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随着台湾社会现代化的提升,寺院经济与世俗经济逐渐契合.当代台湾佛教寺院的经济来源、经营机制,由之呈现新的特点与趋势.佛教应社会市场之需求变化决策信仰的生产和营销.但现代寺院经济与世俗经济,并非已然无别,实是传统之寺院经济的改造与衍伸.当代台湾佛教寺院经济的研究,为大陆乃至台湾学界所较少涉及.本文的努力,旨在为当代台湾社会及宗教文化形态的把握提供某种分析路径,同时试图资作大陆佛教当代发展的有益借镜.  相似文献   

Malcolm Voyce 《当代佛教》2013,14(2):299-329
This article considers the recent debate over the nature of Buddhist ethics largely conducted by scholars who have argued in different ways that Buddhist ethics may be assimilated to or may correspond with different forms of western ethical theory.

I argue that the interpretation of Buddhist texts, and in particular the Vinaya, in light of western ethical theory creates misunderstanding. I argue that in each case of a supposed ethical dilemma, Buddhist ethics should be seen as empirical, since the ultimate point of reference for the choices involved in a proposed action lies in the purity and wholesomeness of each individual action.

My approach follows Foucault's argument for scepticism with regard to the notions of a universal nature or of a universal rationality. I argue that it is not instructive to read Buddhist texts against generalized standards. Rather, it is more productive to regard ethics as creating a space for the ethical, not in a normative sense but one arising from personal practice as related to individual circumstances.

At the same time, this article outlines the role of beauty and its role in ethical formation. I suggest that one interpretation of Theravada Buddhism has regarded beauty as a form of sensuous pleasure, which is seen as a danger for someone on the spiritual path. However, an alternative reading of such texts is more sympathetic to the educative role of beauty.  相似文献   

Buddhist teachings have much to say about the disciplining of desire. In lived Buddhism, however, there may be considerable contestation over how canonical tenets should be understood and flexibility in the way precept is related to practice. This article uses ethnographic data recently gathered from a rural setting in Cambodia to discuss how religious legitimacy is shaped by the complex fabric of village culture and history and the contemporary ethos of the laity. Today's entrepreneurial Cambodian monks are a telling model of the times. The monk who is the key figure of this article maintains a finely balanced position at the interstices of the local and non-local; he must remain responsive to the interests of both those ‘above’ him, including the politicized ecclesiastical hierarchy, and those ‘below’ him in the village, with their desires for security and order.  相似文献   

在一个雨雪霏霏的冬日,笔者前去参访了位于湖北仙桃市的律宗道场——广长律院。这并不是一座知名度很高的寺院,即使在湖北省内甚至仙桃市,知道这座寺院的人也并不多。它原本由三昧寂光律师创建于明代,后在历史沧桑中屡废屡兴,最终在20世纪40年代彻底毁于日本的轰炸,只留下残砖破瓦掩映在蔓草荒烟之中。  相似文献   

王兴 《法音》2020,(3):19-22
西方净土信仰在中国佛教史上有着漫长的发展过程。自庐山慧远念佛结社,到唐宋两代善导—普度一系的"本愿"持名学说、五代创立的"禅净双修"理论再到天台宗的净土修持等等,净土法门的发展在中国佛教史上以多线交互的形态展开。[1]伴随着净土信仰理论发展,中国本土极具特色的记录净土修行者往生感应事例层出不穷,汇集此种故事的"往生传"文集亦见于历代佛教文献。明清时期是"往生传"文本出产的高峰和总结性阶段,这些往生故事中亦透出一种常见的叙事模式,同时也体现着编纂者对于净土信仰实践的一种文本构建。  相似文献   

Janaka Ashin 《当代佛教》2017,18(1):199-261
Over the past four decades, Buddhists in Burma, mainly monks, have been brought before Sangha courts charged with heresy, adhamma, and malpractice, avinaya, under the jurisdiction of the State Sanghamahanayaka Committee. This body, established under General Ne Win in 1980, oversees the regulation and conduct of the Sangha. The religious courts that try these cases have the backing of state law enforcement agencies: failure to comply with their judgements is punishable by imprisonment. A guilty verdict has been passed in all seventeen cases to date. There is no opportunity of appeal. The system not only protects Burmese Buddhism against corruption, but also stifles innovation and dissent. These cases, not previously discussed in scholarship outside of Burma, are significant for understanding the power of the State over the Sangha as well as the conservatism and antisecularism of Burmese Buddhism, which have set it at odds with the relativist approaches of modern, global Buddhism.  相似文献   

