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This study examines the effect ob marital quality of spouses' appreciation of partner's coping ability with possible stressful life events. Results show that while higher appreciation of partner's coping ability contributes to marital quality in wives, only the extent of being threatened by stressful life events and sense of being needed by partner for support when confronting with stressful life events contribute to marital quality in husbands.  相似文献   

对321名大学生施测青少年生活事件量表(ASLEC)、自动思维问卷(ATQ)、特质应对方式问卷(TCSQ)及流调中心用抑郁量表(CESD),以探讨生活事件、负性自动思维及应对方式对抑郁的影响模式。结果:(1)相关分析发现:生活事件、负性自动思维、消极应对方式均与抑郁呈显著正相关(p<0.01),生活事件与负性自动思维及消极应对方式呈显著正相关(p<0.01)。(2)路经分析发现:有六条显著路径影响抑郁。应对方式对抑郁产生直接的影响;自动思维可以直接影响抑郁,同时也可通过应对方式间接影响抑郁;生活事件对抑郁的直接影响不显著,其影响是经由负性自动思维及应对方式的中介作用而间接实现的。  相似文献   

青少年自我复杂性的测量及其压力缓冲作用探讨   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
研究主要探讨了青少年自我复杂性的测量及其压力缓冲作用。结果表明,Rafaeli-Mor等人(1999)的成分测量法能更有效地评价自我复杂性;累积压力下,更高数量的自我维度意味着青少年更高的满意度;当前压力下,自我维度的高数量/高重叠使青少年的自我清晰、连贯,较少产生抑郁;高数量/低重叠意味着自我分裂,青少年易受消极事件的影响;低数量/高重叠表明自我相对简单或狭隘,青少年难以应付生活的高压力;自我复杂性是影响弹性的主要因素之一  相似文献   

The vulnerability-stress model for schizophrenia posits that relapses are at least partly determined by interacting triggering and protecting psychosocial factors. This study examined social support and general coping style in 42 consecutively admitted DSM:III schizophrenic patients, who were followed prospectively for up to four years. In a second part of the study, a subgroup of the patients were interviewed using the Life Event and Difficulty Schedule 9 months after discharge or at relapse. Patients contented with low social integration had a higher relapse rate over four years than patients lacking of social provisions, but wanting more. We found an excess of life events three weeks before relapse compared to events reported in the non-relapsing group. Suggesting a buffering effect of social factors, time between life event and relapse was significantly extended among patients with a high availability of attachment and a coping strategy characterised of active support seeking.  相似文献   

为了解心理干预对急性冠脉综合征(ACS)伴抑郁患者应对方式的影响,对42名ACS伴抑郁患者随机分为干预组和对照组,在入组时、入组3月后和6月后分别进行HAD(d)、MCMQ测评。结果显示入组3月后和6月后,干预组HAD(d)总分、回避因子分、屈服因子分较对照组降低,面对因子分较对照组升高,与入组时相比干预组HAD(d)...  相似文献   

Xu  Fuzhen  Wang  Mengmeng  Zhang  Qingyao  Xing  Tingting  Cui  Wei 《Journal of Happiness Studies》2021,22(6):2721-2738
Journal of Happiness Studies - Both parental support and overprotection have been found to be associated with adolescents’ sense of coherence (SOC) in prior studies. It is unclear, however,...  相似文献   

The relation between political life events and distress was examined with particular emphasis on coping strategies and locus of control as two possible mediators. Subjects were 88 Israeli children. Results partially supported a linear relation between reported impact of exposure and distress. Findings for coping strategies as a mediator suggested, counterintuitively, that greater use of coping strategies is related to more experienced distress. Findings for locus of control as a mediator suggested that subjects with external locus of control experience greater distress, other than in the case of depressive symptomatology. These results indicate that coping strategies and locus of control play a complex role in the stress-outcome relation, the precise nature of which remains to be resolved. Theoretical, clinical and political implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a conceptual model that would clarify how a woman's recollections of peer and parent rejection in childhood influence her emotional well-being and, resultantly, her own child's behavior problems. Given current interest in peer versus parent influences, the authors used a design and analysis to reveal the unique contributions of peer and parent rejection. The participants were a community sample of 88 mothers and their 2 1/2-year-old children. The study found that mothers' recollections of peer rejection in childhood were significantly associated with depressive symptomatology, but recollections of parental rejection in childhood were unrelated to current depressive symptoms. Recollections of peer rejection during childhood, internal representation of self, and depressive symptoms made significant, unique contributions to the variance in behavior problems in their children. Together, these variables significantly explained 27% of the variance in the final model.  相似文献   

