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In a series of experiments, the effect of white noise distortion and talker variation on lexical access in normal and Broca's aphasic participants was examined using an auditory lexical decision paradigm. Masking the prime stimulus in white noise resulted in reduced semantic priming for both groups, indicating that lexical access is degraded by nonlinguistic white noise distortion. However, talker variation within a prime-target pair had no effect upon the performance of either the normal or aphasic individuals. The absence of a talker variation effect suggests that voice-specific information is not encoded in the lexical representations of words. The normal performance of Broca's aphasics under conditions of both white noise and talker variation supports the view that these patients have a lexical processing impairment rather than a more generalized language deficit characterized by limited computational resources.  相似文献   

Some models of lexical access in language production postulate that lexical-semantic encoding is driven bottom-up, by the conceptual input, and top-down, by a representation of the task. In the cyclic semantic blocking paradigm, participants repeatedly name sets of objects that are either semantically related or unrelated. Whereas the manipulation of semantic relatedness affects lexical-semantic encoding in a bottom-up fashion, the cyclic presentation of small object sets allows participants to bias the corresponding lexical-semantic representations top-down for selection. The role of working memory (WM) in this top-down modulation was investigated by crossing the cyclic semantic blocking paradigm with a manipulation of WM load. Participants' naming latencies displayed significant effects of semantic context, WM load, and their interaction. A word-naming task using the same materials yielded a main effect of WM load but no significant effects of semantic context or of its interaction with WM load. These and related results are discussed with regard to their implications for models of language production.  相似文献   

This paper examines how semantic knowledge is used in language comprehension and in making judgments about events in the world. We contrast knowledge gleaned from prior language experience (“language knowledge”) and knowledge coming from prior experience with the world (“world knowledge”). In two corpus analyses, we show that previous research linking verb aspect and event representations have confounded language and world knowledge. Then, using carefully chosen stimuli that remove this confound, we performed four experiments that manipulated the degree to which language knowledge or world knowledge should be salient and relevant to performing a task, finding in each case that participants use the type of knowledge most appropriate to the task. These results provide evidence for a highly context-sensitive and interactionist perspective on how semantic knowledge is represented and used during language processing.  相似文献   

《Acta psychologica》2013,142(3):402-409
The present study was aimed at investigating how the effects of a second language (L2) immersion on first language (L1) production are modulated by lexical frequency and the cognate status of words. By means of a picture naming and a semantic fluency task, we longitudinally explored the changes in L1 performance of a group of immersed learners. Our results revealed slower naming latencies at the end than at the beginning of the immersion period but only for those pictures whose corresponding names were low frequency and non-cognates. Moreover, the semantic fluency task revealed a decrease in the percentage of non-cognate words produced at the end of the immersion period. The observed decline in the accessibility to L1 words after a short L2 immersion period is explained in terms of the general bilingual lexical access disadvantage and studies of L1 attrition in speech production. Specifically, the present findings are more in line with theoretical accounts that consider lexical difficulties to be the result of changes in the frequency of use of the L1 during a short L2 immersion period.  相似文献   

A distinction is drawn between two classes of denominal verbs, and four experiments examine the effects of this distinction on the production and comprehension of denominalizations.Rule-derived (RD) denominals are formed from nouns belonging to semantic categories whose members share the same meaning when they are used as verbs. For instance, denominal verbs formed from vehicles generally mean “to travel/convey byx,” wherex represents the specific vehicle. In contrast,idiosyncratically derived (ID) denominals are drawn from categories whose members possess diverse meanings when they are used as verbs. Thus,to fish means “to try to catch fish,” whereasto dog means “to chase tirelessly.” Because the verb meanings of rule-derived terms are relatively predictable, they might be more easily produced and understood. Experiments 1 and 2 show that speakers are more likely to select RD terms for denominalization and are faster at creating denominal uses for RD terms. Experiments 3 and 4 show that RD denominals are rated as easier to understand than ID denominals, and that they are interpreted more uniformly across readers. The Discussion considers pragmatic accounts of the results, the theoretical basis for the distinction between RD and ID terms, and the more general point that experimental methods can be used to study creative uses of language.  相似文献   

