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When items on a recognition test are presented as a series of increasingly complete fragments rather than being presented initially in their fully intact form, adults' judgments of recognition exhibit an increased tendency to judge items as "old," an illusion of recognition referred to as the revelation effect. The present study used pictorial stimuli to test for a revelation effect with 4-year-olds, 8-year-olds, and adults (N = 76). A reliable revelation effect was found at all ages tested, indicating that the complex fluency-of-processing discrepancy detection and attribution mechanisms thought to be responsible for the effect function similarly across an age range from 4-years-of-age through adulthood. It was also found that the recognition decisions of the 8-year-olds and the adults were affected by how quickly they were able to identify a picture during the revelation phase of the recognition test. This effect was not found with the 4-year-olds, suggesting an age difference in the awareness and strategic use of an implicit memory effect when making explicit judgments of recognition.  相似文献   

学习判断是元认知判断的一种重要形式,是个体对随后的记忆成绩的预测。当个体在多次学习-测验任务中学习词对时,学习判断出现了练习伴随低估效应。研究者对此进行了大量的实验并提出了多种理论,如线索应用模型,提取流畅性假说和基点-校正假说。但是,Koriat等人通过分析发现练习伴随低估效应可能不是单一因素作用的结果,而是多种效应共同影响作用的表现,并由此提出了记忆去偏差假说。文章指出了目前研究中还存在的问题以及未来研究的方向  相似文献   

学习判断与学习时间分配的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈金环  刘学兰 《心理科学进展》2010,18(11):1707-1715
学习判断与学习时间分配的关系是元认知领域的重要问题, 对学习判断的研究在于使个体了解自己的学习和记忆活动, 从而有效控制学习过程, 合理分配学习时间, 这是元记忆监测影响控制的典型例子。近来有研究者提出学习时间分配不仅表现控制功能, 而且还表现监测功能。于是围绕学习时间的双重功能, 他们提出了元记忆监测与控制至少存在两种关系模型—— MC(监测影响控制)模型和CM(控制影响监测)模型, 后来又提出了两模型相互协同作用的合并动态模型—— 连续波浪型模式和同时发生模型。未来的研究应在继续验证MC模型和完善CM模型的基础上, 尝试检验两模型的合并动态模型。  相似文献   

同龄效应指个体对自己年龄段面孔的记忆成绩显著高于其他年龄面孔.实验采用3×3混合设计,考察不同年龄被试对面孔再认及学习程度判断中的同龄效应,探讨同龄效应的发展规律.结果显示,青年和老年人对同龄面孔的再认显著好于异龄面孔,儿童对同龄与异龄面孔的再认成绩差异不显著;各组被试对不同年龄的面孔学习程度判断准确性之间的差异没有区别.这表明:青年和老年人在面孔再认中出现了同龄效应,儿童没有表现出同龄效应;个体学习程度判断中不存在同龄效应,且这种特点与年龄无关.  相似文献   

学习判断是指人们在学习之后对自己学习效果所做的一种预测,是元记忆监测性判断的一种形式。学习判断按其发生时间的不同可以分为即时学习判断和延迟学习判断。与即时学习判断相比,延迟学习判断的相对准确性较高,被称为延迟学习判断效应。实验借助事件相关电位技术探究延迟学习判断的时间加工进程,发现高等级学习判断比低等级学习判断诱发了更大的时间窗为400-600ms的早期新旧效应和800-1200ms的晚期右侧额区新旧效应。上述结果表明,延迟学习判断包含不止一个加工过程,早期新旧效应反映了线索再认的过程,晚期右侧额区效应则反映了对提取之后的评估过程,该结果进一步验证了两阶段模型解释延迟学习判断效应的有效性。  相似文献   

张振新 《心理科学》2013,36(3):663-668
文章两个实验用于研究间隔学习和测试效应对即刻学习判断及其准确性的影响,结果表明:(1)间隔学习促进记忆保持力,降低即刻学习判断中对困难学习材料的高估并提高学习判断相对准确性。(2)重学前预测试具有增强记忆痕迹的功能,在间隔学习的基础上显著提高了学习判断相对准确性。(3)外部线索应当区分,间隔学习和预测试属于不同的外部线索。  相似文献   

