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Children tend to produce words earlier when they are connected to a variety of other words along the phonological and semantic dimensions. Though these semantic and phonological connectivity effects have been extensively documented, little is known about their underlying developmental mechanism. One possibility is that learning is driven by lexical network growth where highly connected words in the child's early lexicon enable learning of similar words. Another possibility is that learning is driven by highly connected words in the external learning environment, instead of highly connected words in the early internal lexicon. The present study tests both scenarios systematically in both the phonological and semantic domains across 10 languages. We show that phonological and semantic connectivity in the learning environment drives growth in both production- and comprehension-based vocabularies, even controlling for word frequency and length. This pattern of findings suggests a word learning process where children harness their statistical learning abilities to detect and learn highly connected words in the learning environment.  相似文献   

Abstract—A color-word matching task was used to investigate the basis of Stroop interference. Subjects were shown a pair of stimuli: an ink color (e.g., a red bar) and a colored word (e.g., RED printed in red or blue) and decided whether the two items had the same meaning (meaning decisions) or whether they had the same surface color (visual decisions). In Experiment 1, the two stimuli were shown simultaneously, and conflicting visual information of the word (e.g., RED printed in blue, against a red bar) led to interference in meaning decisions, whereas conflicting verbal information (e.g., BLUE printed in red, against a red bar) produced no interference in visual decisions. In Experiment 2, as an increasing time interval was imposed between presentation of the color bar and the colored word, interference in meaning decisions diminished, whereas interference in visual decisions was established. These results suggest that semantic competition, not response competition, is the major source of Stroop and Stroop-like interference.  相似文献   

The affective lexicon has been explained in terms of three underlying dimensions: Evaluation, Activity, and Potency. We assessed the importance of these dimensions during online speech perception. Participants made speeded lexical decisions about emotion words that were heard in a tone of voice that was either congruent or incongruent with the word's meaning. The denotative semantic category from which words were chosen was significantly related to lexical decision times (P < 0.001). Tone of voice did not influence decision times, nor did it interact with semantic category. Regression analyses showed that lexical decision times were significantly predicted by dimension weights on Potency, and by the three-way interaction between dimension weights on Evaluation, Activity, and Potency (both P s < 0.001). The implications of this study for models of knowledge representation and perception are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined processes underlying cognitive inflexibility in set-shifting tasks typically used to assess the development of executive function in children. Adult participants performed a Flexible Item Selection Task (FIST) that requires shifting from categorizing by one dimension (e.g., color) to categorizing by a second orthogonal dimension (e.g., shape). The experiments showed performance of the FIST involves suppression of the representation of the ignored dimension; response times for selecting a target object in an oddity task immediately following were slower when the oddity target was the previously ignored stimulus of the FIST. However, proactive interference from the previously relevant stimulus dimension also impaired responding. The results are discussed with respect to two prominent theories of the source of difficulty for children and adults on dimensional shifting tasks: attentional inertia and negative priming. In contrast to prior work emphasizing one process over the other, the findings indicate that difficulty in the FIST, and by extension other set-shifting tasks, can be attributed to both the need to shift away from the previously attended representation (attentional inertia) and the need to shift to the previously ignored representation (negative priming). Results are discussed in relation to theoretical explanations for cognitive inflexibility in adults and children.  相似文献   

采用跨语言中介启动范式,通过两个2(词对类型)*2(启动方向)被试内的ERP实验,探讨非熟练汉-维双语者非目标语言语音激活与语义激活状态的差异。结果表明:(1)L2-L1启动方向下,语音相关词对与无关词对诱发P200峰值差异更大,潜伏期更长。(2)L1-L2启动方向下,语义相关词对与无关词对诱发N400峰值差异更大,潜伏期更长。结论:(1)在加工目标语言时非熟练汉-维双语者非目标语言词汇层与概念层都激活。(2)当非目标语言是汉语时语音激活强度大,激活速度较慢;语义激活强度较小,激活速度较快。(3)当非目标语言是维吾尔语时语音激活强度小,激活速度较快;语义激活强度较大,激活速度较慢。  相似文献   

