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In one well-known model for psychological distances, objects such as stimuli are placed in a hierarchy of clusters like a phylogenetic tree; in another common model, objects are represented as points in a multidimensional Euclidean space. These models are shown theoretically to be mutually exclusive and exhaustive in the following sense. The distances among a set ofn objects will be strictly monotonically related either to the distances in a hierarchical clustering system, or else to the distances in a Euclidean space of less thann — 1 dimensions, but not to both. Consequently, a lower bound on the number of Euclidean dimensions necessary to represent a set of objects is one less than the size of the largest subset of objects whose distances satisfy the ultrametric inequality, which characterizes the hierarchical model.This work was supported in part by Grant GB-13588X from the National Science Foundation. I would like to thank L. M. Kelly and A. A. J. Marley for their helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

With the increasing popularity of hierarchical clustering methods in behavioral science, there is a need for ways of quantitatively comparing different tree structures on the same set of items. We employ lattice-theoretic methods to construct a variety of metrics on spaces of trees and to analyze their properties. Certain of these metrics are applied to data from Fillenbaum and Rapoport (1971) on the semantic structure of common English kin terms. This application shows that tree metrics can be used to select a componential analysis which is maximally consistent with an empirically derived set of trees.  相似文献   

David Harrah 《Synthese》1984,58(2):275-294
In this paper we sketch a logic of message and reply. The logic is intended for application in a wide variety of situations, not restricted to the two-person, turn-taking situation. Each message has a body and a vector; the vector specifies the from, to, and the like. To reply to a message, it suffices to give either (1) a complete reply to the body or (2) a corrective reply to at least one presumption derivable from the vector. We discuss the problems of achieving effectiveness and completeness with respect to certain aspects of communication. The results are mixed. In section 9 we argue semi-formally that, in a certain sense, dialogue is necessary. Finally we note that this logic is not a rival of other approaches but may be combinable with them.  相似文献   

A problem which arises in the analysis of reaction times is considered. Suppose a task requires the completion of a set of mental activities which can be represented as a partially ordered set of arcs in a critical path network, but the network is unknown. If one knows for every pair of activities whether the pair is comparable (i.e., sequential) or incomparable (i.e., concurrent), then a partial order for the activities can be constructed with a procedure known as the transitive orientation algorithm. It is known that only two partial orders are possible, one the converse of the other, unless some proper nonsingleton partitive subset of the activities is not stable. Two main results are presented: First, a set of arcs generating a weakly connected subnetwork is partitive if and only if the subnetwork has a unique source, a unique sink, and no vertex of attachment other than these. Second, a simple relationship between partitive sets of activities and the slack between comparable activities is presented. These issues are important for the uniqueness problem in the synthesis of critical path networks representing cognitive tasks.  相似文献   

In two experiments, subjects first learned the locations of objects in a 21 x 21 ft room and then were timed as they verified, from memory, statements about the spatial relationships of the objects to certain features (e.g., the outside walls, the center of the room, subdividing partitions). The statements were of the form “X is (not) close to (far from) F” in Experiment 1 and “X is farther from (closer to) F than Y is” in Experiment 2, where X and Y are specific objects and F is a feature. While some of the latencies varied directly with the magnitudes of the distances between objects and features named in the sentences, there were several instances in which sentences associated with equivalent distances led to different latencies or sentences associated with different distances led to equivalent latencies. The possible cognitive operations underlying the latency pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

Unethical employee behavior is becoming an increasingly serious problem for organizations. It can take many forms, ranging from theft to disclosure of confidential information to the misrepresentation of products and services. The adverse impact of such behavior includes inventory shrinkage, lawsuits and fines. A common managerial response to unethical employee behavior is to increase random monitoring and searches in an effort to coerce desired behavior. Unfortunately, this strategy comes at the expense of individual privacy. This paper explores the ethical and legal issues associated with the tradeoff between individual privacy and the common good. Furthermore this paper examines the effects that this Big Brother strategy has on worker attitudes and performance. An alternative strategy for managing unethical behavior is proposed which relies on employee commitment (instead of coercion) through a comprehensive ethics program.  相似文献   

Silverstein  Brett  Lynch  Arthur D. 《Sex roles》1998,38(7-8):539-555
A reanalysis of a large multi-generational,predominantly Caucasian sample of adults found a largegender difference in self-reported depression involvinganxiety, appetite and sleep disturbance, and fatigue (anxious somatic depression) butnot in pure depression unaccompanied bymany of these other symptoms, replicating earlierfindings on high school and college samples. Anxioussomatic depression was prevalent among women whosefathers reported attitudes of male superiority and amongwomen whose mothers reported emphasizing the importanceof professional success but feeling that the jobs they held were not respected by others. Anxioussomatic depression, but not pure depression, was foundto be prevalent among women who did not attend collegeand among those who attended college but felt that the jobs they held were not respected byothers.  相似文献   

