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Two experiments examined the hypothesis that L1 phonological awareness plays a role in children’s ability to extract morphological patterns of English as L2 from the auditory input. In Experiment 1, 84 Chinese-speaking third graders were tested on whether they extracted the alternation pattern between the base and the derived form (e.g., inflate – inflation) from multiple exposures. Experiment 2 further assessed children’s ability to use morphological cues for syntactic categorization through exposures to novel morphologically varying forms (e.g., lutate vs. lutant) presented in the corresponding sentential positions (noun vs. verb). The third-grade EFL learners revealed emergent sensitivity to the morphological cues in the input but failed in fully processing intraword variations. The learners with poorer L1 PA were likely to encounter difficulties in identifying morphological alternation rules and in discovering the syntactic properties of L2 morphology. In addition to L1 PA, L2 vocabulary knowledge also contributed significantly to L2 morphological learning.  相似文献   

This study investigated the cognitive abilities needed to succeed at incidental word learning, specifically by examining the role of phonological memory and phonological sensitivity in novel word learning by 4-year-olds who were typically developing. Forty 4-year-olds were administered a test of nonword repetition (to investigate phonological memory), rhyming and phoneme alliteration tasks (to investigate phonological sensitivity), and an incidental word learning task (via a computer-based presentation of a cartoon story). A multiple regression analysis revealed that nonword repetition scores did not contribute significantly to incidental word learning. Phonological sensitivity scores were significant predictors of incidental word learning. These findings provide support for a model of lexical acquisition in which phonological knowledge plays an important role.  相似文献   

刘莹  董燕萍 《心理科学》2006,29(4):960-962
本研究考察了小学儿童语音意识和英语单词认读的关系。一系列相关和回归分析发现,英、汉语语音意识与英语单词认读有密切关系,但这种关系随年级变化而变化,英语语音意识对汉语儿童英语单词认读并不具有稳定的预测力;而且并不总是最有预测力的因素。结果说明,与英语本族语儿童相比,语音意识在汉语儿童的英语单词认读学习中起了不同的作用。  相似文献   

俞国良  王燕 《心理科学》2001,24(6):683-686
本研究探讨了英语学习不良儿童语音技能一语音意识与词汇到达的发展水平及这两项语音技能与其单词认知能力间关系。结果发现,英语学习不良儿童在假词拼读能力发展上存在缺陷.而在语音意识能力的发展方面却表现正常。在对儿童的单词认知能力进行预测时,语音意识和假词拼读能力是较好的效标。  相似文献   

In the current research we investigate the role of early phonological awareness skills on reading development in diglossic Arabic. Two-hundred and six Arabic speaking first graders, composed of 25 at-linguistic risk pupils (LR group) and 181 normally developing readers, representing the found heterogeneity in the classroom participated in this study. For this purpose, phonological training program was developed where we followed the pupils’ development in both phonological awareness skills and reading development in second grade. As indicated by the study results, higher achievements in phonological awareness measures was noted among HG group in first grade. After Training, significant improvement in phonological awareness was noted among both groups, where LR group was able to close the gaps in phonological awareness skills with HG group. When examining the relationship between phonological awareness and reading performance, moderate positive correlation was found within HG group whereas strong positive relationship was encountered with the LR group. Despite the progress in phonological awareness skills and its strong relationship with reading, LR group showed lower reading performance when compared to HG group. The study results are discussed in relation to its scientific and didactic implications on Arabic reading acquisition.  相似文献   

本研究考察了英语语音意识在小学汉语儿童英语单词读写学习中的作用。对189名小学儿童的研究表明:(1)一、二、五年级在首音和韵脚意识上差异显著;在音位意识上,一、二年级差异不显著,五年级显著高于其他两个年级;(2)各年级儿童的语音意识与其英语单词读写均存在显著相关;(3)控制英语口语词汇量后,一年级的首音意识显著解释其单词读写的变异,二年级的首音意识显著解释其单词拼写的变异,五年级的音位意识显著解释其单词读写的变异;(4)各年级的语音意识对单词拼写较之于阅读都具有更强的变异解释力。可见,小学汉语儿童的英语语音意识与其单词读写存在密切联系,语音意识与拼写的关系相对更为紧密;首音意识对早期读写发展具有重要意义,而音位意识在后期读写学习中的作用更为突出。  相似文献   

双语儿童语音意识与词汇认读关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
闫嵘  俞国良  张磊 《心理科学》2005,28(2):304-307
通过平行语音和词汇加工任务。对64名双语儿童英汉两种语言语音意识和词汇认读能力进行了双向测查。结果表明:双语儿童在两种语言不同语音意识和词汇认读之间存在跨语言的多重相关;在对其英语和汉语词汇认读能力的预测中,汉语音节辨认和英语音素识别均为重要的指标,表明语音意识对词汇认读能力具有跨语言的双向预测作用。  相似文献   

Two experiments examined if visual word access varies cross-linguistically by studying Spanish/English adult bilinguals, priming two syllable CVCV words both within (Experiment 1) and across (Experiment 2) syllable boundaries in the two languages. Spanish readers accessed more first syllables based on within syllable primes compared to English readers. In contrast, syllable-based primes helped English readers recognize more words than in Spanish, suggesting that experienced English readers activate a larger unit in the initial stages of word recognition. Primes spanning the syllable boundary affected readers of both languages in similar ways. In this priming context, primes that did not span the syllable boundary helped Spanish readers recognize more syllables, while English readers identified more words, further confirming the importance of the syllable in Spanish and suggesting a larger unit in English. Overall, the experiments provide evidence that readers use different units in accessing words in the two languages.  相似文献   

