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Eriksen, O’Hara, and Eriksen (1982) have proposed that the latency advantage ofsame overdifferent judgments when the match is based upon physical identity is due to differential amounts of response competition between the responses by which the judgment ofsame ordifferent is signified. Responses of “different” are slowed by a high level of priming in the competing response signifyingsame. In the present experiment, the response competition model is extended to nominal matches and in particular to what Proctor 1198D has termed the “name-physieal disparity”—a pair of letters are more rapidly judged to have the same name if they are the same ease (e.g., a a) than if they are in different eases (e.g., A a). While response competition effects were found to occur in nominal matches of this kind, the name-physieal disparity was greater than could be attributed solely to response competition. Evidence was obtained that part of the name-physieal disparity could be attributed to the subject’s having two chances to make a-nominal raatch when the letter pair was identical both physically and in name. The match could be made either on the basis of the physical or the name code. It was assumed that name and physical codes were processed at least partially independently.  相似文献   

Learning to perform instrumental tasks is an ability of all animals. In a population of rats, not all individuals will acquire an operant response for reward. We hypothesized that there could be a genetic explanation for differences between High Consumers (those that acquired the lever press response) and Low Consumers (lever press response is low). Additionally, we proposed that this genetic difference could produce measurable changes in response to novelty. Wistar rats were trained to lever press for a 0.2% saccharin reward and on the 10th day they were placed in a novel open field for 30 min to record locomotor activity. The prefrontal cortex and hippocampus were dissected and qPCR was used to measure mRNA expression. A significant difference (p=.048; 2-way ANOVA) in gene expression was observed between Low and High Consumers. A principal component analysis (PCA), to cluster which genes represent this difference, identified 4 genes; 5-HT2A and mGlu1 in the hippocampus and AMPA GluR1 and adrenergic alpha2A in the prefrontal cortex. Response to a novel open field also differed since Low Consumers displayed a higher Total Distance in comparison to High Consumers. Additionally, Low Consumers could be subdivided into Low-Lever (with lever press response only when water deprived) and Low-Non-Lever (lever press response is low throughout training). PCA with this subdivision identified an additional nine genes differing within the divisions; NMDA NR2B and GABAAalpha3 in the prefrontal cortex and adrenergic alpha2B and alpha2A, AMPA GluR1, GluR2 and GluR3, 5-HT1B and GABAAalpha5 in the hippocampus.  相似文献   

Some authors have tried to explain the relatively frequent behavioural problems in deaf children by an impaired theory of mind development: a poor appraisal of other people's beliefs and desires. Recent studies suggest that this explanation is too simplistic. When deaf children were asked to explain other people's emotional reactions, Rieffe and Meerum Terwogt (2000 Rieffe, C and Meerum Terwogt, M. 2000. Deaf children's understanding of emotions: desires take precedence. Journal of Child Psychology, Psychiatry and allied Disciplines, 41: 601608. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) found that they were no worse at giving mental state references than hearing controls. However, the content of these references differed between the two groups: deaf children made more desire attributions and fewer belief attributions than the hearing children. It is important to note that desires are strongly linked with the outcome of a situation, whereas beliefs are often necessary to understand the process that preceded this outcome.

A follow-up study showed, as expected, that when both groups were offered stories about disappointing situations, deaf children reacted primarily with outcome-dependent emotions and explained these emotions accordingly. Their neglect of the preceding process implied also a neglect for the causal factors, unlike their hearing peers, who frequently referred to process-relevant elements. Nearly all deaf children in these studies had hearing parents. It is known that the conversations between hearing parents and their deaf children are impaired due to a language gap: parents often fail to explain their decisions and they only communicate the eventual outcome. Their deaf children seem to react in a similar way: they limit their focus and communication to their own wishes.