An n-dimensional Weber Law and the Corresponding Fechner Law   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Weber's law of 1834, DeltaS/S=c for the just noticeable difference (jnd), can be written as S+DeltaS=kS, k=1+c. It follows that the stimulus decrement required to elicit one jnd of sensation is S-DeltaS*=k(-1)S. If generalized for two stimulus dimensions and two corresponding response dimensions, Weber's law would have to state such equations for all directions of change in the plane. A two-dimensional Weber law with exactly these properties is realized by [S(x)+DeltaS(x)(straight theta), S(y)+DeltaS(y)(straight theta)]=[k(sin(straight theta))S(x), k(cos(straight theta))S(y)] which determines the stimulus coordinates for all stimuli just noticeably different from the stimulus (S(x), S(y)) in all directions 0R(2)) is [x, y]mapsto[log(k)(x), log(k)(y)]. The solution is generalized to arbitrarily many dimensions by substituting the sin and cos in the generalized Weber law by the standard coordinates of a unit vector. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   

A method of exhaustion has been described for calculating regression coefficients. This method dispenses with the solution of simultaneous equations but utilizes a process of successive extraction in obtaining's, where each successive is maximized. This procedure permits the worker to discard as he goes along those weights which are deemed unsatisfactory for purposes of prediction. The coefficients and theR in a problem involving a criterion and six independent variables were calculated in sixty minutes. TheR's obtained by this method are smaller than those yielded by the Doolittle technique, but in problems which have been considered this discrepancy has not exceeded .05.  相似文献   

We consider certain predicative classes with respect to their bearing on set theory, namely on its semantics, and on its ontological power. On the one hand, our predicative classes will turn out to be perfectly suited for establishing a nice hierarchy of metalanguages starting from the usual set theoretical language. On the other hand, these classes will be seen to be fairly inappropriate for the formulation of strong principles of infinity. The motivation for considering this very type of classes is a reasonable philosophy of set theory. Familiarity is assumed only with basic concepts of both set theory and its philosophy.  相似文献   

The processing of a target chord depends on the previous musical context in which it has appeared. This harmonic priming effect occurs for fine syntactic-like changes in context and is observed irrespective of the extent of participants' musical expertise (Bigand & Pineau, Perception and Psychophysics, 59 (1997) 1098). The present study investigates how the harmonic context influences the processing of phonemes in vocal music. Eight-chord sequences were presented to participants. The four notes of each chord were played with synthetic phonemes and participants were required to quickly decide whether the last chord (the target) was sung on a syllable containing the phoneme /i/ or /u/. The musical relationship of the target chord to the previous context was manipulated so that the target chord acted as a referential tonic chord or as a congruent but less structurally important subdominant chord. Phoneme monitoring was faster for the tonic chord than for the subdominant chord. This finding has several implications for music cognition and speech perception. It also suggests that musical and phonemic processing interact at some stage of processing.  相似文献   

The paper compares the tree-theoretical model of similarity judgement (in which the similarity between two objects is a function of the distance between them in a conceptual tree) with an averaging model of similarity judgement that is drawn jointly from information integration theory and from current research indicating the prevalence of anchoring and adjustment mechanisms in judgement. Results of an experiment are presented that suggest that even when subjects organize conceptual material as a hierarchical tree, judgments of similarity among the objects are better accounted for by an averaging mechanism than by distances in the tree. These data are discussed in terms of the differences between the representation in which knowledge is encoded and the processes that operate on the represented information.  相似文献   

In educational practice, a test assembly problem is formulated as a system of inequalities induced by test specifications. Each solution to the system is a test, represented by a 0–1 vector, where each element corresponds to an item included (1) or not included (0) into the test. Therefore, the size of a 0–1 vector equals the number of items n in a given item pool. All solutions form a feasible set—a subset of 2 n vertices of the unit cube in an n-dimensional vector space. Test assembly is uniform if each test from the feasible set has an equal probability of being assembled. This paper demonstrates several important applications of uniform test assembly for educational practice. Based on Slepian’s inequality, a binary program was analytically studied as a candidate for uniform test assembly. The results of this study establish a connection between combinatorial optimization and probability inequalities. They identify combinatorial properties of the feasible set that control the uniformity of the binary programming test assembly. Computer experiments illustrating the concepts of this paper are presented.  相似文献   

