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Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is used in the management of diabetes to guide insulin and diet adjustments. However, SMBG has not achieved its potential impact on diabetic control, perhaps due to poor compliance. Research on SMBG compliance interventions has been hampered by a lack of reliable and practical methods of behavioral assessment. The appearance of reflectance meters with memory permits precise, yet efficient, measurement of SMBG behaviors, allowing more effective interventions. This study evaluated a behavioral contract for SMBG compliance among diabetic adolescents, using reflectance meters with memory to assess the target behavior. Thirty patients were randomized to either meter-alone or meter-plus-contract conditions; an additional 12 patients served in a conventional-therapy control group. Compliance for the meter-alone group declined sharply during the 16-week intervention, whereas it remained at or above baseline levels for the meter-plus-contract group. Despite the large between-groups differences in SMBG frequency, both groups showed equal, moderate improvement in measures of diabetic control, suggesting that SMBG frequency had little impact on health status in this sample. There were no intervention-specific effects on overall diabetes compliance or patient or parent adjustment to diabetes. Few of the measured patient characteristics were significant predictors of treatment response. Further research into maximizing the therapeutic impact of SMBG is needed.  相似文献   

Every individual exhibits unique perceptual, behavioral, and physiological responses within and across a variety of settings. Despite the idiosyncratic nature of responses, we seek to establish theories that generalize across a large number of individuals. A strict idiographic method intensively examines the response patterns of a small number of individuals, whereas a nomothetic approach focuses on common responses across a large number of individuals. In the present investigation, we seek to learn how individuals perceive and report physical symptoms and sensations. We offer a methodology that capitalizes on the unique physiological responses of individuals but, at the same time, assumes that the underlying perceptual processes relevant to symptom reporting are comparable across individuals. Our approach, then, is both idiographic and nomothetic. As will be discussed, this integrative approach has the potential to be applied to a multitude of behaviors and processes that are of interest to social and personality psychologists.  相似文献   

We investigated the accuracy of predictions about semantic, environmental, and phonological cues for remembering. Subjects rated the pleasantness of 10 words in each of four rooms, predicted the number of words that they would recall with and without one of the three types of cues, and then were tested for free or cued recall. Consistent with their predictions, subjects who received semantic cues recalled more words than did subjects in the free-recall group. The subjects in the other cuing conditions did not benefit from the cues; furthermore, they overestimated the value of phonological cues, and they believed that environmental cues were ineffective. Finally, confidence ratings for cued-recall predictions did not reflect the pattern of cued-recall performance. Subjects were least confident about their predictions for semantic cuing and most confident about their predictions for recall to be cued phonologically.  相似文献   

The structure of beliefs about the nature of homosexuality, and their association with antigay attitudes, were examined in three studies (Ns = 309, 487, and 216). Contrary to previous research, three dimensions were obtained: the belief that homosexuality is biologically based, immutable, and fixed early in life; the belief that it is cross-culturally and historically universal; and the belief that it constitutes a discrete, entitative type with defining features. Study 1 supported a three-factor structure for essentialist beliefs about male homosexuality. Study 2 replicated this structure with confirmatory factor analysis, extended it to beliefs about lesbianism, showed that all three dimensions predicted antigay attitudes, and demonstrated that essentialist beliefs mediate associations between prejudice and gender, ethnicity, and religiosity. Study 3 replicated the belief structure and mediation effects in a community sample and showed that essentialist beliefs predict antigay prejudice independently of right-wing authoritarianism, social dominance orientation, and political conservatism.  相似文献   

Two studies examine implicit theories about the nature of personality characteristics, asking whether they are understood as underlying essences. Consistent with the hypothesis, essentialist beliefs about personality formed a coherent and replicable set. Personality characteristics differed systematically in the extent to which they were judged to be discrete, biologically based, immutable, informative, consistent across situations, and deeply inherent within the person. In Study 1, the extent to which characteristics were essentialized was positively associated with their perceived desirability, prevalence, and emotionality. In Study 2, essentialized characteristics were judged to be particularly important for defining people's identity, for forming impressions of people, and for communicating about a third person. The findings indicate that people understand some personality attributes in an essentialist fashion, that these attributes are taken to be valued elements of a shared human nature, and that they are particularly central to social identity and judgment.  相似文献   

