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The study examines the effects of a subtype of personal resources (i.e., emotional resources) on emotional labor strategies. We examined 2 variables, emotional intelligence and negative affectivity, as proxies for emotional resources. Largely consistent with predictions, results indicated that individuals with a high level of emotional resources (indicated by high emotional intelligence) are more likely than others to deep act, and individuals with comparatively low emotional resources (indicated by high negative affectivity) are more likely than others to surface act. The differential effects of surface acting and deep acting on strain and job satisfaction were examined. Depressed mood was found to mediate the relationship between surface acting and job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Intrapersonal variability and multiplicity in the complexity of moral motivation were examined from Dynamic Systems and Self-Determination Theory perspectives. L. Kohlberg's (1969) stages of moral development are reconceptualized as soft-assembled and dynamically transformable process structures of motivation that may operate simultaneously within person in different degrees. Moral motivation is conceptualized as the real-time process of self-organization of cognitive and emotional dynamics out of which moral judgment and action emerge. A detailed inquiry into intrapersonal variation in moral motivation is carried out based on the differential operation of multiple motivational structures. A total of 74 high school students and 97 college students participated in the study by completing a new questionnaire, involving 3 different hypothetical moral judgments. As hypothesized, findings revealed significant multiplicity in the within-person operation of developmental stage structures, and intrapersonal variability in the degrees to which stages were used. Developmental patterns were found in terms of different distributions of multiple stages between high school and college samples, as well as the association between age and overall motivation scores. Differential relations of specific emotions to moral motivation revealed and confirmed the value of differentiating multiple emotions. Implications of the present theoretical perspective and the findings for understanding the complexity of moral judgment and motivation are discussed.  相似文献   

采用修订后的中等唤起度的国际情绪图片为刺激材料,以12名女性大学生为被试,考察情绪性图片引起的脑激活模式。结果发现,与中性条件相比,消极情绪图片激活了枕叶、杏仁核、海马旁回和壳核。积极情绪图片引起枕叶、内侧眶额、额中回等脑区的激活,研究结果再次验证了杏仁核与消极情绪的密切关系,同时推测,内侧眶额可能是中等唤起度的趋近性积极情绪的一个脑功能区。  相似文献   

Epidemiological methodology is used to examine the relationship between early childhood risk factors and future identification as having a Severe Emotional Disturbance or as having an Emotional Handicap (SED/EH) at age 13. Data were obtained from 1979/1980 Florida birth records that were electronically linked with 1992/1993 Florida school records. An epidemiological perspective was chosen due to its ability to model both individual and community-level risk. In regards to increasing an individual's risk of SED/EH, two factors, gender (being male) and low maternal education (mother not completing high school at the time of the child's birth), were found to have particularly strong effects. When examining effects of these risk factors upon overall rates of SED/EH in the community, maternal education and marital status (being unmarried at the time of the child's birth) were associated with a large proportion of the cases. Health/biological markers were moderately associated with SED/EH on the individual level, but were related to a relatively small percentage of cases in the population. In addition, effects varied based upon ethnic/cultural heritage. Researchers are encouraged to consider using an epidemiological perspective and its potential utility in the field of community psychology and public policy is discussed.  相似文献   

尽管证明人类具有主动遗忘能力的研究比较多,但是,探索情绪汉词主动遗忘效应以及电生理机制的实验却非常少。本研究采用事件相关电位技术、T/NT范式探索情绪汉词主动遗忘效应。实验一(行为研究)的结果显示,在中性和情绪汉词条件下,不回忆组的正确率都显著低于基线组,即得到了主动遗忘效应。同时,情绪汉词的主动遗忘效应量小于中性汉词。实验二(脑电研究)结果显示,在200-300ms,Fz,Cz,Pz电极点,回忆组的P2波幅高于不回忆组。在300-400ms,在Fz,Cz,Pz电极点,不回忆组的N2波幅高于回忆组。N2跟抑制过程高度相关,提示抑制是主动遗忘的一个主要原因。在400-500ms,在Pz电极点,回忆组的LPC波幅高于不回忆组。顶叶LPC跟记忆提取高度相关,提示主动遗忘阻止了回忆,这可能是主动遗忘效应发生的内在机制  相似文献   

Emotional intelligence theory developed within the psychology and business fields and is described as an ability to monitor emotions and to use the information to guide thinking and problem solving. Emotional intelligence skills are needed by occupational therapy practitioners to support therapeutic use of self, promote client-centered care, and foster communication skills within the workplace. A scenario illustrates how emotional intelligence supports the therapeutic use of self during a clinical interaction. The Mayer Salovey Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test is introduced as a resource for occupational therapy practitioners to measure and develop therapeutic relationship skills based upon emotional intelligence research.  相似文献   

