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We argue a divergent perspective from that taken by Barrett, Caldwell, and Alexander (1985) in a critical reanalysis of the evidence for dynamic criteria. Those authors distinguished three definitions of the dynamic criterion phenomenon and concluded, on the basis of secondary analyses of several sets of published data, that dynamic criteria do not exist. Moreover, they concluded that most of the temporal changes in criteria reported in those data sets could be explained by methodological artifacts. In several cases these artifacts were listed in summary form, without a complete consideration of the implications of invoking these artifacts as post hoc explanations. The purpose of this comment is to clarify the debate on dynamic criteria by critiquing the Barrett et al. study. We suggest that a fruitful solution to the problem may lie in trying to understand criteria per se rather than searching for artifacts.  相似文献   

Chuang Chou's Butterfly Dream is perhaps the most well-known and widely studied passage in the Chuang Tzu . It is also one of the most slippery with regard to its meaning. In this paper, I have proposed that the meaning of this passage can be clarified when the passage is recognized as an embodiment of Chuang Tzu's main thane and the double-bind method of instruction which is found throughout the second chapter of the Chuang Tzu. Understood as such, the passage stands as the quintessential example of this theme and teaching style, pressing the reader to transcend the limits of dualistic thinking and awaken in the fullest sense of the word. When viewed from this vantage point, the perplexing nature of the passage dissolves and its beauty and profundity shine through as never before.  相似文献   

The concept of dynamic criteria has been the subject of a recent debate regarding both the definition and prevalence of the phenomenon (Austin, Humphreys, & Hulin, 1989; Barrett & Alexander, 1989; Barrett, Caldwell, & Alexander, 1985). The present paper questions the adequacy of the conceptual framework underlying the debate and provides data supporting a refined concept of dynamic criteria. The incidence and possible causes of change in relative performance were investigated using weekly performance data from 509 sewing machine operators. Analyses were conducted to determine the degree of performance consistency, potential moderators of consistency, and the stability of predictor-criteria relationships using multiple predictors and criteria. Results revealed a steady decline in performance stability coefficients as the interval between measures increased. This decay was evident regardless of employees' prior job experience, cognitive ability, or psychomotor ability. Analyses of predictive validity coefficients revealed temporal changes in validity for both objective and subjective criteria, but not in the expected direction. The validity of cognitive ability increased, the validity of psychomotor ability was stable, and that of prior job experience decreased over time. Implications for theory and research are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent experimental investigations on patients with unilateral brain lesions and on neurologically intact people are reviewed with a view to appreciating the role of lateralised processes in emotion. Distinctions are drawn between the perception of emotion, the expression of emotion and the interaction of these two factors in studies of latéralisation. In spite of a mass of contradictory findings, and despite the interaction of structural and cognitive factors in some studies of emotion, there are some fairly robust findings. The right hemisphere seems to be specially involved in tasks requiring emotional analysis, particularly when the tone of the displayed emotion is negative. The right hemisphere, too, appears to be particularly involved in displaying some negative emotions. Among the important problems which await resolution, we do not know whether emotional events are apprehended independently of cognitive ones, nor how mood affects the “Cerebral balance of power”.  相似文献   

Weitz (1961), aware of the lure of tradition and expedience, urged the identification of evaluation standards for dependent variables, which he referred to as criteria for criteria. In this article, five criteria are proposed using the mnemonic SURF & C: the directness of sampling (S); the responsiveness of the target (i.e., making sure the dependent variable is under (U) the worker's control); the reliability (R) of observers; the frequent (F) assessment of the target during the intervention period; and the critical (C) nature of the target. Together the criteria provide guidelines for what and how targets should be assessed. Their necessity is illustrated in two year-long experiments designed to improve the preventive maintenance of heavy equipment in the U.S. Marine Corps. Although the criteria are limited to evaluating dependent variables in field experiments, they are recommended as the foundation for successful performance efforts in any applied setting.  相似文献   

An augmented framework for training criteria based on Kirkpatrick's (1959a, 1959b, 1960a, 1960b) model divides training reactions into affective and utility reactions, and learning into post-training measures of learning, retention, and behavior/skill demonstration. A total of 34 studies yielding 115 correlations were analyzed meta-analytically. Results included substantial reliabilities across training criteria and reasonable convergence among subdivisions of criteria within a larger level. Utility-type reaction measures were more strongly related to learning or on-the-job performance (transfer) than affective-type reaction measures. Moreover, utility-type reaction measures were stronger correlates of transfer than were measures of immediate or retained learning. These latter findings support recent concurrent thinking regarding use of reactions in training (e.g., Warr & Bunce, 1995). Implications for choosing and developing training criteria are discussed.  相似文献   

Austin, Humphreys, and Hulin (1989), in their critique of Barrett, Caldwell, and Alexander (1985), disagree with most of the critical comments made about the concept of dynamic criteria. We contend that the burden of proof still rests upon the advocate of a concept. Adequate evidence has not been presented to support the dynamic criteria concept, and Austin et al. (1989) add no new evidence. Austin et al. (1989) claim dynamic criteria can be described as a simplex with correlations decreasing over time. The empirical support for the simplex is based on a few studies with no statistical tests. Evidence from educational, organizational, and experimental psychology is reviewed, and much of it refutes the concept of a pervasive simplex pattern. There is considerable evidence that validity coefficients are stable or may even increase over time. More evidence is required before the Ghiselli and Haire (1960) and Austin et al. (1989) concept of dynamic criteria can be accepted.  相似文献   

多维效标测量的构成   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过为某机床企业销售员制定一套自我绩效评定迫选量表,收集判断性效标测量和非判断性效标测量,研究判断性效标测量和非判断性效标测量与自我绩效评定迫选量表中各工作行为的关系,验证了两个假设:(1)任一效标测量不可能与所有有效工作行为显著相关;(2)在效标测量中,既应采用判断性效标测量,也应采用非判断性效标测量,二者互相补充,不可替代。  相似文献   

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