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This article reports on the Adolescent Unresolved Attachment Questionnaire (AUAQ), a brief questionnaire that assesses the caregiving experiences of unresolved adolescents (as recipients of caregiving). The AUAQ was developed and validated in a large normative sample (n = 691) and a sample of 133 adolescents in psychiatric treatment. It is a self-report questionnaire consisting of 3 scales with Likert-type responses ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree. The Aloneness/Failed Protection Scale assesses the adolescent's perception of the care provided by the attachment figure. The Fear Scale taps the fear generated by the adolescent's appraisal of failed attachment figure care. The Anger/Dysregulation Scale assesses negative affective responses to the perceived lack of care from the attachment figure. All scales demonstrated satisfactory internal reliability and agreement between scores for adolescents (n = 91) from the normative sample who completed the AUAQ twice. Adolescents in the clinical sample also completed the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI; C. George, N. Kaplan, & M. Main, 1984/1985/1996); the AUAQ demonstrated high convergent validity with the AAI.  相似文献   

尧舜禅让,古代以为信史。20世纪20年代,有学者提出异议,以为它只是一个传说,这传说是禅让思想的一部分,出自墨家的创造。揆诸史籍,可知,墨家的确传诵过尧举舜而立为天子的故事,对禅让说的传播有推波助澜的作用,但那只是出于宣传尚贤尚同主义的需要,为选官治官而设,并非严格意义上的禅让说。而在儒家,孔子早就盛赞尧舜;尧舜禅让以及与之直接相关的歷数观念在今本《论语》中又有明确反映,这个观念在从周公到孔子的儒家渊源中有着丰富的资源;儒家数观的实质是天命有德,儒家的天命有德思想可为禅让说提供直接的理论基础和前提,儒家的尊贤、墨家的尚贤,后世与“禅让”直接相关的新五德终始说,都可纳入其中。春秋战国时期禅让说的兴起,儒家有直接的关系。  相似文献   

V.格哈特从西方哲学传统和政治传统来解读康德的《论永久和平》,从康德对“公共契约”中“秘密条款”的反讽论述中揭示出康德的真正意图是为人民提供权利、并实现哲学和政治之间的关系的重要变革。在康德之前,西方哲学传统和政治传统一直继续柏拉图和亚里士多德的路线。按照柏拉图,哲学和政治应当合而为一,最高的理想是“国王从事哲学、或哲学家变成国王”;按照亚里士多德,哲学和政治具有一种类比结构,“从事统治就像从事哲学”。在康德那里,哲学和政治相分离,哲学批判和政治实践隶属于两个完全独立的行动领域,“从事统治和从事哲学是互补的社会活动”;因而康德为哲学和政治之间的关系确立起一个新的范式模型。这个范式模型意味着:哲学退出政治。格哈特把康德对哲学和政治的分离归因于理论知识和实践知识之间的差异。过去的哲学家往往把理论知识和实践知识同一化,从理论知识来推导实践洞见;康德看到,理论知识是先天的,实践知识则与境遇性和经验性的事务状态相关,因而不能从理论知识来推导实践知识。  相似文献   

This paper sets forth the research on the school-based prevention of crises reactions to chlidhood stress. Four types of crises are considered: life transitions, traumatic events, developmental crises, and pscyhopathological crises. Each may be prevented by specific programs such as orientation programs for school entrance, informational programs to prevent child abuse, conflict resolution programs, and suicide prevention programs. General programs termed competence enhancement programs may address and ameliorate a variety of stressors. Prevention programs aimed at the entire school system are also discussed, including such activities as creating and supporting crises response teams. Additionally, a number of issues for future study and research are identified.  相似文献   

Nocturnal enuresis is a relatively common childhood disorder. Although many treatments have been attempted, the most popular methods have been pharmacotherapy, individual psychotherapy, and behavioral conditioning. Of these, the most effective is behavioral conditioning with a urine alarm. The author reviews the enuresis literature and provides recommendations for use of the urine alarm approach.  相似文献   

该研究目标是验证儿童工作记忆是否符合Baddeley提出的由中央执行、情景缓冲区、语音环路及视觉空间模板构成的四成分模型。211名6~9岁小学生完成9个工作记忆任务,这些任务分别测量工作记忆四个子成分的功能。验证性因素分析表明,四因素模型比三因素模型和单因素模型更好地拟合数据。在小学阶段儿童工作记忆不是一个单一的结构,已经分化为四个子成分构成的记忆系统。  相似文献   

This paper provides an account of key findings from a decade-long programme of research on children’s internalisation of social group identities. Our starting point is to note a pervasive failure of previous work to differentiate between categorisation of the self in group terms and subjective identification with a social group. Thus, previous research had sought to cast light on identification with groups but, owing to methodological weaknesses, typically examined only categorisation of the self in group terms. Following a review of relevant literature, we report the findings of our own research which has adapted methods drawn from cognitive social psychology. We conclude that even by the age of 5 years children are capable of subjectively identifying with collectivities. Directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

同伴关系的发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
同伴关系因其在个体心理社会适应中的重要作用而受到研究者的广泛重视。本文介绍了作者及其团队在同伴关系领域基于13年的"中美儿童同伴关系数据库"开展的长期研究工作,主要包括儿童同伴关系的影响因素及影响后效、同伴关系的追踪研究、同伴关系的中美比较和网络同伴关系等主题,较为全面地阐述了儿童同伴关系领域的现有研究基础,概括了儿童同伴关系的童年期特点、发展趋势及其文化差异,总结了对儿童同伴关系及其发展的主要指标研究得到的结论,并从网络交往、同伴关系的社会网络分析和个体中心的分析等视角指出了同伴关系领域后续研究的可行方向。  相似文献   