胡琳 《心理科学》2006,29(3):621-623
本研究采用语音中介语义启动的实验任务,考察了语音表征在语义激活中的作用。实验一发现,在频率较高的词的加工中没有发现语音中介语义启动效应;在频率较低的词的加工中得到了语音中介语义启动效应,但是这种中介启动效应与直接的语义启动效应有显著差异。实验二进一步考察了当声旁读音与整字语音一致时,整字语音在语义通达中的作用,结果发现:不论是高频字还是低频字,语音中介启动对目标词的加工都有促进效应,并且高频条件下,语音中介启动效应与直接的语义启动效应没有显著差异。  相似文献   

Several previous studies have shown that memory span is greater for short words than for long words. This effect is claimed to occur even when the short and long words are matched for the number of syllables and phonemes and so to provide evidence for subvocal articulation as being one mechanism that underlies memory span (Baddeley, Thomson, & Buchanan, 1975). The three experiments reported in this paper further investigate the articulatory determinants of word length effects on span tasks. Experiment 1 replicated Baddeley et al.'s finding of an effect of word length on auditory and visual span when the stimuli consist of words that differ in terms of the number of syllables. Experiments 2 and 3 showed that the effects of word length are eliminated when the words in the span task are matched for the number of syllables and phonemes but differ with respect to the duration and/or complexity of their articulatory gestures. These results indicate that it is the phonological structure of a word and not features of its actual articulation that determines the magnitude of the word length effect in span tasks.  相似文献   

采用启动命名任务考察形声字的语义透明度和结构类型对义符语音激活进程的影响。结果发现,透明汉字和不透明汉字的义符语音在SOA=50 ms时都出现了激活;在SOA=100 ms时,透明汉字的义符语音激活仍然显著,不透明汉字的义符语音激活消退了;到SOA=300 ms时,两类汉字的义符语音激活完全消退。左形右声结构汉字的义符语音在SOA=50 ms和SOA=100 ms时都出现了激活,右形左声结构汉字的义符语音只在SOA=50 ms时出现了微弱的激活。  相似文献   

Most theories of (second) language processing are based on component-dominant models that assume linear relationships between linguistic factors affecting language production and language comprehension. In this contribution we argue that in the wake of current nonlinear approaches to cognition, language processing must be seen in terms of interaction-dominant dynamics manifested in 1/f scaling relations. Our study showed that increased experience in second language use leads to scaling relations that more and more tend toward pink noise. Moreover, our data tentatively show that intensive immersion in a second-language context leads to steeper spectral slopes in response time series of that same language. These findings demonstrate the significant contribution of nonlinear analyses to the study of real-time language processing in multilinguals.  相似文献   

Three generative tasks (design generation, animal naming, words starting with m) from the Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test were administered to 73 healthy individuals in four age groups (18–39, 40–59, 60–74, 75–88) and scored for perseveration and productivity. Perseveration rates for design generation were significantly higher, and increased linearly as a function of age. The number of individuals who perseverated at least once on design generation also increased linearly, with highest prevalence in the oldest group. No age effects were found for perseveration on the verbal naming tasks. Perseverations across tasks were independent of one another. The design generation task may require multiple simultaneous processing skills, placing more demand on compromised executive processing in the elderly.  相似文献   

杨闰荣  韩玉昌  曹洪霞 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1444-1447
使用ERP技术考察了言语产生过程中语音和语义的激活情况。图片上有3种条件的干扰词,分别与目标图片名称形成3种关系:语义相关,语音相同,语义、语音、字形都不相关。结果显示,当被试执行延迟命名任务(实验1)时,与目标图片名称语义相关和控制条件的波形比语音相关的波形更趋于负向。说明在图片命名过程中语音有明显的促进作用。当要求被试对上述图片进行延迟语义判断任务(实验2)时,与目标图片名称语义相关、语音相关及控制条件的波形之间无明显差异。说明在语义提取过程中没有语音的促进作用。综合实验1和实验2,本研究的结果更倾向于支持独立两阶段模型。  相似文献   

Although Latinos have been a rapidly growing population in the US, little is known about how mental health symptoms may present in Latino children especially in the context of those living in poverty and exposed to violence. We explored the level of violence exposure and trauma symptoms in Latino youth and the relationship of these factors with English language fluency. During 2000–2002, 1,601, Latino students from seven middle schools participated in a school-based screening to identify students with exposure to community violence and symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The students completed a self-report instrument, in either Spanish or English, that combined a modified version of the Life Events Scale and the Child PTSD Symptom Scale (CPSS). Bivariate analyses and multivariate regression models showed that youth with higher English language fluency reported greater violence exposure and PTSD symptoms than those with lower fluency. No difference was found in functioning by English language fluency. English language fluency appears to be related to violence exposure and PTSD symptoms in these Latino youth. We discuss the importance of school-based programs especially designed to serve Latino students of varying English language fluency.  相似文献   

