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In a treatment-analogue experiment, extinction of fear of spiders was investigated in a group of spider-anxious students. Two groups were created: in the single extinction group the extinction trials consisted of repeated presentations of a videotaped spider in one specific location of a house, whereas in the multiple extinction group the trials consisted of videotapes of the same spider in three different locations of a house. Also a control group was included that was exposed to videotapes of the location but without the spider. As reflected in skin conductance responses and self-report data, fear of spiders was significantly reduced in the two extinction groups compared to the control group. Moreover, when the extinction groups were confronted with the videotape of the spider in a new location, the single extinction group did not show generalisation of extinction, whereas the multiple extinction group did. These results corroborate the existing evidence for context dependence of extinction of fear and provide new evidence that the use of multiple contexts during extinction might improve the generalisability of extinction in humans. Implications for exposure therapy are discussed.  相似文献   

The renewal of Pavlovian-conditioned responses may provide a model for the relapse of fear following extinction-based treatments for anxiety disorders. Renewal can be observed if conditional stimulus (CS) and unconditional stimulus (US) pairings are given in one context, extinction trials of CS presentations in a second context, prior to test trials of CS presentations in the original acquisition context (ABA renewal). We examined ABA renewal in humans by using a fear-conditioning procedure with an unpleasant shock US. A renewal of rated shock expectancy was demonstrated with this procedure. Conducting extinction treatment in multiple contexts was expected to attenuate the renewal effect. However, the renewal of shock expectancy persisted when extinction treatment was given across three or five different contexts. With the current renewal design, learning task, and measure of conditioned behaviour, extinction treatment does not appear to readily generalise to the test context. The use of multiple extinction treatments in a clinical setting may not necessarily reduce the likelihood of relapse via a renewal effect.  相似文献   

The ABA renewal procedure involves pairing a conditional stimulus (CS) and an unconditional stimulus (US) in one context (A), presenting extinction trials of the CS alone in a second context (B), and nonreinforced test trials of the CS in the acquisition context (A). The renewal of extinguished conditioned behaviour is observed during test. The current study tested the effects of multiple extinction contexts and context similarity in attenuating renewal. Participants (N = 99) took part in a fear conditioning ABA renewal procedure. Using a measure of self-reported expectancy of the US, ABA renewal was observed when a single extinction context that was dissimilar to the test context was used. Renewal was attenuated, though still present, when extinction occurred in multiple dissimilar extinction contexts or in a single extinction context that was similar to the test context. Renewal was completely abolished when multiple extinction contexts that were similar to the test context were combined. Multiple extinction contexts and context similarity act additively in their effect on attenuating renewal. The results are discussed in relation to the design of exposure therapy programs that seek to reduce relapse that can occur via renewal.  相似文献   

Two studies examined whether nonreinforcement of a stimulus in multiple contexts, instead of a single context, would decrease renewal of conditioned fear in rats (as assessed by conditioned suppression of lever pressing). In Experiment 1, renewal was measured after 36 nonreinforced CS trials delivered during six extinction sessions in a single context or two extinction sessions in each of three different contexts. The number of extinction contexts did not have an effect on renewal. In Experiment 2, groups received either 36 or 144 nonreinforced CS trials during six or twenty-four extinction sessions in a single context or three different contexts. Again, renewal was not influenced by the number of extinction contexts when only 36 trials were given. However, when 144 trials were used, renewal was completely eliminated when extinction was divided between 3 contexts, but was not weakened when the sessions took place in a single context. The results suggest that the use of multiple treatment settings in exposure-based therapies is only likely to reduce relapse if a sufficient number of sessions are provided in each of the treatment settings.  相似文献   

Three fear-conditioning experiments with rat subjects examined the effects of extinction in multiple contexts on a final relapse (renewal) effect that occurred when the extinguished fear cue was tested in a new context (Experiments 1 and 3) or in the context in which fear conditioning had first occurred (Experiment 2). Rats that received extinction in three contexts demonstrated more fear during extinction than rats that received the same number and temporal distribution of extinction trials in one context; extinction was partially lost with each context switch. Although extinction in multiple contexts thus had an impact on extinction behavior, it did not reduce the size of the final renewal effect. Fear during extinction was occasionally positively correlated with fear during final testing, but the two were never negatively correlated. The results suggest that extinction in multiple contexts does not necessarily weaken fear renewal, and that extinction procedures that generate high levels of responding in extinction do not necessarily make extinction learning less context-specific.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the effects of physical context changes and multiple extinction contexts on the renewal of conditioned suppression in humans. A conditioned suppression task used an undesirable event as the unconditional stimulus (US). One conditional stimulus (CS+) predicted the occurrence of the US and another (CS−) predicted US absence. In Experiment 1 (N = 32), conditioned suppression was acquired to the CS+ in one context and extinguished in a different context. An increase in suppression was found for the CS+ and not for the CS− when subsequent test trials were conducted in the acquisition context (ABA renewal). Experiment 2 (N = 32) tested for ABC Renewal and showed increased suppression to both the CS+ and CS− when test was conducted in a novel context. Experiment 3 (N = 80) showed that these two effects were abolished when extinction was conducted in multiple contexts. The experiments extend the ABA renewal of conditioned suppression found with non-human animal subjects and the reduction of renewal by extinction in multiple contexts. Context changes may also facilitate cue competition effects after training with elementary stimuli, as shown by the effects of US omission in the ABA and ABC renewal groups.  相似文献   

