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The effect of personal construct elicitation methods on construct content and structure was addressed in two studies. In Study 1, a between-subjects design was used to compare Kelly's (1955) original Triadic Difference method of elicitation with a Dyadic Opposite method. Study 2 used a fully-crossed, mixed factorial design to compare Kelly's (1955) Triadic Difference method with Epting, Suchman, and Nickeson's (1971) Triadic Opposite method. Results showed that "difference" methods of construct elicitation produced significantly higher levels of construct differentiation, lower numbers of positive emergent construct poles, and less socially undesirable implicit construct poles than "opposite" methods (see also Caputi & Reddy, in press). Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to a critical reappraisal of repertory grid methods.  相似文献   

The relation of the reading interests of Chinese adolescents to their personality (introversion), values (intellectualism and academic achievement), and the reading interests of their family members and peers was studied. A total of 2,114 secondary school students participated in the study. The hypothesized relationship was found to be positive. Specifically, the more introverted students were attracted to more literary materials, whereas the less introverted were fond of more action type of materials. Students high on the value of intellectualism were found to read in general more than those low on the value in almost any kind of materials. Compared to the low ones, students high on the value of academic achievement tended to read more but the differences were not extensive; their interest seemed to focus more on the literary and curriculum-related materials. With respect to family and peer influences, students with parents, siblings, classmates, and friends who read tended to read more and have wider reading interests.  相似文献   

不同系統之間的类比研究是科学史中早已运用的方法之一。这种研究方法首先被应用在物理-技术科学領域。由于物理技术接触的問題愈来愈复杂,研究逐步向宏观和微观方向发展,具体实物的实驗观察就愈困难,类比方法也就愈获得广泛的应用。与类比方法相应,从牛頓确定系統相似的第一判据以后,作为类此研究的理論基础的相似理論,也逐步发展并臻于完善。把类比法推广到生命和物理技术领域之間的想法,可以上溯到笛卡  相似文献   

20年来我国心理学研究方法的回顾与反思   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对近20年来我国心理学研究所采用的研究方法及分析资料的方法进行了客观的回顾与评价,概述了我国心理学研究所采用的主要研究方法和分析资料的方法,探索研究方法的变化趋势,指出存在的主要问题,并且为今后研究科学水平的提高提出建设性的意见。  相似文献   

Recent research an young children's memory for personal episodes provides new insights into the phenomenon of Infantile amnesia, first identified by Freud. New research indicates that children learn to share memories with others, that they acquire the narrative forms of memory recounting, and that such recounts are effective in reinstating experienced memories only after the children can utilize another person's representation of an experience in language as a reinstatement of their own experience. This competence requires a level of mastery of the representational function of language that appears at the earliest in the mid to late preschool years.  相似文献   

大学生应付策略的适应性和身心症状   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
张雨新  方新 《心理学报》1990,23(2):107-113
实验在92名大学生被试中调查了应付策略的适应性与身心健康的关系。使用涉及学习、人际关系、社会与家庭三个应激方面的应付策略调查表检查被试应付策略的适应性,使用Beck抑郁量表和症状检核表度量被试的身心症状。实验发现:应付策略的一般非适应性正相关抑郁(r=.396,P<.002)和恐怖(r=.369,p<.002);非适应应付策略的使用在社会与家庭方面与抑郁正相关(r=.373,P<.002),与躯体化正相关(r=.320,P<.002);在人际关系方面与恐怖正相关(r=.323,p<.002);在学习方面没有显示与身心症状的联系(r<.120,df=90,N.S.)。实验还就应付策略适应性的跨情境一致性问题做了讨论。  相似文献   

Robert B. Glassman 《Zygon》2005,40(1):107-130
Abstract. A partial analogy exists between the lifespan neuropsychological development of individuals and the biological evolution of species: In both of these major categories of growth, progressive emergence of wholes transcends inherently limited part‐processes. The remarkably small purview of each moment of consciousness experienced by an individual may be a crucial aspect of maintaining organization in that individual's cognitive development, protecting it from combinatorial chaos. In this essay I summarize experimental psychology research showing that working memory capacity comprises the so‐called magical number 7±2 items, not only for words and digits but for spatial items and other sorts of cognitive materials, and not only in humans but also in other species. This is so to such an extent that 7±2 may be a “constant of nature.” The small quantity range 7±2 independent items, which builds upon a more elementary, instantaneous working memory capacity of three or four items, is surprisingly independent of the time duration of a cognitive task. Moreover, it is largely independent of ontogeny. Explanations of these powerful facts about working memory are offered here within both a functionalistic framework and a framework of hypothetical neural processes. At the neural level, working memory dynamics may comprise certain brain wave harmonics or topological relationships in the sheetlike cortex. Within the functionalistic framework, I suggest an additional analogy, pertaining to cultural evolution, with Tom Gilbert's work on risk analysis and “the global problematic” that follows from unforeseen consequences of the expansiveness of human ambition. Several connections are drawn with ideas presented by participants in the Chicago Religion and Science Group about how theologies and sciences try to understand the possibility of adaptive exercises of human freedom in the face of the extreme finiteness of each human individual.  相似文献   

