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In the Indian tradition, psychology is the study of the person (jiva). The person is a composite of consciousness, mind and body, a unique blend of thought, passion and action. Consciousness is perceived as changeless and the permanent base of all knowledge and awareness. Mind is the interfacing instrumentality, a necessary link between consciousness and the body. The body is the physical base, and the frame that constrains and moulds consciousness reflected in the mind of the person. The person, in the existential condition, is seen as conditioned, her consciousness is clouded and consequently unable to know the truth and realize her full potential. This is considered to be a state of ignorance and suffering that needs to be overcome. The goal of Indian Psychology is to understand the human condition and to explore ways to elevate it to higher levels of being, to clear the clouds of ignorance, and to enable the person to attain a state of bliss where the truth is known and the person becomes perfect. Three ways of achieving such a state are suggested: work (karma marga), worship (bhakti marga), and wisdom (jnana marga), which appear to cater to the three basic aspects of the mind: volition, emotion and cognition. In essence, each of these is a distinct way of deconstructing the ego, which is believed to be the main obstacle to transcending existential limitations. The applications of IP include (1) holistic understanding of human nature, (2) exploring the extended spectrum of the human condition, (3) exploiting the hidden potentials for the common good, and (4) cultivating altruism in the person and conflict-free conditions in society.  相似文献   

管理心理学的现状与发展趋势   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
时勘  卢嘉 《应用心理学》2001,7(2):52-56
本文在综合分析了国内外管理心理学发展概况的基础上认为,在适应经济全球化和企业不断变革的情况下,组织变革、领导行为、激励机制和组织文化是管理心理学的研究新热点,管理心理学的发展趋势是重视组织层面的变革研究,强调对人力资源的系统开发,研究领域不断拓展,更加关注国家目标.并提出了管理心理学研究的近期目标和中长期发展目标的建议.  相似文献   

The current practices of positive psychology are woven into the behavioural fabric in the form of numerous strategies/practices without much theoretical foundation. Positive psychology moved from repair to reconstruction, from the negative side of human nature to its positive aspect. Indian psychology is relevant as it has the necessary meta-theoretical framework to sustain the goals of positive psychology. It proposes that mind may be controlled by deconstructing the ego and cultivating altruism by practicing selfless work, total absorption of the mind by devotion or meditation. When the ego is deconstructed, ignorance is removed and the person regains her inherent freedom and moves towards perfection. This position allows going beyond hedonistic pleasures to define happiness and combining material prosperity with moral sensitivity. To this end this paper brings out the points of contact between positive psychology and Indian psychology and argues for new initiatives.  相似文献   

Positive psychology and Indian psychology share similar concerns regarding human life. But Indian psychology has more to offer towards our understanding of happiness and well-being than what Positive psychology can at this point of time, because of latter’s paradigmatic limitations. This commentary draws attention to certain shortcomings of the target article: (a) in presenting the contemporary Positive psychology perspective; (b) in conceptualizing IP with reference to its epistemological position; (c) and in equating certain concepts from PP and IP and their implications.  相似文献   

Indian society has enormous complexity and diversity of religion and culture. The Indian Psychology will be truly enriched if it explores and integrates these experiences at the individual and group levels. In addition there is perhaps something to learn from the Positive Psychology as to how to best utilize the knowledge in Indian society for the sake of humanity.  相似文献   

The development of an indigenous psychology has generally been documented by examples of indigenous constructs and conceptual analyses of their emergence. In contrast, the present article proposes an empirical approach. Indigenization is conceived as a gradual process that may be operationalized, and measured by content analysis of journal articles as the discipline develops and changes. Measures are proposed to assess the extent to which the concepts, problems, hypotheses, methods, and tests: (a) emanate from, (b) adequately represent, and (c) reflect back upon, the cultural context in which behaviour is observed. Application of these to 355 empirical and 31 theoretical articles from Indian journals and 39 foreign empirical articles published by Indian psychologists, indicates some slight movement toward an indigenous discipline, and some interesting relationships that assist in understanding its development. Factors contributing to indigenization and the utility of the empirical approach are discussed.  相似文献   

学龄期是个体性心理发展的转折期、关键期。本文在回顾学龄期儿童性心理研究发展脉络的基础上,从国内外学龄期儿童的性心理概念与结构、性心理的发展、研究方法以及性心理健康等几方面概述了该领域现状。该领域研究的进一步发展有赖于学龄期儿童性心理测量工具的改进,影响学龄期儿童性心理健康因素的澄清以及性心理健康教育策略的有效整合。开发出中国情景下的学龄期儿童性心理调查问卷,以期能科学评估他们性心理结构特点和发展应在未来研究中得到重视。  相似文献   

何吴明  郑剑虹 《心理科学》2019,(4):1017-1023
心理学质性研究具有漫长的过去,却只有短暂的历史。心理学自诞生起就具有质性研究传统,但被主流所忽视。从组织机构、出版渠道和研究成果方面看,当前国内外心理学质性研究的发展态势暗示质性研究传统正在回归到主流当中。尽管仍存在误解和急功近利等众多问题和困难需要克服,但是心理学质性研究方法在研究复杂心理现象和产生新的概念、新的理论方面展现了潜力。心理学质性研究的复兴正使心理学处于一个多元化转向的阶段。  相似文献   