Skvortsov  Dmitrij 《Studia Logica》1998,61(2):281-292
The Kripke-completeness and incompleteness of some intermediate predicate logics is established. In particular, we obtain a Kripke-incomplete logic (H* +A+D+K) where H* is the intuitionistic predicate calculus, A is a disjunction-free propositional formula, D = x(P(x) V Q) xP(x) V Q, K = ¬¬x(P(x) V ¬P(x)) (the negative answer to a question of T. Shimura).  相似文献   

Canonical analysis of two convex polyhedral cones and applications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Canonical analysis of two convex polyhedral cones consists in looking for two vectors (one in each cone) whose square cosine is a maximum. This paper presents new results about the properties of the optimal solution to this problem, and also discusses in detail the convergence of an alternating least squares algorithm. The set of scalings of an ordinal variable is a convex polyhedral cone, which thus plays an important role in optimal scaling methods for the analysis of ordinal data. Monotone analysis of variance, and correspondence analysis subject to an ordinal constraint on one of the factors are both canonical analyses of a convex polyhedral cone and a subspace. Optimal multiple regression of a dependent ordinal variable on a set of independent ordinal variables is a canonical analysis of two convex polyhedral cones as long as the signs of the regression coefficients are given. We discuss these three situations and illustrate them by examples.  相似文献   

Conclusion My own chief impression and conclusion about this conference could not be better stated than has been done already by Lawrence K. Frank, Co-Chairman of the conference and member of our Editorial Advisory Board. He wrote:... the conference that was held is significant of a pervasive, may I say almost revolutionary, change in the climate of opinion. This change is characterized by a new awareness, a new set of assumptions, a new set of expectations, a particularly different way of thinking about ourselves ... Individuals suffering from early stunting and distortion can be helped to grow and mature, their strengths and potentialities can be evoked by various processes so that they can develop more nearly in terms of their capabilities.It is significant that every profession represented in these pages has declared itself a social agent, feeling itself to be a responsible agent dedicated ... to making operational our cherished beliefs in the worth of individual personality. Each group is working in its own way to recognize and conserve the human dignity of man, woman, and child.... each group here has acknowledged that no single profession is competent to undertake this difficult task of psychotherapy and counseling without further training and clinical experience that goes beyond the M. D., Ph.D., D.D., or whatever the degrees or titles may be ... No one person, merely because he has professional training and a degree, can claim that he is competent to undertake this difficult process.We may be approaching the time ... when we may see more agreement on scientific concepts, so that we can have an orchestration of professional skills and knowledge. I like the term orchestration because it gets away from ancillary and other terms of subordination and superordination. In an orchestra we recognize the unique place, function, and range of every instrument, but we realize that the instruments have to be played with coordination if they are going to be really productive of any theme played in unison.We may indeed hope that Lawrence Frank is right. And that we of the clergy may make a continuing contribution to such an end.  相似文献   

Task forces come up with empirically supported therapies and therapist-client relationships. A careful study of their research provides an empirically supported answer to the long-standing question of what psychotherapy is for. Accordingly, if your way of doing therapy falls outside the empirically based boundary, (a) you can risk declining their practice guidelines; (b) you can develop your own practice guidelines; and (c) you can pursue some exciting implications from having an alternative set of guidelines for how to do psychotherapy. A strategy is proposed as a plausible alternative to the task forces empirically based strategy.  相似文献   

Most standard results on structure identification in first order theories depend upon the correctness and completeness (in the limit) of the data, which are provided to the learner. These assumption are essential for the reliability of inductive methods and for their limiting success (convergence to the truth).The paper investigates inductive inference from (possibly) incorrect and incomplete data. It is shown that such methods can be reliable not in the sense of truth approximation, but in the sense that the methods converge to empirically adequate theories, i.e. theories, which are consistent with all data (past and future) and complete with respect to a given complexity class of L-sentences. Adequate theories of bounded complexity can be inferred uniformly and effectively by polynomial-time learning algorithms. Adequate theories of unbounded complexity can be inferred pointwise by less efficient methods.  相似文献   

A FORTRAN IV program, DISTANGLE, was written to aid in analysis of orientation and spacing parameters among groups of animals within enclosures. The 700-statement program requires, as minimum input, individual animal identification, each animal’s X and Y coordinates on a grid basis, and each animal’s angle of orientation on a 360-deg basis. The program was designed to give versatility to the user. Input may be raw data from cards or simulated (random) observations generated by the program. The program calculates distances among group members and determines angle relationships among selected individuals. Frequency of nearest neighbor relationships, frequency of positioning of animals at locations within the enclosure, and movement distances are determined. DISTANGLE will determine the angles any two animals of a group would have to turn to be facing each other, regardless of their locations and/or orientations within the enclosure. The program permits analyses of spatial relationships among a maximum of 50 animals, either actual or simulated, per observation. Shape of enclosure can be either a square, a circle, or a triangle.  相似文献   

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