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Science and Engineering Ethics - This paper addresses a problem that has so far been neglected by scholars investigating the ethics of Big Data and policy makers: that is the ethical implications...  相似文献   

We now live in the era of big data, and according to its proponents, big data is poised to change science as we know it. Claims of having no theory and no ideology are made, and there is an assumption that the results of big data are trustworthy because it is considered free from human judgement, which is often considered inextricably linked with human error. These two claims lead to the idea that big data is the source of better scientific knowledge, through more objectivity, more data, and better analysis. In this paper I analyse the philosophy of science behind big data and make the claim that the death of many traditional sciences, and the human scientist, is much exaggerated. The philosophy of science of big data means that there are certain things big data does very well, and some things that it cannot do. I argue that humans will still be needed for mediating and creating theory, and for providing the legitimacy and values science needs as a normative social enterprise.  相似文献   

This article defines and outlines constructivist analytics, a framework for understanding how, where, and when the narratives we construct with advanced data analysis can affect positive social change in informal learning environments (such as museums). I ask three core questions based on this framework: How can researchers use analytics to understand what different visitors find valuable? How can we use analytics to help more visitors find value and to improve visitors' experiences when they find value? How can we present and structure analytics in ways that many different stakeholders find valuable? I then suggest possible avenues for both expanding current work in constructivist analytics and developing new angles on positive, effective, and data-rich narratives.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from the field test of a prototype device that collects heart rate sensor data and displays it for users. The prototype was tested on a football team, including teenage players, their parents and coaches. The findings include notes on user expectations related to the technology and detailed analyses of the social interactions that took place during the test. The paper concludes with design implications relating to this application, but also poses challenges for context-aware computing and machine intelligence in general.
Fabiola LopezEmail: URL: http://www.suunto.com

Nationalism and patriotism can be thought of as consequences of national identity that represent positive evaluations of one's own group but imply different social goals. This paper investigates the ways in which these concepts are related to attitudes toward minorities. The data analyzed were drawn from a representative sample of residents of the former East and West Germany who responded to items on the national identity of Germans in 1996 as part of a panel study. A model with multiple indicators was tested via a multiple-group analysis of a structural equations model followed by latent class analyses. Both East and West Germans displayed attitudinal patterns that link national identity with tolerance toward others; in both subsamples, nationalism and patriotism were respectively associated with greater intolerance and greater tolerance toward minorities.  相似文献   

In this article, a systemic perspective compares emigration to a process of uprooting, because everyone is rooted in a particular social and cultural context. The act of emigration leaves behind an ecological gap or hole, requiring a process of re-defining, re-growth and re-distribution. This ecological analogy for the social world emphasizes that various systems are rooted in reciprocal relationships. I illustrate that emigration is never an isolated individual event, but rather a systemic phenomenon which affects several systems. This qualitative study explores the impact of emigration on South African emigrants’ family life and social networks. It clearly shows the systemic interconnectedness of the emigration process, providing a useful theoretical frame for those working in the field of emigration and family life. The results highlight the reciprocal, often conflicting, experiences of those who emigrate and of those who stay behind, underscoring the strong sense of ambivalence and loss that characterizes emigration. Ways in which family members attempt to re-negotiate relationships postemigration are also described, drawing attention to occasional ambivalence regarding the use of technology as a way of maintaining transnational relationships.  相似文献   

Because little research has been conducted on which therapist-client interactions lead to intermediate and end-point improvements in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), we have a small evidence-base from which to specify what therapists must know and do in order to obtain good outcomes using DBT. As with other evidence-based practices, dissemination of DBT has defaulted to assumptions and methods from the “psychotherapy technology model,” which emphasizes transfer of the validated treatment package from the research clinic to routine settings with high fidelity (Morgenstern & McKay, 2007). However, serious limitations of the psychotherapy technology model require pursuit of alternative complementary models to guide dissemination. One complementary approach is to use well-designed practice-based training research. In this approach, therapists learn modular competencies linked to a highly structured yet flexible clinical decision-making framework. Modular training of therapist competencies emphasizes the continuity of the component therapist strategies across evidence-based protocols rather than emphasizing the packages or manuals as separate and distinct. Key hypotheses about the change processes responsible for client change and the associated treatment strategies used to influence these change processes should be specified and measured at the level of client, therapist, and service delivery setting. Adopting this approach may offer advantages that apply to the dissemination and implementation of DBT and other evidence-based practices (EBPs).  相似文献   

In this paper we use twin data from Australia to explore emotional well-being and its determinants. We aim to accomplish three things. First of all, using twin-fixed effects, and purging the estimates of common family environment and genetic similarities, we can test the robustness of previous findings in the well-being literature. We find that in the monozygotic twin-fixed effects estimations the marital status, health, years of education, and having low income preserve their significance, thus confirming the most pronounced stylized facts in the happiness literature. Second, using information about traumatic events, we test the validity of the adaptation hypothesis, according to which human beings can adapt to both positive and negative shocks and return to some setpoint level of life satisfaction. We find a strong negative effect of more recent traumatic events, such as being assaulted, being raped or being involved in an accident, which effects dissipate over time; thus, we confirm the validity of the adaptation hypothesis. Last but not least, we show that genetic dispositions are important for the within-pair variance of the emotional well-being.  相似文献   

