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《Behavior Therapy》2016,47(6):804-811
This report is one of a series of outcome evaluation studies for parent-training procedures tailored specifically to families of preadolescent antisocial children. Referred families were screened to identify 19 problem children who were observed in their homes to be high-rate social aggressors. Cases were randomly assigned to the parent-training procedures or to a waiting-list comparison group. All but one of the latter accepted a referral for treatment elsewhere in the community. After an average of 17 hours of therapy time, the cases in the experimental group were terminated. Posttreatment observation data were collected in the homes of both the experimental and the comparison groups. The results indicated that, relative to the changes in the comparison sample, the parent-training sample showed a significantly greater reduction in the observed rates of deviant child behavior.  相似文献   

The paper examines the “prehistory” in the 18th century of the theory of Bildung. Pedagogical historiography commonly traces the theory back to the influence of Anthony Ashley Cooper, third Earl of Shaftesbury, who is held to be the founder of the concept of “innere Bildung; on the grounds that Shaftesbury’s concept of “inward form” was translated into German as Bildung. The study focuses on the reception of Shaftesbury’s writings in the German-speaking realm in the 17th century in order to discover the contexts of discourse in which this reception took place and to find out what significance the various discourses had for the formulation of a German “theory of Bildung.” What is revealed are varied influences of a religious, literary theory, and aesthetics nature that give indications as to why the construct of Bildung has remained diffuse and excessive in the German tradition up to the very present. It is also shown that the concept, in comparison to other discourses, found its way into the pedagogical discourse relatively late, which may be another reason for the difficulties that the German theory of Bildung continues to present to the science of pedagogy.  相似文献   

The paper examines the "prehistory" in the 18th century of the theory of Bildung. Pedagogical historiography commonly traces the theory back to the influence of Anthony Ashley Cooper, third Earl of Shaftesbury, who is held to be the founder of the concept of "innere Bildung; on the grounds that Shaftesburys concept of "inward form" was translated into German as Bildung. The study focuses on the reception of Shaftesburys writings in the German-speaking realm in the 17th century in order to discover the contexts of discourse in which this reception took place and to find out what significance the various discourses had for the formulation of a German "theory of Bildung." What is revealed are varied influences of a religious, literary theory, and aesthetics nature that give indications as to why the construct of Bildung has remained diffuse and excessive in the German tradition up to the very present. It is also shown that the concept, in comparison to other discourses, found its way into the pedagogical discourse relatively late, which may be another reason for the difficulties that the German theory of Bildung continues to present to the science of pedagogy.  相似文献   

Telehealth is increasingly used for outreach service in cancer genetic counseling; however what occurs during the consultation and the roles practitioners adopt is largely unknown. Fifteen practitioners participated in semi-structured interviews that explored their roles within telehealth, compared to face-to-face consultations, and the relationship between practitioners during telehealth. As they were not physically present with the patient, most participants felt that telehealth altered the genetic clinician’s role to one of a ‘visiting specialist’. Genetic counselors described undertaking multiple roles during the telehealth process. Two models of interaction were observed. The medical model reduced the interaction to a dyadic consultation by having the genetic counselor off-screen and included minimal clinician meetings and supervision. The triadic co-facilitation model incorporated a high level of information exchange, counselor autonomy and included the counselor onscreen. The co-facilitation model offers a useful framework for telehealth genetic counselling, offering complementary roles between practitioners and efficient service delivery.  相似文献   

This is a book review of “Quality of Life: Nomadological Insights—A Nomadic Exploration of Quality of Life in Long-Term Conditions” by Monique Lhussier, published by VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG, 2009.  相似文献   