The Pavlovian analysis of drug tolerance describes how the contexts of drug administration participate in the elicitation of compensatory conditioned responses that are, at least partly, responsible for tolerance. Findings indicate that if an association is acquired in one context and extinguished in another one, when exposing the subjects to the acquisition context, renewal of the conditioned response will take place. Ambiguous evidence exists about whether or not this effect diminishes when extinguishing the association in multiple contexts. This investigation evaluates the existence of the phenomenon of renewal of tolerance to ethanol, and whether it diminishes by the extinction in multiple contexts. Evidence of renewal of tolerance to ethanol in rats was found, but no diminution was observed when extinguishing in multiple contexts.  相似文献   

Previous work from our laboratory showed that intermittently re-exposing rats to reinforcement for lever pressing in a training (A) context, while eliminating lever pressing in a second (B) context, increased ABA renewal of lever pressing relative to rats that experienced only Context B during response elimination. In the current study, we replicated these procedures while assessing renewal in the presence of a novel context (i.e., ABC renewal). Unlike the findings described above, renewal was reduced in the group that experienced re-exposure to Context A during lever-press elimination relative to rats that experienced only Context B. These findings suggest that alternating between contexts associated with reinforcement and extinction during treatment reduces the probability that organisms will respond in novel contexts. These outcomes may be the result of discrimination and/or generalization processes. Moreover, this training procedure may offer a potential mitigation strategy for ABC renewal.  相似文献   

Remembering that an item occurred in several different lists is formulated here in terms of retrieval of corresponding list tags associated to the item. Therefore, associative interference should operate upon remembering the several list contexts in which an item appeared. Experimental Ss studied four (or five) overlapping lists of 16 words, sampled from a master set of 32 words, with a given word exemplifying one of the 2 4 (or 2s 5 ) possible sequences of appearances and nonappearances over the four (or five) lists. Later Ss rated from memory for each word and for each list whether that word had occurred in that list. After correcting for interlist generalization effects, indices of discriminative memory revealed strong proactive interference and weaker retroactive interference. Discriminative memory that an item occurred in a given list was poorer the more prior or more subsequent lists in which that item had also occurred. Thus, list differentiation appears explicable in terms of item-specific associative interference.  相似文献   

Using a conditioned suppression task, we investigated extinction and renewal of Pavlovian modulation in human sequential Feature Positive (FP) discrimination learning. In Experiment 1, in context a participants were first trained on two FP discriminations, X-->A+/A- and Y-->B+/B-. Extinction treatment was administered in the acquisition context a (aaa group) or in a new context b (aba group), and comprised X-->A- extinction and Y- control trials. Discriminative X-->A/A responding was lost in both groups when tested in the extinction context, but partially recovered in the aba and not in the aaa group when tested in the acquisition context, suggesting extinction and renewal of extinguished modulation. The same was observed for the Y-->B/B control pair, however, questioning whether the loss of discriminative X-->A/A responding represented genuine extinction of modulation. In Experiment 2, including only aba groups, participants were trained in context a on two FP discriminations, X-->A+/A- and Y-->B+/B-, after which the group "Extinction" was exposed to X-->A- extinction trials in context b, whereas the group "Control" was exposed to X- control trials; concurrently, both groups received further Y-->B+/B- training. In the group Control, differential Y-->B/B and X-->A/A responding were acquired and maintained throughout the experiment. In the group Extinction, while Y-->B/B responding was also maintained throughout, differential X-->A/A responding disappeared because of X-->A- extinction treatment when tested in the extinction context b, but partially reappeared when tested in the acquisition context a. This evidences aba-renewal of extinguished modulation.  相似文献   

This paper presents evidence of extinction, spontaneous recovery and renewal in a conditioned preferences paradigm based on taste-taste associations. More specifically, in three experiments rats exposed to a simultaneous compound of citric acid-saccharin solution showed a preference for the citric solution when the preference was measured with a two-bottle test (citric vs. water). Experiment 1 revealed that conditioned preferences were extinguished by repeated presentations of the citric acid solution without the saccharin. In Experiment 2, an additional test trial was introduced 21 days after the extinction treatment. Delayed testing resulted in the recovery of the extinguished preference for the citric, reflecting a spontaneous recovery effect. Experiment 3 revealed a preference renewal effect that was obtained when the extinction was conducted in a context different from that of the remaining experimental stages. The implications of these results are analyzed with attention paid to the mechanisms underlying learning of flavor preferences.  相似文献   

