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This paper summarizes the results of published studies that have applied the theories of reasoned action and planned behavior to the prediction of exercising intentions and behavior. In particular, the paper illustrates the knowledge we have gained from the application of thesetheoriesand how these theoretical frameworks could be used to guide the development of exercise promotion programs. Finally, research are noted.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the predictive validity of the theories of reasoned action and planned behaviour could be enhanced by considering key ideas from goal theories. In particular, goal theories highlight the importance of: (a) construing action as a process of behavioural selection designed to achieve actors’ goals, (b) assessing the extent to which people have planned how to perform action sequences implied by their goals (c) investigating goal conflict in order to understand intention-behaviour discrepancies (d) examining contextual variations in goal salience to account for the dynamics of choice, (e) using intention stability to index the prioritization of goals, and (f) analyzing the content of the goals underlying attitudes and intentions. Suggestions are made about self-report measures and computations that would permit greater use of these ideas in future research.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the predictive validity of the theories of reasoned action and planned behaviour could be enhanced by considering key ideas from goal theories. In particular, goal theories highlight the importance of: (a) construing action as a process of behavioural selection designed to achieve actors’ goals, (b) assessing the extent to which people have planned how to perform action sequences implied by their goals (c) investigating goal conflict in order to understand intention-behaviour discrepancies (d) examining contextual variations in goal salience to account for the dynamics of choice, (e) using intention stability to index the prioritization of goals, and (f) analyzing the content of the goals underlying attitudes and intentions. Suggestions are made about self-report measures and computations that would permit greater use of these ideas in future research.  相似文献   

Several competing models have been put forth regarding the role of identity in the reasoned action framework. The standard model proposes that identity is a background variable. Under a typical augmented model, identity is treated as an additional direct predictor of intention and behavior. Alternatively, it has been proposed that identity measures are inadvertent indicators of an underlying intention factor (e.g., a manifest-intention model). In order to test these competing hypotheses, we used data from 73 independent studies (total N = 23,917) to conduct a series of meta-analytic structural equation models. We also tested for moderation effects based on whether there was a match between identity constructs and the target behaviors examined (e.g., if the study examined a “smoker identity” and “smoking behavior,” there would be a match; if the study examined a “health conscious identity” and “smoking behavior,” there would not be a match). Average effects among primary reasoned action variables were all substantial, rs = .37–.69. Results gave evidence for the manifest-intention model over the other explanations, and a moderation effect by identity-behavior matching.  相似文献   

In this paper, I reflect on past papers published in the British Journal of Social Psychology (BJSP) that have played a role in the development of the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). I focus on seven papers that fall into five categories: (1) those that critique the TRA/TPB for taking insufficient account of social factors; (2) those that critique the models on the grounds that many social behaviours are 'habitual'; (3) those that critically examine the construct of perceived behavioural control; (4) those that argue for the importance of affective factors, which appear to be overlooked in the TRA/TPB; and (5) those that argue for the importance of studying the role of moderating factors and interaction effects in the TRA/TPB. I conclude that BJSP's traditional focus on criticism and theory development is one that benefits the journal and the field.  相似文献   

Poor and insufficient sleep causes physical, cognitive, emotional, and social impairments. Unfortunately, little is known about the social‐cognitive predictors of daily sleep habits. The current study examined if sleep hygiene could be predicted using the Reasoned Action Model (Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010 ). Across four studies, the model performed well for the prediction of intentions (R2s = .63–.75), and also significantly predicted both self‐reported (R2 = .15) and actigraphy‐recorded sleep duration (R2 = .11). The results from these studies support the further use of the model toward the goal of designing effective sleep hygiene interventions.  相似文献   

