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A series of experiments was carried out to examine the effect of curvature on haptic judgments of extent in sighted and blind individuals. Experiment 1 showed that diameters connecting the endpoints of semicircular lines were underestimated with respect to straight lines, but failed to show an effect of visual experience on length judgments. In experiment 2 we tested are lengths. The effects of curvature on perceived path length were weaker, but were still present in this experiment. Visual experience had no effect on path length judgments. Another experiment was performed to examine the effect of repeated tracing (1, 5, 9, or unlimited number of traces) on judgments of the lengths of straight lines and diameters of semicircles. Judgments of extent were more accurate when subjects engaged in larger numbers of traces. There was no effect of number of traces on curve-height judgments, suggesting that subjects were not using height estimates to judge diameters of semicircles. In a further experiment we tested the effect of number of traces on curves that varied in height. Restricting subjects to a single trace magnified the effect of path length on judgments of the distance between the endpoints of curves. Additional experiments showed that curvature effects on diameter judgments were not eliminated when stimuli were in the frontal plane or when the curves were explored with the use of two hands. Arm support had no effect on judged length in experiment 7. A final experiment showed a robust horizontal vertical illusion in haptic perception of convex curves, with overestimation of the heights of the curves compared with their widths. The practical and theoretical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The psychophysical power law, demonstrated empirically by Stevens, is derivable from two postulates concerning (1) the tendency of perceptual organizations to model the environment and (2) the tendency for perceptual relations to remain constant. The two postulates appear to rule out logarithmic laws of the Fechner type. The theory is extendable to multidimensional perceptions such as those encountered in speech and color vision. The power transformations produced by the sense organs may be of such form that they produce a perceptual space in which subsequent transformations need be only linear.  相似文献   

Choice between sucrose and wheel-running reinforcement was assessed in two experiments. In the first experiment, ten male Wistar rats were exposed to concurrent VI 30 s VI 30 s schedules of wheel-running and sucrose reinforcement. Sucrose concentration varied across concentrations of 2.5, 7.5, and 12.5%. As concentration increased, more behavior was allocated to sucrose and more reinforcements were obtained from that alternative. Allocation of behavior to wheel running decreased, but obtained wheel-running reinforcement did not change. Overall, the results suggested that food-deprived rats were sensitive to qualitative changes in food supply (sucrose concentration) while continuing to defend a level of physical activity (wheel running). In the second study, 15 female Long Evans rats were exposed to concurrent variable ratio schedules of sucrose and wheel-running, wheel-running and wheel-running, and sucrose and sucrose reinforcement. For each pair of reinforcers, substitutability was assessed by the effect of income-compensated price changes on consumption of the two reinforcers. Results showed that, as expected, sucrose substituted for sucrose and wheel running substituted for wheel running. Wheel running, however, did not substitute for sucrose; but sucrose partially substituted for wheel running. We address the implications of the interrelationships of sucrose and wheel running for an understanding of activity anorexia.  相似文献   

A conjoint measurement procedure is used for the measurement of binocular brightness as a function of left and right luminance inputs. For nonzero stimulation, the data confirm earlier findings: the system can be described as additive with a scale exponent of 1. If zero stimulation is included, however, no additive solution can be found (due to Fechner’s paradox). This fact, combined with various critical remarks in the literature with respect to the existence of a real luminance-averaging system, has led us to propose a model which takes account of Fechner’s paradox, and incorporates “realistic” exponents without requiring a multistage processing mechanism where different levels are characterized by different sensory scales. The proposed model makes the weighting coefficients for the two eyes dependent in a continuous way on the strength of stimulation in the two eyes, especially on the amount of contrast of the monocular stimuli. For zero background stimulation, contrast can be expressed in terms of luminance of the stimulus. In this way, the model is reduced to a simple testable form. While it much simpler than Engel’s (1969) model, the experimental results indicate that it might also work for the more general case.  相似文献   

