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Food and water deprived and satiated subjects, as well as control subjects, were shown words presented tachistoscopically for .01 sec until word recognition. Five food-relevant, five water-relevant, and five neutral (animal) words of high string frequency were matched for letter confusability and letter predictability. Analyses of the data, in terms of number of presentations until recognition as well as number of words recognized at selected presentations, revealed that the amount but not the type of deprivation significantly altered word recognition. Moreover, the effect of motivation was significant already on the first slide presentation, while the effects of word characteristics (word category and generated value) occurred only after a number of presentations.  相似文献   

When participants search for a target letter while reading, they make more omissions if the target letter is embedded in frequently used words or in the most frequent meaning of a polysemic word. According to the processing time hypothesis, this occurs because familiar words and meanings are identified faster, leaving less time for letter identification. Contrary to the predictions of the processing time hypothesis, with a rapid serial visual presentation procedure, participants were slower at detecting target letters for more frequent words or the most frequent meaning of a word (Experiments 1 and 2) or at detecting the word itself instead of a target letter (Experiment 3). In Experiments 4 and 5, participants self-initiated the presentation of each word, and the same pattern of results was observed as in Experiments 1 and 3. Positive correlations were also found between omission rate and response latencies.  相似文献   

Subjects read aloud words presented once at the rate of one per second. A perceptual identification task, involving 30- or 50-msec presentations, followed. Some of the words presented for identification had been read previously; others were new. After each presentation, in addition to identifying the word, the subjects judged its duration. The data indicate that a single presentation of a word affects its later perception, as revealed by enhanced perceptual identification, longer duration judgments, and better temporal discrimination. A second experiment showed that a single presentation influenced duration judgments even when identification was not required. The final experiment addressed the issue of what is preserved in memory from a prior presentation. The results from the three experiments indicate that duration judgments provide a valuable dependent measure of memory in the perceptual identification task and support the misattribution hypothesis: A prior presentation enhances perceptual identification, and this increase in relative perceptual fluency is incorrectly attributed to a longer presentation duration.  相似文献   

In the first experiment, the letters of words were overprinted; that is, successive letters were presented on the same location of the screen. Word identification was difficult unless the rate of presentation was slow, about 3 letters/sec. The second experiment showed that the low level of word identification did not reflect difficulty with basic letter identification. Instead, it reflected the rate at which short-term memory can accept separate items. While such results refute models of reading that stress a letter-by-letter integration, they do not test those that stress construction of higher order units. Instead, the task forces letter-byletter integration by removing spatial information, a dimension required for construction of higher order units. As a result, it does not permit integration of the correct units. The third experiment illustrated the construction and integration of supraletter units. Letter groups (either syllables or corresponding nonsyllable groups! were overprinted, a technique that introduces the spatial dimension. Word identification increased dramatically, and subjects were able to exploit the familiarity inherent in syllabic presentations. Thus, integration is much faster when more appropriate units can be used, and construction of the units depends on spatial information. The fourth experiment showed that the construction of supraletter units is achieved prior to short-term memory: Even though memory was able to group the material, the subjects could not use syllabic structure when syllables were isolated temporally but not spatially. The results were discussed in terms of a model describing the construction of higher order units.  相似文献   