The theories of reasoned action and planned behaviour continue to receive considerable research attention, despite criticisms of their ‘asocial’ conceptualisation and the rational decision‐making approach. Two studies were designed to assess the impact of induced mood on condom use (Study 1) and food choice (Study 2). Both studies provided support for application of the theory of reasoned action to health‐related behaviour, and for differential effects of mood on information processing. Study 1 provided support for problem‐focus theory, with attitudes (but not subjective norm) predicting intention in the negative mood condition. The opposite pattern of findings held for the positive mood condition (i.e. only subjective norm predicted intention). The results of Study 2 provided further support for the problem‐focus approach and for the inclusion of self‐identity in the theory of planned behaviour. The findings are discussed with implications for future work on mood and behavioural decision making. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


We identify potential problems in the statistical analysis of social cognition model data, with special emphasis on the theories of reasoned action (TRA) and planned behaviour (TPB). Some statistical guidelines are presented for empirical studies of the TRA and the TPB based upon multiple linear regression and structural equation modelling (SEM). If the model is tested using multiple regression, the assumptions of this technique must be considered and variables transformed if necessary. Adjusted R2 (not R2) should be used as a measure of explained variance and semipartial correlations are useful in assessing each component's unique contribution to explained variance. R2 is not an indicator of model adequacy and residuals should be examined. Expectancy-value variables that are the product of expectancy and value measures represent the interaction term in a multiple regression and should not be used. SEM approaches make explicit the assumptions of unidimensionality of constructs in the TRA/TPB, assumptions that might usefully be challenged by competing models with multidimensional constructs. Finally, statistical power and sample size should be considered for both approaches. Inattention to any of these aspects of analysis threatens the validity of TRA/TPB research.  相似文献   

The present study examines the applicability of Fishbein and Ajzen's theory of reasoned action to the prediction and understanding of how primiparous and multiparous mothers intended to feed their infants and how they actually fed these infants during the 6 weeks following delivery. Measures of attitudes to behavior, subjective norms, and behavioral intentions were taken during the last trimester of pregnancy. Behavior was assessed by self-report 6 weeks postpartum. In most respects the findings supported the theory of reasoned action. However, attitudes to behavior were found to make an independent and significant contribution to the prediction of infant-feeding behavior, and the previous behavior of multiparous mothers explained an independent and significant proportion of variation in their behavioral intentions. The relative importance of the attitudinal and normative components of the theoretical model tended to vary according to whether the mothers had direct experience of the criterion behavior. Further analysis revealed that mothers who breast-fed during the 6-week postpartum period differed from those who bottle-fed exclusively during this period on a number of behavioral beliefs, outcome evaluations, and normative beliefs, and on one measure of motivation to comply. The implications of these findings for the theory of reasoned action are discussed.  相似文献   

Given the increasing importance of heterosexual HIV-transmission in Europe and Switzerland, the present study tested the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) in a prospective study on the HIV-protection behaviour in a community sample of heterosexual men. The study focused on condom use in sexual encounters with new partners. Participants were 982 Swiss men between the ages of 25 and 65 who were surveyed using standardised questionnaires in two computer-assisted telephone interviews that took place in autumn 2002 and spring 2003. The TPB was able to predict condom use in sexual encounters with new and casual partners. In accordance with the theory, condom use was predicted by intention. Perceived behavioural control and attitude were significant predictors of intention, whereas subjective norm was not. Thus, in line with other studies, the present study highlighted the somewhat limited explanatory power of the theory. Further theoretical and empirical work is needed to develop extensions to the theory.  相似文献   

The authors investigated the extent to which Health Belief Model (HBM) measures can be used to predict subsequent sexual activity and consistency of condom use among teenagers, especially those who report having new sex partners. Results from a longitudinal survey of sex behavior and HIV-relevant cognitions among 258 sexually active 16 and 18 year olds in Dundee, Scotland, are reported. Participants responded to a confidential postal questionnaire on their demographic characteristics, previous sexual experience, prior condom use, beliefs specified by the HBM, peer norms regarding condom use, and condom use intentions. Measures of sexual behavior and condom use consistency were then included in a follow-up questionnaire 1 year later. Demographic and HBM measures, as determined through discriminant analysis, did not account for significant proportions of variance in the consistency of condom use or mediate the effects of prior sexual experience or demographic measures. The respondents who reported more frequent sexual intercourse were less likely to use condoms consistently while those who had used condoms previously reported more consistent use. Female respondents were less likely than the young men to follow through upon their intentions to consistently use condoms.  相似文献   

