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Charles Pelling 《Synthese》2008,164(2):289-312
I defend, to a certain extent, the traditional view that perceptual indiscriminability is non-transitive. The argument proceeds by considering important recent work by Benj Hellie: Hellie argues that colour perception represents ‘inexactly’, and that this results in violations of the transitivity of colour indiscriminability. I show that Hellie’s argument remains inconclusive, since he does not demonstrate conclusively that colour perception really does represent inexactly. My own argument for the non-transitivity of perceptual indiscriminability uses inexactness instead as one horn of a dilemma: the key idea is that there is a class of perceptual experiences which might plausibly be supposed either to represent inexactly or to represent exactly—but which demonstrate the non-transitivity of perceptual indiscriminability either way.  相似文献   

董仲舒的易学哲学思想是他的整个哲学体系的核心内容.其内涵丰富而深刻,主要表现在董仲舒赋予<易传>中的"元"以逻辑在先和价值根源之意义,表明"元"是一个价值本体范畴;他把<易传>的"继善成性"论改造为"天止人继"说,反映了人类在宇宙万物中之地位与意义的一种自觉精神;又把<易传>"人文化成"的思想观念发展为一种"人文宇宙观",从宇宙观高度审视人类文化,又从人类文化角度看待宇宙,观与文化观合二为一,表明了宇宙是人类文化创造的本源和基础,而人类文化是宇宙的发展和完善.这就从宇宙观的高度肯定、突出了人文价值的崇高意义.  相似文献   

According to idealism the world, as we perceive it, is in effect a creation of the mind. There are many different forms of idealism and this paper investigates one form of idealism that was advocated by the 4th century Buddhist Yogācārin Vasubandhu and one not unfamiliar in the west, especially in the works of George Berkeley. This paper suggests that when idealism, as a metaphysical theory, is set within a soteriological framework, as is the case with Vasubandhu, it serves to bridge the philosophical endeavour with the religious quest as outlined in Buddhist thought. Idealism is a theory about the borders between mind and matter, and specifically about the demolition of matter. This demolition, in the hands of Vasubandhu, manages to redefine the framework of speculation by incorporating the soteriological within it and thus constructing a viable bridge between philosophy and religion.  相似文献   

Recently, several authors have proposed the use of random graph theory to evaluate the adequacy of cluster analysis results. One such statistic is the minimum number of lines (edges) V needed to connect a random graph. Erdös and Rényi derived asymptotic distributions of V. Schultz and Hubert showed in a Monte Carlo study that the asymptotic approximations are poor for small sample sizes n typically used in data analysis applications. In this paper the exact probability distribution of V is given and the distributions for some values of n are tabulated and compared with existing Monte Carlo approximations.  相似文献   

An extension of the traditional matching paradigm that enables researchers to test a variety of new experimental hypotheses is outlined. An on-line computer program that provides an exact small-sample test of hypotheses in the extended matching paradigm is described. The program, which has an intuitive graphical interface, may be accessed and executed via the Internet by using an ordinary browser.  相似文献   

The kappa coefficient is one of the most widely used measures for evaluating the agreement between two raters asked to assign N objects to one of K nominal categories. Weighted versions of kappa enable partial credit to be awarded for near agreement, most notably in the case of ordinal categories. An exact significance test for weighted kappa can be conducted by enumerating all rater agreement tables with the same fixed marginal frequencies as the observed table, and accumulating the probabilities for all tables that produce a weighted kappa index that is greater than or equal to the observed measure. Unfortunately, complete enumeration of all tables is computationally unwieldy for modest values of N and K. We present an implicit enumeration algorithm for conducting an exact test of weighted kappa, which can be applied to tables of non‐trivial size. The algorithm is particularly efficient for ‘good’ to ‘excellent’ values of weighted kappa that typically have very small p‐values. Therefore, our method is beneficial for situations where resampling tests are of limited value because the number of trials needed to estimate the p‐value tends to be large.  相似文献   


An effective Hamiltonian for the two-band Hubbard model was derived by a canonical transformation which was calculated and summed up to infinite order . The transformed Hamiltonian contains terms with strongly renormalized interaction energies. These new interaction energies show sign reversals as a function of the hopping integral in addition to a strong reduction in the charge-transfer gap and a significant increase in the attractive oxygen Hubbard term.  相似文献   


It is only in the last 30 years that any appreciable work has been done on women philosophers of the past. This paper reflects on the progress that has been made in recovering early-modern women philosophers in that time and the role of the history of philosophy in that process. I argue that as women are integrated into the broader picture of philosophy, there is a danger of overlooking the different conditions under which they originally philosophized and which shaped their philosophies. Having retrieved them from oblivion, we now face the challenge of avoiding a ‘new amnesia’ by developing historical narratives and modes of analysis which acknowledge the different conditions within which they worked, without diminishing their contribution to philosophy. I offer these remarks as a contribution to current debates about the forms that historical narrative should take, and the best way to promote women in philosophy today, in the belief that we can learn from our own more recent history.  相似文献   

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