platform was not moved during preexposure and the relative position of the landmarks to each other remained constant throughout preexposure. In contrast, if during preexposure the platform was moved from session to session (Experiment 1), or the array of landmarks was altered unsystematically from trial to trial (Experiments 2 and 3), then subsequent learning to escape from the pool was disrupted. These findings suggest that the effects of preexposure to the landmarks in a Morris pool is determined by whether or not they are of relevance for identifying the location of the platform. When they are relevant, then subsequent learning is facilitated, but when they are irrelevant, then subsequent learning is disrupted.  相似文献   

Preconditioning exposure to a lithium chloride unconditioned stimulus (US) interferes with the subsequent conditioning of a taste aversion. Multiple US preexposures produce a long-lasting or durable interference with aversion learning, whereas a single US exposure produces a transient interference effect. The present experiments demonstrate that the durable US preexposure effect is substantially reduced if the method of drug treatment (infusion versus injection of the drug into the peritoneal cavity) or the spatial cues present during drug treatment (home cage versus a distinctive environment) are changed between the preexposure and taste conditioning phases of the experiment. In contrast, these manipulations do not attenuate the proximal/transient US preexposure effect. These findings indicate that different mechanisms are responsible for the two US preexposure effects. The results are consistent with previous suggestions that the durable effects of lithium preexposure are due to associative interference produced by the exteroceptive stimuli that accompany drug administrations and indicate that the proximal/transient US preexposure effect is mediated by nonassociative mechanisms.  相似文献   

In three experiments, groups were exposed to either positive or negative affect video clips, after which they were presented with a series of task-irrelevant stimuli. In the subsequent test task, subjects were required to learn an association between the previously irrelevant stimulus and a consequence, and between a new stimulus and a consequence. Induced positive affect produced a latent inhibition effect (poorer evidence of learning with the previously irrelevant stimulus than with the novel stimulus). In opposition to this, induced negative affect resulted in better evidence of learning with a previously irrelevant stimulus than with a novel stimulus. In general, the opposing effects also were present in participants scoring high on self-report questionnaires of depression (Experiments 2 and 3). These unique findings were predicted and accounted for on the basis of two principles: (a) positive affect broadens the attentional field and negative affect contracts it; and (b) task-irrelevant stimuli are processed in two successive stages, the first encodes stimulus properties, and the second encodes stimulus relationships. The opposing influences of negative and positive mood on the processing of irrelevant stimuli have implications for the role of emotion in general theories of cognition, and possibly for resolving some of the inconsistent findings in research with schizophrenia patients.  相似文献   

The learning, by albino rats, of a size discrimination in a water-tank apparatus is described. The earliest discriminative behaviour of each of the six successful rats is of the one-look type in which the negative stimulus plays the major role. With further training, four of those subjects develop two-look discrimination in which relational properties of the stimuli are important as shown by the appearance of, first, one-step and, then, two-step transposition. The water-tank and jumping apparatuses are briefly compared. Evidence from studies of rats, monkeys and children is presented for the generalization that, within limits, the effect of practice on discriminative behaviour involving stimulus relata is to strengthen relational responding.  相似文献   

In three experiments, humans received preexposure to two compound flavours (AX and BX: saline-lemon and sucrose-lemon) that were presented either in an intermixed (e.g., AX, BX, . . . BX, AX, . . .) or a blocked (e.g., AX, AX, . . . BX, BX. . .) fashion. Subsequently, AXwas paired with an unpleasant bitter taste, and the discriminability of AX and BX was assessed using the accuracy of same/different judgements and by the extent to which any learned dislike of AX generalized to BX. When participants received feedback about the accuracy of their same/different judgements during preexposure those given intermixed preexposure were more accurate in making these judgements during the test than those given blocked preexposure (Experiments 1 and 2A), however, there was no evidence of any learned dislike in these experiments. In Experiment 2B, in which participants did not receive feedback about the accuracy of their judgements, there was no effect of the preexposure regime on same/different judgements, but there was a learned dislike of AX, and this generalized less to BX in participants given intermixed than in those given blocked preexposure. The beneficial effects of intermixed preexposure are consistent with results from other species (chicks and rats), but the differences created by the presence or absence of feedback place constraints on the analysis of these effects.  相似文献   

Studies investigating the influence of the learner’s focus of attention, induced by instructions or feedback, on motor skill learning are reviewed. In general, directing performers’ attention to the effects of their movements (external focus of attention) appears to be more beneficial than directing their attention to their own movements (internal focus of attention). Preliminary evidence is presented indicating that an internal attentional focus constrains the motor system by interfering with natural control processes, whereas an external focus seems to allow automatic control processes to regulate the movements. Support for the view that actions are controlled by their anticipated effects comes from research demonstrating functional variability in motor control, as well as the benefits of purposeful activity in occupational therapy. We explain these results in terms of the ideomotor principle of human actions (James, 1890) and its more modern derivatives (Hommel, 1996; Prinz, 1990, 1997).  相似文献   

During the first year of life, infants show decreased sensitivity to phonetic differences not used in their native language and increased sensitivity to the differences that are used. It has been shown that this change in speech perception is a function of the distributional properties of the input. The present study explores whether the mechanism responsible for the developmental changes regarding the organization of phonetic categories is a general mechanism shared with other animals. The results demonstrate that the distributional exposure to a phonetic continuum affects the subsequent discrimination of these phonemes in rats, indicating that the ability to use distributional cues to change the phonetic category structure extends beyond humans.  相似文献   

Three conditioned suppression experiments examined the Hall-Pearce (1979) negative transfer effect in rats. Experiment 1 replicated the effect: CS-USweak pairings retarded subsequent fear conditioning to the CS as a result of CS-USstrong pairings. The size of this retardation was less than that produced by non-reinforced CS presentations (latent inhibition). When the magnitude of the USweak was reduced in Experiment 2, the Hall-Pearce effect was greater than latent inhibition. Experiment 3 confirmed the findings of the two previous experiments, and demonstrated that magnitude of the Hall-Pearce negative transfer effect is inversely related to the magnitude of the USweak. From these findings it is suggested that the Hall-Pearce effect consists of a balance between a positive transfer of associative strength, and negative transfer based on CS- and US-preexposure effects.  相似文献   

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