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Recent studies have consistently demonstrated the significant positive impact that proactive thinking has on job performance, while assuming proactivity to be a relatively stable, dispositional trait (cf. Ashford & Black, 1996; Crant, 1995; Morrison, 1993; Seibert, Crant, & Kraimer, 1999). This study, on the other hand, seeks to determine if proactivity can be increased in participants through training. This study uses a 4‐month long longitudinal pretest/posttest design to assess the relationship between proactive thinking and performance in the classroom. In the study, 177 subjects were split into 2 treatment groups. One group received training in proactive thinking skills, while the other did not. The results of the study confirm that proactive thinking does have a significant impact on student performance over and above other personality and performance variables. Most importantly, this study also demonstrates that proactivity is not stable over time, but can be increased through training.  相似文献   

The authors consider how multiple dimensions of affect relate to individual proactivity. They conceptualized proactivity within a goal-regulatory framework that encompasses 4 elements: envisioning, planning, enacting, and reflecting. In a study of call center agents (N = 225), evidence supported the distinctiveness of the 4 elements of proactive goal regulation. Findings further indicated that high-activated positive mood was positively associated with all elements of proactive goal regulation, and low-activated negative mood was positively associated with envisioning proactivity. These findings were further supported in a longitudinal investigation of career-related proactivity amongst medical students (N = 250). The role of affective experience in proactivity is more nuanced than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Individuals often need to be proactive in order to successfully navigate their career development journeys. To what extent one is vocationally proactive has critical implications for his or her attitudes, behaviors, and other outcomes in career and work-related settings. However, research in career proactivity has been accumulating from divergent perspectives, resulting in a substantially fragmented literature that has not been comprehensively, objectively synthesized to guide the field to move forward. To advance the domain of career proactivity, this paper synthesizes theoretical and empirical literatures using two major bibliometric analyses. We first analyze the intellectual basis of the career proactivity literature by performing document citation analysis. We then review the developmental trends of main conceptual themes in career proactivity literature using a temporal co-word analysis. Informed by these bibliometric findings, we propose a roadmap for future research highlighting the need to clear up concepts, account for context, develop new meso-level theories, and bridge the domains of organizational behavior and vocational development.  相似文献   

Proactivity and morningness have been variables of considerable study. Although many studies have examined the impact of either proactivity or morningness on performance, none have examined the impact of both concurrently. This study examines the relationship between proactivity and morningness empirically, as well as their impact on task performance. Using a pre‐/post‐test design, 189 students received training in proactive thinking. The training was conducted at two different times of day. The results indicate that proactivity and morningness both accounted for a significant portion of the variance in task performance. Also, the training was more effective when conducted at a time consistent with participants' time‐of‐day preferences.  相似文献   

This meta‐analysis of 103 independent samples provides a comparative evaluation of the relationships associated with four emergent proactive constructs including proactive personality, personal initiative, voice, and taking charge. This study investigates comparative relationships among these focal proactive constructs and key organizational variables (i.e., job performance), personality traits (i.e., the Big Five), and individual variables (i.e., work experience). Results reveal significant correlations between proactivity and performance, satisfaction, affective organizational commitment, and social networking. Results also provide evidence that differentiates focal proactive constructs from the Big Five as well as individual differences in work experience, age, and general mental ability. Current progress towards a more integrative understanding of proactivity research is discussed.  相似文献   

深谋远虑:前瞻行为研究的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前瞻行为是一个自我发起、未来导向以及试图改变现状的积极行为,能够为个人与组织带来正面的影响.本文旨于回顾前瞻行为的本质、前导因素、动机历程以及结果效应,也特别回顾笔者近期针对前瞻行为所进行的研究.首先,关于前瞻一词可以从不同的角度进行理解,包括个别差异观点、行为观点与历程观点.由于过去文献多从行为观点进行研究,本文的回顾亦以行为观点为主轴.其次,本文逐一回顾目前文献所提出的三个关于促进前瞻行为的动机历程:能力、缘由与情绪.再者,笔者讨论各种能够促发前瞻行为的前导因素,包括个人因素、环境因素,以及两者间的交互作用如何影响前瞻行为的展现.笔者也基于过去的研究发现,总结前瞻行为所能导致的结果,包括工作态度与绩效.最后,在近期研究的介绍中,笔者介绍了三个根据个别差异的观点所进行的研究.此研究路线旨在了解人格特质对前瞻行为的影响,并且勾勒情境所扮演的调节效应.全文最终总结前瞻行为的研究现状,以及提出未来可能探索的研究方向.  相似文献   