近50年来发展心理学生态化研究的回顾与前瞻   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
朱皕 《心理科学》2005,28(4):922-925
该论文从五方面回顾和展望了发展心理学生态化运动到今天50年的发展历程。这五方面包括发展历史、主要理论成就、研究范式和方法、对过去研究特点的评价和问题、对今后研究方向的展望。主要从理论的源头和创立并与实证研究作为线索,对生态系统理论和后来的生物生态模型进行了初步的探索与展望。  相似文献   

We introduce the topic of Indian/US collaboration in studying religion and spirituality (R/S), providing both historical and philosophical context. A fully in-depth and comprehensive study of R/S will require taking into account three potential types and sources of knowledge: (1) theoretically and intellectually oriented knowledge as exemplified by William James; (2) empirically oriented knowledge as exemplified by Gordon Allport; and (3) experience- and realization-derived knowledge based on reports from eminent spiritual figures. We sketch the distinct but mutually informative challenges of clinical and epistemic integration. We suggest several topics for future collaboration, arguing that the most comprehensive study of R/S will require combining the western attention to empirical knowledge with the Indian psychology movement’s attention to realization-derived knowledge. Suggested topics include processes of learning from spiritual exemplars and teachers; health effects from engagement in Hindu or other Indian religious practice; psychological and health effects of specific spiritual practices; the importance and influence of the focus used in meditation; the effects of japam, Ramnam, or similar repeated short prayers; how diverse spiritual practices affect mindfulness; and the nature and means of fostering skills for living in a religiously plural society.  相似文献   

乔红霞  俞国良 《心理科学》2011,34(2):435-440
[摘 要] 军队女性心理是军事心理学和女性心理学共同关注的话题。目前研究的焦点包括:女性军人的性别角色与特质、军队女性领导者、女性军人的婚姻与家庭、性别压力与性骚扰等。军队女性心理在研究方法上受女性主义影响坚持多元方法论,在研究对象和研究领域上与普通女性心理研究相比又有其特殊性。未来军队女性心理的深层研究将日益迫切,非主流研究方法将逐渐引起关注,进一步的研究应注意军队女性心理研究的文化差异。  相似文献   

A community psychology service run by the Papago Indian tribe and staffed largely by Papago Indians who have been trained as mental health workers is described. This service is unique among mental health services for Indians in that the tribe has complete control of the funds for the service and sets its own policies. It was developed for a rather traditional Indian group, and the culture, the traditions, and the wishes of the Papago community were respected. Consultation with medicine men was built into the program from the start, and adaptation of mental health techniques to fit the culture is stressed. Before this clinic was established, few mental health resources were directly available to the reservation. Similar to other Indian tribes, the Papagos are economically disadvantaged, with an unemployment rate of over 50%, low educational attainment, and very high rates of alcoholism, suicide, and vehicular accidents. The topics covered are the tribe's view of health programs for its people, the present Papago community and traditional means of treatment, traditional psychotherapy adapted to Papago culture, the indigenous Papago mental health worker, and the non-Indian professional consultant.  相似文献   

In the early years of this globalized century, alternative health knowledges and wellness traditions circulate faster and farther than ever before. To the degree that community psychologists seek collaboration with cultural minority and other marginalized populations in support of their collective wellbeing, such knowledges and traditions are likely to warrant attention, engagement, and support. My purpose in this article is to trace an epistemological quandary that community psychologists are ideally poised to consider at the interface of hegemonic and subjugated knowing with respect to advances in community wellbeing. To this end, I describe an American Indian knowledge tradition, its association with specific indigenous healing practices, its differentiation from therapeutic knowledge within disciplinary psychology, and the broader challenge posed by alternative health knowledges for community psychologists.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Citation statistics can affect major professional decisions, but little is known about how important a particular reference is to the citing document. We asked 49 psychologists to rate the importance of every reference in their own empirical paper and to indicate the primary citation reason. References cited for conceptual ideas or to justify methods and data analyses were regarded as more important than references cited for general background, limitations, or future research. The location, frequency, and length of a citation predicted its importance, but such relationships were weaker for self-citations. We make suggestions about referencing for authors, editors, and bibliographic database designers.  相似文献   

积极心理学:一种新的研究方向   总被引:99,自引:2,他引:99  
积极心理学目前在西方心理学界引起了普遍的兴趣和关注。积极心理学关注于力量和美德等人性中的积极方面,致力于使生活更加富有意义。西方关于积极心理学的研究,当前主要集中在研究积极的情绪和体验、积极的个性特征、积极的心理过程对于生理健康的影响以及培养天才等方向。该介绍了积极心理学的这些研究领域,并追溯了积极心理学兴起的历史渊源,从总体上介绍了积极心理学的研究现状与进展,旨在为我国的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

表演心理学是20世纪70年代在美国兴起的新的心理学研究思潮。表演心理学在对主流心理学挑战的基础上提出了发展式表演的理论,该理论致力于唤起人们对生活中表演维度的注意,并试图通过发展式表演来改进人类生存环境、提高人类的生活质量。当前关于表演心理学的研究主要集中在社会治疗、教育改革与社会变革等方面。作为一种新的研究取向,表演心理学还有其不完善之处,但其发展式表演的理论及其应用正被更多的人所接受。  相似文献   

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