The practice of comparing nations on subjective wellbeing (SWB) is becoming commonplace, with many countries ranked by economists and social scientists alike according to average levels of SWB based on survey responses. Such large, multi-national population surveys have the potential to generate insights into the causes and correlates of SWB within different cultural groups, as well as inform policy regarding how to improve the wellbeing of citizens. At the heart of these large-scale research endeavors are SWB measures that function equivalently between the various participating cultural groups. For this reason, it is concerning that their remains a paucity of research that supports measurement equivalence for many SWB instruments commonly employed. Thus, it remains unclear whether variations in SWB across cultures reflect true differences, or whether these differences reflect measurement biases (e.g., response bias inherent within a particular cultural group). The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric equivalence of the Personal Wellbeing Index–School Children (PWI-SC) in convenience samples of Australian and Portuguese adolescents using multiple-group confirmatory factor analysis. Participants comprising the Australian sample were 1104 Victorian high-school students aged between 12 and 19 years (M?=?14.42, SD?=?1.63). Participants comprising the Portuguese sample were 573 high-school students living in Portugal aged between 12 and 18 years (M?=?14.32, SD?=?1.72). The results demonstrated strict factorial invariance between both versions of the PWI-SC, suggesting that this scale measures the same underlying construct in both samples. Moreover, these findings provide preliminary support for quantitative comparisons between Australian and Portuguese adolescents on the SWB variable as valid.  相似文献   

In a driving simulator study we evaluated a speech-based driver assistance system for urban intersections (called Assistance on Demand AoD system) which supports the driver in monitoring and decision making. The system provides recommendations for suitable time gaps to enter the intersection based on the observation of crossing traffic. Following an “on-demand”-concept, the driver activates the assistance only if support is desired.In one drive, drivers used the AoD system in every situation they experienced to guarantee that every driver had the same exposure to the system when evaluating it. During another drive, drivers were free to decide if they want to use the system or not. The experimental study compared the AoD system with driving manually and with driving supported by a more conventional visual-based system which was always active at intersections (system showing colored arrows in a simulated head-up display (HUD) to visualize the crossing traffic). This resulted in four drives the drivers had to perform. Every drive consisted of several intersections with varying traffic conditions. The drivers had to turn left at every intersection.A total of 24 drivers took part in the study; one group with 14 middle-aged drivers and another group with ten high-aged drivers. Several questionnaires and online ratings were used to assess drivers’ acceptance, perceived usefulness, benefits and specific characteristics of both system variants. In addition, driving behaviour with regard to gap choice and drivers’ monitoring behaviour (using head tracking data) were analyzed.The results show that the AoD system reaches high acceptance ratings and is preferred compared to the visual, always active system. Using the speech modality for communication and the on-demand concept were both highly appreciated by the drivers. With regard to driving behaviour, the AoD system is comparably safe as manual driving while at the same time making driving easier by facilitating the monitoring of vehicles while waiting at an intersection.  相似文献   


INSIDE OUT AND OUTSIDE IN, PSYCHODYNAMIC CLINICAL THEORY AND PRACTICE IN CONTEMPORARY MULTICULTURAL CONTEXTS. Berzoff, Joan, Laura Melano Flanagan, and Patricia Hertz, Editors. Northvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson, 1996, $45.00. Reviewed by Irene Chung.  相似文献   



This paper explores how well raters’ self-judgments of their rating and behavioral accuracy reflect reality. We also explore the role of motivation in determining the quality of raters’ self-judgments and their rating and behavioral accuracy.  相似文献   

Cougle JR 《Behavior Therapy》2012,43(3):468-481
Evaluations of psychotherapy have traditionally focused on symptom reduction as the primary standard by which their value is determined. This has contributed to the appearance of equivalence between many therapies that may differ considerably in complexity, feasibility, amount of homework and therapist contact required, expected cost, speed of symptom decline, and transdiagnostic utility. In the current paper, I make the case that these are fundamental features related to quality that should be considered in psychotherapy development, randomized controlled trials, and dissemination efforts. Empirically supported treatments for different disorders are evaluated based on these criteria, and special consideration is given to cognitive-behavioral treatments for anxiety disorders. Specific recommendations for a quality-oriented clinical research agenda are also provided.  相似文献   