Research findings on the specific relationships between beliefs and OCD symptoms have been inconsistent, yet the existing studies vary in their approach to measuring the highly heterogeneous symptoms of this disorder. The Dimensional Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (DOCS) is a new measure that allows for the assessment of OCD symptom dimensions, rather than types of obsessions and compulsions per se. The present study examined the relationship between OCD symptom dimensions and dysfunctional (obsessive) beliefs believed to underlie these symptom dimensions using a large clinical sample of treatment-seeking adults with OCD. Results revealed that certain obsessive beliefs predicted certain OCD symptom dimensions in a manner consistent with cognitive-behavioral conceptual models. Specifically, contamination symptoms were predicted by responsibility/threat estimation beliefs, symmetry symptoms were predicted by perfectionism/certainty beliefs, unacceptable thoughts were predicted by importance/control of thoughts beliefs and symptoms related to being responsible for harm were predicted by responsibility/threat estimation beliefs. Implications for cognitive conceptualizations of OCD symptom dimensions are discussed.  相似文献   

Pharmacy workers from a large United Kingdom public hospital participated in a daily diary study (n = 32, number of responses = 204) to explore if daily beliefs about high work demands' influence on affect and goals were associated with daily affective well-being, job satisfaction, and reports of physical symptoms. After completion of an initial questionnaire, participants were required to complete the diary twice daily, before and after work, over a 2 week period. Measures of daily affective well-being and job satisfaction after work were associated with beliefs concerning work demands' influence on both goals and affect. Measures of physical symptoms after work were not associated with beliefs concerning work demands' influence on goals or affect.  相似文献   

This research was designed to identify current stereotypical beliefs about obese men and women, assess subjects' desire to work with individuals described as "normal" weight as opposed to obese, examine subjects' perceptions of their own body size, inquire about subjects' personal desire to gain and lose weight, and identify subjects' diet and consumption behavior. The data indicate sex differences in subjects' perceptions of bodily appearance, desire to work with obese people, perceptions of their own weight, desire to lose rather than gain weight, and consumption and diet behavior.  相似文献   

We evaluated the accuracy of peer ratings of roommates’ personality characteristics, against roommate self-ratings, as a function of rating domain observability. Instead of the usual ratings of broad personality traits, however, our domains represented peer ratings of narrow exemplars of personality traits. Specifically, we compared roommate ratings on (a) observable trait-related behaviors with (b) unobservable trait-related attitudes or beliefs. We observed greater self-peer agreement in rating behaviors, in general, than in rating beliefs. We also observed greater tendency of raters to adopt an assumed similarity heuristic when judging their roommates’ attitudes and beliefs than their behaviors. We discuss the contribution of these findings to understanding the determinants of accuracy in personality judgments and developing best practices for personality assessment.  相似文献   

Fifteen Type I diabetic patients self-monitored daily mean blood glucose levels (BGL), psychological stress, diet, exercise, and insulin injections for a period of 8 weeks. Separate multiple-regression analyses were conducted for each subject to assess the predictability of BGL from stress reports, independent of the effects of diet, exercise, and insulin self-administration. Considerable individual variability in findings was evident, with stress predicting BGL in a statistically significant manner in 7 of the 15 subjects. Stress had a significant effect on BGL independent of diet, exercise, and insulin administration for each of these 7 subjects. Discussion focused on the problems of measuring the key self-management behaviors influencing BGL and on the possibility that a subgroup of diabetic patients may be BGL stress responders.  相似文献   