Five experiments investigated the influence of the differences in stimulus familiarity among a dot-matrix letter, word, and nonword upon the relative judged duration of 30-msec flashes. Figure-ground contrast was manipulated by varying the number of dots comprising each display letter. With 30-msec presentations, judgments ranked subjective durations of the displays nonword > word > letter. Differences in judged duration among stimulus forms were greater when both forward and backward masking reduced recognition probability to chance level than when no mask was employed, and discriminations among masked presentations were easier for subjects. Figure-ground contrast influenced apparent duration judgments only as increases in figure-ground contrast contributed to clarity of familiarity differences among displays. The data were interpreted to indicate that differences in stimulus familiarity operate as early in visual processing as do differences in figure-ground contrast, with greater familiarity facilitating an automatic contact between a stimulus and its memory representation and therein reducing experienced duration.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated the nature of the information required for the lexical access of visual words. A four-field masking procedure was used, in which the presentation of consecutive prime and target letter strings was preceded and followed by presentations of a pattern mask. This procedure prevented subjects from identifying, and thus intentionally using, prime information. Experiment I extablished the existence of a semantic priming effect on target identification, demonstrating the lexical access of primes under these conditions. It also showed a word repetition effect independent of letter case. Experiment II tested whether this repetition effect was due to the activation of graphemic or phonemic information. The graphemic and phonemic similarity of primes and targets was varied. No evidence for phonemic priming was found, although a graphemic priming effect, independent of the physical similarity of the stimuli, was obtained. Finally Experiment III demonstrated that, irrespective of whether the prime was a word or a nonword, graphemic priming was equally effective. In both Experiments II and III, however, the word repetition effect was stronger than the graphemic priming effect. It is argued that facilitation from graphemic priming was due to the prime activating a target representation coded for abstract (non-visual) graphemic features, such as letter identities. The extra facilitation from same identity priming was attributed to semantic as well as graphemic activation. The implications of these results for models of word recognition are discussed.  相似文献   

Haptic identification of letters using the left or right hand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study investigated the effects of the use of the right and left hands on haptic identification of letters of the alphabet. Each of the 64 right-handed subjects was given three series of randomly ordered presentations of the 26 letters of the alphabet. The subjects were asked to feel each letter and name correctly each letter as quickly but as accurately as possible. Analysis showed faster identification by those subjects using their left hands on Series 1 with no hand-differences appearing on Series 2 and 3. Significant over-all improvement in identification time occurred with practice. The results were interpreted in terms of a novelty hypothesis of right-hemisphere function and an explanation of perceptual learning of letter identification.  相似文献   


The experiments presented here were designed to test whether the prior presentation of a letter in a word, nonword or a string of Xs facilitates the subsequent identification of this letter. Using briefly presented masked primes, clear facilitatory constituent priming effects were obtained in an alphabetic decision task (letter/non-letter classification) when prime letters were flanked by Xs, but the effects disappeared or were greatly reduced when the prime letter formed part of a consonant array (nonword primes). Evidence for word-letter constituent priming was also obtained but almost only for word-initial letten. These facilitatory constituent priming effects were strongest when the target letter was embedded in a string of hash marks and occupied the same relative position in this string as the prime letter in the prime string. The mediating role of letter representations in word recognition and the position-specific coding of character arrays are discussed in the light of these results.  相似文献   

Based on a repeated measurement study of 7-, 10-, 14-, and 17-year-olds with monaural and dichotic presentations of word lists varying in associative structure and presentation rate, intrusion and serial position dependent variables were analyzed. Intrusion analyses supported previous reports on word list recall; vis, 7- and 10-year-olds recalled fewer words from monaural and dichotic lists and had more intrusive errors than adolescents. Based on similar orders of report (strategies) for monaural and dichotic word presentations, serial position curves for the two types of presentation were compared. Within-age comparisons were strikingly similar. Between-age comparisons of monaural and dichotic presentation serial position curves support the notion that there are ontogenetic limitations in memory structure and control processes.  相似文献   

Rhyming and the right hemisphere   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Subjects determined whether two successively presented and orthographically different words rhymed with each other. The first word was presented at fixation and the second was presented either to the left or to the right of fixation, either alone (unilateral presentation) or accompanied by a distractor word in the other visual hemifield (bilateral presentation). Subjects were more accurate when the words did not rhyme, when presentation was unilateral, and when the target was flashed to the right visual hemifield. It was predicted that bilateral presentation would produce interference when information from both visual fields was processed by one hemisphere (callosal relay), but not when each of the two hemispheres performed a task independently (direct access). That is, callosal relay tasks should show greater laterality effects with bilateral presentations, whereas direct access tasks should show similar laterality effects with both bilateral and unilateral presentations. Greater laterality effects were observed for bilaterally presented rhyming words, but nonrhyming words showed similar laterality effects for both bilateral and unilateral presentations. These results suggest that judgment of nonrhyming words can be performed by either hemisphere, but that judgment of rhyming words requires callosal relay to the left hemisphere. The absence of a visual field difference with nonrhyming word pairs suggests further that judgment of nonrhyming word pairs may be accomplished by the right hemisphere when presentation is to the left visual field.  相似文献   