The theory of planned behavior has been applied to sports and exercise behaviors. According to this theory, human intention to take action in a specific context is guided by three antecedents: attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control. Behavioral intention mediates the relationships between these three considerations and its ultimate performance. However, this theory has seldom been applied to the behaviors of spectators of sporting events. A sample of 269 volleyball spectators in Taiwan was studied to examine whether people's intention mediated their attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control toward a given behavior, watching the 2010 Fédération Internationale de Volleyball World Grand Prix in Taipei. Regression analyses did not support behavioral intention as a mediator. This result is discussed in the context of planned behavior.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effectiveness of 2 condom promotion videotapes on self-efficacy, intentions, and behavior. DESIGN: Two hundred twenty college students completed social-cognitive and behavioral measures and were then randomly assigned to receive one of two 30-min condom promotion videotapes (male or female student presenters) or to a wait-list control condition. Participants who watched 1 of the videotapes completed immediate posttest measures, and 85% of participants completed a 4-month follow-up. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Self-efficacy for condom use, intentions to use condoms, use of condom during last sex, and consistent condom use over the last month. RESULTS: Participants who received either video reported greater self-efficacy to refuse to have unprotected sex and intentions than controls at follow-up. Individuals who received either video were more likely than controls to report using a condom during last sex with a regular partner, and those who watched the female presenter were more likely to report consistent condom use. CONCLUSION: Participants benefited in terms of self-efficacy and intentions from receiving either video, but both men and women benefited more in terms of condom use behavior from receiving the female video. Future research is needed to determine whether opposite-sex speaker videos could be beneficial with a larger (and more sexually active) sample and whether these effects are maintained over time.  相似文献   


A questionnaire based on the Theory of Reasoned Action was developed and tested to identify predictors of intention to use condoms. The questionnaire consisted of three original components: Behavioral Intentions, Attitudes and Subjective Normative Beliefs, and a new component, Behavioral Norms. Age of HIV antibody status were also collected. Internal consistency of the four components of the questionnaire was high: Cronbach's alpha coefficients ranged from 0.76 to 0.87. Logistic modelling identified the significant predictors of intentions to use a condom as Attitudes (Odds Ratio = 2.7, 95% CI 1.80?4.06, P < 0.001) and Behavioral Norms (Odds Ratio = 1.49,95% CI 1.06?2.11, P = 0.03). Contrary to the theory that demographic variables are not important predictive variables of intention, HIV antibody positive status and age were found to directly influence Behavioral Intentions to use a condom. About 50% of men older than 25 years of age intended to use a condom, irrespective of HIV status. Overall, 59% of men 25 years of age and younger intended to use a condom, but the percentage was affected by HIV status; 22% in men who were HIV positive and 63% in men who were HIV negative. These findings indicate that after modification, to include HIV antibody status, Age and Behavioral Norms, the Theory of Reasoned Action can identify significant predictors of intention to use a condom.  相似文献   