The video-recorded lecture represents a central feature of most online learning platforms. Nonetheless, little is known about how to best structure video-recorded lectures in order to optimize learning. Here, we focused on the tendency for high school and college students to be overconfident in their learning from video-recorded modules, and demonstrated that testing could be used to effectively improve the calibration between predicted and actual performance. Notably, interpolating a lecture with repeated tests helped to boost actual performance to the level of predicted performance, whereas a single test following the lecture served to lower unrealistic judgments of learning. The value of improving performance to match predictions of learning and other avenues for future research regarding meta-comprehension of video-recorded lectures is discussed.  相似文献   

方平  姜媛  马英 《心理科学》2014,37(5):1160-1166
研究基于自我调节学习理论,以初中生为被试,采用问卷调查的方法,构建了自我调节学习的发展模式,并以此为基础探讨了元认知、认知策略、自我效能感、动机情绪策略和资源管理策略等因素随年级发展变化的规律及作用。结果表明,年级不同其自我调节学习发展模式不同;低年级自我效能感、学习策略对成绩有直接作用,高年级自我效能感对成绩的作用必须以元认知和认知策略为中介,随年级增长元认知的直接作用越明显。  相似文献   


We examined how context presented at study affects recollection of words in younger and older adults. In Experiment 1, participants studied words presented with a picture of a face (context-rich condition) or a rectangle (context-weak condition), and subsequently made ‘Remember’, ‘Know’, or ‘New’ judgments to words presented alone. Younger, but not older, adults showed higher Remember accuracy following rich- than weak-context trials. In Experiment 2, we manipulated the type of processing engaged during the encoding of context–word pairs. Younger and older adults studied words presented with a picture of a face under a surface feature (gender) or binding feature (match) instruction condition. Both age groups showed higher Remember accuracy in the binding than surface instruction condition. Results suggest that providing rich contextual detail at encoding boosts later item recollection in younger adults. Older adults, however, do not spontaneously engage in the processes required to boost recollection, though instructional manipulation during encoding lessens this deficit.  相似文献   

以自定步调学习时间和习得试验次数为加工流畅性指标,通过操纵不同字号的词对考察了加工流畅性对学习判断字体大小效应的影响。结果发现:(1)字体大小影响学习判断,但不影响回忆成绩;(2)不同字体大小的词对在加工流畅性(学习时间和学习次数)上存在差异,仅自定步调学习时间测量的加工流畅性对学习判断字体大小效应有贡献。这些结果说明学习判断的字体大小效应是一种元认知错觉现象,部分支持了加工流畅性假说。  相似文献   

本研究以小学高年级学生为被试,选取高熟悉度的具体名词组成的联结词对为实验材料,考察不同判断模式下学习判断的准确性及预见偏差。研究发现:(1)小学高年级学生的学习判断绝对准确性存在年级差异。总体来看,小学六年级学生在即时判断和延迟判断模式下都具有较好的绝对准确性,而四年级和五年级学生在即时判断时出现显著的高估,而在延迟判断模式下具有较好的绝对准确性。具体分析正向词对和反向词对的准确性发现,在即时判断模式下,五、六年级学生的正向联结词对有较好的准确性,而四年级的正向联结词对出现高估;三个年级的学生的反向词对都出现高估。在延迟判断模式下,三个年级学生在正向词对和反向词对上都有较好的准确性。(2)小学五年级学生的学习判断开始出现预见偏差。(3)延迟判断能够提高小学高年级学生的学习判断准确性,减小甚至消除预见偏差。  相似文献   

为了检验即刻学习判断对内外部线索的敏感性,实验一被试为22名高中生,材料为三列含15个词语的清单,先逐个呈现词语系列位置信息,被试在学习前进行即刻学习判断,结果发现学习判断有显著首因效应,表明学习判断对系列位置信息这一外部线索比较敏感。实验二被试为20名高中生,先逐个呈现词语系列位置信息,被试在学习后进行即刻学习判断,结果发现学习判断同样有显著首因效应,表明学习判断对内部线索的敏感性并未强于外部线索。  相似文献   

