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Using confirmation theory, this study investigated how romantic couples' (N = 100) accepting and challenging communication was associated with several weight management (WM) outcomes (i.e., partners' general effectiveness in motivating each other to enact healthy behaviors, productivity of WM conversations, and diet and exercise behaviors). Actor–partner interdependence model analyses showed that acceptance and challenge from partners simultaneously predicted how effective partners were in motivating healthy behaviors, but these components of confirmation predicted the other outcomes in different ways. Analyses across the outcomes also revealed that similar partner communication styles predicted general effectiveness, more productive WM conversations, and healthier eating habits. The findings of this study highlight the importance of assessing the interdependence of partners' WM efforts.  相似文献   

Pharmaceutical companies fund the bulk of clinical research that is carried out on medications. Poor outcomes from these studies can have negative effects on sales of medicines. Previous research has shown that company funded research is much more likely to yield positive outcomes than research with any other sponsorship. The aim of this article is to investigate the possible ways in which bias can be introduced into research outcomes by drawing on concrete examples from the published literature. Poorer methodology in industry-funded research is not likely to account for the biases seen. Biases are introduced through a variety of measures including the choice of comparator agents, multiple publication of positive trials and non-publication of negative trials, reinterpreting data submitted to regulatory agencies, discordance between results and conclusions, conflict-of-interest leading to more positive conclusions, ghostwriting and the use of ??seeding?? trials. Thus far, efforts to contain bias have largely focused on more stringent rules regarding conflict-of-interest (COI) and clinical trial registries. There is no evidence that any measures that have been taken so far have stopped the biasing of clinical research and it??s not clear that they have even slowed down the process. Economic theory predicts that firms will try to bias the evidence base wherever its benefits exceed its costs. The examples given here confirm what theory predicts. What will be needed to curb and ultimately stop the bias that we have seen is a paradigm change in the way that we treat the relationship between pharmaceutical companies and the conduct and reporting of clinical trials.  相似文献   

The pervasiveness and the prevalence of the autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are now much more recognized than in years past. The treatment needs of higher functioning people with ASD unfortunately often go unmet, and there is tremendous potential for psychologists to help meet these needs. The four articles in this special series provide current, best practice reviews and recommendations for practicing psychologists who work in this area. They highlight commonalities that cut across ASD and other clinical populations, and offer considerations that are unique to working with clients who have ASD. This commentary emphasizes the need for clinicians and applied psychological scientists to consider some of these issues in their own work.  相似文献   

Research suggests that many mental disorders—mood and anxiety, substance use, and personality psychopathology—are related through relatively few latent transdiagnostic factors. With regard to the comorbidity of personality disorders and common mental disorders, factor structures such as internalizing–externalizing have been replicated in numerous samples, across the life span, and around the globe. One critical feature of transdiagnostic factors is that they serve as a point of intersection between personality and psychopathology, making them particularly relevant phenomena for applied clinical work. Although numerous studies have supported the significance of transdiagnostic factors for research and classification purposes, there has been comparatively less articulation of how such factors might be of benefit to practicing assessment clinicians. Herein, we present an overview of transdiagnostic factor research findings, and we apply these findings to the clinical topics of assessment, diagnosis, and treatment. For clinicians as well as researchers, the use of transdiagnostic constructs presents positive implications for efforts to understand, characterize, and ameliorate psychopathology—including its manifestations as personality disorder—in a valid, effective, and efficient way.  相似文献   

台湾目前的基因科技发展存在着瓶颈和危机。在日前台湾举办的《基因治疗与临床试验-务实取向的共识凝聚研讨会》上,与会者提出了制约台湾目前基因研究的十大瓶颈,以及面对困境的十项解决方案。  相似文献   

The relationship between religious/spiritual (R/S) factors and adolescent health outcomes has been studied for decades; however, the R/S measurement tools used may not be developmentally relevant for adolescents. A systematic literature review was conducted to review and evaluate trends in measuring R/S in adolescent health outcomes research. In this review a total of 100 articles met criteria for inclusion. Relatively few (n = 15) included adolescent-specific R/S measures or items accounting for developmentally relevant issues such as parental religiosity or age-appropriate language. Future R/S and health research with adolescents would be strengthened by incorporating developmentally relevant R/S measurement tools, psychometrics, and multidimensional measures.  相似文献   

Hailed as the gold standard, the randomized controlled trial (RCT) occupies a hegemonic position at the top of evidence-based medicine’s hierarchy of knowledge. It is testament to the methodology’s capacity for standardization that it can so readily be spoken of in the singular: the RCT. Under what conditions, then, is it possible to speak of change in the gold standard? Since the 1950s, alternative versions of the RCT have been advocated for under the banner of ‘adaptive design’. Adaptive designs allow investigators to make pre-planned changes to a trial on the basis of accruing information while the experiment is ongoing. Initially a niche topic of methodological debate among biostatisticians, the approach is becoming widespread in mainstream drug development. A genealogical analysis exposes the discursive moves used to justify and popularize adaptation, from a focus on patient well-being and the greater good in the 1960s and 1970s, to efficiency and virtualism in the 1990s and 2000s. Changing discourses of time and patienthood have facilitated a move away from standardization as the singular logic of trials towards an appreciation of flexibility, undergirded by probabilistic methodologies. Adams et al.’s [(2009). Anticipation: Technoscience, life, affect, temporality, Subjectivity, 28, pp. 246–265] conceptual framework of anticipation illuminates this evolving moral economy of medical research, in which modes of knowledge production which claim to know the future are supplanting the traditional certainties of fixed and standardized experimental designs. Predictable uncertainty is the currency of this emerging economy, which capitalizes on computer simulation and ever more sophisticated tools of prediction to leverage credibility.  相似文献   