Anecdotal accounts suggest some patients have experienced negative outcomes as a result of receiving genetics services from non-genetics providers, but empirical evidence of these incidents and their outcomes is limited. This study examined genetic counselors’ perceptions of the occurrence of such incidents in the state of Minnesota. Twenty-five genetic counselors completed an on-line survey and 20 also participated in a semi-structured telephone interview. The interviewees recalled and described 37 specific incidents they perceived as having negative outcomes for patients and/or their families. Inductive and cross-case analysis revealed common themes including: adverse psychosocial effects, inadequate genetic counseling, genetic testing and screening errors, medical mismanagement, negative shifts in attitudes toward medical providers, and unnecessary use of health care resources. Commonly mentioned strategies for preventing/mitigating negative outcomes included: educational outreach and awareness programs for medical providers and the general public, standardized testing and screening processes, and implementing mechanisms for reporting and addressing adverse events. Additional findings, practice and policy implications, and research recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the foundations of the theory of socionics, including the rationale behind Aušra Augustinavičiūtė’s model of information processing by the human psyche, and the philosophical thought behind the concept of information metabolism elements. Socionics was developed in the former Soviet Union and may be regarded as analogous to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator typology of personality. The main goal of this paper is to present socionics to the English-speaking community, in order to better take advantage of its explanatory potential in the fields of interpersonal communication and psychological disorders. Reviewed topics include aspects of Jungian analytical psychology and Kępiński’s information metabolism theory, upon which Augustinavičiūtė based her model. After the model is presented, its theoretical implications are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes the evaluation component of Partnerships for Success (PfS), a comprehensive community effort designed to address youth development issues. The evaluation component is referred to as theory of change-based evaluation. The author considers the implications of applying community practice tools such as theory of change-based evaluation to the current conceptualization of community science. More specifically, the author argues that the current conceptualization of community science pays scant attention to community practice. This paper concludes by suggesting that the current conceptualization of community science be modified to recognize the importance of community practice as an equal aspiration for community psychologists.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the changes in the subjective quality of life (QoL) and health state of unemployed people at the age of 45 and older in the city environment. The study also aimed at evaluating some social and demographic factors on the quality of life and health of the unemployed. A group of 454 unemployed people aged 45 and older, registered in labour offices in the city of ?ód?, Poland were included in the study. Two groups were formed: short-term and long-term unemployed. QoL was measured with the WHOQOL-Bref questionnaire. The main problems formulated in the study were: Does QoL and health state decrease during the period of unemployment and in what aspects? What factors can modify the changes of QoL of the unemployed? The findings of the analysis indicate that unemployment entails many negative health consequences and the long-term stress connected with being out of work leads to the decline in the quality of life and worsening of mental state. The multidimensional effects of unemployment depend not only on the economic situation of the particular household, but also on perceived health status, personal relationships and the sense of ability to work.  相似文献   

This paper explores the perceived challenges facing clinical genetics practitioners in multicultural Australia. Focus groups conducted with 53 practitioners explored: 1) participants’ experiences and definitions of cultural diversity; 2) their use of educational resources with clients; 3) their experiences with culturally diverse groups/individuals in practice; 4) their experiences working with interpreters; and 5) the impact culturally specific educational training and/or experiential learning had on their confidence or practice when dealing with culturally diverse clients. Participants viewed culture as extending beyond traditional definitions such as ethnicity, language and religion. Most respondents had experienced positive results working with health care interpreters, although at times, this was a challenge for the family as they preferred privacy and the use of family members as interpreters. Another commonly reported challenge was the limited availability of reliable, culturally appropriate translated resources. Some participants expressed concern that learning theories about specific cultures may lead to stereotypes and that opportunities for formal cultural competence training were limited. Recommendations for practice include the targeting of educational resources to meet the needs of a diverse community and placing cultural competence on the agenda for ongoing training and maintenance of professional standards for clinical genetics practitioners to avoid the current ad hoc approach.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to understand how relational difficulties in psychotherapy may be handled to represent possibilities for change. Temporary interruptions and subsequent reestablishment of contact were chosen as the strategic focus in one severely challenging case of long term psychodynamic psychotherapy where outcome was known to be good. Interruptions and reestablishments were conceptualised by how the informants gave meaning to them. The choice of focus represented a strategic selection of events in the course of therapy where the regulation of the alliance by the therapist as well as by the patient was at stake. A detailed case record was studied and interviews with patient and therapist were conducted. A hermeneutical-phenomenological approach was used to analyse the material. The narrative dimension was important in structuring and interpreting the data. It was shown how important relational difficulties, such as mutual incompatible expectations and demands was handled both on a structural and interpersonal level, and some important steps and hallmarks of the healing process was identified. Close inspection of the course of events in psychotherapies is seen as a promising method for bringing a better understanding of how change processes unfold.  相似文献   