Our aim was to identify in the scientific field of social psychology and management, the different academic approaches and models of the proactivity concept. In the first instance, the proactivity concept is mentioned as a dispositional variable and an interindividual difference involving personality traits and associated behaviors. In the second, we more specifically explore proactive behaviors and their features. In a complementary manner, we expose some environmental elements understood to promote the initiation and continuation of proactive behavior (decision latitude, autonomy, transformational leadership). Finally, we introduce a few proactivity concept limitations and benefits of using such behaviours in organizational environment. We then conclude this work with a few research proposals such as the variability of the proactivity level and the possibility of acquiring proactive behaviours.  相似文献   

Despite the widely held belief that a proactive workforce is necessary for competitive advantage, research investigating how to assess and promote such change is limited. Two potentially important precursors to proactivity include flexible role orientation (FRO) and role breadth self-efficacy (RBSE). These concepts have been shown to have construct validity and to be distinct from related dispositional variables, but their discriminant validity in terms of outcome variables has not been demonstrated. In this article, I show that FRO and RBSE are factorially distinct from outcomes commonly used in organisational research (job satisfaction, organisational commitment, and job strain). I also show that, as expected, the proactive motivation and traditional outcome variables have different relationships with various predictor variables. I outline the study implications, and suggest a broader research agenda on proactive motivation.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe existing literature testifies to the presence of discrimination against obese people in hiring. The present study aimed to test the effects of candidates’ weight on value judgment and recruitability by taking into account their gender and personality. The study using the judges’ paradigm involved a sample of 279 recruiters. The recruiters were asked to judge eight fictitious CVs including a photo of the candidate, their education, their work experience and their answers to a personality test (proactive or reactive personality). The target job was a medical laboratory technician.ResultsAnalyses of variance revealed significant effects of applicants’ weight, and proactivity on judgements of agreeableness, effort, competence and recruitability. Indeed, obese people are discriminated against in hiring whereas proactivity would be a variable increasing the recruitability judgment. Moreover, the gender of applicants alone is no longer a variable that encourages discrimination.ConclusionThis study opens up a new field of research on proactivity as a social norm of judgement and corroborates previous studies on weight discrimination in personnel selection. The limitations of the study open up new avenues of research.  相似文献   

Under the paradigm of individualism, proactive personality has garnered much attention in connection with indicators of career success. We regard this construct as an autonomous form of dispositional proactivity and explored it along with team-oriented proactivity as a predictor of self-perceived influence and observed advancement potential in a team-based setting. We proposed that insofar as advancement potential entails demonstrating adeptness at furthering collective performance, autonomous proactivity would be detrimental whereas team-oriented proactivity would be beneficial. This proposition was the basis for a structural model with self-perceived influence as a mediator. Results from data on 672 personnel in 70 teams supported the model and the hypothesized consequences of autonomous (negative) and team-oriented (positive) forms of dispositional proactivity for observed advancement potential.  相似文献   

Although proactive behavior is important in organizations, it is not always appreciated by supervisors. To explain when supervisors reward proactivity with higher overall performance evaluations, we draw on attribution theory. We propose that employees' values and affect send signals about their underlying intentions, which influence supervisors' attributions about whether employees deserve credit for proactive behaviors. More specifically, we hypothesize that if employees express strong prosocial values or low negative affect, the proactive behaviors of voice, issue-selling, taking charge, and anticipatory helping will have stronger relationships with supervisors' performance evaluations. We test these hypotheses with samples of 103 managers and their direct supervisors (Study 1) and 55 firefighters and their platoon supervisors (Study 2). The hypotheses were supported in both studies, suggesting that proactive behaviors are more likely to contribute to higher supervisor performance evaluations when employees express strong prosocial values or low negative affect.  相似文献   

The idea that individuals need to be proactive to successfully manage their career is predominant in current career research. Despite the great importance attached to career proactivity, the literature on the topic remains fragmented. I thus highly welcome the comprehensive literature review Career proactivity: A bibliometric literature review and future research agenda. The authors conduct a thorough and rigorous bibliometric analysis to uncover the width, evolution, and gaps in the literature on career proactivity. I also welcome their roadmap for future research. I very much agree with the issues they point out: Cleaning up concepts, integrating context, and developing new theories. But I do wonder if their specific suggestions on these issues will not tend toward status quo and further fragmentation. Questioning the agentic assumption and individualistic stance of research on career proactivity, I plea for a different and more unconventional route. Below, I reflect on the author's and my ideas on these three issues: Concept clarification, including context, and new theory.  相似文献   