Blood pressure estimation and beliefs among normotensives and hypertensives   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although health professionals believe that blood pressure (BP) is asymptomatic, most diagnosed hypertensives are confident that they experience specific symptoms and emotions that help them detect their BP levels. Several months after screening interviews that elicited subjects' BP beliefs, 14 medicated hypertensives, 15 nonmedicated mild hypertensives (diastolic BP greater than or equal to 90 mm Hg), 39 normotensives, and 13 hypotensives (systolic BP less than or equal to 100 mm Hg) participated in a 1- to 2-hr laboratory experiment that assessed each subject's symptoms, moods, and estimates of systolic BP (SBP) relative to actual SBP levels. Several self-reports and autonomic measures were collected 45 times during and after each of 22 tasks. Subjects never received SBP feedback during the experiment. Within-subject correlations indicated that all subject groups could estimate SBP at levels greater than chance (mean estimated SBP-actual SBP correlation = .25). Further, 68% of the subjects evidenced at least one significant symptom-SBP correlation. Although medicated hypertensives believed they could estimate their BP more accurately than other groups by using their symptoms and emotions, they were actually no more accurate than the other groups. They also evidenced far fewer empirically derived symptom-SBP and emotion-SBP correlations than any other group. Overall, BP beliefs were largely inaccurate. If these erroneous beliefs can be eliminated, subjects may be able to estimate BP fluctuations more accurately.  相似文献   

A central research issue in the child's theory of mind literature is the question of whether children appreciate the subjectivity of mental phenomena. The typical research paradigm involves researchers creating a discrepancy between children's own mental states and the mental state of a protagonist, and then asking children to predict the protagonist's reaction. A prediction that fits the child's own mental state (rather than the beliefs and desires of the protagonist) is seen as an indication that the child fails to acknowledge the subjectivity of mental phenomena.Here we present two experiments involving the use of desire statements in predicting other people's emotions which demonstrate that even when one does acknowledge the subjectivity of mental states, this does not necessarily leads to ‘correct’ predictions (e.g. predictions based on the protagonist's desires). Other factors, such as cultural knowledge, might influence this process. The first experiment demonstrates that even adults, with a fully operational theory of mind, sometimes choose to disregard information about other people's desires. Their own generalized beliefs about desirability appear to be instrumental in this respect. The second experiment, on sex-stereotyped preferences for toys, demonstrates that even young children already can use generalized beliefs about desirability as a basis for their predictions of others’ emotions, even when these beliefs on desirability do not coincide with their own desires. This strategy results in a response pattern that can be easily misconceived as an indication that the child does not yet appreciate the subjectivity of desires.Two remarks are made on the basis of these experiments. First, even a so-called ‘adult’ theory of mind tends to be affected by normative considerations and is therefore more complex than straightforward desire-belief reasoning. Second, whenever normative considerations come into play, researchers should be cautious that ‘correct’ answers in theory of mind testing may not always have been based on theory of mind reasoning, and that ‘incorrect’ answers do not necessarily imply the absence of an active theory of mind.  相似文献   

Blood glucose and brain function: interactions with CNS cholinergic systems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We recently found that glucose injections attenuate amnesia and hyperactivity produced by scopolamine, a muscarinic antagonist. The present study examined whether glucose would augment behavioral effects produced by a muscarinic agonist, physostigmine. In experiment I, doses were first determined for which neither glucose (10 mg/kg) nor physostigmine (0.05 mg/kg) altered scopolamine-induced hyperactivity. However, combined glucose-physostigmine injections significantly reduced scopolamine hyperactivity. Experiment II evaluated the effects of glucose on physostigmine-induced tremors. Glucose (10, 100, and 250 mg/kg) or saline injections were given 20 min before physostigmine injections (0.4 or 0.05 mg/kg). Observations of glucose effects on the severity of physostigmine-induced tremors were then obtained at 5-min intervals for 25 min after physostigmine injections. Glucose (100 mg/kg) significantly facilitated the onset of tremors when injected before either dose of physostigmine, and augmented (at 100 and 250 mg/kg) tremor severity when injected before the lower dose of physostigmine. These findings indicate that glucose can facilitate the actions of a cholinergic agonist on two behaviors, locomotor activity and tremors, adding support to the view that circulating glucose levels can modulate central cholinergic function. More generally, the results provide additional evidence that circulating glucose levels can influence brain function.  相似文献   