A series of “auditory Stroop” experiments is described. These demonstrate an effect of stimulus words presented on speed of judgments of speaker gender and, conversely, an influence of speaker gender on judgments of words presented. In an experiment in which responses to speaker gender were semantically related to, but not identical with, stimulus words, the auditory Stroop effect was attenuated but remained in evidence. Potential parallels between this auditory paradigm and the visual Stroop color/word effect are explored, and it is suggested that the Stroop effects in the two modalities operate along broadly similar lines. The search for a common causal mechanism would therefore be justified.  相似文献   

The Weber–Fechner law states that perceived intensity is proportional to physical stimuli on a logarithmic scale. In this work, we formulate a Bayesian framework for the scaling of perception and find logarithmic and related scalings are optimal under expected relative error fidelity. Therefore, the Weber–Fechner law arises as being information theoretically efficient under the constraint of limited representability. An even stronger connection is drawn between the Weber–Fechner law and a Bayesian framework when neural storage or communication is the dominant concern, such as for numerosity. Theoretical results and experimental verification for perception of sound intensity are both presented.  相似文献   

How do retinal images lead to perceived environmental objects? Vision involves a series of spatial and material transformations—from environmental objects to retinal images, to neurophysiological patterns, and finally to perceptual experience and action. A rationale for understanding functional relations among these physically different systems occurred to Gustav Fechner: Differences in sensation correspond to differences in physical stimulation. The concept of information is similar: Relationships in one system may correspond to, and thus represent, those in another. Criteria for identifying and evaluating information include (a)?resolution, or the precision of correspondence; (b)?uncertainty about which input (output) produced a given output (input); and (c)?invariance, or the preservation of correspondence under transformations of input and output. We apply this framework to psychophysical evidence to identify visual information for perceiving surfaces. The elementary spatial structure shared by objects and images is the second-order differential structure of local surface shape. Experiments have shown that human vision is directly sensitive to this higher-order spatial information from interimage disparities (stereopsis and motion parallax), boundary contours, texture, shading, and combined variables. Psychophysical evidence contradicts other common ideas about retinal information for spatial vision and object perception.  相似文献   

The emotional Stroop task is an experimental paradigm developed to study the relationship between emotion and cognition. Human participants required to identify the color of words typically respond more slowly to negative than to neutral words (emotional Stroop effect). Here we investigated whether chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) would show a comparable effect. Using a touch screen, eight chimpanzees were trained to choose between two simultaneously presented stimuli based on color (two identical images with differently colored frames). In Experiment 1, the images within the color frames were shapes that were either of the same color as the surrounding frame or of the alternative color. Subjects made fewer errors and responded faster when shapes were of the same color as the frame surrounding them than when they were not, evidencing that embedded images affected target selection. Experiment 2, a modified version of the emotional Stroop task, presented subjects with four different categories of novel images: three categories of pictures of humans (veterinarian, caretaker, and stranger), and control stimuli showing a white square. Because visits by the veterinarian that include anaesthetization can be stressful for subjects, we expected impaired performance in trials presenting images of the veterinarian. For the first session, we found correct responses to be indeed slower in trials of this category. This effect was more pronounced for subjects whose last anaesthetization experience was more recent, indicating that emotional valence caused the slowdown. We propose our modified emotional Stroop task as a simple method to explore which emotional stimuli affect cognitive performance in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Abstract: In a situation where the two eyes separately receive two dissimilar images such as a blue square and a red square, the brain is forced to resolve competitive interpretations of the visual inputs. Earlier studies have indicated that adaptation to one of two rival images can control the following competitive perception. Consistent with those studies, the present experiments revealed that immediately after a brief presentation of a color (priming stimulation) to the two eyes, subjects dominantly perceived the other color out of the chromatic rivalry. This effect showed an interocular transfer even if indirect monocular priming was employed, but the filtering out of a primed color did not occur when an unprimed rival image was removed from the other eye. These facts suggest that binocular feature‐detection processes in the human visual system might be responsible for the priming effect on rival images.  相似文献   