为了探讨生活事件、自尊、反刍思维和初中生抑郁之间的关系,研究采用青少年生活事件量表、自尊量表、反刍思维量表和儿童抑郁量表对684名初中生进行调查。结果显示:(1)生活事件与初中生抑郁呈显著正相关;(2)自尊和反刍思维在生活事件和初中生抑郁间起链式中介作用。生活事件不仅是触发初中生抑郁的重要外部因素,而且生活事件还会通过影响自尊和经由反刍思维对初中生抑郁产生间接作用。因此,减少和避免生活事件对初中生心理的冲击,增强其自尊水平,调整其负性认知方式是改善和预防初中生抑郁的重要途径。  相似文献   

The Karamojong people of Uganda are marginalized and likely to have difficult lives. Research is needed to understand Karamojong children’s challenges, adjustment, and resiliency to help guide interventions and policies to improve their lives. Thus, 18 Karamojong 10–16-year-olds (10 girls; M?=?13.33 years; SD?=?1.81) were recruited from a nongovernmental organization in Tororo District, Uganda, and interviewed about their life events, coping strategies, social support, and hope. Adolescents also were verbally administered questionnaires about their life events and adjustment problems. Participants reported many negative life events (M?=?9.28 of 16). The number of negative life events was positively correlated with internalizing, but not with externalizing, problems. Participants described a variety of coping strategies. Most participants received emotional or instrumental social support, and were hopeful about their futures. Hardships were often alcohol- or poverty-related events, whereas hope was often centered on education.  相似文献   

In this genetically informative and longitudinal study of women, we investigated the nature of individual differences in tendencies to depression (TD) and anxiety (TA) as well as in the probability to develop unipolar mood disorders (UMDs), anxiety disorders (ADs) or both. Specifically, we examined the roles of neuroticism, negative and positive life events and their interplay as heritable and environmental factors of variance in TD and TA. Cross‐sectional data from a total of 1200 women including 232 patients (suffering from UMDs and/or ADs) and longitudinal data from 630 female twins including 260 complete pairs were analysed. The analyses yielded that variance in neuroticism mediated the vast majority of the genetic variance in both TD (about 85–90%) and TA (about 70–75%). Negative life events additionally contributed as risk factors accounting for common and specific environmental variance in both TD and TA, whereas positive life events only acted as protective factors in the case of TD. Moreover, TD but not TA was associated with both the probability of exposure and the sensitivity to negative life events and a negative life‐event balance (i.e. more negative than positive experiences). The results were discussed within the framework of additive, dynamic and synergetic diathesis–stress models. Copyright © 2016 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

This study describes utilization of coping strategies and evaluates the interaction between coping strategies, depression, and quality of life (QOL) in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) who are being considered for neurosurgical intervention. Eighty patients (mean age 61.7 years) with PD being evaluated for possible deep brain stimulation completed self-report instruments of coping strategies (Coping Responses Inventory), depression (Beck Depression Inventory), and disease-specific QOL (Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire-39). Analyses showed that patients with PD cope with the acute stressor of approaching neurosurgery through a variety of strategies, but particularly avoidant and behavioral strategies. When the correlated but apparently opposing effects of cognitive and behavioral strategies were teased apart, greater use of cognitive strategies was associated with more severe depressive symptomatology (and poorer QOL), while greater use of behavioral strategies appeared to be associated with less depression. Depressive symptomatology, in turn, was associated with poorer QOL. However, coping had minimal direct association with QOL. From this it was concluded that patients with advanced PD generate a variety of coping responses to an acute stressor such as surgery, and the use of behavioral strategies, in particular seeking of alternative enjoyable activities, may be associated with better mood if salutary effects are not overwhelmed by less helpful cognitive coping techniques. The minimization of depressive symptomatology, in turn, is associated with better QOL.  相似文献   

杨颖  程玉洁  邹泓  王莉 《心理科学》2012,35(6):1376-1382
采用问卷法,对2157名中学生日常生活事件的特点,及其与社会适应、社会问题解决能力的关系进行研究。结果发现:(1)学业压力与人际冲突是中学生所遇到的最主要的日常生活事件,低年级经历的事件显著少于高年级,女生经历的事件显著少于男生;(2)中学生日常生活事件显著负向预测积极适应,显著正向预测消极适应;(3)社会问题解决能力在日常生活事件和社会适应之间起到部分中介作用,其中问题趋近、问题回避的作用尤其突出。  相似文献   

Drawing from minority stress theory and the systemic–transactional model, we examined whether perceptions of partner's dyadic coping behavior moderated the association between sexual orientation discrimination stress and symptoms of depression among individuals in a same-sex relationship. Data from 95 same-sex couples revealed that, overall, sexual orientation discrimination stress was positively associated with depressive symptoms; however, perceived partner emotion-focused supportive dyadic coping weakened this association. Specifically, higher sexual orientation discrimination stress was associated with greater depressive symptoms only for individuals perceiving low partner emotion-focused supportive dyadic coping. Implications for researchers and clinicians are presented.  相似文献   

