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In this paper, we describe a software package, LEDA, for editing two-dimensional images and films. It is written in Turbo-C and was first conceived to work with a high-resolution graphics card (Adage PG90/10, 2,048 × 1,023 × 8 bits) on an IBM PC/AT or compatible computer. The program is intended for managing images and films used in the fields of visual psychophysics, electrophysiology, and so forth.  相似文献   

A software package, written in C source code for MS-DOS 5.0 or higher IBM-compatible computers, was developed for the classical conditioning of discrete biological responses. The program’s primary functions include collecting and storing conditioning parameters, controlling presentation of stimuli, transforming discrete analog responses into dependent measures (e.g., CR frequencies and various measures of response topography), and generating data sets for use with commercial PC statistical packages. These functions were implemented in a windows-based user interface to increase the experimenter’s ease of use and to maximize efficiency in performing experimental procedures. Scrollable windows provide detailed visual displays that permit monitoring responses during conditioning and a review of each trial after the session is over. Additional software tools aid the visual inspection of response topographies, data manipulation, and calibration of the experimental apparatus. An overview of the system, its design objectives, and the user interface is presented.  相似文献   

The Preschool Life Skills program is an intervention package designed to teach functional skills to prevent problem behavior in typically developing children. The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the effects of the instructional package (renamed “Life Skills”) with children with developmental disabilities. The program involved teaching 12 life skills to nine participants across four instructional units. The units were instruction following, functional communication, tolerance of denial and delay, and friendship skills. Teachers provided instruction through a three-tiered instructional approach, starting with class-wide instruction followed by small group and one-to-one instruction as necessary. We extended previous research by using visual prompts during all three tiers and progressively increasing intertrial intervals during one-to-one instruction. Results indicated that the intervention led to skill acquisition with all nine participants. The skills maintained 4 weeks after instruction ended.  相似文献   

An array manipulation package, the Symbolic Matrix Interpretive System and Statistical Interpretive System (SMIS/SIS), is described. Using SMIS/SIS, one can declare matrices and arrays of real or randomly generated data and then manipulate the matrices using simple commands to produce virtually any desired analysis. The package, designed for use by nonprogrammers and programmers alike, features a full complement of matrix algebra operations and a smaller set of statistical functions. The package, while useful as a research tool, is especially useful in teaching statistical methods, particularly multivariate analysis in which the correspondence between mathematical formulas and program code has definite pedagogical advantages over the use of statistical program packages like SPSS, BMDP, and SAS.  相似文献   

Applied researchers increasingly report the use of paraprofessionals to implement key program components. However, despite such apparent advantages as increased availability and lower salaries, problems in maintaining acceptable levels of on-the-job performance in these workers have been reported. This study assessed the effects of a supervisory package on the work behavior of five paraprofessional tutors in a remedial reading program. The package consisted of written handouts and instructions, tests of tutor understanding, a video tape, mention of tutor performance by supervisors, and publicly posted feedback on work performance. One randomly chosen tutor received feedback each day on (1) his degree of completeness in tutoring one student's answers to comprehension-check questions, (2) his accuracy in tabulating that student's data sheet, and (3) his promptness in beginning the first student's tutorial session. The supervisory package produced marked improvement in completeness, some improvement in accuracy, but no improvement in promptness. Application of the supervisory package seemed practical, as an average of nine daily tutorial sessions (approximately 270 min of tutoring) required a total daily average of only 28 min of supervision. It was concluded that completeness performance by nondegreed, paraprofessional tutors was closely related to the extent to which they were supervised. Despite the fact that no improvement was observed in tutor promptness, and only partial improvement was observed in tutor accuracy, the improvement to near-perfect levels in tutor completeness suggests that further research is warranted to develop supervisory packages that might ensure the reliable and efficient use of paraprofessional workers.  相似文献   

