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倪光道 《天风》2008,(3):24-25
我们感谢赞美天父的眷顾、救主耶稣基督的恩待和圣灵的引导,使我们中国基督教第八次代表会议圆满完成各项议程,胜利闭幕了.刚才我们所读的经文,可以作为会议所通过的工作报告和各项决议的圣经依据,证明会议所指明的方向、所坚持的原则、所提出的任务,都是正确的,天经地义的.  相似文献   

新疆的喀那斯,对于任何一个旅行者来说,都是一个难以抵御其诱惑力的名字,在蒙古语中,喀纳斯是峡谷中的神秘湖的意思。其实,喀纳斯的魅力之所在,恰恰不是她的神秘,而是她的绝伦之美。我是由贾登峪徒步进入喀纳斯的,尽管那80公里险峻的山路间,空旷的河谷、葱郁的草原、悠远的雪山和茂密的原始森林,已  相似文献   

王芃 《天风》2010,(10)
讲台的侍奉乃是教会最根本最神圣的侍奉。作为神话语的传讲者,我们当如何将神的心意向这个时代的人传明?如何按着正意分解真理的道去造就会众建立健全他们的生命?使他们因见神的面而满足快乐,因听神的话而有力量活出见证?由此足以证明讲台的责任十分重大.本期我们讨论的话题是关注讲台侍奉.  相似文献   

文学是人类特有的精神现象,以文学人类学的眼光站在文学之外重新审视文学,将文学当作人类存在的一种方式且放在与人类另一种独有的精神现象--信仰的关系中考察,将会发现文学和信仰在神话中就开始结下不解之缘:文学使生存于此岸的人类在达至于彼岸的过程中可以亲切地感受到信仰之光的照耀,文学也因此具有了内外两重意义并成为人们可以苦心经营的一种信仰.在这个信仰危机的时代,文学还有助于感性的方式重新唤回人们对信仰的执著和对意义的追求.文学和信仰因共同的超越性品质而成为人类生存的不可或缺的精神家园.  相似文献   

正一我们原可达到的成就因为没有求索而会失去,我们原可承载的祝福也会因为德行不济而丧失。祝福需要宏大的容器承载,恩典需要高贵的品格配对。二成功或许是偶然中碰撞出的火花,但去碰撞火花的过程绝非偶然。所有的收获都是持续成长的结果。三上帝赐福一个人手中的工作,但不会赐福一双不工作的手。  相似文献   

拥有了一个淳朴的名字,便滋生了一份淡泊的心境。在没有月光和星星的夜晚,虔诚地借一点萤火的光亮,把自己点燃。我的路很小,仅仅有一粒萤火的光芒就足够了。我不会把奢望的目光焦灼地投向远方的夜空,期待阳光把我周围的事物照得清澈透明。我  相似文献   

董元静 《天风》2016,(5):54-55
正"你是位奇妙的神,你是位奇妙的神,你创造了山林你创造大海,你使雀鸟在天空自由自在。你是位奇妙的神……"傍晚,疲惫的我点出手机里的这首赞美诗,合上眼睛,听着六岁的小孩子歌唱。这是他在主日学里学的第一首歌,旋律优美,宛如天籁。当时我录制下来,并且设了自动重复。听着听着,仿佛《诗篇》里的音律和叹息,渐渐拂  相似文献   

一杯水,静静地立在桌子上。玻璃的杯子,清澈透明。氤氲的热气在杯子上方盘旋,似奔涌的激情,更是向上的力量。微卷的茶叶正被开水的温度与热情浸泡开来,慢慢地舒展自己的身姿,在一杯水里开始生命的舞蹈。有了温度,有了热情,就有  相似文献   

一粒种子被风吹起,如果落在肥沃的原野上,来年定会开出绚烂的花朵;如果被抛在荒凉的沙漠中,必会寂寞一生。小鸡破壳而出的刹那间,如果面对的是母亲守候的翅膀,得到的定是温暖的呵护;如果面对的是花猫贪婪的目光,后果将不堪设想。  相似文献   

作为鲁西北地区面塑艺术的代表,郎庄面塑具有独特丰富的文化内涵:一是面老虎名称中的镇宅消灾的观念与图腾神秘意识;二是它的题材中所折射出的对生命的讴歌和对幸福吉祥的追求;三是它的功能、造型、色彩中所包含的人们的基本审美意识.  相似文献   

董奇  张华  陶沙  曾琦 《心理科学》2001,24(2):129-131
本研究采用“A非B”时间延搁测验对34名9-12个月缨儿的爬行经验与其空间认知能力发展的关系进行了研究。协方差分析表明,婴儿的爬行经验对其在“A非B”延搁任务中表现出来的空间认知能力有显著的主效应,而年龄的效应不明显;进一步分析显示,爬行经验7周以内的婴儿与爬行经验10周以上的婴儿空间认知能力发展水平差异显著。本研究说明,爬行经验与婴儿在“A非B”延搁任务上表现出来的空间认知能力发展有密切的关系。  相似文献   

This research explored infants' use of place learning and cue learning in a locomotor task across the transition from crawling to walking. Novice and expert crawling and walking infants were observed in a novel locomotor task-finding a hidden goal location in a large space. In Experiment 1, infants were tested with distal landmarks. Infants with fewer than 6 weeks of experience, either crawling or walking, could not find the goal location. All infants with more locomotor experience were more successful. Learning did not transfer across the transition to walking. In Experiment 2, novice and expert crawlers and walkers were tested with a direct landmark. Again, novice crawlers and walkers with fewer than 6 weeks of experience could not find the goal, whereas those with more experience could. Taken together, these findings suggest that infants' spatial learning is inextricably linked to mode of locomotion.  相似文献   