汉语儿童人称代词的获得   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文作两个方面的研究。研究一用追踪录音方法记录5名半岁到3岁半幼儿获得人称代词的过程。结果表明:汉语儿童一般在1岁半到3岁半这期间逐步掌握人称代词,顺序是从“我”、“你”到“他”。研究二用实验方法探讨28名3—4岁儿童掌握单数人称代词的情况。结果表明:儿童4岁时人称代词获得有一个发展比较迅速的时期。到这一年龄阶段,儿童对人称代词的掌握已比较完善。在以上两项研究的基础上,探讨和总结了汉语儿童人称代词发展的特点和规律以及语言的普遍性。  相似文献   

Teachers from government and independent schools anonymously completed a measure of attitudes towards applied behavior analysis (ABA) before and after participation in a short seminar on ABA. A total of 187 primary teachers provided data on professional qualifications, years of teaching, school type, number of students in the classroom, and prior knowledge of ABA. Data were also collected on the number of students with a disability the teacher had instructed. Survey results suggested that, before and after the seminar, teachers held negative attitudes towards ABA. These attitudes, however, significantly and positively shifted after attending the seminar. Neither the number of students taught with a disability over the last 5 years nor teacher type (e.g., specialist or classroom) nor school type (e.g., independent or government) was significantly related to the attitude measure. The findings have implications for ongoing teacher education and professional development, as well as for school psychologists tailoring interventions and framing recommendations for teachers in mainstream primary settings. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王树茂 《心理学报》1981,14(2):15-20
一、心理学研究方法的发展史二、八木冕、鲁宾斯坦、皮尔奥夫的分类法三、作者的分类  相似文献   

本研究从直销的特点出发,运用自编“直销人员心理品质测评量表”对183名优秀直销商进行测试,并对测试结果进行因素分析,抽取出优秀直销商必备的五项主要心理品质,即自我控制力、成就动机、社会适应性、推销技巧、职业兴趣。  相似文献   

The present article gives an overview of the long-term psychological effects of Holocaust traumatization on survivors and their offspring and suggests possible treatment strategies for these client populations. Based on interviews with and treatment of hundreds of such clients and on an extensive review of the literature, it also represents some of the cumulative experience of AMCHA, an Israeli treatment center devoted specifically to this issue.  相似文献   

问 题 我国独创的针刺麻醉手术是在病人意识完全清醒的状态下进行的。这就向针麻原理的研究和针麻临床实践提出了问题,即(1)心理因素在针麻中是否起作用?(2)那些心理因素在针麻中起作用?(3)心理因素在针麻中起些什么作用,起多大作用? 从1965年以来,我们运用心理学等科学知识和方法,继承和发扬祖国医学关于心理因素在针刺中作用的宝贵经验,对几千名针麻病员就这个专题进行了研究。  相似文献   

Because gender roles are rapidly changing, a more dynamic conceptualization of role is especially needed. Working toward this end, we build on the contributions of scholars such as Merton and Barber (1963), Rossi (1972), Bardwick and Douvan (1971), Koma-rovsky (1973a, 1973b), and Room (1976); develop two pivotal concepts, social psychological ambivalence and developmental alienation; and interpret current findings on the changing roles of women. Conflicts contemporary women may face because they are attracted to opposing values also are explored. One challenge for future researchers will be to clarify the situational factors that link ambivalence on the individual (i.e., psychological) level to structural or sociological ambivalence and to collective social action.  相似文献   

本文依据马克思主义的唯物史观和唯物辩证法原理,从儿童的实际社会生活过程出发,运用系统方法论证了儿童心理发展的动力是主客体之间的结构性矛盾,而由“主体──活动──客体”三项格式构成的反馈回路系统则是心理发生发展的动力场。本文还运用儿童心理发展的控制论模型,从活动的机能性方面探讨了同化和顺应之间的平衡化动力机制,揭示了主客体之间矛盾运动的原理和过程;平衡化机制是受社会文化历史的发展规律支配的。  相似文献   

Marya Schechtman 《Zygon》1996,31(4):597-614
Abstract. Persons have a curious dual nature. On the one hand, they are subjects, whose actions must be explained in terms of beliefs, desires, plans, and goals. At the same time, however, they also are physical objects, whose actions must be explicable in terms of physical laws. So far no satisfying account of this duality has been offered. Both Cartesian dualism and the modern materialist alternatives (reductionist and antireductionist) have failed to capture the full range of our experience of persons. I argue that an exciting new approach to this difficulty can be found by considering developments in clinical psychology. The clinical debate between those endorsing biological models of mental illness and those endorsing psychodynamic models mirrors broader debates in the philosophy of mind. The possible resolution of this debate through the development of integrated psychobiological models suggests a promising way to reconcile the dual nature of persons in a far more appealing way than any yet proposed.  相似文献   

E kman , G. & K ünnapas , T. Measurement of aesthetic value by 'direct' and 'indirect' methods. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1962, 3 , 33–39.—The main features of 'direct' and 'indirect' methods for psychophysical measurement are briefly reviewed. An experiment is described, where the aesthetic value of 18 specimens of handwriting was measured by the direct method of ratio estimation and the indirect method of pair comparisons on the assumption of Thurstone's Case V. The scale constructed by the indirect method was a theoretically expected logarithmic function of the ratio scale obtained by the direct method. If the ratio scale is accepted as a criterion, the results show that a true interval scale may be constructed by the indirect method, in this experiment, provided that the assumption of constant variability is replaced by an assumption of proportional variability.  相似文献   

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