儿童早期的自我调控发展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张劲松 《心理科学》2004,27(3):687-690
儿童的自我调控在生后就存在并逐渐发展起来,是神经心理的不断成熟以及与环境相互作用的结果,主要涉及情绪过程、认知过程和社会过程,包含了很多策略和技巧。自我调控理论强凋儿童的能动性和灵活性。气质特点可能是造成情绪调控过程中个体差异的一个重要因素,在儿童决定采取调控策略时起着重要的作用。自我调控与行为和社会问题关系密切,幼儿若存在自我调控能力的问题,在有冲突的情形下发生行为问题的倾向较高。  相似文献   

This study used a qualitative, exploratory approach to develop a conceptual framework that illustrated the process by which spirituality emerged as one of the processes that helped people transcend a traumatic childhood. Ninety people described how they survived and transcended the difficult time. This article outlines the stages of the developmental process that culminated for many in a deeper spiritual awareness and how this helped them in their process of transcending. These findings have implications for marriage and family therapists, clergy, and others in the helping professions in providing therapy, resources, and support for those who have experienced difficult childhoods.  相似文献   

Paul Sargent 《Sex roles》2005,52(3-4):251-259
In-depth interviews with men who work with young children as well as other key personnel in early childhood education (ECE) were analyzed using Ackers (1990) theory of gendered organizations along with Connells (1987) typology of masculinities. The conclusion reached is that ECE is indeed gendered in terms of the symbols in frequent use, the differential structural location of women and men, the internal mental work of individuals, and the interactions among individuals. In addition, instead of performing a complicit masculinity and enjoying some of the perquisites and privileges of hegemonic men, as other researchers have suggested, this project demonstrates that the men are attempting to live subordinate masculinities that could challenge traditional gender relations. Their attempts are, however, thwarted by the gender regime embedded in the occupational structure.  相似文献   

Drawing from her clinical work with children and own childhood reflections, Dr. Lawrence underscores that the earliest sense of a true self is for the infant an experience of a self as worthy of love. This self-image becomes internalized as the infant looks into the mirror of the not too conflicted caregiver. She stresses that love which only can exist in relationship, is a social experience, does organize social experience, outstanding among these being commitments—commitments that bind a person to a course of action and connection. Dr. Lawrence interfaces psychoanalytic wisdom with spiritual references as she describes her work with children and families.  相似文献   

International adoptees are at an increased risk of emotional and behavioral problems, especially those who are adopted at an older age. We took a new approach in our study of the network structure and predictability of emotional and behavioral problems in internationally adopted children in Finland. Our sample was from the on-going adoption study and comprised 778 internationally adopted children (387 boys and 391 girls, mean age 10.5 (SD 3.4) years). Networks were estimated using Gaussian graphical models and lasso regularization for all the children, and separately for those who were adopted at different ages. The results showed that anxiety/depressive symptoms, social problems, and aggressiveness were the most central symptom domains. Somatic symptoms were the least central and had the weakest effect on the other domains. Similarly, aggressiveness, social problems, and attention problems were high in terms of predictability (73–65%), whereas internalizing problems were relatively low (28–56%). There were clear but local age-group differences in network structure, symptom centrality, and predictability. According to our findings, network models provide important additional information about the centrality and predictability of specific symptom domains, and thus may facilitate targeted interventions among international adoptees.  相似文献   

小学儿童的尊重观念及其发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以开放式尊重观念问卷对小学三到六年级儿童进行集体施测研究儿童的尊重观念,结果发现:(1)小学儿童认为尊重就是有礼貌,尊重对象的特征和尊重原因都是要求对方品质好或学习好。尊重的对象既有长辈又有同辈,提到尊重同辈的显著多于只尊重长辈的。不同的人际背景下,儿童的尊重观念不一致。(2)小学儿童的尊重观念具有显著的发展特征,表现出从单向尊重到双向尊重的发展趋势。不同人际关系下的尊重观念的发展特征不同,对父母和老师的尊重主要为单向尊重,对朋友的尊重主要为双向尊重。(3)小学儿童的尊重观念具有显著的性别差异。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Childhood-onset antisocial behavior is an important predictor of chronic and serious forms of antisocial behavior in later life. Both biological and social factors are involved in the development of abnormal behavior. We examine the underlying role of stress-response systems in the link between early social adversity and juvenile antisocial behavior, and propose that children with genetically and/or perinatally based neurobiological deficits have problems in activating these systems and therefore experience difficulties in regulating affect and behavior. Underactivity or attenuated reactivity of the stress-response systems may predispose antisocial individuals to seek out stimulation or take risks, and thereby explain deficits in learning and socialization. Further investigations of neurobiological functioning in antisocial children might not only indicate which children are more likely to persist in behaving antisocially but also guide the development of new interventions.  相似文献   

Bacterial meningitis is a life threatening infection of the central nervous system. This illness is most prevalent early in life when the healthy child is rapidly acquiring language. This study investigated whether children with a history of bacterial meningitis were at risk for language difficulties post illness. Thirty post-meningitic children, aged between 9 years 0 months and 11 years 0 months, participated in this study. Each subject was administered a measure of non-verbal cognitive ability and a range of language tasks. These children performed poorly on applied language tasks, which tap skills used in effective discourse. These deficits occurred despite age appropriate performances on measures of linguistic/grammatical knowledge. These findings clearly illustrate that bacterial meningitis has implications for ongoing language development, which emphasises the importance of long term follow up. In developmental terms, this discrepancy between verbal knowledge and problem solving represents a dissociation between language skills which develop early in life and those which emerge later. This pattern of results suggests that bacterial meningitis may result in a delay in language development. A young age at illness was identified as an additional risk factor for adverse outcome. This study highlights the need to inform parents/guardians that post-meningitic children are at risk for experiencing language difficulties throughout childhood.  相似文献   

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