Twelve imbeciles and 12 normals, matched for their digit memory span, were presented with three digit numbers successively and simultaneously. Seven speeds of presentation were used. Each simultaneous speed of presentation had a corresponding successive speed. Subjects were required to recall digits on the conclusion of presentation of each number. Each performance was scored as the number of errors for each digit. With simultaneous presentations the difference between the groups was significant only at fast presentation speed, where the normals were significantly better than the imbeciles. Imbeciles improved at slow speeds and became as good as normals. In the case of successive presentations differences between groups occur only in relation to the second digit, which the normals remember better than the subnormals. Both groups remember the first digit worst as rates of presentation become progressively slower. Results are explained in terms of input restriction and of memory trace decay.  相似文献   

Subjects typed six-letter strings varying in orthographic structure. Lexical status, word frequency, position-sensitive log bigram frequency, and regularity of letter sequencing were systematically varied. Cumulative reaction times (RTs) of the keystrokes were adequately described by a linear function of letter position in the test string. Overall, words were typed faster than nonwords, and regular strings faster than irregular strings. Although the effect of log bigram frequency was not significant, this variable interacted with regularity and word frequency. Post hoc analyses of performance on each of the 200 letter strings revealed significant effects of the number of irregularities, log bigram frequency, and log word frequency. Transition times between successive keystrokes were significantly longer for illegal than for legal letter transitions. These results are similar to previous findings on the role of orthographic structure in the perceptual recognition of letter strings and provide a more complete analysis of context effects in typing.  相似文献   

We report an experiment in which subjects named 120 pictures, consisting of series of five pictures drawn from each of 24 semantic categories (and intermixed with 45 fillers). The number of intervening trials (lag) between successive presentations of members of the same category varied from two to eight. Subjects' naming latencies were slowed by 30 ms for each preceding member of the category. This effect was both cumulative and linear, and unrelated to the lag elapsing since the previous presentation of a category member. These results definitively demonstrate the occurrence of cumulative interference for word retrieval by prior retrieval of other exemplars of the same semantic category-cumulative semantic inhibition. We claim that this inhibition effect could only occur if the spoken word production system possesses three specific properties (competition, priming, and sharing of semantic activation). We provide computational-modelling evidence in support of this claim. We show that no current theory of spoken word production has all of these properties. In their current form, all these theories are falsified by these results. We briefly discuss the obstacles that may be encountered by current models were they modified to account for our findings.  相似文献   

Language blocking and lexical access in bilinguals   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Two experiments are described which compared the effects of mixed- and pure-language lists on lexical decision times with English-French bilinguals. Experiment 1 showed that reaction times are faster in the pure-language presentation than in the mixed-language presentation with words that are orthographically legal letter strings in the other language. The second experiment tested this pure-mixed effect more precisely by comparing different sequences of two successive items and by introducing the language-specific orthography factor. No pure-mixed effect was found for words with language-specific orthographies. The pure-mixed effect was restricted to words containing no language-specific orthographic cues and to the different language sequences, that is, on trials following a language change. These results are not compatible with a selective search process that it strategically modified by pure-language presentation. The role of language-specific orthography in bilingual word recognition is discussed with regard to recent models of word recognition.  相似文献   