为了更客观真实地揭示婚姻家庭道德状况,婚姻家庭道德研究必然要选择实证性的研究方法,实证研究必须从婚姻家庭道德意识层面深入到婚姻家庭道德行为事实的层面,同时,还需要基于婚姻家庭道德行为事实建构一套切实且具有可操作性的指标体系。  相似文献   

Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has been shown to be important for organizational effectiveness, yet less is known about the relationship between OCB and objective outcomes for individuals. We investigate the relationship between OCB and both short-term and longer term outcomes within the context of an outcome-based reward system. We also investigate a type of OCB specific to professional occupations, namely, professional service OCB. Using resource allocation and social exchange theories, we hypothesize that OCB directed internally to the employing organization may have a negative impact on individuals’ productivity and career outcomes while engaging in professional service OCB would be positively related to these outcomes. Results from a survey of 622 faculty members in research universities provide support for these hypotheses. Future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

This meta‐analysis included 111 clinical trials exploring the effectiveness of counseling/psychotherapy and guided self‐help approaches in the treatment of bulimia nervosa. In general, single‐group studies supported higher efficacy of counseling/psychotherapy, whereas wait‐list, treatment‐as‐usual, and placebo studies indicated both approaches were equally effective at termination (posttest) and follow‐up in altering binging, purging, laxative use, and self‐reported bulimia or body dissatisfaction perceptions in nearly all comparisons.  相似文献   

Health‐compromising behaviors such as physical inactivity and poor dietary habits are difficult to change. Most social‐cognitive theories assume that an individual's intention to change is the best direct predictor of actual change. But people often do not behave in accordance with their intentions. This discrepancy between intention and behavior is due to several reasons. For example, unforeseen barriers could emerge, or people might give in to temptations. Therefore, intention needs to be supplemented by other, more proximal factors that might compromise or facilitate the translation of intentions into action. Some of these postintentional factors have been identified, such as perceived self‐efficacy and strategic planning. They help to bridge the intention–behavior gap. The Health Action Process Approach (HAPA) suggests a distinction between (a) preintentional motivation processes that lead to a behavioral intention, and (b) postintentional volition processes that lead to the actual health behavior. In this article, seven studies are reported that examine the role of volitional mediators in the initiation and adherence to five health behaviors: physical exercise, breast self‐examination, seat belt use, dietary behaviors, and dental flossing. The general aim is to examine the applicability of the HAPA and its universality by replicating it across different health behaviors, based on various measures, time spans, and samples from different countries. Les comportements nuisibles à la santé tels que le manque d’exercice physique et les mauvaises habitudes alimentaires sont difficiles à modifier. La plupart des théories socio‐cognitives admettent que le meilleur prédicteur d’un réel changement est l’intention que la personne a de changer. Mais la conduite est souvent en contradiction avec les intentions. La divergence entre intention et comportement est due à plusieurs raisons. Par exemple, des obstacles imprévus peuvent apparaître, ou encore les intéressés peuvent succomber à la tentation. L’intention doit donc être associée à d’autres facteurs plus immédiats susceptibles de compromettre ou de faciliter le passage de l’intention à l’action. Certains de ces facteurs ont été identifiés, à savoir la planification stratégique et la perception de l’efficacité personnelle. Ils aident à combler le fossé entre l’intention et le comportement. L’Approche des Processus d’Action en faveur de la Santé (HAPA) établit une distinction entre les processus motivationnels préalables à l’intention qui conduisent à une intention comportementale et les processus volontaires secondaires à l’intention qui débouchent sur un comportement effectivement favorable à la santé. On expose dans cet article sept recherches qui examinent le rôle médiateur de la volition dans l’adoption de et la persévérance dans cinq comportements utiles à la santé: l’exercice physique, l’inspection personnelle de ses seins, l’usage de la ceinture de sécurité, un bon régime alimentaire et l’utilisation du fil dentaire. Il s’agit de mettre à l’épreuve le caractère opérationnel de l’HAPA et son universalité en l’appliquant à différents comportements liés à la santéà partir de mesures et de périodes diversifiées sur des échantillons provenant de différents pays.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— People do not always take action to attain their desired possible selves —after all, whether consciously or nonconsciously, taking current action makes sense if there is an open path toward attaining the desired self, but not if paths are closed. Following this logic, children from families with fewer assets may lower their expectations for school success and plan to engage in less effort in school. To test this hypothesis, we examined the impact of experimentally manipulating mind-set about college as either "closed" (expensive) or "open" (can be paid for with need-based financial aid) among low-income early adolescents. Adolescents assigned to an open-path condition expected higher grades than those assigned to a closed-path condition (Study 1, n = 48, predominantly Hispanic and Latino seventh graders) and planned to spend more time on homework than those assigned to a no-prime control condition (Study 2, n = 48, predominantly African American seventh graders).  相似文献   

A growing body of literature has established robust relations between trauma and a variety of adverse physical health outcomes. In both retrospective and prospective research, adults with a history of self-reported or court-substantiated maltreatment report significantly more health concerns than those without maltreatment histories, in both clinical and community samples, whether health problems are self-reported or physician-diagnosed. Two pathways by which poor health outcomes are theorized to occur include the biological pathway, which largely implicates severe stress and subsequent dysregulations in central stress-response systems as the underlying cause of health problems, and the behavioral pathway, which suggests that health risk behaviors are largely responsible for the relations between trauma and health. This article reviews the research evaluating the relations between various types of trauma, particularly physical and sexual abuse in childhood, and three such health outcomes: pain, gastrointestinal disorders, and cardiovascular disease. Evidence to support the biological and behavioral pathways is also reviewed.  相似文献   

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