采用程序标准化的婴儿迂回行为测验,探讨了244名8─11个月婴儿的迂回行为发展特点及学习能力。结果表明:(1)8─11个月婴儿的迂回行为水平表现出随婴儿月龄的增长而提高的趋势。(2)8─11个月的婴儿具有从反复尝试中学会迂回行为的可能性,其中9、10个月婴儿的学习可能性较大,而8个月婴儿的学习可能性较小。(3)8──11个月婴儿的学习速度随月龄增大而提高  相似文献   

爬行与婴儿共同注意能力的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曾琦  陶沙 《心理科学》1999,22(1):14-17
本研究考察了8~11个月婴儿共同注意能力的发展趋势以及爬行与其发展的关系。结果表明:1)一岁以内的婴儿在共同注意时有仅跟视相同方向与准确定位他人注视点两种不同水平的表现,这两种表现具有不同的发展趋势;2)影响婴儿共同注意时仅跟视相同方向水平发展的主要因素是婴儿的年龄,爬行时间的效应不显著;3)对婴儿准确定位的发展而言,影响其发展的重要因素是婴儿的爬行而不是婴儿的年龄。  相似文献   

The goal of the study was to examine the link between motor attainments and sleep–wake regulation by comparing the sleep characteristics of infants who are crawling with the sleep of same‐age infants who have not yet acquired the locomotion milestone. The participants were 59 healthy 8‐month‐old infants with no developmental delays, who were recruited through well‐baby clinics and childcare centers. The measurements included objective sleep recordings (actigraphy), sleep questionnaire, and motor milestones checklist. The main finding was that the sleep of crawlers was more fragmented in comparison to the sleep of pre‐crawlers. While the findings of this report give support to the hypothesized link between sleep regulation and motor development, more studies are needed to clarify why crawling might provide a marker of nightwaking. In discussing the results, it is proposed that the association between fragmented sleep and crawling could be related to maturational, constitutional, and relational factors. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Human infants show a preference for individuals who are similar to them. Using point-light displays of human walkers and crawlers as stimuli, we examined whether infants' preference for the motions of crawling and walking changes between, before, and after the onset of bipedal walking. The results show that crawling and walking infants prefer the types of locomotion that are similar to their own, respectively. These indicate that the infants detect the similarities between the motions they performed and they observed, which provides the behavioral evidence that the production of a particular motion is connected to its perception in infancy.  相似文献   

Preterm birth is considered a risk factor for cognitive and linguistic development; however, research focusing on the comparison between preterm and full term infants' early abilities in speech perception is still scarce. In this study, the ability to perceive and discriminate a native vowel contrast by a sample of preterm infants at 4 and 8 months of age (corrected for gestation) has been analyzed using the familiarization-preference procedure and complex stimuli (CV.CV, multispeakers). Results reveal differences at 4 months of age between pre-term and control groups; only the latter successfully categorize and react to the vowel change. By 8 months of age, preterm infants are able to solve the task. A positive correlation was observed between duration of attention (visual fixation measures) and a number of neonatal risk factors. Results show the effects of preterm birth on the processing of complex stimuli and suggest the need to further explore the connection between early speech perception capacities and language development in this at-risk population.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported that tested the effects of crawling-onset age, the amount of crawling experience, and testing age on avoidance of the deep side of a visual cliff apparatus by human infants. In Experiment 1, 49 infants ranging in age from 7 to 13 mo. were tested on the visual cliff after 1 or 2 mo. of crawling experience. Discriminant analysis revealed that crawling-onset age, and not crawling experience, discriminated between those infants who crossed and those infants who avoided the apparent drop-off. Infants who crossed the deep side were infants with an early crawling-onset age. In Experiment 2, 40 infants were tested on a visual cliff apparatus, half at 9 and half at 12 mo. of age. Discriminant analysis again found that crawling-onset age discriminated between infants who crossed the infants who would not cross the deep side, whereas testing age alone did not. These results call into question the idea that experience crawling is critical in inducing visually guided avoidance behavior in infants. It is argued that the crawling-onset age effect occurs because crawling during the tactile phase of infancy interferes with later visual control of locomotion.  相似文献   

婴儿运动经验与母婴社会性情绪互动行为的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
本研究考察了个体早期自主位移运动——爬行经验与母婴社会性情绪互动的关系。对79名8、9个月婴儿的母亲进行访谈,结果发现,在8个月婴儿中,婴儿会爬与否对母婴社会性情绪互动行为有一定作用,但这种作用没有达到显著水平;在9个月时,婴儿是否会爬则对母婴社会性情绪互动行为有显著影响,表明爬行经验对母婴社会性情绪互动行为的影响存在累积效应与年龄特异性。  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of perseverative reaching in the A-not-B task. We describe two recent models that view perseveration as a sign of developmental progress toward stability. In Experiment 1, we test the novel prediction from both models that very young infants should not perseverate in the A-not-B task whereas older infants should. We tracked infants' behavior monthly on the A-not-B task and found that infants reached correctly at 5 months, and only perseverated at 7 and 8 months of age. Experiment 2 provides further evidence on the role of motor development in the emergence of perseveration by exploring the connection between perseveration and detailed changes in reach kinematics in two infants across the first year. These data together suggest that perseveration is a sign of developmental achievement on the path to stable and flexible behavior.  相似文献   

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