This study focused on the impact of stimulus presentation format in the gating paradigm with age. Two presentation formats were employed—the standard, successive format and a duration-blocked one, in which gates from word onset were blocked by duration (i.e., gates for the same word were not temporally adjacent). In Experiment 1, the effect of presentation format on adults’ recognition was assessed as a function of response format (written vs. oral). In Experiment 2, the effect of presentation format on kindergarteners’, first graders’, and adults’ recognition was assessed with an oral response format only. Performance was typically poorer for the successive format than for the duration-blocked one. The role of response perseveration and negative feedback in producing this effect is considered, as is the effect of word frequency and cohort size on recognition. Although the successive format yields a conservative picture of recognition, presentation format did not have a markedly different effect across the three age levels studied. Thus, the gating paradigm would seem to be an appropriate one for making developmental comparisons of spoken word recognition.  相似文献   

Proctor (1981) presented a theoretical framework that distinguishes factors contributing to disparities in time to classify physical-same, name-same, and different letter pairs as a function of three variables: method of presentation (simultaneous vs. successive), case relationship (samecase vs. opposite-case pairs), and blocking (blocked vs. mixed presentation of same-case and opposite-case pairs). He also argued that these variables were critical in multIletter matches, and performed a between-study comparison of existing data to support his contention. Because comparison across studies is always a tenuous process and because the absence of several relevant conditions precluded a complete analysis of predictions, a within-experiment manipulation of the three relevant variables was desirable. The present study reports such an experiment. In general, the factorial manipulation of variables supported predictions of Proctor’s framework and indicated that many phenomena of multiletter matching, including the widely studied fast-“same” phenomenon, are attributable primarily to differences in the rate at which component letter pairs are matched.  相似文献   

Subjects indicated whether two letters, two words, or a letter and the first letter of a word were the same. Letter targets were matched more quickly than word targets when the stimuli were presented simultaneously. When the target and comparison stimuli were separated by a 3-sec interval, word targets were matched more quickly than a letter and a letter in a word. It was also shown that the physical similarity of the targets and comparison stimuli had a greater effect in the simultaneous matching conditions. These findings are consistent with a model of word processing in which letters are individually compared prior to word identification at a physical level of processing. At a higher level of processing, words may be encoded as a unit, and the identification of the letters within the word may require a decoding of the word unit.  相似文献   

移动窗口条件下阅读过程中字词识别特点的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用“移动窗口”技术对中文阅读过程中的字词识别进形了初步的探讨。被试是8名大学生,阅读材料为8篇科学文章。结果发现,在移动窗口条件下,词的注视时间受词频、词中字数等词本身特性,词在理解文章中的重要性以及句子界限效应、文章难度等来自阅读理解的高级过程的影响。移动窗口技术可以在一定程度上较真实地探讨阅读中字词的连续加工过程。  相似文献   

The effect of increasing the space between the letters in words on eye movements during reading was investigated under various word-spacing conditions. Participants read sentences that included a high- or low-frequency target word, letters were displayed normally or with an additional space between adjacent letters, and one, two, or three spaces were present between each word. The spacing manipulations were found to modulate the effect of word frequency on the number and duration of fixations on target words, indicating, more specifically, that letter spacing affected actual word identification under various word-spacing conditions. In addition, whereas initial fixations landed at the preferred viewing position (i.e., to the left of a word’s center) for sentences presented normally, landing positions were nearer the beginnings of words when letter spacing was increased, and even nearer the beginnings of words when word boundary information was lacking. Findings are discussed in terms of the influence of textual spacing on eye movement control.  相似文献   

An optimal viewing position (OVP) for word recognition has been proposed by several authors. The location of this position would be located at the center of the word or just left of it. Several hypotheses ranging from perceptual to hemispheric factors have been proposed to explain this phenomenon. In the experiment presented here, the effect of the nature of the stimulus was tested: word, pseudo-word, or nonword on the existence and location of this position. Little research has investigated this issue. Five-letter words, pseudo-words, and non-words were presented, with the subject fixating initially on one of the five possible letter positions. The number of letters correctly identified and reading performance were recorded for each stimulus. Results show that an initial fixation on the third letter entails better letter identification for all kinds of stimuli. However, in terms of reading, only word reading benefit from a fixation on the third letter. These results are discussed in relation to the different hypotheses of OVP in reading. These are (1) hemispheric specialization, (2) reading habits, and (3) lexical constraints.  相似文献   

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