分段原则是多媒体和视频学习中通过分段促进学习的重要原则。本研究探讨了测验和反馈对分段的影响。实验1对比了观看分段视频和在分段中进行测验两种情境,结果表明分段中测验会提高学习表现。实验2对比了分段视频、分段中测验和分段中测验并提供反馈三种情境。结果发现分段组与分段测验组之间没有差异,接受反馈的学习者学习表现最好。结果表明在分段视频中测验和反馈具有积极效应,对多媒体和线上学习具有潜在的意义。  相似文献   

胡娟 《心理科学》2005,28(1):210-213
本研究通过实验得出以下结论:(1)记忆错觉与消费者的年龄有关,老年组的错误率最高,青年组的错误率最低;(2)记忆错觉类型与年龄有关,老年组在英文和色彩项目上错误率最高,少儿在英文和汉字项目上错误最高,而对形状和色彩相对要敏感,青年组比较平均,是错误率最低的一组被试:(3)消费者记忆错觉的产生与消费者具体的消费实践有关,接触少的品牌产生错觉的概率高,接触得比较多的品牌错觉率相对要低。  相似文献   

This paper explores the possibilities and challenges inherent in employing community service‐learning as a pedagogy for engaging undergraduates in theology and religious studies courses that contribute to racial reconciliation. The paper summarizes research from the scholarship of teaching and learning on best practices for structuring service‐learning projects and processes that hold the possibility of students' genuine engagement with issues of race and the wisdom of the Catholic tradition.  相似文献   

动机归因理论在成人学习中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着我国终身教育和学习化社会进程的推进,成人学习者的继续学习对社会发展具有重要意义。但由于在实际学习过程中存在着不可避免的学习障碍,成人学习者在遇到学习困难时的归因倾向直接影响他们的学习动机和学习效率。本文以韦纳的动机归因理论为基础,将着重阐述成人学习动机特点、成人学习动机归因中的现状及问题,并从成人教育者出发提出促进成人学习者恰当归因的建议,从而促进他们学习动机的增强。  相似文献   

刘儒德  徐娟 《应用心理学》2009,15(2):131-138
考察139名五、七年级学生在逐次阅读10组图文材料的过程中对阅读测试与媒体信息的关系的自我监察并据此对阅读时间分配模式的自我调节过程,结果发现:(1)二年级被试能够监察阅读测试和图文之间的相倚关系,并据此对图文阅读时间分配模式进行自我调节,分配更多时间在与测试相关的材料上;(2)五、七年级被试的图文时间分配均呈现逐步调节的模式。(3)七年级被试比五年级被试对阅读测试与图文的关系的监察更为准确、时间分配模式调节出现的时机更早,时间分配调节策略的使用更合理,测试成绩更高。  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that perceptual information regarding to-be-remembered words in the study phase affects the accuracy of judgement of learning (JOL). However, few have investigated whether the perceptual information in the JOL phase influences JOL accuracy. This study examined the influence of cue word perceptual information in the JOL phase on immediate and delayed JOL accuracy through changes in cue word font size. In Experiment 1, large-cue word pairs had significantly higher mean JOL magnitude than small-cue word pairs in immediate JOLs and higher relative accuracy than small-cue pairs in delayed JOLs, but font size had no influence on recall performance. Experiment 2 increased the JOL time, and mean JOL magnitude did not reliably differ for large-cue compared with small-cue pairs in immediate JOLs. However, the influence on relative accuracy still existed in delayed JOLs. Experiment 3 increased the familiarity of small-cue words in the delayed JOL phase by adding a lexical decision task. The results indicated that cue word font size no longer affected relative accuracy in delayed JOLs. The three experiments in our study indicated that the perceptual information regarding cue words in the JOL phase affects immediate and delayed JOLs in different ways.  相似文献   

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