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This study explored the influence of participation, gender and organizational sense of community (SOC) on both the intrapersonal and interactional components of psychological empowerment (PE). Participants were residents (n = 562) involved in community organizing efforts in five U.S. communities. Measures of participation and SOC were tailored to community organization contexts. SOC assessed three dimensions: (1) connection of members to the organization; (2) perceptions about the organization as a bridge to other groups and organizations in the broader community; and (3) bond or attachment to the community at large. Income (low, middle and high-income) was tested as a moderator of these relationships. Results showed significant moderating effects of income on the relationship between participation, gender and SOC on both components of PE. Participation was positively related with intrapersonal empowerment across income levels, but positively related with interactional empowerment only for low-income individuals. Gender was only associated with intrapersonal empowerment, and only for low-income individuals. SOC, as expressed through bridging to the broader community, was positively related with interactional PE for all income levels, but with intrapersonal PE for only low and middle-income individuals. In contrast, member connection to the organization was not related to interactional empowerment and significantly related to intrapersonal empowerment only for individuals with higher income. The importance of participation, gender and SOC for different types of empowerment and the impact of income on the SOC-empowerment relationship are discussed.  相似文献   

Two hundred fourteen (214) married persons, 101 men and 113 women aged 20–60, with at least high school education, participated in the study which investigated the effects of gender, age, and educational attainment on assertiveness among married persons in Nigeria. The Assertive Behavior Assessment scale (ABAS; Onyeizugbo, 1998 ) was used to measure assertiveness. It was hypothesized that persons with higher educational attainment will report more assertiveness than persons with lower educational attainment. Results supported the hypothesis. In addition, interactions between gender and age, and gender and educational attainment were found. Younger men reported more assertiveness than younger women whereas older women reported more assertiveness than older men. Also, women participants of lower educational attainment reported more assertiveness than their men counterparts whereas men of higher educational attainment reported more assertiveness than their women counterparts. Results of this study suggest that women in Nigeria may become more assertive with age.  相似文献   

This investigation reports the impact of a season-long Mental Training Program (MTP) on two elite junior tennis players. The two reported cases were part of a study in which MTP players (n = 5) in addition to their tennis practice were exposed to 5 different psychological skills: goal setting, positive thinking and self-talk, concentration and routines, arousal regulation techniques, and imagery. Another group of elite junior tennis players (n = 4) followed the same amount and quality of tennis practice but received no mental training practice. Program effectiveness was evaluated through (a) the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (CSAI-2), (b) the athletes' appraisal on 8 aspects of tennis performance, and (c) tennis-specific statistical data of two selected cases. The results indicated an increase in the direction dimension of the somatic anxiety, cognitive anxiety and self-confidence for the intervention group at the posttest. Moreover, the intensity of self-confidence, as well as the overall tennis performance, were greater for all the participants of the intervention group after the MTP. Results on two selected cases are reported which clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the MTP in eliminating specific performance problems.  相似文献   

The standard of living reflected by one’s income and consumption is the primary explanation for the utility or satisfaction of the private consumer. However, empirical evidence very often demonstrates that the level of happiness is not necessarily higher for wealthy people in comparison to the poor. This holds within specific populations of a country, and in macro terms by comparison between the happiness of populations with low and high GDPppp per capita. Different research studies have used other economic and social explanatory variables for determining consumer happiness within countries. The present paper adds the new factor of income inequality that affects happiness. It is empirically proved that at extreme values of inequality measured by the Gini index, the effect of happiness is negative regardless of GDPppp per capita. However, at the intermediate ranges of the Gini index the effect of changes in the index on happiness is ambiguous. These results are found regardless of the actual values of GDPppp per capita.  相似文献   


The effects of employee turnover on the productivity of those who remain were examined. In a laboratory investigation, subjects completed a proofreading task. A confederate quit the task during a break, citing either illness or dissatisfaction and a desire for greater rewards elsewhere as the reasons for his or her departure. The subjects then worked on a second proofreading task, after which they completed a questionnaire about their attitudes toward the study. The subjects who were exposed to the dissatisfied confederate proofread significantly less material on the second task than the subjects who were exposed to the ill confederate did. The findings are interpreted in terms of equity theory: A departing colleague can arouse inequity in a stayer that results in a drop in productivity.  相似文献   