If this type of communication pattern becomes common practice, one can easily see why deaf children are frequently labelled as stubborn and obstinate. In time, as we showed in another study, our deaf participants even failed to reproduce the reasons for an undesirable decision that was explicitly explained to them. Inadequate communication, delayed emotional competence and low self-esteem (by losing their grasp on the situation) form a dangerous triad that could easily have long-term effects.  相似文献   

The research applies precepts from frustration theory to investigate frustration when a goal is blocked in a consumer context. Predictions are derived, and two studies are designed to investigate the goal‐directed sequence following a blocked goal and the role of individual differences in frustration tolerance in a retail checkout encounter. The findings of the research suggest that when the goal of retail checkout is blocked, consumers adopt either adaptive or maladaptive resolution strategies. Those who take an adaptive approach return to goal‐seeking behaviour, whereas those following the maladaptive path initially resolve their frustrations through resignation. That initial resolution strategy of resignation then produces a second wave of new blocks to goal attainment (helplessness, anger and self‐preoccupation). Subsequently, the second wave of blocks is countered with a second set of resolution strategies (alteration, substitution, abandonment with acceptance or abandonment with suffering). The research findings also reveal that consumer frustration responses are associated with internal versus external blame and with social surroundings or who is watching the frustrating event unfold. The results likewise indicate that attitude toward the company and repatronage intentions are influenced by social surroundings and by individual differences in frustration tolerance (fairness, entitlement, gratification and achievement). Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two procedures for observing rearing behavior during a localized visual CS paired with an appetitive US were compared within subjects during classical conditioning and extinction procedures. When rearing was observed using the method and response definition described by P. C. Holland (1977, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 3, 77–104), responding was acquired and maintained during conditioning trials in rats receiving paired presentations of the CS and US, but not in rats receiving the stimuli according to a “truly random” procedure. When rearing of the same rats was observed using the method and response definition described by H. Kaye and J. M. Pearce (1984, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 10, 90–109), responding declined across conditioning trials in both groups. Furthermore, in extinction, rearing during the CS declined according to Holland's scoring method but was temporarily restored according to Kaye and Pearce's scoring. Observations of a second behavior, magazine responding, revealed essentially the same pattern of responding for both methods of scoring. These results support the position that the response criteria used by Holland and by Kaye and Pearce assess different components of behavior that occur in response to a visual CS, reflecting associative strength (i.e., a CR) and associability of the CS (i.e., an OR), respectively.  相似文献   

This study clarifies the extent to which individuals' fear-of-success scores may vary with the presence or absence of occupational deviance and/or role overload in stimulus materials describing situations of female competitive success. Four TAT-type verbal cues describing female competitive success in situations of presence or absence of occupational deviance and/or role overload were administered to 60 males and 60 females, ages 30 to 60. Horner and colleagues' revised scoring system was employed. Results of planned comparisons showing no effect of sex of participant on scores, but significant effects of deviance and overload, are interpreted as support for a situational as opposed to motive interpretation of expressed fear of success.This article is based on a master's thesis written by the first author under the direction of the second author and submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the M.A. degree at California State University, Northridge. Parts of this article were presented by the first author at the American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, California, August 1977; paper accepted for publication September 21, 1977.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature regarding Christian clergy as a resource for victims of domestic violence, a common threat to women. Although assistance is available, there are more victims than resources, resulting in many women having limited to no help at all. One resource for victims is the clergy, who are often perceived as respected members of the community and have the authority to make suggestions or even interventions about family issues. However, the literature suggests that cleric theological beliefs may hinder their ability to counsel victims, and the effectiveness of cleric ability to counsel victims varies greatly. Future directions for research are suggested in order to understand what factors influence cleric attitudes and counseling abilities.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 showed that pigeons with lesions of the anterior or posterior hyperstriatum were impaired relative to unoperated controls and to control operates having neostriatal lesions on both acquisition and reversal of a simultaneous position discrimination. The observation that hyperstriatal birds showed more tendency than controls to halt responding altogether in this situation cast doubt on the notion that the reversal deficit was due to a loss of response inhibition. A second experiment supported an alternative hypothesis, that hyperstriatal birds have a deficit in the ability to shift responding to an alternative stimulus as a consequence of nonreinforcement.  相似文献   

Anticipatory emotions precede behavioral outcomes and provide a means to infer interactions between emotional and cognitive processes. A number of theories hold that anticipatory emotions serve as inputs to the decision process and code the value or risk associated with a stimulus. We argue that current data do not unequivocally support this theory. We present an alternative theory whereby anticipatory emotions reflect the outcome of a decision process and serve to ready the subject for new information when making an uncertain response. We test these two accounts, which we refer to as emotions-as-input and emotions-as-outcome, in a task that allows risky stimuli to be dissociated from uncertain responses. We find that emotions are associated with responses as opposed to stimuli. This finding is contrary to the emotions-as-input perspective as it shows that emotions arise from decision processes.  相似文献   