This brief report details a preliminary investigation into how community-level variability in knowledge of Aboriginal languages relate to “band”-level measures of youth suicide. In Canada, and, more specifically, in the province of British Columbia (BC), Aboriginal youth suicide rates vary substantially from one community to another. The results reported demonstrate that not only did this simple language-use indicator prove to have predictive power over and above that of six other cultural continuity factors identified in previous research, but also that youth suicide rates effectively dropped to zero in those few communities in which at least half the band members reported a conversational knowledge of their own “Native” language.  相似文献   

Infants' spontaneous play with objects was examined for evidence of developments in object knowledge in relation to the emergence of words and the single-word period in language development. Subjects were 7 girls and 7 boys, from different ethnic and economic backgrounds, who were studied longitudinally from 9 months to 26 months of age. Two types of displacements of objects in relation to one another were identified in the children's play: separations and constructions. The development of constructions was associated with the emergence of words, and constructions increased with age while separations decreased. The development of specific constructions, which account for knowledge of the particular properties of objects, was more strongly associated with a vocabulary spurt at the end of the single-word period than with chronological age. Despite the wide variation in the infants' ages when developments in language and play were reached, relations between achievements in the two domains were consistent among them, as confirmed with the Friedman test, p<.001. The results are discussed in terms of the cognitive developments required for play with objects and saying words.  相似文献   

Speakers sometimes encounter utterances that have anomalous linguistic features. Are such features registered during comprehension and transferred to speakers’ production systems? In two experiments, we explored these questions. In a syntactic-priming paradigm, speakers heard prime sentences with novel or intransitive verbs as part of prepositional-dative or double-object structures (e.g., The chef munded the cup to the burglar or The doctor existed the pirate the balloon). Speakers then described target pictures eliciting the same structures, using the same or different novel or intransitive verbs. Speakers overall described targets with the same structures as the primes (abstract syntactic priming), but more so when the primes and targets had the same novel or intransitive verbs (a lexical boost), an effect that was only observed when the novel words served as the verbs in both the prime and target sentences. Such a lexical boost could only manifest if speakers formed associations between the verbs and structures in the primes during comprehension, and if these associations were then transferred to their production systems. We thus showed that anomalous utterance features are not ignored but persist (at least) in speakers’ immediately subsequent production.  相似文献   

Literature concerning the development of deaf children contains frequent suggestions that they have less linguistic creativity than hearing peers but are comparable to, and may even exceed, hearing peers on tests of nonverbal creativity. The studies that serve as the bases for these claims contain many contradictions, however, and many have methodological and statistical shortcomings that could seriously qualify their conclusions. The relevant research, therefore, is critically reviewed here. In general, deaf children appear to be far more creative in their language production skills than typically is assumed, and they demonstrate considerable flexibility in structured comprehension tasks. Evidence concerning nonlinguistic creativity is less clear, with contradictory findings emerging from similar studies involving the same nonverbal tests.  相似文献   

In three experiments, we studied the influence of foreign language knowledge on native language performance in an exclusively native language context. Trilinguals with Dutch as their native and dominant language (L1), English as their second language (L2), and French as their third language (L3) performed a word association task (Experiment 1) or a lexical decision task (Experiments 2 and 3) in L1. The L1 stimulus words were cognates with their translations in English, cognates with their translations in French, or were noncognates. In Experiments 1 and 2 with trilinguals who were highly proficient in English and relatively low in proficiency in French, we observed shorter word association and lexical decision times to the L1 words that were cognates with English than to the noncognates. In these relatively low-proficiency French speakers, response times (RTs) for the L1 words that were cognates with French did not differ from those for the noncognates. In Experiment 3, we tested Dutch-English- French trilinguals with a higher level of fluency in French (i.e., equally fluent in English and in French). We now observed faster responses on the L1 words that were cognates with French than on the noncognates. Lexical decision times to the cognates with English were also shorter than those to the noncognates. The results indicate that words presented in the dominant language, to naive participants, activate information in the nontarget, and weaker, language in parallel, implying that the multilinguals’ processing system is profoundly nonselective with respect to language. A minimal level of nontarget language fluency seems to be required, however, before any weaker language effects become noticeable in L1 processing.  相似文献   