The authors examined the effects of the Student Success Skills program on executive functioning, feelings of connectedness, and academic achievement of a sample of 193 middle school students in a predominantly Hispanic and economically challenged school district in the southwestern United States. Using multilevel regression analyses in a two‐level randomized design, the authors found treatment effects for multiple executive functioning scales, feelings of connectedness to classmates, and mathematics and reading achievement.  相似文献   

Counselors have often failed to seek employment in the business and industrial communities. It can be demonstrated, however, that counseling skills are quite applicable in business and industry settings and that the financial resources to hire counselors exist. Therefore, to encourage counselors to seek employment in business and industry, the article explores the applicability of their skills within this nontraditional setting and offers suggestions regarding the job search.  相似文献   

Gender, Rewards and Research in Education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Under the "merit" ideology of academic research, the criteria for academic rewards are quality and quantity of research publications. Do men and women receive equal rewards for equal performance in educational and social research? This question is addressed with a sample of 901 authors of research on education, 14% of whom were women. Gross differences emerge between men and women regarding levels of income. Lesser differences appear in research resources and rank, and no variations occur in departmental prestige. A sample of 390 of their research papers were anonymously rated by a national panel of 39 judges, revealing no difference in the quality of work done by men and women. Women, however, are less productive than men, and consequently less frequently cited. But the criteria of quality and quantity of publications are not related to rewards in the same way for women and men. Quantity counts more heavily for women than for men, although important for both. Hence, performance criteria are selectively applied by gender in ways that affect women detrimentally.  相似文献   

Malkin  Craig  Stake  Jayne E. 《Sex roles》2004,50(7-8):455-468
Previous research provides evidence that women's and gender studies (WGS) classes are successful in helping students to develop more egalitarian gender role attitudes, appreciation and acceptance of diversity, awareness of sexism and other social inequities, and agentic self-confidence in both women and men. The mechanisms by which these changes take place were the focus of this study. WGS students (n = 328) from 23 classes on four college campuses participated. Results indicated that (a) student readiness (positive WGS class expectations and capacity for positive interpersonal relationships) predicted the development of alliances with teachers and cohesion with classmates, (b) alliance and cohesion were associated with changes toward more egalitarian attitudes, (c) cohesion was associated with increases in confidence, and (d) links between student readiness and change were mediated by alliance and cohesion developed within the WGS classroom.  相似文献   

Jennifer Pearson 《Sex roles》2006,54(9-10):615-625
Adolescents’ sexual decision making is shaped by normative ideas about “appropriate” sexual roles for women and men; consequently, the motivation and ability to engage in safer sex may be different for adolescent girls and boys. The aim of this study was to explore how social–psychological resources influence the behavior of girls and boys within the highly gendered and inequitable domain of sexual relationships. I used data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) to examine whether personal control and self-efficacy in sexual negotiation are associated with contraceptive risk (engaging in sexual intercourse or not using condoms) among adolescents and whether these associations differ for adolescent boys and girls. Results indicate that personal control and self-efficacy in sexual negotiation are significantly associated with safer sex behavior, and are often more important for girls than for boys in predicting contraceptive risk.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to provide a systematic review of the literature on the impact of internships completed by university students. This research also aims to analyze variables that can affect outcomes and satisfaction in the internship experience. Fifty‐seven studies were included and examined. The effects and variables identified were listed and classified. The findings of this review support the overall positive effects of business internships and confirm that they are a win‐win situation for the main 3 stakeholders: students, employers, and higher education institutions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we examine the role of personal agency as a key antecedent of regret that individuals experience when the outcome of their decision is unfavorable. In contrast to previous research that documents its exacerbating role, we find that personal agency mitigates regret under certain circumstances. A series of experimental studies show that personal responsibility for the decision may attenuate subjective perceptions of the extent of failure and mitigate regret. However, when the superior outcome of the foregone option is known and the failure of the chosen option is irreversible, personal agency may amplify regret. We also find that subjective failure perceptions mediate the relationship between personal agency and regret levels. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Content analysis of 281 newspaper personal ads placed mainly by older singles revealed that men often stipulated looks, and women often stipulated status. Advertisers who offered looks or status were the more demanding in their stipulations. A subsample of 55 women and 59 men completed mailed questionnaires about outcomes. Women received far more replies than did men. Reply rates were correlated with advertisers' satisfaction and the number of people they met. However, offers of looks and status were best weakly related to reply rates and other variables, apparently because this market was saturated with such offers. Examination of the most and least successful ads suggested that the writer's age was important. Relatively younger women (M = 35.0 years old) and older men (M = 43.9 years old) received high returns. Finally, a similarity across gender was that 65% of the women and 62% of the men met with at least one respondent.  相似文献   