Beliefs that may underlie the importance of human values were investigated in 4 studies, drawing on research that distinguishes natural-kind (natural), nominal-kind (conventional), and artifact (functional) beliefs. Values were best characterized by artifact and nominal-kind beliefs, as well as a natural-kind belief specific to the social domain, "human nature" (Studies 1 and 2). The extent to which values were considered central to human nature was associated with value importance in both Australia and Japan (Study 2), and experimentally manipulating human nature beliefs influenced value importance (Study 3). Beyond their association with importance, human nature beliefs predicted participants' reactions to value trade-offs (Study 1) and to value-laden rhetorical statements (Study 4). Human nature beliefs therefore play a central role in the psychology of values.  相似文献   

Without a doubt, people can feel simultaneously connected to multiple communities (e.g., Deaux, 1993; Roccas & Brewer, 2002). But, to what degree can people feel simultaneously connected to communities with opposing beliefs and values? And, more importantly, what are the psychological implications of being dually connected to these communities? Capitalizing on a sample of individuals positioned to potentially feel connected to two very distinct communities, we examined jail inmates' (N = 256) sense of connectedness to the criminal community and to the community at large. Results indicated that (a) connectedness to the community at large is orthogonal to connectedness to the criminal community, supporting the supposition that it is possible to be dually connected to opposing communities; and (b) connectedness to the community at large moderated the relationship between criminal connectedness and indicators of psychological distress, suggesting that connectedness to the criminal community is especially problematic when it occurs in tandem with connectedness to the community at large. These findings are consistent with predictions from the self-expansion model.  相似文献   

The present research examines the interplay between individual differences in need for structure, social beliefs, and gender. It is well documented that need for structure, that is, a preference for structure and simplicity in one's thinking, predicts authoritarianism and ethnocentrism. Further, women tend to score lower in authoritarianism and ethnocentrism than men. Although there seem to be no gender differences in need for structure, the present research hypothesizes that the association between need for structure and social beliefs is stronger for men than for women. This hypothesis comes from the observation that, all else being equal, men tend to think more about the domain of beliefs such as authoritarianism and ethnocentrism, which should strengthen the relationship between men's cognitive needs and their social beliefs. The hypothesis is also motivated by the finding that, more than men, women often give priority to caring and compassion when forming beliefs about outgroups. This should weaken the link between women's cognitive needs and their social beliefs. Three studies conducted in the USA (n = 398) and one study conducted in Germany (n = 112) examined whether gender moderated the influence of need for structure on authoritarianism and racism. Using a variety of measures, need for structure predicted authoritarianism and racism for men, but not for women. The discussion focuses on the implications of the present findings for the relationship between cognitive orientations and social beliefs. It is argued that research on cognitive orientation and social beliefs needs to take gender into account to improve its accuracy of prediction.  相似文献   

Previous studies have reported gender differences in patients’ health behaviours but few studied hypertensive patients. The potential underlying factors that may mediate gender influences on health behaviours is also a more critical area worthy of investigation. This study examined health locus of control (HLC) as a pathway of gender effects on health behaviours of hypertensive patients. The Multidimensional HLC Scale (Form C) and Wellness behaviour subscale of Health Behaviour Checklist were completed by 400 hypertensive outpatients in two Nigerian hospitals: Enugu State University Teaching Hospital, Park Lane, Enugu, and Bishop Shanahan Specialist Hospital, Nsukka. Hierarchical multiple regression results showed that gender significantly predicted health behaviours. Gender also significantly predicted internal HLC, chance HLC, and other people HLC, but did not predict doctor HLC. The association between gender and health behaviours was fully mediated by internal HLC, chance HLC and other people HLC. Understanding the explanatory mechanisms linking socio-demographic factors and health behaviours is considered of great importance for future research and healthcare intervention.  相似文献   

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