Bock K  Dell GS  Chang F  Onishi KH 《Cognition》2007,104(3):437-458
To examine the relationship between syntactic processes in language comprehension and language production, we compared structural persistence from sentence primes that speakers heard to persistence from primes that speakers produced. [Bock, J. K., & Griffin, Z. M. (2000). The persistence of structural priming: transient activation or implicit learning? Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 129, 177-192.] showed that the production of target priming structures increased the probability of spontaneously using the same structures to describe events in subsequent pictures that were semantically unrelated to the primes. These priming effects persisted across as many as ten intervening filler trials. The present studies replicated these results using auditorily presented primes to which participants only listened. The results indicated persistence of priming across all lags, with relative magnitudes of priming as large as those observed by Bock and Griffin. The implication is that structural priming is persistent regardless of the modality in which language structures are experienced, underscoring the power of priming as an implicit learning mechanism.  相似文献   

The effects of a six-month training program in receptive language on receptive and expressive language development were investigated. Developmentally retarded preschoolers were pretested and posttested on one standardized test of receptive language and two tests of expressive language. Both the training and control groups participated in a preschool program. In addition, the training group received a two-sequence training program: (1) reinforcement for matching responses to modeling cues and accompanying verbal requests, and (2) reinforcement for appropriate responses to verbal requests alone. The training group demonstrated a significant increase in appropriate responses to verbal request over base-rate performance after the training and also demonstrated a significantly improved posttest performance on one test of expressive language as compared to the control group.The authors wish to thank Mrs. Helen Huggins and the staff of the Aid to Retarded Children's Preschool Training Center, San Francisco, California, for their assistance in this study. A modified version of this paper was presented at the Gatlinburg Conference on Mental Retardation, March, 1974, Gatlinburg, Tennessee.  相似文献   

Wordshape errors in language production   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J P Stemberger 《Cognition》1990,35(2):123-157
Errors in natural speech that crucially involve the shape of the target word, i.e. interact in some way with the number of consonants and vowels in the word and their relative positioning, are examined in detail. It is shown that context highly constrains the rate of such errors. The data implicate a distinction between a segment level that encodes fine phonemic distinctions and a wordshape level with a course encoding. Implications for the representation of language and cognitive processing in language production are explored.  相似文献   

The two experiments reported here were designed to examine discourse planning during language production. Following the work of Levelt (1981, 1982), participants were shown simple networks consisting of two branches, and their task was to describe the networks. The two branches of the networks differed in either length or complexity; the dependent measure was participants’ decisions to describe the left or right branch first. The experiments showed that speakers preferred to describe a less complex branch before a more complex branch and preferred to describe a shorter branch before a longer branch. Levelt’s minimal-load principle is invoked to explain these results, along with the principle of incrementalism (Levelt, 1989). Discussion focuses on the possibility that incrementalism in production is useful to both the speaker and the listener.  相似文献   

People have a tendency to repeat the types of sentences they use during language production. Recent experimental work has shown that this phenomenon is at least partly due to ‘syntactic priming’, whereby the act of processing an utterance with a particular form facilitates processing a subsequent utterance with the same or a related form. In this review, we first provide an overview of the evidence for syntactic priming. The review will then explore the implications of this research for three different areas of language theory: the possible functional significance of syntactic priming in coordinating speakers during dialogue, the mechanisms underlying sentence production, and the nature of linguistic representation.  相似文献   

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