The article examines how the goals of maintaining and reaffirming interpersonal relationships are accomplished through the details of talk during closing sections of social encounters. On the basis of Russian language telephone conversations between close familiars, the article explicates ways in which interactions may be reopened and, more specifically, the role of the Russian discourse particle –to on utterances that raise new issues in closing environments. The analysis shows that although many kinds of new matters are commonly raised in conversation closings, only those that deal with the addressee—and only those raised by the person who initiated the closing—are marked so as to indicate the speaker’s accountability for raising the matter late. This suggests that ways in which new topics are introduced in conversation closings reflect the speaker’s orientation to displaying concern for and interest in the addressee.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of the level and variability of happiness, anger, anxiety, and sadness in the development of adolescent-reported anxiety disorder symptoms, depressive symptoms, and aggressive behavior in 452 adolescents (250 male) followed from age 13 to 14. Level and between-day variability of emotions were assessed through adolescent report at 3-month intervals across a 1 year period. Level and variability of the four emotions contributed to changes in anxiety disorder and depressive symptoms more consistently than to changes in aggressive behavior. All four emotions were predictive of changes in internalizing problems, while anger played the most prominent role in the development of aggressive behavior. Variability of emotions contributed to changes in anxiety disorder symptoms, while heightened levels of negative emotions and diminished happiness contributed to changes in depression. Results suggested somewhat stronger effects of negative affect on aggressive behavior for females than for males. Results underscore the role of emotion dysregulation in the development of psychopathology.  相似文献   

Emotional Arousal and Memory Binding: An Object-Based Framework   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT— Binding various features of an event together and maintaining these connections in memory is an essential component of episodic memories. Previous theories make contradictory predictions about the effects of emotional arousal on memory binding. In this article, I review evidence for both arousal-impaired and arousal-enhanced memory binding and explain these contradictory findings using an object-based framework. According to this framework, emotionally arousing objects attract attention that enhances binding of their constituent features. In contrast, the emotional arousal associated with one object either impairs or has no effect on the associations between that object and other distinct objects or background contextual information. After initial encoding, the attention-grabbing nature of emotionally arousing objects can lead to interference in working memory, making it more difficult to maintain other bound representations. These contrasting effects of arousal on memory binding should help predict which aspects of emotional memories are likely to be accurate and which aspects are likely to be misremembered.  相似文献   

The relationship between client emotional expression and therapist interventions was studied in two working alliance conditions. An events-focused methodology was used to examine a total of 8 events taken from a variety of therapeutic orientations. Results indicated that, in the presence of a good client–therapist relationship, therapists showed higher levels of empathy and effectively focused on the immediately expressed feelings; in turn, their clients were engaged in exploration of feelings. In poor-relationship dyads, clients expressed negative feelings toward the therapists. Interventions rated as effective by clinical judges were characterized by accurate therapist understanding of clients' emotional expressions and working with strains in the therapeutic relationship. Ineffective interventions were associated with inaccurate assessments of clients' emotional states. Intensive analysis of these sessions led to three distinct models of in-session emotional expression events. Theoretical and practical implications of these models will be discussed.  相似文献   

情绪觉察作为情绪智力的重要基础,指的是识别与描述自己和他人情绪的能力,对个体的心理健康,人际交往具有重要意义。为系统考察情绪觉察的研究现状,采用定性和定量相结合的方式回顾以往研究,即先采用文献计量学的方法定量分析该领域研究的概况,然后在此基础上,对研究的具体内容从概念界定、测量工具、神经基础、相关因素和干预研究五个方面作进一步系统梳理。最后,对以往研究进行了总结和展望,以期为今后研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The author describes a venture in providing disequilibrating information and experience to his extended family with a view to inducing change in stable patterns of interaction. The philosophy and method derives from the teachings of Murray Bowen.  相似文献   

胡哲  张钦  梁九清  郭春彦 《心理学报》2013,45(7):725-739
使用事件相关电位(ERP)技术和测试来源记忆的多键范式,探讨不同情绪效价背景下来源提取的认知神经机制。学习阶段,同时呈现汉字和3种效价情绪图片(重叠);测验阶段,只呈现汉字,要求被试进行四键判断:旧字且背景为中性,旧字且背景为正性,旧字且背景为负性,新字。结果发现:在提取阶段,刺激呈现后300~500 ms,3种情绪背景下来源判断正确项目和来源判断错误项目都比新项目诱发了更正的ERPs(即都存在新旧效应),这一结果反映出刺激呈现后300~500 ms 是一个早期的项目提取阶段,它独立于来源提取。并且,在中性背景下,两种新旧效应没有差别;而在正性和负性背景下,来源判断正确项目的新旧效应显著大于来源判断错误项目。说明相比于中性背景,情绪背景下被试可能更早对来源信息产生熟悉感。在500~650 ms,3种情绪背景下都存在来源判断正确项目的新旧效应,在来源判断错误项目和新项目之间没有显著差异,来源正确与来源错误有显著的新旧效应差异,但二者在头皮分布上是类似的,这反映了晚期的来源提取过程。同时来源正确的新旧效应在这两个时段有显著不同的头皮分布,表明这两个时段有不同加工过程。另外,在500~650 ms,存在显著的情绪效应,正性背景下正确判断来源诱发的ERPs比中性和负性背景下的更正,而且来源判断错误条件下没有情绪效应。综上所述,来源正确和来源错误可能仅仅反映了大脑激活在量上的不同,并不能推断两者存在质的差异;大脑神经活动的早期不仅反映了对记忆项目的熟悉性,而且也受情绪效应的影响,500 ms之后大脑神经活动反映的是对记忆项目回想的过程,这一回想过程也与情绪效应有关,受到情绪效应的调节。  相似文献   

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