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Handled (Day 1-22) and non-handled infantile Wistar rats were tested in maturity for the partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE) and the partial punishment effect (PPE). In Experiments 1 and 2, mature male and female rats were trained to run in an alley for food reward on a 1-trial/day schedule. In the PREE paradigm (Experiment 1), the partially reinforced group (PRF) received reinforcement on a quasi-random 50% schedule, while the continuously reinforced group (CRF) received reinforcement on every trial. In the test stage, both groups were given extinction training. In the PPE paradigm (Experiment 2), the partially punished (PP) group received, together with continuous reinforcement, shocks on a quasirandom 50% schedule, while the continuously reinforced group was reinforced on every trial. In test, all animals were given both reinforcement and shock on every trial. In Experiment 1, PREE—i.e. increased resistance to extinction in the PRF as compared to the CRF group—was more pronounced in the handled animals. More specifically, no PREE was obtained in the non-handled males, and in the non-handled females the PREE was reduced compared to the handled females. The results of Experiment 2 revealed no effect of handling or sex on PPE, that is, increased resistance to punishment in the PP group as compared to the CRF group was evident in all four conditions. In Experiment 3, handled and non-handled male rats were tested for the PREE using a multi-trial procedure in an operant chamber. PREE was obtained in the handled but not in the non-handled animals. The implications of these results for the differential effects of handling on male and female rats and the distinction between the PREE and PPE paradigms are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of contextual shifts on the partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE) were studied in autoshaping with rats. Experiment 1 established that the two contexts used subsequently were easily discriminable and equally salient. In Experiment 2, independent groups of rats received acquisition training under partial reinforcement (PRF) or continuous reinforcement (CRF). Significant PREEs were observed whether extinction occurred in the same or in a different context. In Experiment 3, after PRF or CRF acquisition training, each group received extinction of the same conditioned stimulus in both the same and different contexts. PREEs were observed under both conditions, although extinction was accelerated after a contextual shift. These results were discussed in relation to the role of mediational states in the PREE.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported testing two alternative hypotheses concerning the behavioural effects of sodium amylobarbitone (SA): (1) that it blocks the after-effect of nonreward; (2) that it blocks conditioned frustration, elicited by stimuli associated with nonreward. In support of (2) Experiment I showed that SA given in acquisition abolished the partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE) when rats were run at one trial a day in an alley for food reward on a continuous (CRF) or partial (PRF) reinforcement schedule. Experiment II showed that, in the goal section, the effect of the drug on the PREE was due to its presence during acquisition and was not due to state dependency; but the effect of the drug in the start section was consistent with state dependency of the PREE. In Experiment III, in opposition to (1) and again in support of (2), SA given to rats trained to show patterned running for water reward on a single alternation schedule blocked patterning by increasing running speeds on nonreward trials, not by decreasing running speeds on rewarded trials.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the phenomenon of cross-tolerance between the partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE) and the partial punishment effect (PPE). Three groups of rats were trained in acquisition to run in a straight alley. The continuously reinforced (CRF) group received a reward on every trial. The partially reinforced (PRF) group was rewarded on a quasi-random 50% schedule. The partially punished (PP) group received food reward on every trial but, in addition, received foot shocks of gradually increasing intensity in the goal box on a random 50% of the trials. In the test stage, half of the animals in each training condition were tested in extinction, where no reward was given on any of the trials, and the other half were tested in punishment, with both food and shock presented on each trial. Experiment 1 used a 1-trial/day procedure; Experiment 2 used a multi-trial procedure. In both procedures, clear PREE and PPE were obtained. In the 1-trial/day procedure, no cross-tolerance was evident: animals trained on a PRF or PP schedule did not show increased resistance to punishment and extinction, respectively. In the multi-trial procedure, only weak cross-tolerance was obtained in animals trained on partial reinforcement and tested in punishment.  相似文献   