The authors used a recognition memory paradigm to assess the influence of color information on visual memory for images of natural scenes. Subjects performed 5%-10% better for colored than for black-and-white images independent of exposure duration. Experiment 2 indicated little influence of contrast once the images were suprathreshold, and Experiment 3 revealed that performance worsened when images were presented in color and tested in black and white, or vice versa, leading to the conclusion that the surface property color is part of the memory representation. Experiments 4 and 5 exclude the possibility that the superior recognition memory for colored images results solely from attentional factors or saliency. Finally, the recognition memory advantage disappears for falsely colored images of natural scenes: The improvement in recognition memory depends on the color congruence of presented images with learned knowledge about the color gamut found within natural scenes. The results can be accounted for within a multiple memory systems framework.  相似文献   

Color, material, and finish (CMF) are essential to the competitiveness of industrial products. However, in the existing research on CMF from the consumer behavior perspective, there is an insufficient focus on finish, compared with that on color and material. Research on finish is limited to technical methods, and there is a lack of discussion about its impact on consumer purchasing behavior. This study examines the effect of cars' exterior design finish on purchase intention in Japan. The research question is, “does changing the quality of the finish by removing cut lines have a positive effect on purchase intention?” Two sets of images were used: normal images of car exteriors and images of car exteriors improved by removing cut lines. An online survey was conducted to explore the impact of a car's finish on consumers' purchase intentions in the Japanese market. The randomized controlled trial results showed that finish had a significant positive effect on purchase intention. This study analyzes the interaction of finish with consumer characteristics. A multiple regression model with interactions revealed that, among consumers who emphasize design, a higher finish quality prompted a greater positive influence on purchase intention. In design research, styling tends to attract significant attention. However, practitioners should not neglect efforts to improve finishing when manufacturing products. Companies that consider it impossible to convey to consumers the quality of products with delicate finishing need to change their mindset. These suggestions apply not only to the automotive industry but also to other durable consumer goods industries.  相似文献   

This discourse treats experimentation only in the remote past, from early Aurignacian in the late Holocene to early Nuclear. Observations by Galton, Fechner, and Wundt lead to reexamining the connection between eidetic images and prehistoric art in the light of their independent perceptions of the problem. The differing positions of European and American investigators are reviewed in relation to the proposed connection.  相似文献   

One foundation of numerical cognition is that discrimination accuracy depends on the proportional difference between compared values, closely following the Weber–Fechner discrimination law. Performance in non-symbolic numerical discrimination is used to calculate individual Weber fraction, a measure of relative acuity of the approximate number system (ANS). Individual Weber fraction is linked to symbolic arithmetic skills and long-term educational and economic outcomes. The present findings suggest that numerical discrimination performance depends on both the proportional difference and absolute value, deviating from the Weber–Fechner law. The effect of absolute value is predicted via computational model based on the neural correlates of numerical perception. Specifically, that the neural coding “noise” varies across corresponding numerosities. A computational model using firing rate variation based on neural data demonstrates a significant interaction between ratio difference and absolute value in predicting numerical discriminability. We find that both behavioral and computational data show an interaction between ratio difference and absolute value on numerical discrimination accuracy. These results further suggest a reexamination of the mechanisms involved in non-symbolic numerical discrimination, how researchers may measure individual performance, and what outcomes performance may predict.  相似文献   

The work of Gustav Theodor Fechner (1801–1887) related to probability and statistics and, in particular, to the treatment of observations is described. From a mathematical point of view his arguments were often insufficient, but his work proved to be highly fruitful, and the relevant comments of such scholars as Pearson and von Mises are presented. As the originator of psychophysics, Fechner opened up a new field for quantification. Subsequent workers rejected some of his findings, while at the same time acknowledging their debt to him.  相似文献   

Many of the laws and empirical observations of fundamental psychophysics can be unified with a single equation, which has been called the complete form of Fechner’s law. It can be shown that this law embraces both of the commonly used forms: Stevens’s and Fechner’s laws. It assumes one or the other form with appropriate values of the parameters. However, the complete equation confers an advantage beyond simply containing the classical laws. It offers greater flexibility in the representation of experimental data. It is shown that psychophysical phenomena may be represented by any number of triplets of quantities: subjective magnitude of stimulus, subjective just noticeable difference (jnd), and differential threshold. Each of the preceding quantities are functions of the physical magnitude of the stimulus. The investigator has the license to choose two of these quantities in the form he or she thinks is best; the third quantity is determined by the choice of the first two. Thus, for example, different forms of the law of sensation and different forms of the mathematical function for differential threshold may coexist with equal validity.  相似文献   