A Driver Assistance System for Continuous Support continuously evaluates the status of the host vehicle as well as the surrounding traffic based on information from on-board sensors. When the system detects a hazard, it issues a warning to the driver, depending on the degree of the hazard. The effects of this system on driver behaviour and acceptance were evaluated in a field trial carried out in 2013. Twenty-four drivers took part in test drives with a within-subject design along a 53 km test route containing motorway and rural-road sections. Driving data was logged and the test drivers were observed by means of an in-car observation method (Wiener Fahrprobe); in this case by two observers in the car along with the driver. Questionnaires were used to assess the drivers’ comprehension of and reaction to the system. The system was successful in affecting driver behaviour in terms of lower speed when negotiating curves. Positive effects were found in the form of better speed adaptation to the situation during driving with the system activated. Also, lane choice and lane change improved with the system on. When it came to speed limit compliance, driving speed in general and longitudinal and lateral positioning, no effects could be found. No major differences were found regarding distance to the vehicle in front, overtaking manoeuvres, stopping behaviour at intersections, driving against yellow at traffic lights and interaction behaviour with other road users while driving with or without the system. On the negative side, it was noted that only during driving with the system activated did the test drivers make turns at intersections at too high speeds. In addition, more errors associated with dangerous distance to the side were observed with the system activated. In terms of the emotional state of the driver, the only difference found was that the drivers felt an increase in irritation. Regarding subjective workload, the drivers only assessed one item, i.e. whether their performance decreased statistically significantly while driving with the system. The test drivers were of the opinion that the system was useful, and that it would enhance safety especially in overtaking manoeuvres on motorways. The blind-spot warning was found especially useful in the overtaking process. The drivers appreciated the fact that the system did not give information all the time.  相似文献   

The role of a genetic counselor often entails providing education to patient, community and/or health professional groups. While counseling supervision assists genetic counselors to be reflective about their clinical work and to enhance clinical skills, evaluation is a rather analogous process in the provision of education. Program evaluation of education activities can be applied to provide information about the needs of the target group (needs assessment), the delivery of the program (process evaluation) as well as determining the extent to which the education activity has met its intended aims (summative evaluation). Evaluation assists the educator to assess the impact of their program and provides an evidence base about genetics education. Although program evaluation can be a complex activity, the tools are ones that can be used by individuals to evaluate single or simple education activities. The components of evaluation are discussed with reference to genetic counseling practice and three very different examples of actual evaluations are provided to illustrate the diversity of evaluation strategy and programs to which it can be applied.  相似文献   

In this article, we evaluate internal validity, internal consistency, and test–retest reliability of the MMPI–2 Restructured Clinical (RC) scales in the Dutch MMPI–2 normative sample (N = 1,244) and a Dutch outpatient psychiatric sample (N = 1,066). We pay special attention to a critique regarding construct drift of RC3 and the redundancy of the RC scales with existing MMPI–2 scales. The results indicate that the RC scales in both samples show comparable or better internal consistencies than the Clinical scales. Also, in both samples, the RC scales demonstrate lower scale-level intercorrelations than the Clinical scales. As to the structural characteristics, principal component analysis of the RC scales provided a clearer pattern than an analysis of the Clinical scales. Furthermore, mean raw scores on the RC scales for men in the Dutch normative sample corresponded highly with those in the U.S. normative sample except for RC2 and RC4. Less correspondence was found for women. Overall, we conclude that the RC scales show satisfactory reliability and promising internal validity in our Dutch samples. We suggest that U.S. validation studies on the RC scales may be generalized to the Dutch-language version of the MMPI–2 RC scales.  相似文献   

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