In contrast to a recent finding (Macdonald, G. E., & De Toledo, L. Learning and Motivation, 1974, 5, 288–298.) the results of three experiments investigating various partial reinforcement (PRF) manipulations under conditions of thirst motivation demonstrated strong similarity to analogous manipulations involving food reward. Specifically, for animals receiving water reinforcement, PRF was shown to generate greater resistance to extinction than continuous reinforcement (Expt 1 & 3), the schedule of reinforcement was shown to interact with level of acquisition (Expt 1 and 2), and the magnitude of the partial reinforcement extinction effect was shown to be a function of reward magnitude (Expt 3). These results provide strong evidence that mechanisms which operate in partial reinforcement situations are highly similar, regardless of the type of appetitive reinforcement.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that latent inhibition could be reduced by extinguishing the experimental context, that is, exposing the rats to the context between exposure to the conditional stimulus (CS) and conditioning, was tested. All experiments used the conditioned emotional response procedure. In Experiment 1, extinction was not effective when the animals were exposed to the clicker 40 times off the baseline of responding for food and when the clicker CS was partially reinforced with shocks during the test phase. In Experiments 2 and 3, latent inhibition could be reduced by extinction if the animals were exposed to the CS 24 or 16 times on-baseline, and if continuous reinforcement was used during the test. In Experiments 4, 5, and 6, we attempted to determine which variable was responsible for the discrepant results. In Experiment 4, extinction was effective with 20 or 40 on-baseline exposures to the CS, using continuous reinforcement during the test. In Experiment 5, extinction was not effective with exposure on- or off-baseline, using 24 exposures and partial reinforcement. Finally, in Experiment 6, extinction reduced latent inhibition using continuous, but not partial, reinforcement with 40 exposures off-baseline. From these results, we concluded that Wagner's model of habituation was not sufficient to account for latent inhibition and that a hybrid model, using both associative and cognitive representational processes, was necessary.  相似文献   

The effects of reinforcement schedules on rats' choice behavior in extinction were studied. In a free-operant chamber equipped with two retractable bars, the experimental animals were trained to press the bars separately for a food reward. One bar delivered the reward on a continuous reinforcement (CRF) schedule, and the other delivered the reward on a partial reinforcement (PRF) schedule. Control animals earned the reward from both bars with the same reinforcement schedule, either a CRF or a PRF. When both bars were simultaneously available during extinction, the experimental animals responded more frequently to the CRF than to the PRF alternative, demonstrating a reversed within-subjects partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE). A conventional between-subjects PREE was replicated in the control subjects. The results of this study were inconsistent with both Amsel's (1962, 1967) frustration hypothesis and Capaldi's (1966, 1967) sequential hypotheses.  相似文献   

In a foru-phase experiment, phase I was runway training under four different reinforcement conditions: partial reinforcement (PRF), partial delayed reinforcement (PDR), constant delayed reinforcement (CDR), and consistent reinforcement (CRF). During phase 2 extinction, PRF and PDR groups did not differ; both groups were more persistent than group CDR, which was in turn superior to the CRF control. Phase 3 was CRF reacquisition for all groups. During phase 4 extinction, PRF group was more presistent than the other three groups which did not differ. A Pavlovian counter-conditioning hypothesis was proposed to account for the absence of durable persistence following PDR training.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the effects of shifting from either nonreinforcement or partial reinforcement (PRF) to continuous reinforcement conditions (CRF). In the first experiment, three groups of rats were given food reinforcement under CRF conditions in a runway followed by regular extinction trials (RE), extinction trials where Ss were delayed for 30 sec before entering the empty goal box (DE), or CRF trials where Ss were delayed for 30 sec before entering the baited goal box (DF). Then all Ss were run on the delayed reinforcement condition (DF). In the final delayed reinforcement condition, group DE ran significantly faster than group DF, reflecting positive contrast. In the second experiment, four groups of rats were trained in a runway to receive either 4% or 18% sucrose reinforcers under either PRF or CRF conditions. Then all Ss were transferred to a Skinner box and bar presses were continuously reinforced, with each S continuing to receive the same sucrose concentration as before. The former PRF Ss, regardless of the reinforcer, bar pressed at a significantly higher rate in the Skinner box than the former CRF Ss. The evidence seemed to favor the view that the effectiveness of a reinforcer is not an absolute, unchanging quantity but rather depends on the historical context in which the reinforcer occurs.  相似文献   

Rats given access to a 32% sucrose solution later reject a 4% solution significantly more than controls that have only received the 4% solution. In Experiment 1, this consummatory successive negative contrast (cSNC) effect was attenuated by previous exposure to 50% partial reinforcement. Furthermore, recovery from cSNC was also facilitated by partial reinforcement. In Experiment 2, the attenuating effects of partial reinforcement on cSNC were eliminated by administration of the benzodiazepine anxiolytic chlordiazepoxide (5 mg/kg) before nonreinforced trials. In Experiment 3, the attenuating effect of partial reinforcement was greater after a shift from 32 to 6% solution, than after a shift from 32 to 2% solution. The parallels between the effects of partial reinforcement on consummatory and instrumental behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