We have developed CowLog, which is open-source software for recording behaviors from digital video and is easy to use and modify. CowLog tracks the time code from digital video files. The program is suitable for coding any digital video, but the authors have used it in animal research. The program has two main windows: a coding window, which is a graphical user interface used for choosing video files and defining output files that also has buttons for scoring behaviors, and a video window, which displays the video used for coding. The windows can be used in separate displays. The user types the key codes for the predefined behavioral categories, and CowLog transcribes their timing from the video time code to a data file. CowLog comes with an additional feature, an R package called Animal, for elementary analyses of the data files. With the analysis package, the user can calculate the frequencies, bout durations, and total durations of the coded behaviors and produce summary plots from the data.  相似文献   

In confirmatory analysis of whether data have a circumplex structure, Browne’s (1992) model has played a major role. However, implementation of this model requires a dedicated program, CIRCUM, because the analysis routine is not integrated in any of the most widely used statistical software packages. Hence, data entry and graphical representation of the results require the use of one or more additional programs. We propose a package for the R statistical environment, termed CircE, that can be used to enter or import data, implement Browne’s confirmatory analysis, and graphically represent the results. Using this new software, we put forward a new approach to assess the sustainability of theoretical models when the analysis is carried out at the level of questionnaire items. The CircE package (for either Mac OS X or Windows) and additional files may be downloaded from http://brm.psychonomic-journals.org/content/supplemental.  相似文献   

UNIX|STAT is a statistical package developed at the University of California, San Diego, and at the Wang Institute of Graduate Studies. Over 20 programs allow the manipulation and analysis of data and are complemented by a detailed tutorial, a manual entry for each program, and a quick reference sheet. The package was first introduced as 4 programs (Perlman, 1980). Since then, many programs have been added, and since 1980, the package has been distributed to over 400 UNIX sites. The portability of the package, written in C, was demonstrated when it was ported from UNIX to MSDOS at Cornell University on an IBM PC using the Lattice C compiler. The added capabilities of the package, combined with the availability on the popular MSDOS, used on IBM, AT&T, Wang, and other personal computers, make the programs even more useful for psychological research and instruction.  相似文献   

A sweeping anticrime package was implemented in Jamaica in 1974. This program included severe penalties for possession of illegal guns, censorhsip of gun scenes from television and the movies, and greatly broadened police powers. The impact of this anticrime package on crime was assessed using quasiexperimental time-series designs with both months and years as the units of analysis. In a one year period there was a 14% reduction in homicides ( p <.05), a 32% reduction in rapes ( p <.01), a 25% reduction in robberies ( p <.05), and a 37% reduction in nonfatal shootings ( p <.01). Data from the second year following the implementation of the anticrime package were not available. The data from the fist year suggest that strict anticrime measures can reduce crime.  相似文献   

This paper describes an Apple II (an Apple-compatible) microcomputer package for a computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) system. This system generates random telephone numbers within any number of exchanges that the user supplies, automatically dials the telephone, prompts the interviewer with each question, and records and permanently saves each response. It also provides a printed copy of the collected data by frequency of response in each question category. The Apple II CATI package is readily available, inexpensive, and easy to program in the BASIC language.  相似文献   

Studies investigating nonsymbolic numbers (e.g., dot arrays) are confronted with the problem that changes in numerosity are always accompanied by changes in the visual properties of the stimulus. It is therefore debated whether the visual properties of the stimulus rather than number can explain the results obtained in studies investigating nonsymbolic number processing. In this report, we present a program (available at ; note that the program is designed to work with the Psychophysics Toolbox in MATLAB) that exports information about the visual properties of stimuli that co-vary with number (area extended, item size, total surface, density, and circumference). Consequently, insight into the relation between the visual properties of the stimulus and numerical distance can be achieved, and post hoc analyses can be conducted to directly reveal whether numerical distance or (some combinations of) the visual properties of a stimulus could be the most likely candidate underlying the results. Here, we report data that demonstrate the program’s usefulness for research on nonsymbolic number stimuli.  相似文献   