A questionnaire based upon the Theory of Reasoned Action was developed and tested to identify predictors of intention to use condoms. Behavioral intentions, attitudes and subjective normative beliefs, behavioral norms, and age of HIV-positive status were included on the questionnaire. Internal consistency of the four components was high, with Cronbach's alpha coefficients of 0.76-0.87. Qualitative data were collected over 2 months from 194 homosexual men who participated in Sydney's homosexual community. Participants aged 17-64 years of mean age 29.5 attended individual interviews or small focus groups to discuss their views concerning condom use. 15% reported having tested HIV-positive, 59% tested negative, and 26% reported not knowing their HIV serostatus. According to logistic modeling, the significant predictors of intentions to use a condom were attitudes and behavioral norms, while HIV antibody positive status and age directly influence behavioral intentions to use a condom. About 50% of men over age 25 years intended to use a condom, irrespective of HIV status. Overall, 59% of men aged 25 years and younger intended to use a condom; 22% of HIV-positive men and 63% of HIV-negative men.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to select from the health belief model (HBM), theories of reasoned action (TRA) and planned behaviour (TPB), information–motivation–behavioural skills model (IMB) and social cognitive theory (SCT) the strongest longitudinal predictors of women's condom use and to combine these constructs into a single integrated model of condom use. The integrated model was evaluated for prediction of condom use among young women who had steady versus casual partners. At Time 1, all constructs of the five models and condom use were assessed in an initial and a replication sample (n?=?193, n?=?161). Condom use reassessed 8 weeks later (Time 2) served as the main outcome. Information from IMB, perceived susceptibility, benefits, and barriers from HBM, self-efficacy and self-evaluative expectancies from SCT, and partner norm and attitudes from TPB served as indirect or direct predictors of condom use. All paths replicated across samples. Direct predictors of behaviour varied with relationship status: self-efficacy significantly predicted condom use for women with casual partners, while attitude and partner norm predicted for those with steady partners. Integrated psychosocial models, rich in constructs and relationships drawn from multiple theories of behaviour, may provide a more complete characterisation of health protective behaviour.  相似文献   

Reid AE  Aiken LS 《Psychology & health》2011,26(11):1499-1520
The purpose of this research was to select from the health belief model (HBM), theories of reasoned action (TRA) and planned behaviour (TPB), information-motivation-behavioural skills model (IMB) and social cognitive theory (SCT) the strongest longitudinal predictors of women's condom use and to combine these constructs into a single integrated model of condom use. The integrated model was evaluated for prediction of condom use among young women who had steady versus casual partners. At Time 1, all constructs of the five models and condom use were assessed in an initial and a replication sample (n?=?193, n?=?161). Condom use reassessed 8 weeks later (Time 2) served as the main outcome. Information from IMB, perceived susceptibility, benefits, and barriers from HBM, self-efficacy and self-evaluative expectancies from SCT, and partner norm and attitudes from TPB served as indirect or direct predictors of condom use. All paths replicated across samples. Direct predictors of behaviour varied with relationship status: self-efficacy significantly predicted condom use for women with casual partners, while attitude and partner norm predicted for those with steady partners. Integrated psychosocial models, rich in constructs and relationships drawn from multiple theories of behaviour, may provide a more complete characterisation of health protective behaviour.  相似文献   

In her critique of social cognition or reasoned action models, J. Ogden (see record 2003-05896-016) claimed that such models are not falsifiable and thus cannot be tested, that the postulated relations among model components are true by definition, and that questionnaires used to test the models may create rather than assess cognitions and thus influence later behavior. The authors of this comment challenge all 3 arguments and contend that the findings Ogden regarded as requiring rejection of the models are, in fact, consistent with them, that there is good evidence for the validity of measures used to assess the models' major constructs, and that the effect of completing a questionnaire on cognitions and subsequent behavior is an empirical question.  相似文献   

The authors expanded the applicability of I. Ajzen and M. Fishbein's (1980) theory of reasoned action by assessing the participants' beliefs, attitudes, and experiences related to sightings of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and to alien abductions. The authors designed and administered a survey on UFO phenomena to 398 Canadian students. The survey contains items relating to each component of Ajzen and Fishbein's model, as well as scales that evaluate paranormal beliefs and social desirability. A majority of the sample believed in UFOs, although most had never seen one. However, only a minority believed in alien abductions--again, most without having had any reported experience. According to path analyses, UFO beliefs originated from societal forces rather than from personal experiences as the model would predict.  相似文献   

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