The memories of the unconditioned stimulus (US) and its absence (No US), symbolized as SR and SN, respectively, may be retrieved on US or No US trials giving rise to four types of associations, SR → US, SR → No US, SN → US, and SN → No US. Here, following acquisition under partial reward (PRF), rats were shifted either to different schedules of PRF (Experiment 1) or extinction (Experiments 1 and 2). Inhibitory SR → No US associations formed in acquisition survived extinction and shifts to one, but not another type of PRF schedule (Experiments 1 and 2). Excitatory SR → US associations also survived extinction (Experiment 2). These findings, as well as the acquisition findings of Experiment 2, are consistent with the sequential model but not with the only other two theories said to be able to explain PRF findings, the frustration hypothesis of Amsel and the attention hypothesis of Mackintosh [see Haselgrove, M., Aydin, A., & Pearce, J. M. (2004). A partial reinforcement extinction effect despite equal rates of reinforcement during Pavlovian conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 30, 240–250]. Also, the reacquisition findings obtained here are inconsistent with two views applied to several learning phenomena, the rule-learning view and the position-item view.  相似文献   

Three experiments tested the prediction, derived from generalized frustration theory (Amsel, 1972), that habituation to behaviourally disruptive stimuli increases resistance to extinction in the runway. In each experiment, rats received initial consistent reinforcement (CRF) training and then either continued CRF (Groups C), partial reinforcement (PRF) training (Groups P), or CRF accompanied by presentations of a novel tactile, tone, or obstacle stimulus (Groups D) in Experiments 1-3, respectively. PRF increased resistance to extinction whether non-reinforcement disrupted behaviour (Experiment 1) or not (Experiments 2 and 3). The tactile and obstacle stimuli very substantially disrupted behaviour, and the tone produced a modest disruption of behaviour. All subjects habituated to the disruptive effects of these stimuli, but Group D was not more resistant to extinction than Group C in any experiment. The results suggest that non-reinforcement has unique stimulus properties, a consequence of which is that habituation to other sources of disruptive stimulation does not promote responding to non-reinforcement in extinction.  相似文献   

A within-subject partial reinforcement extinction effect was obtained in a conditional discriminative choice task. In choice acquisition, one group had learned a task in which one choice alternative was continuously reinforced (CRF) and the other alternative was partially reinforced (PRF). Most errors in the acquisition phase were the choosing of the CRF lever when the conditional stimulus signaled the PRF lever; in extinction this pattern of choice errors reversed. In extinction, most errors were choosing of the PRF lever when the conditional stimulus signaled the CRF lever. The predictions of frustration theory and sequential theory were compared with the choice data. The results were interpreted as consistent with the anticipatory frustration construct within an associative mediational theory.  相似文献   

Three autoshaping experiments explored the extinction of various keylight stimuli conditioned with partial and continuous reinforcement within the same pigeon subjects. Extinction of autoshaped keypecking proceeded more slowly in a stimulus trained with 50% (Experiment 1) and 25% (Experiment 2) reinforcement compared with a stimulus given 100% reinforcement. Experiment 3 found conditioning with 75% reinforcement to generate more rapid extinction than that with 25% reinforcement. These results have both theoretical and methodological implications for the study of extinction.  相似文献   

Three groups of rats ran 108 trials in a straight runway, one trial every 3 days. On the first 44 trials, one group received continuous (and immediate) reinforcement (CRF), a second group 50 per cent partial reinforcement (PRF), and the third group a 50 per cent schedule of partial delay of reinforcement (PDR). All groups received CRF on the next 20 trials, and extinction on the last 44 trials. The PRF and PDR groups extinguished at approximately the same rate, and significantly more slowly than the CRF group.  相似文献   