A quantitative method is developed for assessing the quality of pattern information in imagery, using the magnitude of color aftereffects as an objective index. Subjects were given instructions to project imagined bar patterns of particular width and orientation onto adapting color fields, in such a manner as to simulate standard conditions for establishing the McCollough effect. Our control procedures indicate that the resulting orientation-specific complementary color aftereffects cannot be attributed to the conditioning of particular directions of eye scanning movements to color processing during adaptation, or to other possible sources of experimental bias. Furthermore, subjects who rated themselves prior to the adaptation procedure as having relatively vivid imagery showed significantly larger aftereffects than those who reported having relatively low imagery. These results not only provide an important confirmation of our earlier finding that imagination can replace physical pattern information in the formation of basic color-feature associations in the human visual system, but also demonstrate that these aftereffects can provide a practical measure of the fidelity of pattern representation in visual images.  相似文献   

There are two kinds of afterimages. In negative afterimages, looking at a blank field after staring at a colored figure gives a figure whose color is complementary to that of the original figure. Less well understood and studied is the phenomenon of induced positive afterimages, in which staring at a colored area surrounding a small white test patch produces an afterimage in which the hue of the surround is transferred into the previously white area. Using these differences between positive and negative afterimages and also simultaneous color contrast, which has an effect on a test patch different from either of the afterimage effects, we describe a new effect, metameric intransitivity, in which perceptually similar images can generate markedly different afterimages, whereas perceptually different images can generate indistinguishable afterimages. Supplemental figures depicting the stimuli, results, and method for generating the intransitive metamers in this study may be downloaded from http://app.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental.  相似文献   

Fechner remains virtually unknown for his psychological research on the unconscious. However, he was one of the most prominent theorists of unconscious cognition of the 19th century, in the context of the rise of scientific investigations on the unconscious in German psychology. In line with the models previously developed by Leibniz and Herbart, Fechner proposes an explanative system of unconscious phenomena based on a modular conception of the mind and on the idea of a functional dissociation between representational and attentional activity. For Fechner, the unconscious is a state of consciousness resulting from the isolation of representational activity from the rest of psychical life. Unconscious mental phenomena are unattended mental states that behave autonomously while remaining able to act on consciousness. This paper aims to revisit Fechner's contribution to the history of the unconscious, but also the theoretical significance of the Fechnerian unconscious vis-à-vis current research on the cognitive unconscious.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined the flexibility of attention to the color and location dimensions of visual stimuli. Displays typically consisted of two curved lines, one a target and the other a distractor. Subjects were precued to the location of the target, and they made a speeded response to that item’s direction of curvature. In Experiment 1, a color difference between the stimuli facilitated selective attention to targets. Experiment 2 demonstrated that this effect was not automatic. Although component color differences were necessary for selective attention, they were not sufficient unless they reliably specified the target. Furthermore, when color was informative but the target was in an unexpected color, performance was markedly impaired. A third experiment, using a response-deadline technique, showed that stimulus color was resolved before stimulus location and that attention can be exclusive to the color dimension. The results were interpreted in terms of a model assuming that stimulus color and location are processed independently. Subjects attend to the dimension resolved most quickly which can reliably specify the target.  相似文献   

It was shown that a McCollough-type color aftereffect could be induced using a pair of patterns each of which contained lines of many orientations (radial lines and concentric circles). That is, the two patterns appear to be color adapted independently. The effect could simply be a new version of the McCollough effect facilitated by a tendency to fixate the centers of the patterns. Also, the size features of the displays could be used as the basis of a spatial frequency analyzer explanation. Experimental data were used to test both of these suggestions, but very little support was found for either. It was therefore suggested that the major basis of the effect was the color adaptation of “curvature analyzers.”  相似文献   

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