论宋代禅宗清规中所见茶汤礼的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
禅宗清规在宋代完全齐备,并成为禅院的标准管理模式。清规中记载的事项也多与礼仪有关,在各版本的清规中,茶汤礼无疑都是禅门礼仪中最重要部分之一。但目前的研究成果多停留在对禅院茶汤礼的考证上,本文则以宋代禅宗清规所记载的材料为基础,结合其他史料,考察宋代禅宗清规茶汤礼形成的条件和原因等问题。同时,就宋代禅院茶汤礼的形成,分析了其在禅宗发展史上的意义。  相似文献   

净土信仰自东汉传入中国后,至明代已成各宗共行之道,形成了一股台净融通、禅净双修、教律净合一的思潮。本文主要以明代禅宗杨歧门下的憨山德清之禅净双修论、莲宗祖师云栖舃宏之禅净同归论以及以天台学说判释整个佛法的*,益智旭之三学一源、归极净土论为例证,对这一思潮,作一简要的探讨。  相似文献   

圆佛教是当今韩国比较有影响的新宗教之一.圆佛教第一代宗师少太山提出"一圆相"真理,阐明"一圆相"内力的四恩,并按"四要"实践建设一圆世界;第二代宗师鼎山则以"一圆大道"和三同伦理思想提出中道主义的实践原理,揭示了圆佛教实学特性的基本内涵;第三代宗师大山则通过人类皆真运动和宗教联合运动,表明了"灵肉双全、理事并行"的教理实践特色.总之,实学性是"圆佛教"教理实践观的重要特征.  相似文献   

刘军 《法音》2020,(3):71-76
洋僧照空,是近代颇受中国乃至世界关注的人物,不少学者也对他做过研究。照空法师是近代欧洲来中国出家为僧的第一人。其复杂多变、曲折离奇的生涯,尤其是一战时国际间谍的身份更是让人瞩目,这也决定了他在佛教史上的特殊地位。46岁(1925)之前,他历尽世间浮沉;之后,皈依佛门,来华出家受戒,信仰佛教直至终生。前后之转变,可谓翻天覆地。照空法师是佛教影响西方人的一个典型。  相似文献   

随着经济体制的改革和藏族地区社会的发展,藏区的尼寺在社会层面出现了一些引人注目的变化。在管理层面上,尼寺在一种新的机制寺院民主管理委员会并结合传统组织模式的管理下更加组织化、秩序化;在经济层面上,古老的靠布施或供养赖以生存的寺院经营形式逐渐得到改变,尼寺的经济与世俗经济逐渐契合,发挥各自的优势来拓宽寺院经济发展的空间,寻找自己的发展和经营之道;作为藏传佛教的载体或外在形式,尼寺以自己宗教实体的方式延伸到藏族社会生活的各个层面,承载着宗教的各种事务,在宗教活动中扮演着重要角色,在藏族社会生活中树立了自己的权威和形象。  相似文献   


This article examines a relatively little-known text, the Kitāb al-ruhbān/Book of Monks, from the ninth-century Muslim moralist, Ibn Abī al-Dunyā. The topical range of Ibn Abī al-Dunyā’s own literary corpus was extensive, yet the concern for ascetic practices forms a consistent thread throughout his work. As for this particular text, the esoteric wisdom associated with asceticism is specifically communicated through the teachings of Christian hermits. The Kitāb al-ruhbān, formulated as a collection of short dialogues and edifying statements regarding Christian monastic piety, profoundly demonstrates the continuing appreciation for monastic insight, particularly amongst Muslim ascetics, well into the Islamic period. There are, moreover, no explicit traces of sectarianism or confessional barriers here. Instead, the sagacious maxims for maintaining a righteous life are often passed from Christian hermits to devout Muslim listeners. This text thus further reveals the intricate connections between Christian monastic communities and medieval Islamic mystical culture.  相似文献   

In reviewing four works from the 1990s—monographs by Christopher Ives and Phillip Olson on Zen Buddhist ethics, Damien Keown's treatment of Indian Buddhist ethics, and an edited collection on Buddhism and human rights—this article examines recent scholarship on Zen Buddhist ethics in light of issues of Buddhist and comparative ethics. Its highlights selected themes in the notional and real encounter of Zen Buddhism with Western thought and culture as presented in the reviewed works and identifies issues and problems for further consideration, in particular, problems of comparative and cross-cultural understanding and the articulation and redefinition of Zen Buddhist tradition.  相似文献   

Asaf Federman 《Religion》2013,43(4):553-572
Discussions about Buddhist meditation in the West usually focus on the post-1960s period and explain the popularity of meditation in a context of modernistic discourses. In this article the author suggests that meditation was in fact available in Britain much earlier than is usually assumed, in a period which was without doubt ‘modern,' yet which did not quickly produce mass acceptance of meditative practices in its host culture. While the migration of meditation was influenced by modernist discourses, these were sometimes contradictory to each other and hindered acceptance. The author examines how the term meditation itself has evolved, who first brought it to Britain and why, as well as the political and social forces that shaped its trajectory of acceptance and rejection in the first half of the 20th century.  相似文献   

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