Missing data have long been problematic in quantitative research. Despite the statistical and methodological advances made over the past 3 decades, counseling researchers fail to provide adequate information on this phenomenon. Interpreting the complex statistical procedures and esoteric language seems to be a contributing factor. An overview of missing data and remediation procedures is provided. A systematic approach to addressing missing data along with reporting suggestions is presented.  相似文献   

How young, middle-aged, and young-old adults use individual resources to cope with challenges and changes in their lives is likely to influence the ways they will approach late life. One of the most important barriers to using available resources is the subjective appraisal of the situation, of the available resources, and of the potential use of these resources. The present study based on 2,313 individuals (25–74 years) from the National Survey of Midlife Development in the United States (MIDUS) examines the structural relations between available social, financial, and health resources, the subjective appraisal of these resources, and well-being in young, middle-aged, and young-old adults. The results indicate that the subjective appraisal of resources mediates the effects of available social, financial, and health resources on well-being irrespective of age groups. The discussion focuses on the importance of the appraisal of available resources as a precondition to successfully cope with stress, and points out avenues for intervention research.  相似文献   

Precuing an observer as to where a target is more likely to occur in a subsequent visual array can increase the detectability (d′) of a target at that location. This is often attributed to the observer’s increased allocation of some limited cognitive resource (“attention”) to the cued location. Two experiments are reported which are difficult to interpret in this way even though they involve similar cue effects. The first involves postcuing a location well after the array but before the observer responds, so that the cue can influence the response but not the observation. The second involves precuing, but with slow sequential presentation of array elements prior to the response, so the observer need not share any limited resource while processing each element in turn. Enhanced detectability similar to that produced with precues and simultaneous presentation of elements is shown to occur in each experiment. An alternative data-limited (rather than resource-limited) interpretation of these effects is provided by a mathematical model in which the observer integrates equally noisy or degraded internal representations of the array elements, but gives more weight to cued elements in selecting a response. Theoretical parameters of the model are shown to provide separate measures of both an observer’s overall sensitivity and precue effects in cost-benefit analyses of cuing data.  相似文献   

Concern has been raised about the lack of participant compliance in diary studies that use paper-and-pencil as opposed to electronic formats. Three studies explored the magnitude of compliance problems and their effects on data quality. Study 1 used random signals to elicit diary reports and found close matches to self-reported completion times, matches that could not plausibly have been fabricated. Studies 2 and 3 examined the psychometric and statistical equivalence of data obtained with paper versus electronic formats. With minor exceptions, both methods yielded data that were equivalent psychometrically and in patterns of findings. These results serve to at least partially mollify concern about the validity of paper diary methods.  相似文献   

The implementation of noninvasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques to improve sports performance is getting more and more popular. There are, however, practical and ethical concerns about the benefits of using NIBS in sports psychology. Two studies on the efficacy of two specific NIBS devices—AVWF method and OGIRO Modulation—were conducted and revealed no obvious benefits for cognitive and mental skills and psychophysiological activity in pupils and sport students. Recommendations derived from the empirical effectiveness of NIBS for the ethical application in routine training protocols are discussed. Finally, we suggest guidelines for sports psychologists who are faced with modern technological devices.  相似文献   

As the trolley problem runs its course, consequentialists tend to adopt one of two strategies: (a) silently take comfort in the fact that deontological rivals face their own enduring difficulties, or (b) appeal to cognitive psychology to discredit the deontological intuitions on which the trolley problem depends. I refer to the first strategy as silent schadenfreude and the second as debunking attack. My aim in this paper is to argue that consequentialists ought to reject both strategies and instead opt for what I call robust advantage. This strategy emphasizes the intricate calculations that consequentialists employ to defend against objections based on friendship and integrity. I argue that these calculations offer consequentialism an explanatory advantage over deontology in the context of the trolley problem. It requires striking a delicate balance between deeply internalized dispositions to avoid causing harm and a context-sensitive ability to prevent disasters; however, empirical data help consequentialism on this front by illustrating that the integration of separate cognitive functions is an ordinary part of human psychology.  相似文献   

Headshot portraits of all U.S. Governors, Senators, and Representatives and members of Parliament in Canada, Australia, and Norway are analyzed. In all countries, male politicians are represented with higher facial prominence than female politicians, paralleling a pervasive gender bias in media portraits. For American Congresswomen, high facial prominence is associated with a more pro-feminist voting record. Finally, anthropometric data show that gender differences in the facial prominence in portraits cannot be traced to gender differences in actual body proportions.  相似文献   

The views on plagiarism of 574 students at four Australian universities operating in Singapore were investigated through a survey and interviews. Analysis of students’ responses to different plagiarism scenarios revealed misconceptions and uncertainties about many aspects of plagiarism. Self-plagiarism and reuse of a friend’s work were acceptable to more than one quarter of the students, and nearly half considered collusion to be a legitimate form of collaboration. One quarter of the students also indicated that they would knowingly plagiarize. This should serve as a wake-up call regarding plagiarism in transnational higher education. Seven measures are recommended to curb plagiarism and foster academic integrity.  相似文献   

Thirty Irish young adults (between eighteen and twenty-nine years of age) were interviewed about their experiences of accessing and attending healthcare settings for STD (sexually transmitted disease) testing. Four principle themes emerged: the risk of stigma as a result of seeking STD testing; the need to engage in impression management activities while accessing information about STD testing; the importance of using healthcare settings that supported rather than undermined impression management attempts; and identity risks experienced while waiting in clinic reception areas. Findings are discussed in relation to previous research on this topic.  相似文献   

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