The relationship between personality and morningness-eveningness orientation is attracting a lot of attention. The relationship between morningness-eveningness orientation and personality related to self-regulation, however, remains unclear. The present research adopted a general American adult sample to investigate the relationship among morning and evening types and the individual self-regulatory trait. More important was that we used social jet lag theory to explain this relationship. According to the different scales that were used to measure self-regulatory trait, Study 1 obtained the convergent result that morningness is positively related to high self-regulation. In Study 2, we found that misalignment of rising time between free and work days (reflecting social jet lag) could partly explain the positive relationship between morningness and self-regulation. More specifically, because morning types can work in accordance with their natural clock, they have more resources for self-regulation; therefore, they have higher-self-regulation than intermediate types and evening types do.  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated the need to use large samples in different cultural contexts in order to clarify age and gender differences on morningness-eveningness and sleep habits. The goal of our research was to study the relationship between morningness-eveningness and sleep habits in a large sample of 2,649 adolescents between 12 and 16 years. The Morningness- Eveningness Scale for Children and an adaptation of the School Sleep Habits Survey measures were used. Results indicated a greater tendency toward eveningness with age and higher eveningness in 13- and 14-year-old girls. Older adolescents claimed later rising time on weekends, later bedtime and shorter sleep length, and greater social jetlag, weekend rise time delay, and weekend bedtime delay. Girls reported earlier rising time on weekdays, later rising time on weekends, longer sleep length on weekends, and greater social jetlag and weekend rising time delay. Lastly, evening oriented adolescents claimed later rising time and bedtime, shorter sleep length on weekdays but longer sleep duration on weekends, and greater social jetlag, weekend rising time delay, and weekend bedtime delay.  相似文献   

How to promote employees to be proactive behaviourally is a significant issue in the literature because it would benefit organisations in several ways. Drawing on the acceptance and commitment model, we proposed a new antecedent, psychological flexibility that might contribute to employees' proactive work behaviour. Furthermore, we investigated how the contextual role of supervisor need for structure exhibits a cross‐level moderating effect on the relationship between employee psychological flexibility at work and proactive work behaviour based on interactionism. Data from 241 full‐time employees and their corresponding 45 managers indicated that employee psychological flexibility was positively associated with proactive work behaviour. More importantly, the supervisor need for structure played a moderating role, suggesting that employees would demonstrate greater proactive work behaviour especially when the supervisors have a high need for structure. Implications for psychological flexibility, proactivity, and person‐situation interactional research are discussed.  相似文献   

Research on the environmental psychology of later life has produced data and theoretical advances that have been incorporated into the design of nursing homes and housing, neighborhood planning, housing policy, and housing-related services for older people. The applications of knowledge have been particularly useful in compensating for behaviors impaired by the physical illnesses that become more prevalent with aging. Some research has also documented environmental transactions made with the intent of choosing, creating, or shaping environments that increase need fulfillment. These two directions of the transactions between the older person and the environment have been characterized as environmental docility and environmental proactivity. The need for more research on promoting opportunities for proactivity in an attempt to raise environmental quality is discussed.  相似文献   

Integrating proactivity and creativity literatures, we argue that people can perform more creatively at work when they proactively manage their levels of vitality. Proactive vitality management is defined as individual, goal-oriented behavior aimed at managing physical and mental energy to promote optimal functioning at work. We hypothesize that this process may be facilitated by being aware of one's own state and by support from others. A total of 242 employees participated in a weekly diary study for three consecutive weeks, yielding 610 observations. Results of multilevel analyses show that participants reported more creative work performance during weeks in which they had proactively used vitality management. In addition, in line with our predictions, self-insight and social support for creativity in the workplace acted as cross-level moderators and strengthened the relationship between proactive vitality management and creativity. We conclude that a proactive approach regarding physical and mental energy is an important bottom-up strategy that may foster creativity in work settings.  相似文献   

Increasing demand for workplace proactivity has directed scholarly attention to job crafting as a voluntary and proactive form of job design. While mounting research has examined the impact of employee job crafting on work outcomes, little is known about the role of job crafting on the part of store managers in predicting unit-level performance. To fill this gap, this study aims to investigate the link between store manager job crafting and store performance, and proposes job resources as boundary conditions affecting this relationship. We collected survey-based data from 235 restaurant stores in South Korea and performed multilevel regression analyses. Results indicated that store manager job crafting was positively associated with store sales performance. This relationship was more pronounced when store managers received performance feedback than when they did not. However, autonomy and opportunities for development did not moderate the store manager job crafting–store performance relationship.  相似文献   

This paper investigates image cost as a potential downside of proactivity. Drawing on attribution theory, we examine how people construct subjective evaluations of one manifestation of proactivity, feedback‐seeking behaviour. Using a scenario methodology, we examined how employees' performance history, their manager's implicit person theory (IPT), and the frequency of their feedback‐seeking affect how managers evaluate employees' feedback seeking. Results indicate that manager attribute average performers' feedback seeking significantly less to performance‐enhancement motives than superior performers' seeking. Results further show that the frequency of feedback seeking and a manager's IPT interact in influencing managers' attributions for feedback seeking, with more entity oriented managers attributing frequent feedback seeking significantly more to impression‐management motives than infrequent feedback requests. These results highlight the importance of not only the instrumental benefits of employee proactivity, but also its potential costs.  相似文献   

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