本研究采用实验和问卷相结合的方法,探讨了愤怒和恐惧情绪及不同的方案数量对危机决策的影响,并分析了该效应的性别差异。研究结果表明:(1)恐惧情绪下被试的危机决策时间显著长于其在愤怒情绪下的危机决策时间,且情绪和性别变量在危机决策时间上存在显著的交互作用;(2)女性在恐惧情绪下的危机决策时间显著长于其在愤怒情绪下的危机决策时间,且显著地长于男性的危机决策时间。同时,男性对其危机决策的满意程度显著高于女性,且情绪变量和性别变量在危机决策自信程度指标上存在显著的交互作用;(3)随着方案数量的增加,尤其当方案数量为4时,被试的危机决策时间较其他两种情况显著增长。该研究结果可为各类突发性危机事件的管理与决策提供依据。  相似文献   

本研究对误导信息效应中不同年龄被试对最初事件再认的表现差异和自信心差异进行了探讨。结果表明:在再认成绩方面,被试对误导项目的错误反应率要高于对控制项目的错误反应率,即产生了误导信息效应,而且老年被试比年轻被试更易受误导信息的影响;在自信心方面,被试不存在年龄差异,即无论是在误导项目上,还是在控制项目上,老年被试和年轻被试对其再认的正确和错误反应有一样高的自信心。  相似文献   

中国文化中自信人格的内涵和功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自信人格研究的旨趣是通过概念建构和实证研究,实现对自信心理状态与行为模式的刻画与理解。本文综述了最近国内人格心理学在语用、公众观层面对自信的关注,自信研究在人格心理学中的地位,自信在自我中的地位,并进一步归纳了自信人格的界定。文章还讨论了当前研究中所关注的自信的自我调控和心理健康功能。最后,针对当前自信人格结构研究和功能研究中的挑战,提出以自信结构探讨和机制整合来深入推进自信人格的研究  相似文献   

Mooney  Kim M.  Lorenz  Erica 《Sex roles》1997,36(9-10):639-653
Male and female subjects provided ratings of personal traits, femininity and masculinity, and total caloric consumption for a female or a male target based on the type of diet she or he had allegedly consumed. The gender associated with the foods presented for each dietary profile was manipulated. Results showed that Target Gender and Dietary Profile significantly affected impression ratings and calorie estimates. Both male and female subjects perceived male eaters and those who ate a feminine diet more favorably. Results are discussed in terms of the different underlying expectations held for males and females when food consumption is involved during the impression formation process.  相似文献   

Beyer  Sylvia 《Sex roles》2002,47(9-10):453-464
Two experiments tested hypotheses derived from previous research by Beyer (1990, 1998, 1999a; Beyer & Bowden, 1997) and research on depressive realism. It was predicted that gender differences in the accuracy of self-evaluations of performance will be found on a mathematics test (masculine task), but not on an English test (feminine task) or on history and geography tests (neutral tasks). Furthermore, it was hypothesized that dysphorics are not more accurate self-evaluators than are nondysphorics and that the effect of gender on the accuracy of self-evaluations is moderated by dysphoria. Finally, it was predicted that the provision of performance feedback does not moderate the effect of gender on the accuracy of self-evaluations. These hypotheses were supported. The implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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