为探究大学生压力性生活事件与网络游戏成瘾的关系以及基本心理需要满足、领悟社会支持在二者关系中的作用,采用大学生网络游戏成瘾量表、青少年生活事件量表、中文版基本心理需要问卷和领悟社会支持量表,对617名大学生进行调查.结果发现,压力性生活事件与网络游戏成瘾显著正相关.基本心理需要满足在压力性生活事件与网络游戏成瘾之间起部...  相似文献   

采用整群抽样法对重庆市和河南省某两所大学800名大一至大三年级学生进行问卷调查,建立结构方程,考察性格优势、优势运用、压力性生活事件和主观幸福感的关系。结果发现:(1)优势运用在性格优势和主观幸福感之间起部分中介作用,即性格优势既对主观幸福感产生直接影响,也通过优势运用对主观幸福感产生间接影响;(2)压力性生活事件调节优势运用的中介作用,即优势运用对主观幸福感的影响随着个体所体验到的压力性生活事件的增加而提升;优势运用对主观幸福感起着有调节的中介作用。  相似文献   

Mothers' distress is a correlate of their children's elevated behaviour problems and symptoms. Parenting practices have been shown to mediate these associations, but few studies have observed parenting or focused on parents at risk of child abuse. In this study of 269 high‐risk mothers and their young children (M = 4.2 years), structural equation modelling was used to test associations between mothers' distress and child externalizing and internalizing symptoms. Associations were expected to be partly indirect via mothers' observed low sensitivity, and child gender was expected to moderate associations. Also, mothers' child abuse risk was examined as a unique correlate of sensitivity and children's symptoms, and a moderator of associations of distress with sensitivity and symptoms. Associations showed a pattern of gender‐moderated mediation with the link between mothers' distress and internalizing mostly direct for boys, and equally direct and indirect via sensitivity for girls. The association of mothers' distress with externalizing was mostly direct for boys and girls. Mothers' child abuse risk was not uniquely associated with sensitivity or symptoms and did not moderate any associations. There were no differences in model paths between mothers referred from child welfare/mental health compared with other sources or self‐referred. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

University students often experience depressive symptoms, and strengthening of life skills may be beneficial for improving their mental health. Several studies have suggested that life skills effective in reducing depressive tendencies vary by individuals depending on differences in sensory processing sensitivity (SPS). SPS is a genetically determined trait characterized by sensitivity and reactivity to environmental stimuli. This study investigated the relationship between life skills and depressive tendencies based on individual differences in SPS. A total of 868 Japanese university students (mean age = 19.8 years, SD = 1.3 years) completed a questionnaire measuring levels of SPS—decision-making, interpersonal relationships, effective communication, and emotional coping skills—and depressive tendencies. Hierarchical multiple regression and simple slopes analyses indicated that interpersonal relationship skills were negatively correlated with depression regardless of SPS levels. Furthermore, decision-making skills were negatively correlated with depressive tendencies only in low-SPS students. Emotional coping skills were negatively correlated with depressive tendencies in high-SPS students. These results may help universities incorporate SPS levels when creating life-skills-based interventions for students.  相似文献   

Unemployment is a major life event that causes an enormous drop in people's life satisfaction. However, there is substantial variability in people's ability (or inability) to cope with the experience of unemployment. In the present study, we examined the causes of individual differences in trajectories of life satisfaction when people were faced with unemployment by taking into account the persistence of unemployment, pre‐event personality and age. Analyses were based on data from the German Socio‐Economic Panel. Using latent growth curve modelling, life satisfaction was investigated from 3 years before to 3 years after a person became unemployed in a total sample of 908 individuals. As expected, unemployment caused a substantial drop in life satisfaction that persisted for at least 3 years after the event. On average, individuals did not completely return to their previous satisfaction level. This pattern existed even for participants who re‐entered the labour market. Moreover, our results showed that variability in coping with unemployment can be explained in part by personality traits. For people with short periods of unemployment, Conscientiousness reinforced the negative effect of unemployment, whereas Extraversion softened the effect. In sum, our analyses showed that (a) the negative effect of unemployment on life satisfaction differs according to the length of the unemployment period and (b) personality partially moderates responses to unemployment over time. Copyright © 2015 European Association of Personality Psychology  相似文献   

5-HTTLPR与抑郁相关性的研究动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
张俊先  陈杰  李新影 《心理科学》2012,35(1):226-232
摘 要 5-HTTLPR是5-羟色胺转运蛋白基因启动子区域上的多态性位点,对其转录效率具有调节作用。5-HTTLPR基因型与抑郁存在相关,但必须把二者的关系置于一个多基因与环境交互作用的框架下考察。一方面,环境因素的作用不容忽视:S等位基因携带者暴露于负性生活事件时,表现出更多情绪问题,更易发生抑郁。另一方面,CYP2C9、BDNF等基因与5-HTTLPR有交互作用,共同影响抑郁的发生。此外,年龄、性别等因素会对研究结果造成混淆。未来研究应侧重于对机制的探讨。  相似文献   

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