拼音学习对幼儿语音意识发展的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
任萍  徐芬  张瑞平 《心理学报》2006,38(1):41-46
研究考察了拼音学习对幼儿汉语和英语语音意识发展的影响。结果发现,拼音学习对幼儿汉语和英语语音意识都有促进作用,但在不同成分上存在差异。这种促进作用主要体现在音节内的押韵和首音意识,而对幼儿原来已发展起来的音节意识和末位音位意识(英语)的影响作用很小。同时,研究还从跨语言角度分析了拼音学习对汉语和英语语音意识发展影响的相似性  相似文献   

小学儿童汉语语音意识的发展   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
徐芬  董奇  杨洁  王卫星 《心理科学》2004,27(1):18-20
运用纵向与横向研究探讨了小学一年级儿童汉语语音意识发展的过程和小学一、三、五年级儿童汉语语音意识的年级差异。结果表明。在汉语语音意识各任务上,刚入学儿童的反应都处于随机的水平,其后声调意识先于其他语音意识而发展,其次为首音-韵脚意识,音位意识发展得最迟。  相似文献   

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research - The objective of this study was to explore the role played by phonological memory (PM) in the learning of new second language (L2) vocabulary presented in a...  相似文献   

The investigation of a patient with a selective impairment of phonological short-term memory has recently provided evidence that this system may be involved in long-term learning of novel words, for which a pre-existing semantic representation is not available (Baddeley, Papagno, & Vallar, 1988). The present series of experiments in normal subjects explored this hypothesis. We assessed the effects of phonological similarity and item length, which reflect the operation of the phonological short-term store and the rehearsal component of verbal memory, upon paired associate long-term learning of auditorily presented words and non-words. Phonological similarity affected the learning of novel words more than known words (Experiment 1); when a delay was interposed between presentation and recall, the disruptive effect was confined to novel words (Experiment 2). Also word length disrupted the learning of novel words, but not of known words (Experiment 3). These results tie in with neuropsychological evidence to suggest a role for phonological short-term memory in the learning of new words, and they have developmental implications for the study of language acquisition.  相似文献   

李虹  舒华  彭虹  雷霖  邢爱玲 《心理科学》2006,29(3):546-549
本研究以93个学前儿童为研究对象,考察了配对联想学习能力和语音意识在汉字阅读和词汇发展中的作用及其相互关系,其中,配对联想学习分为假词、非词、符号三种形式。结果发现,语音意识是解释汉字阅读的最重要变量,配对联想学习能力对词汇发展具有独特贡献;不会阅读者在假词和非词学习中比初学阅读者差,而在非语言的符号学习中没有差异。  相似文献   

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research - Word learning in a second language (L2) is a complex process, which is affected by learner-related (e.g., morphological awareness) and language-related (e.g.,...  相似文献   

为了考察汉字识别在语素意识和阅读流畅性之间的作用,本研究通过对小学一至六年级856名儿童的语素意识、汉字识别和阅读流畅性的测查,采用结构方程模型进行分析,结果发现:(1)语素意识在整个小学阶段都影响阅读流畅性;(2)在一至五年级,汉字识别在语素意识和阅读流畅性之间起着中介作用;在六年级,其中介作用不显著。结果表明,语素意识可以促进阅读流畅性发展,且年级越低,汉字识别在其中的中介作用越大。  相似文献   

采用快速掩蔽启动范式、Go/No-go范式和事件相关电位(ERP)技术,探讨蒙语词汇识别过程中语音自动激活的时程及对语义通达的作用。实验中要求被试执行一个额外的语义分类任务,对关键刺激不做明显的行为反应。结果发现,SOA为67ms时,语音启动在头皮的额区诱发了明显的P150和N400成分;SOA为167ms时,语音启动在头皮的额区和中央区诱发了明显的P200成分,在整个大脑皮层诱发了明显的N400成分。结果表明,语音在蒙语词汇识别的早期自动激活并促进语义的通达。  相似文献   

本研究通过汉语拼音和128个汉字的特别语音辨析或常规教学对40名普通话儿童和40名福州话-普通话双语儿童进行了声母、韵母和声调方面的训练并且观测其对词汇阅读能力的影响.两类被试各分为两组,每组20人, 一组接受特别训练,另一组接受常规教学式训练,为期24天,每天30分钟.结果显示,两种不同训练对两类被试产生不同效应:两种不同训练对普通话被试没有显著的效果差异,而对方言被试却有显著差异.特别训练对方言被试的语音意识和词汇阅读水平有显著的促进作用,常规训练没有这种促进作用.文章对这种训练效应产生的机制进行了讨论.  相似文献   

汉语儿童早期语音意识的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究采用四类语音意识任务(音节、首音、韵脚、声调)考察了幼儿园小中大班和小学一年级儿童的汉语语音意识发展的年龄特征和发展规律.研究结果表明,学前儿童的汉语语音意识已经开始发展,其中音节意识发展最早,其次是韵脚意识,声调意识和首音意识的发展相对较晚.  相似文献   

家庭文化环境对幼儿语音意识的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本研究用结构方程模型,检验幼儿家庭文化环境的结构及其与语音意识的关系。结果证实:家庭文化环境包括家庭文化资源和家庭文化活动,其中家庭文化活动又可以划分为,正式的家庭文化活动及非正式的家庭文化活动。家庭文化资源通过家庭文化活动影响幼儿的语音意识,只有非正式的家庭文化活动对语音意识的作用显著。  相似文献   

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