Using barpress conditioned suppression, we studied the renewal of conditioned fear in rats, an animal model for the relapse of human fears and phobias. We demonstrated ABA renewal when the only differences between Contexts A and B included (1) their odor, (2) their location (i.e., side of room), and (3) unintended differences between copies of the same box at the two sites. Removing either the odor or location cues abolished the renewal effect. We then directly compared the effects of ABA and AAB procedures under two levels of context similarity. Although AAB renewal occurred, ABA renewal was stronger. Adding multiple context distinctions to the three listed above did not significantly enhance either form of renewal. Finally, we directly compared the strengths of AAB, ABC, and ABA renewal. AAB renewal, though again significant, was weaker than ABA and ABC renewal, which did not differ significantly. Fear renewal (relapse) can thus be reduced by extinguishing the fear in the acquisition context, regardless of the nature of the test context.  相似文献   

Extinction effects were evaluated in a multiple baseline across behaviors design with 2 boys after just one of several target problem behaviors was observed during a functional analysis. Other target behaviors emerged as extinction was introduced sequentially across all problem behaviors. Results demonstrated an efficient strategy for simultaneously assessing multiple problem behaviors maintained by the same consequence.  相似文献   

Distributing the presentation of sublists of words into multiple learning rooms produced better free recall scores than a single learning room condition for subjects who were given a comprehensive recall test in a new environment. No such effects occurred on recognition or list differentiation tests in Experiment 2, implying a retrieval explanation rather than one relying upon learning or list differentiation effects. Experiment 3 found that the contextual dependence of recall li.e., recall tested in a learning context is better than recall tested in a new context was nullified by using multiple learning rooms, rather than a single room for input. The data are consistent with an explanation that states that the multiple learning rooms become associated with the different sublists during learning and subsequently act as memory landmarks that guide the course of retrieval.  相似文献   

Developing a balanced picture of a family's functioning is difficult when the family is culturally different from the therapist. Open-minded family therapists often translate culturally different traits and behaviors as culturally appropriate and exclude them from clinical judgment, which can limit therapeutic range and effectiveness. The following case study about an Indian family with a mentally retarded child is especially illustrative of the dilemmas facing the therapist working with families of different backgrounds. Therapeutic traps were avoided by having the family assess its own differences, while the therapist held steadfast to social interconnectedness as essential to healthy family functioning.An earlier and somewhat different version of this material appeared under a different title in Families, published by the Family Institute of Philadelphia.  相似文献   

A recent fear-potentiated startle study in rodents suggested that extinction was not context dependent when extinction was conducted after a short delay following acquisition, suggesting that extinction can lead to erasure of fear learning in some circumstances. The main objective of this study was to attempt to replicate these findings in humans by examining the context specificity of short-delay extinction in an ABA renewal procedure using virtual reality environments. A second objective was to examine whether renewal, if any, would be influenced by context conditioning. Subjects underwent differential aversive conditioning in virtual context A, which was immediately followed by extinction in virtual context B. Extinction was followed by tests of renewal in context A and B, with the order counterbalanced across subjects. Results showed that extinction was context dependent. Evidence for renewal was established using fear-potentiated startle as well as skin conductance and fear ratings. In addition, although contextual anxiety was greater in the acquisition context than in the extinction context during renewal, as assessed with startle, context conditioning did not influence the renewal effect. These data do not support the view that extinction conducted shortly after acquisition is context independent. Hence, they do not provide evidence that extinction can lead to erasure of a fear memory established via Pavlovian conditioning.  相似文献   

The authors examined the nature and correlates of ethnic harassment experiences in 4 predominantly Hispanic samples of working men and women (N = 575) using a newly developed scale. Confirmatory factor analyses supported a 2-factor structure for the Ethnic Harassment Experiences scale (i.e., verbal ethnic harassment and exclusion due to ethnicity). Most experiences of ethnic harassment in the workplace during the previous 24 months included verbal ethnic harassment (i.e., ethnic slurs, derogatory ethnic comments, or ethnic jokes). It was also found that participants who experienced verbal ethnic harassment and exclusion reported negative correlates that could not be attributed to affective disposition. For some correlates, those who experienced low levels of verbal harassment and high levels of exclusion were more negatively affected than others, perhaps as a result of the attributional ambiguity of the situation.  相似文献   

Animal Cognition - Observed behavior can be the result of complex cognitive processes that are influenced by environmental factors, physiological process, and situational features. Pressure, a...  相似文献   

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