Several two-choice reaction time experiments have compared conditions in which the two possible responses were from the same hand (same-hand pairing) or from different hands (different-hand pairing). Studies that used only the two relevant fingers on response keys reported shorter reaction times for the different-hand pairing. In other studies, two additional but irrelevant fingers were also in contact with response keys. These fingers were irrelevant in the sense that they never were required to respond. With this procedure, equivalent reaction times were found between same-hand and different-hand pairings. Reeve and Proctor (1988) recently have argued that using only two fingers results in response competition between the two fingers from the same hand, yielding shorter reaction times for the different-hand pairing condition. In contrast, when four fingers are placed on response keys, response competition should be absent for both the same-hand and the different-hand pairing conditions, resulting in equivalent reaction times. In the present work, reaction times associated with the same-hand pairing condition remained unchanged, irrespective of the number of fingers positioned on keys. In the different-hand pairing condition, reaction times were found to be longer when four fingers were used than when only two fingers rested on response keys. Thus, when four fingers are placed on keys, response competition appears to be present rather than absent. Other results showed that the response competition found in the different-hand pairing condition decreases with practice.  相似文献   

Because I reject the notion that physical characteristics constitute cultural membership, I argue that, even if the claim were persuasive that deafness is a culture rather than a disability, there is no reason to fault hearing parents who choose cochlear implants for their deaf children.  相似文献   

Monitoring ongoing clinical trials for early signs of effectiveness is an option for improving cost-effectiveness of trials that is becoming increasingly common. Alongside the obvious advantages made possible by monitoring, however, there are some downsides. In particular, there is growing concern in the medical community that trials stopped early for benefit tend to overestimate treatment effect. In this paper, I examine this problem from the point of view of statistical methodology, starting from the observation that the overestimation is caused by the statistical method adopted. Consequently, I argue that some modifications can and should be made to the present statistical framework in order not to miss the advantages the possibility of monitoring can grant.  相似文献   

Since the beginning of the twenty-first century, Islam has been a target of harsh criticism in the Netherlands, as in many other European countries. This article examines and analyses the way leaders of 10 Muslim and 11 non-Muslim organizations responded to criticism of Islam in the Netherlands in the period 2004–10. The focus is on the response to five episodes: the film Submission (2004), the Danish Cartoon Affair (2005–2006), the film Fitna (2008), the Internet film An interview with Mohammed (2008) and the Swiss ban on the building of minarets (2009). Several specific patterns of response are noted. The responses of Muslim organizations vary from resignation to defensive to offensive, and those of non-Muslim organizations from supportive to critical. These patterns are strongly linked to the organizations' leaders' framing of the situation, including the incidents themselves and other organizations, and their own mission and strategy, as well as, in the case of Fitna, to the policy of the Dutch government. All the organizations researched reject extreme forms of polarization and the mainstream Christian, Islamic and Jewish organizations in particular have strengthened their mutual ties in response to expressions of criticism of Islam.  相似文献   

Marketing managers of luxury brands often use exclusionary marketing tactics that can lead consumers to feel rejected by those brands. In our research, we examine whether consumers with independent self‐construals are more likely than those with interdependent self‐construals to downgrade their evaluations of a luxury brand when feeling rejected by it. Results of three studies support this hypothesis. Using a manipulation of brand rejection with hypothetical future scenarios, study 1 provides evidence that consumers with a higher chronic independent (versus interdependent) self‐construal are more likely to lower their brand attitudes and purchase intentions of a desirable luxury brand that rejects them. Study 2 replicates the moderating effect of self‐construal at a cultural level, comparing Chinese and American respondents. Study 3 again compares self‐construals at a cultural level, but manipulates brand rejection by asking respondents to recall a prior rejection experience. Importantly, Study 3 reveals a mediating influence of self‐brand connection. That is, independents, when recalling an experience of luxury brand rejection, were more likely than interdependents to report a decrease in their feelings of connectedness to the rejecting brand, which in turn resulted in lower attitudes toward the brand and lower purchase intentions. Our findings provide luxury brand marketers with insights for both niche branding strategy design and cross‐cultural customer relationship management.  相似文献   

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