Rats sustained electrolytic lesions either in the medial septal (MS) area (of a kind known to eliminate the hippocampal theta rhythm) or in the dorso-lateral septal (LS) area (of a kind known to spare theta) and were compared to sham-operated controls in three experiments in the straight alley with food reward on continuous (CRF) or partial (PRF) reinforcement and inter-trial intervals of 3-8 min. With 6 acquisition trials MS lesions increased resistance to extinction and enhanced the partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE). With 48 acquisition trials MS lesions did not alter resistance to extinction after either CRF or PRF training, but LS lesions abolished the PREE by increasing resistance to extinction in rats trained with CRF and decreasing it in rats trained with PRF. With 96 acquisition trials LS lesions were without effect on resistance to extinction after either CRF or PRF training, as previously reported by Henke (1974) using total septal lesions. Thus the impairment in the PREE previously shown after large septal lesions is due to damage to the lateral, not the medial, septal area.  相似文献   

Rats sustained electrolytic lesions of either the medial septal (MS) area (of a kind known to eliminate the hippocampal theta rhythm) or the dorso-lateral septal (LS) area (of a kind known to spare theta) or both (a “total septal”, TS, lesion). They were compared to sham-operated controls in three experiments in the straight alley with food reward on continuous (CRF) or partial (PRF) reinforcement at one trial a day. MS lesions either left the partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE) unchanged or enhanced it; LS lesions substantially reduced the PREE. The latter effect was due to a fall in resistance to extinction in PRF animals with no change in CRF animals. MS lesions greatly increased resistance to extinction in both CRF and PRF animals in one experiment but increased resistance to extinction only marginally and only in PRF animals in a second experiment. The TS lesion acted like the LS lesion. These results demonstrate a clear double dissociation between the effects of MS and LS lesions, especially in the PRF condition (LS lesions reduce resistance to extinction, MS lesions increase it).  相似文献   

Male rats were either handled daily or left undisturbed (nonhandled) during the first 21 days of life. At weaning (Day 22) animals in each early treatment condition were assigned to two housing conditions, isolated or grouped, creating four early/late treatment conditions: Handled-Grouped (HG), Handled-Isolated (HI), Nonhandled-Grouped (NHG), and Nonhandled-Isolated (NHI). At maturity, all animals were tested in the latent inhibition (LI, Experiment 1) and the partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE, Experiment 2) paradigms. In LI, animals receiving prior nonreinforced preexposure to a stimulus (PE) show subsequently retarded conditioning to that stimulus as compared to nonpreexposed (NPE) controls. In the PREE, partially reinforced (PRF) animals exhibit higher resistance to extinction as compared to continuously reinforced (CRF) controls. LI and PREE were obtained in the HG condition, but were impaired in NHG and HI animals. The pattern of impairment was different in the two conditions. The absence of LI in NHG males was due to increased suppression in the PE group, whereas in HI males, was due to decreased suppression in the NPE group. Likewise, the attenuation of the PREE in NHG males stemmed primarily from decreased resistance to extinction in the PRF group, whereas in HI males, it resulted from increased resistance to extinction in the CRF group. The combination of nonhandling and isolation led to the reinstatement of both LI and PREE: normal LI and PREE were obtained in the NHI animals. These results demonstrate that early rearing experience interacts with later experience differentially depending upon the later experience.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 the sequence of trials to the positive (S+) and negative (S?) discriminanda was varied between groups during acquisition and reversal of a successive brightness discrimination. In Experiments 2 and 3, groups received different reward sequences in Phase 1 within S+. In general, groups given transitions from nonrewarded trials to rewarded trials (N-R transitions) in Phase 1 learned both the original discrimination and its reversal more slowly than groups given schedules devoid of N-R transitions. The results were discussed in relation to previously reported effects of partial reinforcement on acquisition and reversal of a discrimination and the role of sequential variables and internal, reward-produced cues in discrimination learning, reversal learning, and nonreversal shifts.  相似文献   

Four experiments examined the effects of a partial reinforcement schedule on extinction using appetitive Pavlovian conditioning. Extinction was slower after partial than after continuous reinforcement when the schedules were administered to different groups (Experiment 1). The opposite result was found in Experiments 2 and 3 when both schedules were presented to the same group in the same context. When the schedules were presented to the same group in different contexts, then extinction was again slower after partial reinforcement (Experiment 3). Experiment 4 demonstrated that a change of context facilitates extinction to a greater extent after conditioning with a partial reinforcement schedule than with a continuous one. The results are explained by assuming that the nonreinforced trials of a partial reinforcement schedule create an internal state that serves as a contextual cue.  相似文献   

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