语音回路和视空间模板对音位流畅性和语义流畅性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张积家  陆爱桃 《心理学报》2007,39(6):1012-1024
采用双任务范式,通过四种次任务考察了工作记忆两个子系统-语音回路和视空间模板对音位流畅性和语义流畅性的影响。实验1表明,主动产生系列发音和被动聆听声音判断对音位流畅性影响更大,表明音位流畅性更依赖于语音回路。实验2表明,字形匹配和字形旋转判断对语义流畅性影响更大,表明语义流畅性更依赖于视空间模板。研究还表明,被试完成音位流畅性任务的策略更易受语言的特点影响,完成语义流畅性任务的策略更易受概念系统的特性影响  相似文献   

通过要求被试判断前后出现的两个句子意思是否一致,探讨句首词语音形义变化对句子阅读的影响,同时验证汉字音形义激活的时间进程。实验结果表明:(1)句首词语音形义变化对句子阅读的影响不一致,字形对句子阅读的影响最大,而字音和字义对句子阅读的影响大小不能得到分离。(2)句首词语首尾变化对句子阅读的影响不一致,词语尾字变化条件下的反应时比词语首字变化条件下的反应时更长。实验结果支持了句首词语字形对句子阅读影响最大、句首词语尾字变化比首字变化对句子阅读影响更大的观点。  相似文献   

汉语词汇产生中的义、音信息提取时间进程的ERP研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
摘 要 运用事件相关电位(ERP)技术考查了在汉语词汇产生过程中,语义提取和语音提取的时间进程。在实验过程中,给被试呈现一张图片,要求他们在小声进行图片命名之前,先基于语义信息(图上画的是物体还是动物)或语音信息(如图片名称是以字母s还是以y开头)完成一个双重选择任务。在一种情况下,反应手(左手或右手按键)由语义信息决定,是否反应(GO/NOGO)由语音信息决定;在另一种情况下,反应手由语音信息决定,是否反应由语义信息决定。结果发现,当是否反应由语义信息(动物/物体)决定时,N200的潜伏期是307ms;当是否反应由语音信息(如中文名称以S/Y开头)决定时,N200的潜伏期是447ms;两者之间存在显著的差异,即由语义信息引起的N200的潜伏期早于由语音信息引起的N200的潜伏期。结果表明,在汉语词汇产生过程中,语义提取先于语音提取。  相似文献   

纳西象形文字识别中的形、音、义激活   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
张积家  和秀梅  陈曦 《心理学报》2007,39(5):807-818
对纳西象形文字识别中的形、音、义激活进行了考察。实验1采用色词干扰的实验范式。结果表明,纳西象形文字的字形比字音和语义更易被激活。命名颜色字的形似字的颜色比命名颜色字的音同或音似字、语义联想字的颜色快。实验2采用色词干扰实验范式的变式。结果表明,当SOA=100ms时,颜色字及其形似字对颜色块命名的启动效应显著。当SOA为200ms和400ms时,颜色字的语义联想字对颜色块命名的启动效应显著。整个研究表明,在纳西象形文字识别中,字形信息首先被激活,其次是语义,字音的激活不明显。纳西象形文字的识别符合直通假设。所以如此,与纳西象形文字的特点有关  相似文献   

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research - The processes tapped by the widely-used word association (WA) paradigm remain a matter of debate: while some authors consider them as driven by lexical...  相似文献   

The question investigated in this study is how the temperament traits of strength of excitation (SE), strength of inhibition (SI), and mobility (MO) affect behaviour during the execution of computer tasks and tasks interrupting them. Several hypotheses, partly derived from the regulative theory of temperament, were tested in an experiment in which the natural environment and the types of task commonly performed by secretaries were simulated. The sample consisted of 39 female secretaries (21–64 years old). It was found that individuals high on SE and MO needed less time to resume tasks after an interruption than individuals low on these temperament traits. Interruptions similar to the main task resulted in longer resumption times for low-SE individuals. MO was negatively related to the time needed to perform the main task. A model describing the relationship between the frequency of switches between tasks and the speed of task performance in low-MO and high-MO individuals is presented.  相似文献   

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