A 4K PDP-8/E computer program package has been developed to control classical conditioning procedures, to collect response data, and to extract statistical summeries. In contrast with other existing behavioral control languages geared to digital data typical of discrete operant analyses, this program distinguishes itself by its ability to retrieve and analyze the analog data arising from phasic response systems such as the rabbit’s nictitating membrane. By means of a question-and-answer Teletype conversation with the E, the program establishes trial sequence and trial spacing parameters; CS and US duration, probability, and interstimulus interval; intertrial interval fractionation for recording intertrial response frequencies; and session length. Various versions of the program exist to compute statistical properties of the analog response data, to dump detailed trial-by-trial topographies, and to attach instrumental contingencies to subtle features of the real-time analog responding.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to describe some principles and techniques that programmers should consider when trying to improve or create a statistical package. Four computational issues are discussed: accuracy, speed, computing probabilities, and error trapping. A single-array data structure is proposed for use within the program. Several other input-output issues are covered, including menus, command languages, questions, data input and editing, CRT and printer formatting, and graphics.  相似文献   

A modular package of computer programs is described. The package is designed for parameter fitting in psychology, and includes a program for plotting the fitted curves.  相似文献   

Multiple regression is a widely used technique for data analysis in social and behavioral research. The complexity of interpreting such results increases when correlated predictor variables are involved. Commonality analysis provides a method of determining the variance accounted for by respective predictor variables and is especially useful in the presence of correlated predictors. However, computing commonality coefficients is laborious. To make commonality analysis accessible to more researchers, a program was developed to automate the calculation of unique and common elements in commonality analysis, using the statistical package R. The program is described, and a heuristic example using data from the Holzinger and Swineford (1939) study, readily available in the MBESS R package, is presented.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of an instructional package consisting of structured criteria, extrastimulus prompts, prompt delay, and reinforcement contingencies to improve decision making based on visual analysis of case-study (A/B) design data. Four participants without backgrounds in behavior analysis received training under two experimental conditions: first, a prompt-delay-plus-accuracy-reward condition and then a prompt-delay-plus-accuracy-and-latency-reward condition. A multiple-baseline-across-participants design was used to evaluate the impact of the instructional package on decision accuracy, response speed, and decision types. Results demonstrated that all participants made substantial improvements in decision accuracy as a function of the instructional package. Gains were highest for three participants who relied on prompts and developed mastery in the prompt-delay-plus-accuracy-reward condition. Generalization to unprompted conditions for all participants was immediate and maintained 1 week after training was concluded. Results are discussed in terms of behavioral mechanisms that appeared to control decision making during instruction, practical applications to applied settings, and needs for future research.  相似文献   

Childrens' visual attention to, and comprehension of, a television program was measured as a fucntion of inserts called preplays that varied on two orthogoal dimensions: (1) Presence or absence of visual excerpts from the program, and (2) concrete or inferential story narration. Visual fixation was coded continously for 64 pairs of same-sex children, in 1st 4th grades, while they viewed the television program with one of four types of prepalys. After veiwing, each child answered items assessing his or her comprehension of the visual and verbally presented content. Children who viewed visual preplays attended longer than did children who viewed nonvisual preplays. Visual presentation predicted comprehension of content presented in a visual mode, whereas inferential narration predicted comprehension of implicit content presented in a verbal mode. The results suggest that information processing is modality specific: Visual presentation affects visual processing and abstract language affects verbal processing. The results do not suport the hypothesis that visual presentation interfere with linguistic processing.  相似文献   

The application of computer technology to classical conditioning requires: control software that will repeatedly generate stimulus events, and analog-to-digital (A/D) recording capabilities for the resolution of analog data from phasic response systems (e.g., nictitating membrane extension, leg flexion). An earlier software package implemented on a 4K PDP-8/E (Millenson, Kehoe, Tait, & Gormezano, 1973) successfully met these requirements. However, the program’s capabilities were restricted to the presentation of only two unique stimuli with a maximum of 4 sec duration, and data reduction in only uniphasic response systems. The present program, employing the same hardware, relaxed these previous constraints and extended the range of data analysis through the revamping of the interactive assembler, operating system, and on-line data processing routines.  相似文献   

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